- May 21, 2024
NiranV authored
- May 19, 2024
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Render Transparent Water option to Preferences - Display.
NiranV authored
Removed: Broken SSAO Blur option from Preferences.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Improved shadow accuracy enough to do some visual difference without leaving the artifacts out (for now).
NiranV authored
Changed: Fixed a lot of layout inconsistencies in the Pose creator. Added: Symmetrize TO other bone option. Added: Option to Pose Creator to reset the animation to make a new one without relog. Fixed: A warning on poser open. Misc: Cleaned up poser code.
NiranV authored
Added: Ability to slowly and precisely drag sliders by holding down CTRL while dragging, similar to what Blender can do.
- Apr 01, 2024
NiranV authored
- Mar 31, 2024
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: Reflection Probes allocating desired shadow resolution again. Fixed: Reflection Probes not deallocating shadow maps when turned off.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Some general cleanup in Preferences - Display, moving options around, adding and improving tooltips and relabeling unclear options.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: World map allowing to be zoomed past limits, overloading the map tile request pipeline and killing framerate. Fixed: World map not being interactable in some parts depending on whether the legend is opened or not.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: Reflection probes resetting and not updating anymore when windlights are changed with the transition time set to instant.
NiranV authored
- Mar 09, 2024
NiranV authored
- Mar 01, 2024
NiranV authored
Added: Brux as Patreon patron. Added: Derak Derantick as Patreon patron. Added: Fleur Nocturne as Patreon patron. Added: Freyjaskadi Resident as Patreon patron. Added: Freya Larse as Patreon patron. Added: Hello Luxxo as Patreon patron. Added: HeyMocha as Patreon patron. Added: Le Chinkel as Patreon patron. Added: Lucy Mae as Patreon patron. Added: Nick Boss as Patreon patron. Added: Noble as Patreon patron. Added: Noudontneedthat as Patreon patron. Added: V Lavenderas Patreon patron. Added: Yoanne Marie Siauas Patreon patron. Added: 清理音葉 as Patreon patron. Added: 花咲ももか as Patreon patron. Changed: Patron amount for Diego Cabral Da Camara to reflect the new highest value. Changed: Patron amount for Nils Woerner to reflect the new highest value.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Reworked Pie Menu visuals. Changed: Made Pie Menu selection smooth. Changed: Pie Menu popup effect with fade. Misc: Reworked some Pie Menu code, cleaned up added more dynamic text placement.
NiranV authored
Changed: Moved light related options to the new Maximum Light Count option into the general display section. Changed: Moved Antialiasing option to the general display section.
NiranV authored
Added: Option to switch between fast, direct FPS display and mean average.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored