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  • Martin Reddy's avatar
    Fix for DEV-39442: Increased the performance of LLDate::toHTTPDateString · f7231263
    Martin Reddy authored
    by over 50 times.
    Looking at the usage, toHTTPDateStream is not called anywhere (except
    internally by toHTTPDateString), and toHTTPDateString is called only
    once outside of lldate.cpp, by LLStringUtil::formatDatetime. Also, the
    method is most commonly called with a single two-character token, such
    as "%Y" or "%A".
    I therefore removed toHTTPDateStream and optimized toHTTPDateString.
    Setting the locale was the most expensive operation, so I looked into
    caching that, both in terms of std::ostream and strftime. The timings
    for those implementations (averaged over 10 calls) is:
    toHTTPDateString timings:
     - with ostream (current)                -> 0.314156 ms
     - with ostream and std::locale caching  -> 0.033999 ms
     - with strftime and setlocale() caching -> 0.005985 ms
    I therefore went with the standard C library strftime solution.
    I also wrote a few unit tests to make sure that I didn't break any
    existing functionality, and tested this under Windows and Linux.
    Reviewed by steve.