diff --git a/indra/newview/linux_tools/refresh_desktop_app_entry.sh b/indra/newview/linux_tools/refresh_desktop_app_entry.sh index 4f688a54004f98232fb96bbd0e4fbdccb62b2acb..affcfd32c82b78bd5f895fb0f16e55db8d3ab776 100755 --- a/indra/newview/linux_tools/refresh_desktop_app_entry.sh +++ b/indra/newview/linux_tools/refresh_desktop_app_entry.sh @@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ VIEWERNAME="Alchemy" #Store the viewer's name as a variable, for portability. This should be correctly capitalized. +CHANNELNAME="AgileAkita" #THIS CAN BE BLANK! Store the viewer's channel (i.e. alpha, beta, etc.) as a variable, for portability. This should be correctly capitalized. Release versions should leave this blank, so the DE will show just VIEWERNAME, not VIEWERNAME CHANNELNAME + SCRIPTSRC="$(readlink -f "$0" || echo "$0")" RUN_PATH="$(dirname "${SCRIPTSRC}" || echo .)" install_prefix=$(builtin cd "${RUN_PATH}/.." || exit; pwd) #This is a cleaner way of getting the absolute path for the install directory. function print() { - log_prefix="${VIEWERNAME}DesktopIntegration:" + log_prefix="${VIEWERNAME}${CHANNELNAME}DesktopIntegration:" echo -e "${log_prefix} $*" } @@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ function install_desktop_entry() cat >"${desktoppath}" <<desktopfile || print "Warning: Could not write $desktoppath"s [Desktop Entry] Version=1.4 -Name=${VIEWERNAME} +Name=${VIEWERNAME} ${CHANNELNAME} GenericName=Second Life Viewer Comment=Client for the Online Virtual World, Second Life Exec=${installation_prefix}/${VIEWERNAME,,} @@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Game;Simulation; StartupNotify=true -StartupWMClass=${VIEWERNAME} +StartupWMClass=${VIEWERNAME} ${CHANNELNAME} PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true Actions=DefaultGPU;AssociateMIME; @@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ desktopfile # NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THE "GenericName" FIELD - ONLY CHANGE THE "Name" FIELD. (This is to ensure that searching "Second Life" will show all the viewers installed in a user's system, regardless of their canonical name.) - echo " - Installing menu entries via XDG..." + print "Installing menu entries via XDG..." xdg-icon-resource install --novendor --size 256 "${install_prefix}/${VIEWERNAME,,}_icon.png" ${VIEWERNAME}-Viewer #NOTE: Above command takes the path to the icon to install && The name of the icon to be used by XDG. This should always be in the format of "x-Viewer" to avoid potential naming conflicts, as per XDG spec. xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor "${installation_prefix}"/${VIEWERNAME,,}-viewer.desktop