diff --git a/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp b/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
index dc360818d69b5cf3a964eb9e14ad36f233d51cbb..70e1e1f312e5b17c3351bcc9732ed665f0cf3987 100644
--- a/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
@@ -1,7233 +1,7233 @@
- * @file llvolume.cpp
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "llmemory.h"
-#include "llmath.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "llerror.h"
-#include "llmemtype.h"
-#include "llvolumemgr.h"
-#include "v2math.h"
-#include "v3math.h"
-#include "v4math.h"
-#include "m4math.h"
-#include "m3math.h"
-#include "llmatrix3a.h"
-#include "lloctree.h"
-#include "lldarray.h"
-#include "llvolume.h"
-#include "llvolumeoctree.h"
-#include "llstl.h"
-#include "llsdserialize.h"
-#include "llvector4a.h"
-#include "llmatrix4a.h"
-#define DEBUG_SILHOUETTE_NORMALS 0 // TomY: Use this to display normals using the silhouette
-#define DEBUG_SILHOUETTE_EDGE_MAP 0 // DaveP: Use this to display edge map using the silhouette
-const F32 CUT_MIN = 0.f;
-const F32 CUT_MAX = 1.f;
-const F32 MIN_CUT_DELTA = 0.02f;
-const F32 HOLLOW_MIN = 0.f;
-const F32 HOLLOW_MAX = 0.95f;
-const F32 HOLLOW_MAX_SQUARE	= 0.7f;
-const F32 TWIST_MIN = -1.f;
-const F32 TWIST_MAX =  1.f;
-const F32 RATIO_MIN = 0.f;
-const F32 RATIO_MAX = 2.f; // Tom Y: Inverted sense here: 0 = top taper, 2 = bottom taper
-const F32 HOLE_X_MIN= 0.05f;
-const F32 HOLE_X_MAX= 1.0f;
-const F32 HOLE_Y_MIN= 0.05f;
-const F32 HOLE_Y_MAX= 0.5f;
-const F32 SHEAR_MIN = -0.5f;
-const F32 SHEAR_MAX =  0.5f;
-const F32 REV_MIN = 1.f;
-const F32 REV_MAX = 4.f;
-const F32 TAPER_MIN = -1.f;
-const F32 TAPER_MAX =  1.f;
-const F32 SKEW_MIN	= -0.95f;
-const F32 SKEW_MAX	=  0.95f;
-const F32 SCULPT_MIN_AREA = 0.002f;
-extern BOOL gDebugGL;
-void assert_aligned(void* ptr, uintptr_t alignment)
-#if 0
-	uintptr_t t = (uintptr_t) ptr;
-	if (t%alignment != 0)
-	{
-		llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
-	}
-BOOL check_same_clock_dir( const LLVector3& pt1, const LLVector3& pt2, const LLVector3& pt3, const LLVector3& norm)
-	LLVector3 test = (pt2-pt1)%(pt3-pt2);
-	//answer
-	if(test * norm < 0) 
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-BOOL LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, const LLVector3& center, const LLVector3& size)
-	return LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(start.mV, end.mV, center.mV, size.mV);
-BOOL LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(const F32* start, const F32* end, const F32* center, const F32* size)
-	F32 fAWdU[3];
-	F32 dir[3];
-	F32 diff[3];
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-	{
-		dir[i] = 0.5f * (end[i] - start[i]);
-		diff[i] = (0.5f * (end[i] + start[i])) - center[i];
-		fAWdU[i] = fabsf(dir[i]);
-		if(fabsf(diff[i])>size[i] + fAWdU[i]) return false;
-	}
-	float f;
-	f = dir[1] * diff[2] - dir[2] * diff[1];    if(fabsf(f)>size[1]*fAWdU[2] + size[2]*fAWdU[1])  return false;
-	f = dir[2] * diff[0] - dir[0] * diff[2];    if(fabsf(f)>size[0]*fAWdU[2] + size[2]*fAWdU[0])  return false;
-	f = dir[0] * diff[1] - dir[1] * diff[0];    if(fabsf(f)>size[0]*fAWdU[1] + size[1]*fAWdU[0])  return false;
-	return true;
-// intersect test between triangle vert0, vert1, vert2 and a ray from orig in direction dir.
-// returns TRUE if intersecting and returns barycentric coordinates in intersection_a, intersection_b,
-// and returns the intersection point along dir in intersection_t.
-// Moller-Trumbore algorithm
-BOOL LLTriangleRayIntersect(const LLVector4a& vert0, const LLVector4a& vert1, const LLVector4a& vert2, const LLVector4a& orig, const LLVector4a& dir,
-							F32& intersection_a, F32& intersection_b, F32& intersection_t)
-	/* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
-	LLVector4a edge1;
-	edge1.setSub(vert1, vert0);
-	LLVector4a edge2;
-	edge2.setSub(vert2, vert0);
-	/* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
-	LLVector4a pvec;
-	pvec.setCross3(dir, edge2);
-	/* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
-	LLVector4a det;
-	det.setAllDot3(edge1, pvec);
-	if (det.greaterEqual(LLVector4a::getEpsilon()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7)
-	{
-		/* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
-		LLVector4a tvec;
-		tvec.setSub(orig, vert0);
-		/* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
-		LLVector4a u;
-		u.setAllDot3(tvec,pvec);
-		if ((u.greaterEqual(LLVector4a::getZero()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7) &&
-			(u.lessEqual(det).getGatheredBits() & 0x7))
-		{
-			/* prepare to test V parameter */
-			LLVector4a qvec;
-			qvec.setCross3(tvec, edge1);
-			/* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
-			LLVector4a v;
-			v.setAllDot3(dir, qvec);
-			//if (!(v < 0.f || u + v > det))
-			LLVector4a sum_uv;
-			sum_uv.setAdd(u, v);
-			S32 v_gequal = v.greaterEqual(LLVector4a::getZero()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7;
-			S32 sum_lequal = sum_uv.lessEqual(det).getGatheredBits() & 0x7;
-			if (v_gequal  && sum_lequal)
-			{
-				/* calculate t, scale parameters, ray intersects triangle */
-				LLVector4a t;
-				t.setAllDot3(edge2,qvec);
-				t.div(det);
-				u.div(det);
-				v.div(det);
-				intersection_a = u[0];
-				intersection_b = v[0];
-				intersection_t = t[0];
-				return TRUE;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-BOOL LLTriangleRayIntersectTwoSided(const LLVector4a& vert0, const LLVector4a& vert1, const LLVector4a& vert2, const LLVector4a& orig, const LLVector4a& dir,
-							F32& intersection_a, F32& intersection_b, F32& intersection_t)
-	F32 u, v, t;
-	/* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
-	LLVector4a edge1;
-	edge1.setSub(vert1, vert0);
-	LLVector4a edge2;
-	edge2.setSub(vert2, vert0);
-	/* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
-	LLVector4a pvec;
-	pvec.setCross3(dir, edge2);
-	/* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
-	F32 det = edge1.dot3(pvec).getF32();
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	F32 inv_det = 1.f / det;
-	/* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
-	LLVector4a tvec;
-	tvec.setSub(orig, vert0);
-	/* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
-	u = (tvec.dot3(pvec).getF32()) * inv_det;
-	if (u < 0.f || u > 1.f)
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	/* prepare to test V parameter */
-	tvec.sub(edge1);
-	/* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
-	v = (dir.dot3(tvec).getF32()) * inv_det;
-	if (v < 0.f || u + v > 1.f)
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	/* calculate t, ray intersects triangle */
-	t = (edge2.dot3(tvec).getF32()) * inv_det;
-	intersection_a = u;
-	intersection_b = v;
-	intersection_t = t;
-	return TRUE;
-//helper for non-aligned vectors
-BOOL LLTriangleRayIntersect(const LLVector3& vert0, const LLVector3& vert1, const LLVector3& vert2, const LLVector3& orig, const LLVector3& dir,
-							F32& intersection_a, F32& intersection_b, F32& intersection_t, BOOL two_sided)
-	LLVector4a vert0a, vert1a, vert2a, origa, dira;
-	vert0a.load3(vert0.mV);
-	vert1a.load3(vert1.mV);
-	vert2a.load3(vert2.mV);
-	origa.load3(orig.mV);
-	dira.load3(dir.mV);
-	if (two_sided)
-	{
-		return LLTriangleRayIntersectTwoSided(vert0a, vert1a, vert2a, origa, dira, 
-				intersection_a, intersection_b, intersection_t);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return LLTriangleRayIntersect(vert0a, vert1a, vert2a, origa, dira, 
-				intersection_a, intersection_b, intersection_t);
-	}
-class LLVolumeOctreeRebound : public LLOctreeTravelerDepthFirst<LLVolumeTriangle>
-	const LLVolumeFace* mFace;
-	LLVolumeOctreeRebound(const LLVolumeFace* face)
-	{
-		mFace = face;
-	}
-	virtual void visit(const LLOctreeNode<LLVolumeTriangle>* branch)
-	{ //this is a depth first traversal, so it's safe to assum all children have complete
-		//bounding data
-		LLVolumeOctreeListener* node = (LLVolumeOctreeListener*) branch->getListener(0);
-		LLVector4a& min = node->mExtents[0];
-		LLVector4a& max = node->mExtents[1];
-		if (!branch->getData().empty())
-		{ //node has data, find AABB that binds data set
-			const LLVolumeTriangle* tri = *(branch->getData().begin());
-			//initialize min/max to first available vertex
-			min = *(tri->mV[0]);
-			max = *(tri->mV[0]);
-			for (LLOctreeNode<LLVolumeTriangle>::const_element_iter iter = 
-				branch->getData().begin(); iter != branch->getData().end(); ++iter)
-			{ //for each triangle in node
-				//stretch by triangles in node
-				tri = *iter;
-				min.setMin(min, *tri->mV[0]);
-				min.setMin(min, *tri->mV[1]);
-				min.setMin(min, *tri->mV[2]);
-				max.setMax(max, *tri->mV[0]);
-				max.setMax(max, *tri->mV[1]);
-				max.setMax(max, *tri->mV[2]);
-			}
-		}
-		else if (!branch->getChildren().empty())
-		{ //no data, but child nodes exist
-			LLVolumeOctreeListener* child = (LLVolumeOctreeListener*) branch->getChild(0)->getListener(0);
-			//initialize min/max to extents of first child
-			min = child->mExtents[0];
-			max = child->mExtents[1];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			llerrs << "WTF? Empty leaf" << llendl;
-		}
-		for (S32 i = 0; i < branch->getChildCount(); ++i)
-		{  //stretch by child extents
-			LLVolumeOctreeListener* child = (LLVolumeOctreeListener*) branch->getChild(i)->getListener(0);
-			min.setMin(min, child->mExtents[0]);
-			max.setMax(max, child->mExtents[1]);
-		}
-		node->mBounds[0].setAdd(min, max);
-		node->mBounds[0].mul(0.5f);
-		node->mBounds[1].setSub(max,min);
-		node->mBounds[1].mul(0.5f);
-	}
-// statics
-LLProfile::Face* LLProfile::addCap(S16 faceID)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	Face *face   = vector_append(mFaces, 1);
-	face->mIndex = 0;
-	face->mCount = mTotal;
-	face->mScaleU= 1.0f;
-	face->mCap   = TRUE;
-	face->mFaceID = faceID;
-	return face;
-LLProfile::Face* LLProfile::addFace(S32 i, S32 count, F32 scaleU, S16 faceID, BOOL flat)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	Face *face   = vector_append(mFaces, 1);
-	face->mIndex = i;
-	face->mCount = count;
-	face->mScaleU= scaleU;
-	face->mFlat = flat;
-	face->mCap   = FALSE;
-	face->mFaceID = faceID;
-	return face;
-// What is the bevel parameter used for? - DJS 04/05/02
-// Bevel parameter is currently unused but presumedly would support
-// filleted and chamfered corners
-void LLProfile::genNGon(const LLProfileParams& params, S32 sides, F32 offset, F32 bevel, F32 ang_scale, S32 split)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	// Generate an n-sided "circular" path.
-	// 0 is (1,0), and we go counter-clockwise along a circular path from there.
-	const F32 tableScale[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.707107f, 0.53f, 0.525f, 0.5f };
-	F32 scale = 0.5f;
-	F32 t, t_step, t_first, t_fraction, ang, ang_step;
-	LLVector3 pt1,pt2;
-	F32 begin  = params.getBegin();
-	F32 end    = params.getEnd();
-	t_step = 1.0f / sides;
-	ang_step = 2.0f*F_PI*t_step*ang_scale;
-	// Scale to have size "match" scale.  Compensates to get object to generally fill bounding box.
-	S32 total_sides = llround(sides / ang_scale);	// Total number of sides all around
-	if (total_sides < 8)
-	{
-		scale = tableScale[total_sides];
-	}
-	t_first = floor(begin * sides) / (F32)sides;
-	// pt1 is the first point on the fractional face.
-	// Starting t and ang values for the first face
-	t = t_first;
-	ang = 2.0f*F_PI*(t*ang_scale + offset);
-	pt1.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale, t);
-	// Increment to the next point.
-	// pt2 is the end point on the fractional face
-	t += t_step;
-	ang += ang_step;
-	pt2.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale,t);
-	t_fraction = (begin - t_first)*sides;
-	// Only use if it's not almost exactly on an edge.
-	if (t_fraction < 0.9999f)
-	{
-		LLVector3 new_pt = lerp(pt1, pt2, t_fraction);
-		mProfile.push_back(new_pt);
-	}
-	// There's lots of potential here for floating point error to generate unneeded extra points - DJS 04/05/02
-	while (t < end)
-	{
-		// Iterate through all the integer steps of t.
-		pt1.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale,t);
-		if (mProfile.size() > 0) {
-			LLVector3 p = mProfile[mProfile.size()-1];
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < split && mProfile.size() > 0; i++) {
-				mProfile.push_back(p+(pt1-p) * 1.0f/(float)(split+1) * (float)(i+1));
-			}
-		}
-		mProfile.push_back(pt1);
-		t += t_step;
-		ang += ang_step;
-	}
-	t_fraction = (end - (t - t_step))*sides;
-	// pt1 is the first point on the fractional face
-	// pt2 is the end point on the fractional face
-	pt2.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale,t);
-	// Find the fraction that we need to add to the end point.
-	t_fraction = (end - (t - t_step))*sides;
-	if (t_fraction > 0.0001f)
-	{
-		LLVector3 new_pt = lerp(pt1, pt2, t_fraction);
-		if (mProfile.size() > 0) {
-			LLVector3 p = mProfile[mProfile.size()-1];
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < split && mProfile.size() > 0; i++) {
-				mProfile.push_back(p+(new_pt-p) * 1.0f/(float)(split+1) * (float)(i+1));
-			}
-		}
-		mProfile.push_back(new_pt);
-	}
-	// If we're sliced, the profile is open.
-	if ((end - begin)*ang_scale < 0.99f)
-	{
-		if ((end - begin)*ang_scale > 0.5f)
-		{
-			mConcave = TRUE;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			mConcave = FALSE;
-		}
-		mOpen = TRUE;
-		if (params.getHollow() <= 0)
-		{
-			// put center point if not hollow.
-			mProfile.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,0));
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// The profile isn't open.
-		mOpen = FALSE;
-		mConcave = FALSE;
-	}
-	mTotal = mProfile.size();
-void LLProfile::genNormals(const LLProfileParams& params)
-	S32 count = mProfile.size();
-	S32 outer_count;
-	if (mTotalOut)
-	{
-		outer_count = mTotalOut;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		outer_count = mTotal / 2;
-	}
-	mEdgeNormals.resize(count * 2);
-	mEdgeCenters.resize(count * 2);
-	mNormals.resize(count);
-	LLVector2 pt0,pt1;
-	BOOL hollow = (params.getHollow() > 0);
-	S32 i0, i1, i2, i3, i4;
-	// Parametrically generate normal
-	for (i2 = 0; i2 < count; i2++)
-	{
-		mNormals[i2].mV[0] = mProfile[i2].mV[0];
-		mNormals[i2].mV[1] = mProfile[i2].mV[1];
-		if (hollow && (i2 >= outer_count))
-		{
-			mNormals[i2] *= -1.f;
-		}
-		if (mNormals[i2].magVec() < 0.001)
-		{
-			// Special case for point at center, get adjacent points.
-			i1 = (i2 - 1) >= 0 ? i2 - 1 : count - 1;
-			i0 = (i1 - 1) >= 0 ? i1 - 1 : count - 1;
-			i3 = (i2 + 1) < count ? i2 + 1 : 0;
-			i4 = (i3 + 1) < count ? i3 + 1 : 0;
-			pt0.setVec(mProfile[i1].mV[VX] + mProfile[i1].mV[VX] - mProfile[i0].mV[VX], 
-				mProfile[i1].mV[VY] + mProfile[i1].mV[VY] - mProfile[i0].mV[VY]);
-			pt1.setVec(mProfile[i3].mV[VX] + mProfile[i3].mV[VX] - mProfile[i4].mV[VX], 
-				mProfile[i3].mV[VY] + mProfile[i3].mV[VY] - mProfile[i4].mV[VY]);
-			mNormals[i2] = pt0 + pt1;
-			mNormals[i2] *= 0.5f;
-		}
-		mNormals[i2].normVec();
-	}
-	S32 num_normal_sets = isConcave() ? 2 : 1;
-	for (S32 normal_set = 0; normal_set < num_normal_sets; normal_set++)
-	{
-		S32 point_num;
-		for (point_num = 0; point_num < mTotal; point_num++)
-		{
-			LLVector3 point_1 = mProfile[point_num];
-			point_1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-			LLVector3 point_2;
-			if (isConcave() && normal_set == 0 && point_num == (mTotal - 1) / 2)
-			{
-				point_2 = mProfile[mTotal - 1];
-			}
-			else if (isConcave() && normal_set == 1 && point_num == mTotal - 1)
-			{
-				point_2 = mProfile[(mTotal - 1) / 2];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				LLVector3 delta_pos;
-				S32 neighbor_point = (point_num + 1) % mTotal;
-				while(delta_pos.magVecSquared() < 0.01f * 0.01f)
-				{
-					point_2 = mProfile[neighbor_point];
-					delta_pos = point_2 - point_1;
-					neighbor_point = (neighbor_point + 1) % mTotal;
-					if (neighbor_point == point_num)
-					{
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			point_2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-			LLVector3 face_normal = (point_2 - point_1) % LLVector3::z_axis;
-			face_normal.normVec();
-			mEdgeNormals[normal_set * count + point_num] = face_normal;
-			mEdgeCenters[normal_set * count + point_num] = lerp(point_1, point_2, 0.5f);
-		}
-	}
-// Hollow is percent of the original bounding box, not of this particular
-// profile's geometry.  Thus, a swept triangle needs lower hollow values than
-// a swept square.
-LLProfile::Face* LLProfile::addHole(const LLProfileParams& params, BOOL flat, F32 sides, F32 offset, F32 box_hollow, F32 ang_scale, S32 split)
-	// Note that addHole will NOT work for non-"circular" profiles, if we ever decide to use them.
-	// Total add has number of vertices on outside.
-	mTotalOut = mTotal;
-	// Why is the "bevel" parameter -1? DJS 04/05/02
-	genNGon(params, llfloor(sides),offset,-1, ang_scale, split);
-	Face *face = addFace(mTotalOut, mTotal-mTotalOut,0,LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE, flat);
-	std::vector<LLVector3> pt;
-	pt.resize(mTotal) ;
-	for (S32 i=mTotalOut;i<mTotal;i++)
-	{
-		pt[i] = mProfile[i] * box_hollow;
-	}
-	S32 j=mTotal-1;
-	for (S32 i=mTotalOut;i<mTotal;i++)
-	{
-		mProfile[i] = pt[j--];
-	}
-	for (S32 i=0;i<(S32)mFaces.size();i++) 
-	{
-		if (mFaces[i].mCap)
-		{
-			mFaces[i].mCount *= 2;
-		}
-	}
-	return face;
-BOOL LLProfile::generate(const LLProfileParams& params, BOOL path_open,F32 detail, S32 split,
-						 BOOL is_sculpted, S32 sculpt_size)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	if ((!mDirty) && (!is_sculpted))
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	mDirty = FALSE;
-	if (detail < MIN_LOD)
-	{
-		llinfos << "Generating profile with LOD < MIN_LOD.  CLAMPING" << llendl;
-		detail = MIN_LOD;
-	}
-	mProfile.clear();
-	mFaces.clear();
-	// Generate the face data
-	S32 i;
-	F32 begin = params.getBegin();
-	F32 end = params.getEnd();
-	F32 hollow = params.getHollow();
-	// Quick validation to eliminate some server crashes.
-	if (begin > end - 0.01f)
-	{
-		llwarns << "LLProfile::generate() assertion failed (begin >= end)" << llendl;
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	S32 face_num = 0;
-	switch (params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK)
-	{
-		{
-			genNGon(params, 4,-0.375, 0, 1, split);
-			if (path_open)
-			{
-				addCap (LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
-			}
-			for (i = llfloor(begin * 4.f); i < llfloor(end * 4.f + .999f); i++)
-			{
-				addFace((face_num++) * (split +1), split+2, 1, LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << i, TRUE);
-			}
-			for (i = 0; i <(S32) mProfile.size(); i++)
-			{
-				// Scale by 4 to generate proper tex coords.
-				mProfile[i].mV[2] *= 4.f;
-			}
-			if (hollow)
-			{
-				switch (params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK)
-				{
-					// This offset is not correct, but we can't change it now... DK 11/17/04
-				  	addHole(params, TRUE, 3, -0.375f, hollow, 1.f, split);
-					break;
-					// TODO: Compute actual detail levels for cubes
-				  	addHole(params, FALSE, MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail, -0.375f, hollow, 1.f);
-					break;
-				default:
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 4, -0.375f, hollow, 1.f, split);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (path_open) {
-				mFaces[0].mCount = mTotal;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			genNGon(params, 3,0, 0, 1, split);
-			for (i = 0; i <(S32) mProfile.size(); i++)
-			{
-				// Scale by 3 to generate proper tex coords.
-				mProfile[i].mV[2] *= 3.f;
-			}
-			if (path_open)
-			{
-				addCap(LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
-			}
-			for (i = llfloor(begin * 3.f); i < llfloor(end * 3.f + .999f); i++)
-			{
-				addFace((face_num++) * (split +1), split+2, 1, LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << i, TRUE);
-			}
-			if (hollow)
-			{
-				// Swept triangles need smaller hollowness values,
-				// because the triangle doesn't fill the bounding box.
-				F32 triangle_hollow = hollow / 2.f;
-				switch (params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK)
-				{
-					// TODO: Actually generate level of detail for triangles
-					addHole(params, FALSE, MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail, 0, triangle_hollow, 1.f);
-					break;
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 4, 0, triangle_hollow, 1.f, split);
-					break;
-				default:
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 3, 0, triangle_hollow, 1.f, split);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			// If this has a square hollow, we should adjust the
-			// number of faces a bit so that the geometry lines up.
-			U8 hole_type=0;
-			F32 circle_detail = MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail;
-			if (hollow)
-			{
-				hole_type = params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK;
-				if (hole_type == LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE)
-				{
-					// Snap to the next multiple of four sides,
-					// so that corners line up.
-					circle_detail = llceil(circle_detail / 4.0f) * 4.0f;
-				}
-			}
-			S32 sides = (S32)circle_detail;
-			if (is_sculpted)
-				sides = sculpt_size;
-			genNGon(params, sides);
-			if (path_open)
-			{
-				addCap (LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
-			}
-			if (mOpen && !hollow)
-			{
-				addFace(0,mTotal-1,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				addFace(0,mTotal,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
-			}
-			if (hollow)
-			{
-				switch (hole_type)
-				{
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 4, 0, hollow, 1.f, split);
-					break;
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 3, 0, hollow, 1.f, split);
-					break;
-				default:
-					addHole(params, FALSE, circle_detail, 0, hollow, 1.f);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			// If this has a square hollow, we should adjust the
-			// number of faces a bit so that the geometry lines up.
-			U8 hole_type=0;
-			// Number of faces is cut in half because it's only a half-circle.
-			F32 circle_detail = MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail * 0.5f;
-			if (hollow)
-			{
-				hole_type = params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK;
-				if (hole_type == LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE)
-				{
-					// Snap to the next multiple of four sides (div 2),
-					// so that corners line up.
-					circle_detail = llceil(circle_detail / 2.0f) * 2.0f;
-				}
-			}
-			genNGon(params, llfloor(circle_detail), 0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f);
-			if (path_open)
-			{
-				addCap(LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
-			}
-			if (mOpen && !params.getHollow())
-			{
-				addFace(0,mTotal-1,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				addFace(0,mTotal,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
-			}
-			if (hollow)
-			{
-				switch (hole_type)
-				{
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 2, 0.5f, hollow, 0.5f, split);
-					break;
-					addHole(params, TRUE, 3,  0.5f, hollow, 0.5f, split);
-					break;
-				default:
-					addHole(params, FALSE, circle_detail,  0.5f, hollow, 0.5f);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			// Special case for openness of sphere
-			if ((params.getEnd() - params.getBegin()) < 1.f)
-			{
-				mOpen = TRUE;
-			}
-			else if (!hollow)
-			{
-				mOpen = FALSE;
-				mProfile.push_back(mProfile[0]);
-				mTotal++;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-	    llerrs << "Unknown profile: getCurveType()=" << params.getCurveType() << llendl;
-		break;
-	};
-	if (path_open)
-	{
-		addCap(LL_FACE_PATH_END); // bottom
-	}
-	if ( mOpen) // interior edge caps
-	{
-		addFace(mTotal-1, 2,0.5,LL_FACE_PROFILE_BEGIN, TRUE); 
-		if (hollow)
-		{
-			addFace(mTotalOut-1, 2,0.5,LL_FACE_PROFILE_END, TRUE);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			addFace(mTotal-2, 2,0.5,LL_FACE_PROFILE_END, TRUE);
-		}
-	}
-	//genNormals(params);
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLProfileParams::importFile(LLFILE *fp)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
-	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
-	// changing the sscanf below.
-	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	keyword[0] = 0;
-	valuestr[0] = 0;
-	F32 tempF32;
-	U32 tempU32;
-	while (!feof(fp))
-	{
-		if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp) == NULL)
-		{
-			buffer[0] = '\0';
-		}
-		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-			buffer,
-			" %255s %255s",
-			keyword, valuestr);
-		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
-			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setBegin(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setEnd(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("hollow",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setHollow(tempF32);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in profile import" << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLProfileParams::exportFile(LLFILE *fp) const
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\tprofile 0\n");
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t{\n");
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tcurve\t%d\n", getCurveType());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tbegin\t%g\n", getBegin());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tend\t%g\n", getEnd());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\thollow\t%g\n", getHollow());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t}\n");
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLProfileParams::importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
-	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
-	// changing the sscanf below.
-	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	keyword[0] = 0;
-	valuestr[0] = 0;
-	F32 tempF32;
-	U32 tempU32;
-	while (input_stream.good())
-	{
-		input_stream.getline(buffer, BUFSIZE);
-		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-			buffer,
-			" %255s %255s",
-			keyword,
-			valuestr);
-		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
-			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setBegin(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setEnd(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("hollow",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setHollow(tempF32);
-		}
-		else
-		{
- 		llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in profile import" << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLProfileParams::exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const
-	output_stream <<"\t\tprofile 0\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t{\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\tcurve\t" << (S32) getCurveType() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\tbegin\t" << getBegin() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\tend\t" << getEnd() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\thollow\t" << getHollow() << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t}\n";
-	return TRUE;
-LLSD LLProfileParams::asLLSD() const
-	LLSD sd;
-	sd["curve"] = getCurveType();
-	sd["begin"] = getBegin();
-	sd["end"] = getEnd();
-	sd["hollow"] = getHollow();
-	return sd;
-bool LLProfileParams::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
-	setCurveType(sd["curve"].asInteger());
-	setBegin((F32)sd["begin"].asReal());
-	setEnd((F32)sd["end"].asReal());
-	setHollow((F32)sd["hollow"].asReal());
-	return true;
-void LLProfileParams::copyParams(const LLProfileParams &params)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	setCurveType(params.getCurveType());
-	setBegin(params.getBegin());
-	setEnd(params.getEnd());
-	setHollow(params.getHollow());
-void LLPath::genNGon(const LLPathParams& params, S32 sides, F32 startOff, F32 end_scale, F32 twist_scale)
-	// Generates a circular path, starting at (1, 0, 0), counterclockwise along the xz plane.
-	const F32 tableScale[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.707107f, 0.53f, 0.525f, 0.5f };
-	F32 revolutions = params.getRevolutions();
-	F32 skew		= params.getSkew();
-	F32 skew_mag	= fabs(skew);
-	F32 hole_x		= params.getScaleX() * (1.0f - skew_mag);
-	F32 hole_y		= params.getScaleY();
-	// Calculate taper begin/end for x,y (Negative means taper the beginning)
-	F32 taper_x_begin	= 1.0f;
-	F32 taper_x_end		= 1.0f - params.getTaperX();
-	F32	taper_y_begin	= 1.0f;
-	F32	taper_y_end		= 1.0f - params.getTaperY();
-	if ( taper_x_end > 1.0f )
-	{
-		// Flip tapering.
-		taper_x_begin	= 2.0f - taper_x_end;
-		taper_x_end		= 1.0f;
-	}
-	if ( taper_y_end > 1.0f )
-	{
-		// Flip tapering.
-		taper_y_begin	= 2.0f - taper_y_end;
-		taper_y_end		= 1.0f;
-	}
-	// For spheres, the radius is usually zero.
-	F32 radius_start = 0.5f;
-	if (sides < 8)
-	{
-		radius_start = tableScale[sides];
-	}
-	// Scale the radius to take the hole size into account.
-	radius_start *= 1.0f - hole_y;
-	// Now check the radius offset to calculate the start,end radius.  (Negative means
-	// decrease the start radius instead).
-	F32 radius_end    = radius_start;
-	F32 radius_offset = params.getRadiusOffset();
-	if (radius_offset < 0.f)
-	{
-		radius_start *= 1.f + radius_offset;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		radius_end   *= 1.f - radius_offset;
-	}	
-	// Is the path NOT a closed loop?
-	mOpen = ( (params.getEnd()*end_scale - params.getBegin() < 1.0f) ||
-		      (skew_mag > 0.001f) ||
-			  (fabs(taper_x_end - taper_x_begin) > 0.001f) ||
-			  (fabs(taper_y_end - taper_y_begin) > 0.001f) ||
-			  (fabs(radius_end - radius_start) > 0.001f) );
-	F32 ang, c, s;
-	LLQuaternion twist, qang;
-	PathPt *pt;
-	LLVector3 path_axis (1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
-	//LLVector3 twist_axis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-	F32 twist_begin = params.getTwistBegin() * twist_scale;
-	F32 twist_end	= params.getTwist() * twist_scale;
-	// We run through this once before the main loop, to make sure
-	// the path begins at the correct cut.
-	F32 step= 1.0f / sides;
-	F32 t	= params.getBegin();
-	pt		= vector_append(mPath, 1);
-	ang		= 2.0f*F_PI*revolutions * t;
-	s		= sin(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);	
-	c		= cos(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
-	pt->mPos.setVec(0 + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],s)
-					  + lerp(-skew ,skew, t) * 0.5f,
-					c + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],s), 
-					s);
-	pt->mScale.mV[VX] = hole_x * lerp(taper_x_begin, taper_x_end, t);
-	pt->mScale.mV[VY] = hole_y * lerp(taper_y_begin, taper_y_end, t);
-	pt->mTexT  = t;
-	// Twist rotates the path along the x,y plane (I think) - DJS 04/05/02
-	twist.setQuat  (lerp(twist_begin,twist_end,t) * 2.f * F_PI - F_PI,0,0,1);
-	// Rotate the point around the circle's center.
-	qang.setQuat   (ang,path_axis);
-	pt->mRot   = twist * qang;
-	t+=step;
-	// Snap to a quantized parameter, so that cut does not
-	// affect most sample points.
-	t = ((S32)(t * sides)) / (F32)sides;
-	// Run through the non-cut dependent points.
-	while (t < params.getEnd())
-	{
-		pt		= vector_append(mPath, 1);
-		ang = 2.0f*F_PI*revolutions * t;
-		c   = cos(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
-		s   = sin(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
-		pt->mPos.setVec(0 + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],s)
-					      + lerp(-skew ,skew, t) * 0.5f,
-						c + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],s), 
-						s);
-		pt->mScale.mV[VX] = hole_x * lerp(taper_x_begin, taper_x_end, t);
-		pt->mScale.mV[VY] = hole_y * lerp(taper_y_begin, taper_y_end, t);
-		pt->mTexT  = t;
-		// Twist rotates the path along the x,y plane (I think) - DJS 04/05/02
-		twist.setQuat  (lerp(twist_begin,twist_end,t) * 2.f * F_PI - F_PI,0,0,1);
-		// Rotate the point around the circle's center.
-		qang.setQuat   (ang,path_axis);
-		pt->mRot	= twist * qang;
-		t+=step;
-	}
-	// Make one final pass for the end cut.
-	t = params.getEnd();
-	pt		= vector_append(mPath, 1);
-	ang = 2.0f*F_PI*revolutions * t;
-	c   = cos(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
-	s   = sin(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
-	pt->mPos.setVec(0 + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],s)
-					  + lerp(-skew ,skew, t) * 0.5f,
-					c + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],s), 
-					s);
-	pt->mScale.mV[VX] = hole_x * lerp(taper_x_begin, taper_x_end, t);
-	pt->mScale.mV[VY] = hole_y * lerp(taper_y_begin, taper_y_end, t);
-	pt->mTexT  = t;
-	// Twist rotates the path along the x,y plane (I think) - DJS 04/05/02
-	twist.setQuat  (lerp(twist_begin,twist_end,t) * 2.f * F_PI - F_PI,0,0,1);
-	// Rotate the point around the circle's center.
-	qang.setQuat   (ang,path_axis);
-	pt->mRot   = twist * qang;
-	mTotal = mPath.size();
-const LLVector2 LLPathParams::getBeginScale() const
-	LLVector2 begin_scale(1.f, 1.f);
-	if (getScaleX() > 1)
-	{
-		begin_scale.mV[0] = 2-getScaleX();
-	}
-	if (getScaleY() > 1)
-	{
-		begin_scale.mV[1] = 2-getScaleY();
-	}
-	return begin_scale;
-const LLVector2 LLPathParams::getEndScale() const
-	LLVector2 end_scale(1.f, 1.f);
-	if (getScaleX() < 1)
-	{
-		end_scale.mV[0] = getScaleX();
-	}
-	if (getScaleY() < 1)
-	{
-		end_scale.mV[1] = getScaleY();
-	}
-	return end_scale;
-BOOL LLPath::generate(const LLPathParams& params, F32 detail, S32 split,
-					  BOOL is_sculpted, S32 sculpt_size)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	if ((!mDirty) && (!is_sculpted))
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (detail < MIN_LOD)
-	{
-		llinfos << "Generating path with LOD < MIN!  Clamping to 1" << llendl;
-		detail = MIN_LOD;
-	}
-	mDirty = FALSE;
-	S32 np = 2; // hardcode for line
-	mPath.clear();
-	mOpen = TRUE;
-	// Is this 0xf0 mask really necessary?  DK 03/02/05
-	switch (params.getCurveType() & 0xf0)
-	{
-	default:
-		{
-			// Take the begin/end twist into account for detail.
-			np    = llfloor(fabs(params.getTwistBegin() - params.getTwist()) * 3.5f * (detail-0.5f)) + 2;
-			if (np < split+2)
-			{
-				np = split+2;
-			}
-			mStep = 1.0f / (np-1);
-			mPath.resize(np);
-			LLVector2 start_scale = params.getBeginScale();
-			LLVector2 end_scale = params.getEndScale();
-			for (S32 i=0;i<np;i++)
-			{
-				F32 t = lerp(params.getBegin(),params.getEnd(),(F32)i * mStep);
-				mPath[i].mPos.setVec(lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],t),
-									 lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],t),
-									 t - 0.5f);
-				mPath[i].mRot.setQuat(lerp(F_PI * params.getTwistBegin(),F_PI * params.getTwist(),t),0,0,1);
-				mPath[i].mScale.mV[0] = lerp(start_scale.mV[0],end_scale.mV[0],t);
-				mPath[i].mScale.mV[1] = lerp(start_scale.mV[1],end_scale.mV[1],t);
-				mPath[i].mTexT        = t;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			// Increase the detail as the revolutions and twist increase.
-			F32 twist_mag = fabs(params.getTwistBegin() - params.getTwist());
-			S32 sides = (S32)llfloor(llfloor((MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail + twist_mag * 3.5f * (detail-0.5f))) * params.getRevolutions());
-			if (is_sculpted)
-				sides = sculpt_size;
-			genNGon(params, sides);
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			if (params.getEnd() - params.getBegin() >= 0.99f &&
-				params.getScaleX() >= .99f)
-			{
-				mOpen = FALSE;
-			}
-			//genNGon(params, llfloor(MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail), 4.f, 0.f);
-			genNGon(params, llfloor(MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail));
-			F32 t     = 0.f;
-			F32 tStep = 1.0f / mPath.size();
-			F32 toggle = 0.5f;
-			for (S32 i=0;i<(S32)mPath.size();i++)
-			{
-				mPath[i].mPos.mV[0] = toggle;
-				if (toggle == 0.5f)
-					toggle = -0.5f;
-				else
-					toggle = 0.5f;
-				t += tStep;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		np     = 5;
-		mStep = 1.0f / (np-1);
-		mPath.resize(np);
-		for (S32 i=0;i<np;i++)
-		{
-			F32 t = (F32)i * mStep;
-			mPath[i].mPos.setVec(0,
-								lerp(0,   -sin(F_PI*params.getTwist()*t)*0.5f,t),
-								lerp(-0.5, cos(F_PI*params.getTwist()*t)*0.5f,t));
-			mPath[i].mScale.mV[0] = lerp(1,params.getScale().mV[0],t);
-			mPath[i].mScale.mV[1] = lerp(1,params.getScale().mV[1],t);
-			mPath[i].mTexT  = t;
-			mPath[i].mRot.setQuat(F_PI * params.getTwist() * t,1,0,0);
-		}
-		break;
-	};
-	if (params.getTwist() != params.getTwistBegin()) mOpen = TRUE;
-	//if ((int(fabsf(params.getTwist() - params.getTwistBegin())*100))%100 != 0) {
-	//	mOpen = TRUE;
-	//}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLDynamicPath::generate(const LLPathParams& params, F32 detail, S32 split,
-							 BOOL is_sculpted, S32 sculpt_size)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	mOpen = TRUE; // Draw end caps
-	if (getPathLength() == 0)
-	{
-		// Path hasn't been generated yet.
-		// Some algorithms later assume at least TWO path points.
-		resizePath(2);
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-		{
-			mPath[i].mPos.setVec(0, 0, 0);
-			mPath[i].mRot.setQuat(0, 0, 0);
-			mPath[i].mScale.setVec(1, 1);
-			mPath[i].mTexT = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLPathParams::importFile(LLFILE *fp)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
-	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
-	// changing the sscanf below.
-	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	keyword[0] = 0;
-	valuestr[0] = 0;
-	F32 tempF32;
-	F32 x, y;
-	U32 tempU32;
-	while (!feof(fp))
-	{
-		if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp) == NULL)
-		{
-			buffer[0] = '\0';
-		}
-		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-			buffer,
-			" %255s %255s",
-			keyword, valuestr);
-		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
-			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setBegin(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setEnd(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("scale",keyword))
-		{
-			// Legacy for one dimensional scale per path
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setScale(tempF32, tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("scale_x", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
-			setScaleX(x);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("scale_y", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setScaleY(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("shear_x", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
-			setShearX(x);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("shear_y", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setShearY(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("twist",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setTwist(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("twist_begin", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setTwistBegin(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("radius_offset", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setRadiusOffset(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("taper_x", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setTaperX(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("taper_y", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setTaperY(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("revolutions", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setRevolutions(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("skew", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setSkew(y);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << " in path import" << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLPathParams::exportFile(LLFILE *fp) const
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\tpath 0\n");
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t{\n");
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tcurve\t%d\n", getCurveType());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tbegin\t%g\n", getBegin());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tend\t%g\n", getEnd());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tscale_x\t%g\n", getScaleX() );
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tscale_y\t%g\n", getScaleY() );
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tshear_x\t%g\n", getShearX() );
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tshear_y\t%g\n", getShearY() );
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttwist\t%g\n", getTwist());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttwist_begin\t%g\n", getTwistBegin());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tradius_offset\t%g\n", getRadiusOffset());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttaper_x\t%g\n", getTaperX());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttaper_y\t%g\n", getTaperY());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\trevolutions\t%g\n", getRevolutions());
-	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tskew\t%g\n", getSkew());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t}\n");
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLPathParams::importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
-	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
-	// changing the sscanf below.
-	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	keyword[0] = 0;
-	valuestr[0] = 0;
-	F32 tempF32;
-	F32 x, y;
-	U32 tempU32;
-	while (input_stream.good())
-	{
-		input_stream.getline(buffer, BUFSIZE);
-		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-			buffer,
-			" %255s %255s",
-			keyword, valuestr);
-		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
-			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setBegin(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setEnd(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("scale",keyword))
-		{
-			// Legacy for one dimensional scale per path
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setScale(tempF32, tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("scale_x", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
-			setScaleX(x);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("scale_y", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setScaleY(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("shear_x", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
-			setShearX(x);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("shear_y", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setShearY(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("twist",keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
-			setTwist(tempF32);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("twist_begin", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setTwistBegin(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("radius_offset", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setRadiusOffset(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("taper_x", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setTaperX(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("taper_y", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setTaperY(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("revolutions", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setRevolutions(y);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("skew", keyword))
-		{
-			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
-			setSkew(y);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << " in path import" << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLPathParams::exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const
-	output_stream << "\t\tpath 0\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t{\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tcurve\t" << (S32) getCurveType() << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tbegin\t" << getBegin() << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tend\t" << getEnd() << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tscale_x\t" << getScaleX()  << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tscale_y\t" << getScaleY()  << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tshear_x\t" << getShearX()  << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t\tshear_y\t" << getShearY()  << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttwist\t" << getTwist() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttwist_begin\t" << getTwistBegin() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\tradius_offset\t" << getRadiusOffset() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttaper_x\t" << getTaperX() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttaper_y\t" << getTaperY() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\trevolutions\t" << getRevolutions() << "\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t\t\tskew\t" << getSkew() << "\n";
-	output_stream << "\t\t}\n";
-	return TRUE;
-LLSD LLPathParams::asLLSD() const
-	LLSD sd = LLSD();
-	sd["curve"] = getCurveType();
-	sd["begin"] = getBegin();
-	sd["end"] = getEnd();
-	sd["scale_x"] = getScaleX();
-	sd["scale_y"] = getScaleY();
-	sd["shear_x"] = getShearX();
-	sd["shear_y"] = getShearY();
-	sd["twist"] = getTwist();
-	sd["twist_begin"] = getTwistBegin();
-	sd["radius_offset"] = getRadiusOffset();
-	sd["taper_x"] = getTaperX();
-	sd["taper_y"] = getTaperY();
-	sd["revolutions"] = getRevolutions();
-	sd["skew"] = getSkew();
-	return sd;
-bool LLPathParams::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
-	setCurveType(sd["curve"].asInteger());
-	setBegin((F32)sd["begin"].asReal());
-	setEnd((F32)sd["end"].asReal());
-	setScaleX((F32)sd["scale_x"].asReal());
-	setScaleY((F32)sd["scale_y"].asReal());
-	setShearX((F32)sd["shear_x"].asReal());
-	setShearY((F32)sd["shear_y"].asReal());
-	setTwist((F32)sd["twist"].asReal());
-	setTwistBegin((F32)sd["twist_begin"].asReal());
-	setRadiusOffset((F32)sd["radius_offset"].asReal());
-	setTaperX((F32)sd["taper_x"].asReal());
-	setTaperY((F32)sd["taper_y"].asReal());
-	setRevolutions((F32)sd["revolutions"].asReal());
-	setSkew((F32)sd["skew"].asReal());
-	return true;
-void LLPathParams::copyParams(const LLPathParams &params)
-	setCurveType(params.getCurveType());
-	setBegin(params.getBegin());
-	setEnd(params.getEnd());
-	setScale(params.getScaleX(), params.getScaleY() );
-	setShear(params.getShearX(), params.getShearY() );
-	setTwist(params.getTwist());
-	setTwistBegin(params.getTwistBegin());
-	setRadiusOffset(params.getRadiusOffset());
-	setTaper( params.getTaperX(), params.getTaperY() );
-	setRevolutions(params.getRevolutions());
-	setSkew(params.getSkew());
-S32 profile_delete_lock = 1 ; 
-	if(profile_delete_lock)
-	{
-		llerrs << "LLProfile should not be deleted here!" << llendl ;
-	}
-S32 LLVolume::sNumMeshPoints = 0;
-LLVolume::LLVolume(const LLVolumeParams &params, const F32 detail, const BOOL generate_single_face, const BOOL is_unique)
-	: mParams(params)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	mUnique = is_unique;
-	mFaceMask = 0x0;
-	mDetail = detail;
-	mSculptLevel = -2;
-	mIsTetrahedron = FALSE;
-	mLODScaleBias.setVec(1,1,1);
-	mHullPoints = NULL;
-	mHullIndices = NULL;
-	mNumHullPoints = 0;
-	mNumHullIndices = 0;
-	// set defaults
-	if (mParams.getPathParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PATH_FLEXIBLE)
-	{
-		mPathp = new LLDynamicPath();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mPathp = new LLPath();
-	}
-	mProfilep = new LLProfile();
-	mGenerateSingleFace = generate_single_face;
-	generate();
-	if (mParams.getSculptID().isNull() && mParams.getSculptType() == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_NONE)
-	{
-		createVolumeFaces();
-	}
-void LLVolume::resizePath(S32 length)
-	mPathp->resizePath(length);
-	mVolumeFaces.clear();
-void LLVolume::regen()
-	generate();
-	createVolumeFaces();
-void LLVolume::genBinormals(S32 face)
-	mVolumeFaces[face].createBinormals();
-	sNumMeshPoints -= mMesh.size();
-	delete mPathp;
-	profile_delete_lock = 0 ;
-	delete mProfilep;
-	profile_delete_lock = 1 ;
-	mPathp = NULL;
-	mProfilep = NULL;
-	mVolumeFaces.clear();
-	free(mHullPoints);
-	mHullPoints = NULL;
-	free(mHullIndices);
-	mHullIndices = NULL;
-BOOL LLVolume::generate()
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	llassert_always(mProfilep);
-	//Added 10.03.05 Dave Parks
-	// Split is a parameter to LLProfile::generate that tesselates edges on the profile 
-	// to prevent lighting and texture interpolation errors on triangles that are 
-	// stretched due to twisting or scaling on the path.  
-	S32 split = (S32) ((mDetail)*0.66f);
-	if (mParams.getPathParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE &&
-		(mParams.getPathParams().getScale().mV[0] != 1.0f ||
-		 mParams.getPathParams().getScale().mV[1] != 1.0f) &&
-		(mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE ||
-		 mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_ISOTRI ||
-		 mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI ||
-		 mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_RIGHTTRI))
-	{
-		split = 0;
-	}
-	mLODScaleBias.setVec(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
-	F32 profile_detail = mDetail;
-	F32 path_detail = mDetail;
-	U8 path_type = mParams.getPathParams().getCurveType();
-	U8 profile_type = mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType();
-	if (path_type == LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE && profile_type == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE)
-	{ //cylinders don't care about Z-Axis
-		mLODScaleBias.setVec(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.0f);
-	}
-	else if (path_type == LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE) 
-	{	
-		mLODScaleBias.setVec(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
-	}
-	//********************************************************************
-	//debug info, to be removed
-	if((U32)(mPathp->mPath.size() * mProfilep->mProfile.size()) > (1u << 20))
-	{
-		llinfos << "sizeS: " << mPathp->mPath.size() << " sizeT: " << mProfilep->mProfile.size() << llendl ;
-		llinfos << "path_detail : " << path_detail << " split: " << split << " profile_detail: " << profile_detail << llendl ;
-		llinfos << mParams << llendl ;
-		llinfos << "more info to check if mProfilep is deleted or not." << llendl ;
-		llinfos << mProfilep->mNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mFaces.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeCenters.size() << llendl ;
-		llerrs << "LLVolume corrupted!" << llendl ;
-	}
-	//********************************************************************
-	BOOL regenPath = mPathp->generate(mParams.getPathParams(), path_detail, split);
-	BOOL regenProf = mProfilep->generate(mParams.getProfileParams(), mPathp->isOpen(),profile_detail, split);
-	if (regenPath || regenProf ) 
-	{
-		S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
-		S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
-		//********************************************************************
-		//debug info, to be removed
-		if((U32)(sizeS * sizeT) > (1u << 20))
-		{
-			llinfos << "regenPath: " << (S32)regenPath << " regenProf: " << (S32)regenProf << llendl ;
-			llinfos << "sizeS: " << sizeS << " sizeT: " << sizeT << llendl ;
-			llinfos << "path_detail : " << path_detail << " split: " << split << " profile_detail: " << profile_detail << llendl ;
-			llinfos << mParams << llendl ;
-			llinfos << "more info to check if mProfilep is deleted or not." << llendl ;
-			llinfos << mProfilep->mNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mFaces.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeCenters.size() << llendl ;
-			llerrs << "LLVolume corrupted!" << llendl ;
-		}
-		//********************************************************************
-		sNumMeshPoints -= mMesh.size();
-		mMesh.resize(sizeT * sizeS);
-		sNumMeshPoints += mMesh.size();		
-		//generate vertex positions
-		// Run along the path.
-		for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS; ++s)
-		{
-			LLVector2  scale = mPathp->mPath[s].mScale;
-			LLQuaternion rot = mPathp->mPath[s].mRot;
-			// Run along the profile.
-			for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT; ++t)
-			{
-				S32 m = s*sizeT + t;
-				Point& pt = mMesh[m];
-				pt.mPos.mV[0] = mProfilep->mProfile[t].mV[0] * scale.mV[0];
-				pt.mPos.mV[1] = mProfilep->mProfile[t].mV[1] * scale.mV[1];
-				pt.mPos.mV[2] = 0.0f;
-				pt.mPos       = pt.mPos * rot;
-				pt.mPos      += mPathp->mPath[s].mPos;
-			}
-		}
-		for (std::vector<LLProfile::Face>::iterator iter = mProfilep->mFaces.begin();
-			 iter != mProfilep->mFaces.end(); ++iter)
-		{
-			LLFaceID id = iter->mFaceID;
-			mFaceMask |= id;
-		}
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-void LLVolumeFace::VertexData::init()
-	if (!mData)
-	{
-		mData = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*2);
-	}
-	mData = NULL;
-	init();
-LLVolumeFace::VertexData::VertexData(const VertexData& rhs)
-	mData = NULL;
-	*this = rhs;
-const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::operator=(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs)
-	if (this != &rhs)
-	{
-		init();
-		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mData, (F32*) rhs.mData, 2*sizeof(LLVector4a));
-		mTexCoord = rhs.mTexCoord;
-	}
-	return *this;
-	free(mData);
-	mData = NULL;
-LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getPosition()
-	return mData[POSITION];
-LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getNormal()
-	return mData[NORMAL];
-const LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getPosition() const
-	return mData[POSITION];
-const LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getNormal() const
-	return mData[NORMAL];
-void LLVolumeFace::VertexData::setPosition(const LLVector4a& pos)
-	mData[POSITION] = pos;
-void LLVolumeFace::VertexData::setNormal(const LLVector4a& norm)
-	mData[NORMAL] = norm;
-bool LLVolumeFace::VertexData::operator<(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs)const
-	const F32* lp = this->getPosition().getF32ptr();
-	const F32* rp = rhs.getPosition().getF32ptr();
-	if (lp[0] != rp[0])
-	{
-		return lp[0] < rp[0];
-	}
-	if (rp[1] != lp[1])
-	{
-		return lp[1] < rp[1];
-	}
-	if (rp[2] != lp[2])
-	{
-		return lp[2] < rp[2];
-	}
-	lp = getNormal().getF32ptr();
-	rp = rhs.getNormal().getF32ptr();
-	if (lp[0] != rp[0])
-	{
-		return lp[0] < rp[0];
-	}
-	if (rp[1] != lp[1])
-	{
-		return lp[1] < rp[1];
-	}
-	if (rp[2] != lp[2])
-	{
-		return lp[2] < rp[2];
-	}
-	if (mTexCoord.mV[0] != rhs.mTexCoord.mV[0])
-	{
-		return mTexCoord.mV[0] < rhs.mTexCoord.mV[0];
-	}
-	return mTexCoord.mV[1] < rhs.mTexCoord.mV[1];
-bool LLVolumeFace::VertexData::operator==(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs)const
-	return mData[POSITION].equals3(rhs.getPosition()) &&
-			mData[NORMAL].equals3(rhs.getNormal()) &&
-			mTexCoord == rhs.mTexCoord;
-bool LLVolumeFace::VertexData::compareNormal(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs, F32 angle_cutoff) const
-	bool retval = false;
-	if (rhs.mData[POSITION].equals3(mData[POSITION]) && rhs.mTexCoord == mTexCoord)
-	{
-		if (angle_cutoff > 1.f)
-		{
-			retval = (mData[NORMAL].equals3(rhs.mData[NORMAL]));
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			F32 cur_angle = rhs.mData[NORMAL].dot3(mData[NORMAL]).getF32();
-			retval = cur_angle > angle_cutoff;
-		}
-	}
-	return retval;
-bool LLVolume::unpackVolumeFaces(std::istream& is, S32 size)
-	//input stream is now pointing at a zlib compressed block of LLSD
-	//decompress block
-	LLSD mdl;
-	if (!unzip_llsd(mdl, is, size))
-	{
-		llwarns << "not a valid mesh asset!" << llendl;
-		return false;
-	}
-	{
-		U32 face_count = mdl.size();
-		if (face_count == 0)
-		{
-			llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
-		}
-		mVolumeFaces.resize(face_count);
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < face_count; ++i)
-		{
-			LLSD::Binary pos = mdl[i]["Position"];
-			LLSD::Binary norm = mdl[i]["Normal"];
-			LLSD::Binary tc = mdl[i]["TexCoord0"];
-			LLSD::Binary idx = mdl[i]["TriangleList"];
-			LLVolumeFace& face = mVolumeFaces[i];
-			//copy out indices
-			face.resizeIndices(idx.size()/2);
-			if (idx.empty() || face.mNumIndices < 3)
-			{ //why is there an empty index list?
-				llerrs <<"WTF?" << llendl;
-				continue;
-			}
-			U16* indices = (U16*) &(idx[0]);
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < idx.size()/2; ++j)
-			{
-				face.mIndices[j] = indices[j];
-			}
-			//copy out vertices
-			U32 num_verts = pos.size()/(3*2);
-			face.resizeVertices(num_verts);
-			if (mdl[i].has("Weights"))
-			{
-				face.allocateWeights(num_verts);
-				LLSD::Binary weights = mdl[i]["Weights"];
-				U32 idx = 0;
-				U32 cur_vertex = 0;
-				while (idx < weights.size() && cur_vertex < num_verts)
-				{
-					const U8 END_INFLUENCES = 0xFF;
-					U8 joint = weights[idx++];
-					U32 cur_influence = 0;
-					LLVector4 wght(0,0,0,0);
-					while (joint != END_INFLUENCES && idx < weights.size())
-					{
-						U16 influence = weights[idx++];
-						influence |= ((U16) weights[idx++] << 8);
-						F32 w = llclamp((F32) influence / 65535.f, 0.f, 0.99999f);
-						wght.mV[cur_influence++] = (F32) joint + w;
-						if (cur_influence >= 4)
-						{
-							joint = END_INFLUENCES;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							joint = weights[idx++];
-						}
-					}
-					face.mWeights[cur_vertex].loadua(wght.mV);
-					cur_vertex++;
-				}
-				if (cur_vertex != num_verts || idx != weights.size())
-				{
-					llwarns << "Vertex weight count does not match vertex count!" << llendl;
-				}
-			}
-			LLVector3 minp;
-			LLVector3 maxp;
-			LLVector2 min_tc; 
-			LLVector2 max_tc; 
-			minp.setValue(mdl[i]["PositionDomain"]["Min"]);
-			maxp.setValue(mdl[i]["PositionDomain"]["Max"]);
-			LLVector4a min_pos, max_pos;
-			min_pos.load3(minp.mV);
-			max_pos.load3(maxp.mV);
-			min_tc.setValue(mdl[i]["TexCoord0Domain"]["Min"]);
-			max_tc.setValue(mdl[i]["TexCoord0Domain"]["Max"]);
-			LLVector4a pos_range;
-			pos_range.setSub(max_pos, min_pos);
-			LLVector2 tc_range = max_tc - min_tc;
-			LLVector4a* pos_out = face.mPositions;
-			LLVector4a* norm_out = face.mNormals;
-			LLVector2* tc_out = face.mTexCoords;
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < num_verts; ++j)
-			{
-				U16* v = (U16*) &(pos[j*3*2]);
-				pos_out->set((F32) v[0], (F32) v[1], (F32) v[2]);
-				pos_out->div(65535.f);
-				pos_out->mul(pos_range);
-				pos_out->add(min_pos);
-				pos_out++;
-				U16* n = (U16*) &(norm[j*3*2]);
-				norm_out->set((F32) n[0], (F32) n[1], (F32) n[2]);
-				norm_out->div(65535.f);
-				norm_out->mul(2.f);
-				norm_out->sub(1.f);
-				norm_out++;
-				U16* t = (U16*) &(tc[j*2*2]);
-				tc_out->mV[0] = (F32) t[0] / 65535.f * tc_range.mV[0] + min_tc.mV[0];
-				tc_out->mV[1] =	(F32) t[1] / 65535.f * tc_range.mV[1] + min_tc.mV[1];
-				tc_out++;
-			}
-			// modifier flags?
-			bool do_mirror = (mParams.getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR);
-			bool do_invert = (mParams.getSculptType() &LL_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT);
-			// translate to actions:
-			bool do_reflect_x = false;
-			bool do_reverse_triangles = false;
-			bool do_invert_normals = false;
-			if (do_mirror)
-			{
-				do_reflect_x = true;
-				do_reverse_triangles = !do_reverse_triangles;
-			}
-			if (do_invert)
-			{
-				do_invert_normals = true;
-				do_reverse_triangles = !do_reverse_triangles;
-			}
-			// now do the work
-			if (do_reflect_x)
-			{
-				LLVector4a* p = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
-				LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
-				for (S32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; i++)
-				{
-					p[i].mul(-1.0f);
-					n[i].mul(-1.0f);
-				}
-			}
-			if (do_invert_normals)
-			{
-				LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
-				for (S32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; i++)
-				{
-					n[i].mul(-1.0f);
-				}
-			}
-			if (do_reverse_triangles)
-			{
-				for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; j += 3)
-				{
-					// swap the 2nd and 3rd index
-					S32 swap = face.mIndices[j+1];
-					face.mIndices[j+1] = face.mIndices[j+2];
-					face.mIndices[j+2] = swap;
-				}
-			}
-			//calculate bounding box
-			LLVector4a& min = face.mExtents[0];
-			LLVector4a& max = face.mExtents[1];
-			min.clear();
-			max.clear();
-			min = max = face.mPositions[0];
-			for (S32 i = 1; i < face.mNumVertices; ++i)
-			{
-				min.setMin(min, face.mPositions[i]);
-				max.setMax(max, face.mPositions[i]);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	mSculptLevel = 0;  // success!
-	cacheOptimize();
-	return true;
-void tetrahedron_set_normal(LLVolumeFace::VertexData* cv)
-	LLVector4a v0;
-	v0.setSub(cv[1].getPosition(), cv[0].getNormal());
-	LLVector4a v1;
-	v1.setSub(cv[2].getNormal(), cv[0].getPosition());
-	cv[0].getNormal().setCross3(v0,v1);
-	cv[0].getNormal().normalize3fast();
-	cv[1].setNormal(cv[0].getNormal());
-	cv[2].setNormal(cv[1].getNormal());
-BOOL LLVolume::isTetrahedron()
-	return mIsTetrahedron;
-void LLVolume::makeTetrahedron()
-	mVolumeFaces.clear();
-	LLVolumeFace face;
-	F32 x = 0.25f;
-	LLVector4a p[] = 
-	{ //unit tetrahedron corners
-		LLVector4a(x,x,x),
-		LLVector4a(-x,-x,x),
-		LLVector4a(-x,x,-x),
-		LLVector4a(x,-x,-x)
-	};
-	face.mExtents[0].splat(-x);
-	face.mExtents[1].splat(x);
-	LLVolumeFace::VertexData cv[3];
-	//set texture coordinates
-	cv[0].mTexCoord = LLVector2(0,0);
-	cv[1].mTexCoord = LLVector2(1,0);
-	cv[2].mTexCoord = LLVector2(0.5f, 0.5f*F_SQRT3);
-	//side 1
-	cv[0].setPosition(p[1]);
-	cv[1].setPosition(p[0]);
-	cv[2].setPosition(p[2]);
-	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
-	face.resizeVertices(12);
-	face.resizeIndices(12);
-	LLVector4a* v = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
-	LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
-	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) face.mTexCoords;
-	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
-	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
-	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
-	v += 3;
-	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
-	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
-	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
-	n += 3;
-	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
-	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
-	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
-	tc += 3;
-	//side 2
-	cv[0].setPosition(p[3]);
-	cv[1].setPosition(p[0]);
-	cv[2].setPosition(p[1]);
-	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
-	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
-	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
-	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
-	v += 3;
-	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
-	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
-	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
-	n += 3;
-	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
-	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
-	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
-	tc += 3;
-	//side 3
-	cv[0].setPosition(p[3]);
-	cv[1].setPosition(p[1]);
-	cv[2].setPosition(p[2]);
-	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
-	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
-	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
-	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
-	v += 3;
-	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
-	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
-	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
-	n += 3;
-	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
-	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
-	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
-	tc += 3;
-	//side 4
-	cv[0].setPosition(p[2]);
-	cv[1].setPosition(p[0]);
-	cv[2].setPosition(p[3]);
-	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
-	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
-	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
-	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
-	v += 3;
-	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
-	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
-	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
-	n += 3;
-	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
-	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
-	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
-	tc += 3;
-	//set index buffer
-	for (U16 i = 0; i < 12; i++)
-	{
-		face.mIndices[i] = i;
-	}
-	mVolumeFaces.push_back(face);
-	mSculptLevel = 0;
-	mIsTetrahedron = TRUE;
-void LLVolume::copyVolumeFaces(const LLVolume* volume)
-	mVolumeFaces = volume->mVolumeFaces;
-	mSculptLevel = 0;
-	mIsTetrahedron = FALSE;
-void LLVolume::cacheOptimize()
-	for (S32 i = 0; i < mVolumeFaces.size(); ++i)
-	{
-		mVolumeFaces[i].cacheOptimize();
-	}
-S32	LLVolume::getNumFaces() const
-	U8 sculpt_type = (mParams.getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK);
-	if (sculpt_type == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
-	{
-	}
-	return (S32)mProfilep->mFaces.size();
-void LLVolume::createVolumeFaces()
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	if (mGenerateSingleFace)
-	{
-		// do nothing
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		S32 num_faces = getNumFaces();
-		BOOL partial_build = TRUE;
-		if (num_faces != mVolumeFaces.size())
-		{
-			partial_build = FALSE;
-			mVolumeFaces.resize(num_faces);
-		}
-		// Initialize volume faces with parameter data
-		for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)mVolumeFaces.size(); i++)
-		{
-			LLVolumeFace& vf = mVolumeFaces[i];
-			LLProfile::Face& face = mProfilep->mFaces[i];
-			vf.mBeginS = face.mIndex;
-			vf.mNumS = face.mCount;
-			if (vf.mNumS < 0)
-			{
-				llerrs << "Volume face corruption detected." << llendl;
-			}
-			vf.mBeginT = 0;
-			vf.mNumT= getPath().mPath.size();
-			vf.mID = i;
-			// Set the type mask bits correctly
-			if (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0)
-			{
-				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::HOLLOW_MASK;
-			}
-			if (mProfilep->isOpen())
-			{
-				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::OPEN_MASK;
-			}
-			if (face.mCap)
-			{
-				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::CAP_MASK;
-				if (face.mFaceID == LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN)
-				{
-					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::TOP_MASK;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					llassert(face.mFaceID == LL_FACE_PATH_END);
-					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::BOTTOM_MASK;
-				}
-			}
-			else if (face.mFaceID & (LL_FACE_PROFILE_BEGIN | LL_FACE_PROFILE_END))
-			{
-				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::FLAT_MASK | LLVolumeFace::END_MASK;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::SIDE_MASK;
-				if (face.mFlat)
-				{
-					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::FLAT_MASK;
-				}
-				if (face.mFaceID & LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE)
-				{
-					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::INNER_MASK;
-					if (face.mFlat && vf.mNumS > 2)
-					{ //flat inner faces have to copy vert normals
-						vf.mNumS = vf.mNumS*2;
-						if (vf.mNumS < 0)
-						{
-							llerrs << "Volume face corruption detected." << llendl;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::OUTER_MASK;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		for (face_list_t::iterator iter = mVolumeFaces.begin();
-			 iter != mVolumeFaces.end(); ++iter)
-		{
-			(*iter).create(this, partial_build);
-		}
-	}
-inline LLVector3 sculpt_rgb_to_vector(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b)
-	// maps RGB values to vector values [0..255] -> [-0.5..0.5]
-	LLVector3 value;
-	value.mV[VX] = r / 255.f - 0.5f;
-	value.mV[VY] = g / 255.f - 0.5f;
-	value.mV[VZ] = b / 255.f - 0.5f;
-	return value;
-inline U32 sculpt_xy_to_index(U32 x, U32 y, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components)
-	U32 index = (x + y * sculpt_width) * sculpt_components;
-	return index;
-inline U32 sculpt_st_to_index(S32 s, S32 t, S32 size_s, S32 size_t, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components)
-	U32 x = (U32) ((F32)s/(size_s) * (F32) sculpt_width);
-	U32 y = (U32) ((F32)t/(size_t) * (F32) sculpt_height);
-	return sculpt_xy_to_index(x, y, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components);
-inline LLVector3 sculpt_index_to_vector(U32 index, const U8* sculpt_data)
-	LLVector3 v = sculpt_rgb_to_vector(sculpt_data[index], sculpt_data[index+1], sculpt_data[index+2]);
-	return v;
-inline LLVector3 sculpt_st_to_vector(S32 s, S32 t, S32 size_s, S32 size_t, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data)
-	U32 index = sculpt_st_to_index(s, t, size_s, size_t, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components);
-	return sculpt_index_to_vector(index, sculpt_data);
-inline LLVector3 sculpt_xy_to_vector(U32 x, U32 y, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data)
-	U32 index = sculpt_xy_to_index(x, y, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components);
-	return sculpt_index_to_vector(index, sculpt_data);
-F32 LLVolume::sculptGetSurfaceArea()
-	// test to see if image has enough variation to create non-degenerate geometry
-	F32 area = 0;
-	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
-	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
-	for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS-1; s++)
-	{
-		for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT-1; t++)
-		{
-			// get four corners of quad
-			LLVector3 p1 = mMesh[(s  )*sizeT + (t  )].mPos;
-			LLVector3 p2 = mMesh[(s+1)*sizeT + (t  )].mPos;
-			LLVector3 p3 = mMesh[(s  )*sizeT + (t+1)].mPos;
-			LLVector3 p4 = mMesh[(s+1)*sizeT + (t+1)].mPos;
-			// compute the area of the quad by taking the length of the cross product of the two triangles
-			LLVector3 cross1 = (p1 - p2) % (p1 - p3);
-			LLVector3 cross2 = (p4 - p2) % (p4 - p3);
-			area += (cross1.magVec() + cross2.magVec()) / 2.0;
-		}
-	}
-	return area;
-// create placeholder shape
-void LLVolume::sculptGeneratePlaceholder()
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
-	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
-	S32 line = 0;
-	// for now, this is a sphere.
-	for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS; s++)
-	{
-		for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT; t++)
-		{
-			S32 i = t + line;
-			Point& pt = mMesh[i];
-			F32 u = (F32)s/(sizeS-1);
-			F32 v = (F32)t/(sizeT-1);
-			const F32 RADIUS = (F32) 0.3;
-			pt.mPos.mV[0] = (F32)(sin(F_PI * v) * cos(2.0 * F_PI * u) * RADIUS);
-			pt.mPos.mV[1] = (F32)(sin(F_PI * v) * sin(2.0 * F_PI * u) * RADIUS);
-			pt.mPos.mV[2] = (F32)(cos(F_PI * v) * RADIUS);
-		}
-		line += sizeT;
-	}
-// create the vertices from the map
-void LLVolume::sculptGenerateMapVertices(U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data, U8 sculpt_type)
-	U8 sculpt_stitching = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK;
-	BOOL sculpt_invert = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT;
-	BOOL sculpt_mirror = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR;
-	BOOL reverse_horizontal = (sculpt_invert ? !sculpt_mirror : sculpt_mirror);  // XOR
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
-	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
-	S32 line = 0;
-	for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS; s++)
-	{
-		// Run along the profile.
-		for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT; t++)
-		{
-			S32 i = t + line;
-			Point& pt = mMesh[i];
-			S32 reversed_t = t;
-			if (reverse_horizontal)
-			{
-				reversed_t = sizeT - t - 1;
-			}
-			U32 x = (U32) ((F32)reversed_t/(sizeT-1) * (F32) sculpt_width);
-			U32 y = (U32) ((F32)s/(sizeS-1) * (F32) sculpt_height);
-			if (y == 0)  // top row stitching
-			{
-				// pinch?
-				if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE)
-				{
-					x = sculpt_width / 2;
-				}
-			}
-			if (y == sculpt_height)  // bottom row stitching
-			{
-				// wrap?
-				if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS)
-				{
-					y = 0;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					y = sculpt_height - 1;
-				}
-				// pinch?
-				if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE)
-				{
-					x = sculpt_width / 2;
-				}
-			}
-			if (x == sculpt_width)   // side stitching
-			{
-				// wrap?
-				if ((sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE) ||
-					(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS) ||
-					(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER))
-				{
-					x = 0;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					x = sculpt_width - 1;
-				}
-			}
-			pt.mPos = sculpt_xy_to_vector(x, y, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components, sculpt_data);
-			if (sculpt_mirror)
-			{
-				pt.mPos.mV[VX] *= -1.f;
-			}
-		}
-		line += sizeT;
-	}
-const S32 SCULPT_REZ_1 = 6;  // changed from 4 to 6 - 6 looks round whereas 4 looks square
-const S32 SCULPT_REZ_2 = 8;
-const S32 SCULPT_REZ_3 = 16;
-const S32 SCULPT_REZ_4 = 32;
-S32 sculpt_sides(F32 detail)
-	// detail is usually one of: 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0.
-	if (detail <= 1.0)
-	{
-		return SCULPT_REZ_1;
-	}
-	if (detail <= 2.0)
-	{
-		return SCULPT_REZ_2;
-	}
-	if (detail <= 3.0)
-	{
-		return SCULPT_REZ_3;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return SCULPT_REZ_4;
-	}
-// determine the number of vertices in both s and t direction for this sculpt
-void sculpt_calc_mesh_resolution(U16 width, U16 height, U8 type, F32 detail, S32& s, S32& t)
-	// this code has the following properties:
-	// 1) the aspect ratio of the mesh is as close as possible to the ratio of the map
-	//    while still using all available verts
-	// 2) the mesh cannot have more verts than is allowed by LOD
-	// 3) the mesh cannot have more verts than is allowed by the map
-	S32 max_vertices_lod = (S32)pow((double)sculpt_sides(detail), 2.0);
-	S32 max_vertices_map = width * height / 4;
-	S32 vertices;
-	if (max_vertices_map > 0)
-		vertices = llmin(max_vertices_lod, max_vertices_map);
-	else
-		vertices = max_vertices_lod;
-	F32 ratio;
-	if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
-		ratio = 1.f;
-	else
-		ratio = (F32) width / (F32) height;
-	s = (S32)(F32) sqrt(((F32)vertices / ratio));
-	s = llmax(s, 4);              // no degenerate sizes, please
-	t = vertices / s;
-	t = llmax(t, 4);              // no degenerate sizes, please
-	s = vertices / t;
-// sculpt replaces generate() for sculpted surfaces
-void LLVolume::sculpt(U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data, S32 sculpt_level)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-    U8 sculpt_type = mParams.getSculptType();
-	BOOL data_is_empty = FALSE;
-	if (sculpt_width == 0 || sculpt_height == 0 || sculpt_components < 3 || sculpt_data == NULL)
-	{
-		sculpt_level = -1;
-		data_is_empty = TRUE;
-	}
-	S32 requested_sizeS = 0;
-	S32 requested_sizeT = 0;
-	sculpt_calc_mesh_resolution(sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_type, mDetail, requested_sizeS, requested_sizeT);
-	mPathp->generate(mParams.getPathParams(), mDetail, 0, TRUE, requested_sizeS);
-	mProfilep->generate(mParams.getProfileParams(), mPathp->isOpen(), mDetail, 0, TRUE, requested_sizeT);
-	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();         // we requested a specific size, now see what we really got
-	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();   // we requested a specific size, now see what we really got
-	// weird crash bug - DEV-11158 - trying to collect more data:
-	if ((sizeS == 0) || (sizeT == 0))
-	{
-		llwarns << "sculpt bad mesh size " << sizeS << " " << sizeT << llendl;
-	}
-	sNumMeshPoints -= mMesh.size();
-	mMesh.resize(sizeS * sizeT);
-	sNumMeshPoints += mMesh.size();
-	//generate vertex positions
-	if (!data_is_empty)
-	{
-		sculptGenerateMapVertices(sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components, sculpt_data, sculpt_type);
-		// don't test lowest LOD to support legacy content DEV-33670
-		if (mDetail > SCULPT_MIN_AREA_DETAIL)
-		{
-			if (sculptGetSurfaceArea() < SCULPT_MIN_AREA)
-			{
-				data_is_empty = TRUE;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (data_is_empty)
-	{
-		sculptGeneratePlaceholder();
-	}
-	for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)mProfilep->mFaces.size(); i++)
-	{
-		mFaceMask |= mProfilep->mFaces[i].mFaceID;
-	}
-	mSculptLevel = sculpt_level;
-	// Delete any existing faces so that they get regenerated
-	mVolumeFaces.clear();
-	createVolumeFaces();
-BOOL LLVolume::isCap(S32 face)
-	return mProfilep->mFaces[face].mCap; 
-BOOL LLVolume::isFlat(S32 face)
-	return mProfilep->mFaces[face].mFlat;
-bool LLVolumeParams::isSculpt() const
-	return mSculptID.notNull();
-bool LLVolumeParams::isMeshSculpt() const
-	return isSculpt() && ((mSculptType & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH);
-bool LLVolumeParams::operator==(const LLVolumeParams &params) const
-	return ( (getPathParams() == params.getPathParams()) &&
-			 (getProfileParams() == params.getProfileParams()) &&
-			 (mSculptID == params.mSculptID) &&
-			 (mSculptType == params.mSculptType) );
-bool LLVolumeParams::operator!=(const LLVolumeParams &params) const
-	return ( (getPathParams() != params.getPathParams()) ||
-			 (getProfileParams() != params.getProfileParams()) ||
-			 (mSculptID != params.mSculptID) ||
-			 (mSculptType != params.mSculptType) );
-bool LLVolumeParams::operator<(const LLVolumeParams &params) const
-	if( getPathParams() != params.getPathParams() )
-	{
-		return getPathParams() < params.getPathParams();
-	}
-	if (getProfileParams() != params.getProfileParams())
-	{
-		return getProfileParams() < params.getProfileParams();
-	}
-	if (mSculptID != params.mSculptID)
-	{
-		return mSculptID < params.mSculptID;
-	}
-	return mSculptType < params.mSculptType;
-void LLVolumeParams::copyParams(const LLVolumeParams &params)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	mProfileParams.copyParams(params.mProfileParams);
-	mPathParams.copyParams(params.mPathParams);
-	mSculptID = params.getSculptID();
-	mSculptType = params.getSculptType();
-// Less restricitve approx 0 for volumes
-const F32 APPROXIMATELY_ZERO = 0.001f;
-bool approx_zero( F32 f, F32 tolerance = APPROXIMATELY_ZERO)
-	return (f >= -tolerance) && (f <= tolerance);
-// return true if in range (or nearly so)
-static bool limit_range(F32& v, F32 min, F32 max, F32 tolerance = APPROXIMATELY_ZERO)
-	F32 min_delta = v - min;
-	if (min_delta < 0.f)
-	{
-		v = min;
-		if (!approx_zero(min_delta, tolerance))
-			return false;
-	}
-	F32 max_delta = max - v;
-	if (max_delta < 0.f)
-	{
-		v = max;
-		if (!approx_zero(max_delta, tolerance))
-			return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setBeginAndEndS(const F32 b, const F32 e)
-	bool valid = true;
-	// First, clamp to valid ranges.
-	F32 begin = b;
-	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, 1.f - MIN_CUT_DELTA);
-	F32 end = e;
-	if (end >= .0149f && end < MIN_CUT_DELTA) end = MIN_CUT_DELTA; // eliminate warning for common rounding error
-	valid &= limit_range(end, MIN_CUT_DELTA, 1.f);
-	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, end - MIN_CUT_DELTA, .01f);
-	// Now set them.
-	mProfileParams.setBegin(begin);
-	mProfileParams.setEnd(end);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setBeginAndEndT(const F32 b, const F32 e)
-	bool valid = true;
-	// First, clamp to valid ranges.
-	F32 begin = b;
-	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, 1.f - MIN_CUT_DELTA);
-	F32 end = e;
-	valid &= limit_range(end, MIN_CUT_DELTA, 1.f);
-	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, end - MIN_CUT_DELTA, .01f);
-	// Now set them.
-	mPathParams.setBegin(begin);
-	mPathParams.setEnd(end);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setHollow(const F32 h)
-	// Validate the hollow based on path and profile.
-	U8 profile 	= mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
-	U8 hole_type 	= mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK;
-	F32 max_hollow = HOLLOW_MAX;
-	// Only square holes have trouble.
-	if (LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE == hole_type)
-	{
-		switch(profile)
-		{
-			max_hollow = HOLLOW_MAX_SQUARE;
-		}
-	}
-	F32 hollow = h;
-	bool valid = limit_range(hollow, HOLLOW_MIN, max_hollow);
-	mProfileParams.setHollow(hollow); 
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setTwistBegin(const F32 b)
-	F32 twist_begin = b;
-	bool valid = limit_range(twist_begin, TWIST_MIN, TWIST_MAX);
-	mPathParams.setTwistBegin(twist_begin);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setTwistEnd(const F32 e)
-	F32 twist_end = e;
-	bool valid = limit_range(twist_end, TWIST_MIN, TWIST_MAX);
-	mPathParams.setTwistEnd(twist_end);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setRatio(const F32 x, const F32 y)
-	F32 min_x = RATIO_MIN;
-	F32 max_x = RATIO_MAX;
-	F32 min_y = RATIO_MIN;
-	F32 max_y = RATIO_MAX;
-	// If this is a circular path (and not a sphere) then 'ratio' is actually hole size.
-	U8 path_type 	= mPathParams.getCurveType();
-	U8 profile_type = mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
-	if ( LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE == path_type &&
-		 LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF != profile_type)
-	{
-		// Holes are more restricted...
-		min_x = HOLE_X_MIN;
-		max_x = HOLE_X_MAX;
-		min_y = HOLE_Y_MIN;
-		max_y = HOLE_Y_MAX;
-	}
-	F32 ratio_x = x;
-	bool valid = limit_range(ratio_x, min_x, max_x);
-	F32 ratio_y = y;
-	valid &= limit_range(ratio_y, min_y, max_y);
-	mPathParams.setScale(ratio_x, ratio_y);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setShear(const F32 x, const F32 y)
-	F32 shear_x = x;
-	bool valid = limit_range(shear_x, SHEAR_MIN, SHEAR_MAX);
-	F32 shear_y = y;
-	valid &= limit_range(shear_y, SHEAR_MIN, SHEAR_MAX);
-	mPathParams.setShear(shear_x, shear_y);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setTaperX(const F32 v)
-	F32 taper = v;
-	bool valid = limit_range(taper, TAPER_MIN, TAPER_MAX);
-	mPathParams.setTaperX(taper);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setTaperY(const F32 v)
-	F32 taper = v;
-	bool valid = limit_range(taper, TAPER_MIN, TAPER_MAX);
-	mPathParams.setTaperY(taper);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setRevolutions(const F32 r)
-	F32 revolutions = r;
-	bool valid = limit_range(revolutions, REV_MIN, REV_MAX);
-	mPathParams.setRevolutions(revolutions);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setRadiusOffset(const F32 offset)
-	bool valid = true;
-	// If this is a sphere, just set it to 0 and get out.
-	U8 path_type 	= mPathParams.getCurveType();
-	U8 profile_type = mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
-	if ( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF == profile_type ||
-		LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE != path_type )
-	{
-		mPathParams.setRadiusOffset(0.f);
-		return true;
-	}
-	// Limit radius offset, based on taper and hole size y.
-	F32 radius_offset	= offset;
-	F32 taper_y    		= getTaperY();
-	F32 radius_mag		= fabs(radius_offset);
-	F32 hole_y_mag 		= fabs(getRatioY());
-	F32 taper_y_mag		= fabs(taper_y);
-	// Check to see if the taper effects us.
-	if ( (radius_offset > 0.f && taper_y < 0.f) ||
-			(radius_offset < 0.f && taper_y > 0.f) )
-	{
-		// The taper does not help increase the radius offset range.
-		taper_y_mag = 0.f;
-	}
-	F32 max_radius_mag = 1.f - hole_y_mag * (1.f - taper_y_mag) / (1.f - hole_y_mag);
-	// Enforce the maximum magnitude.
-	F32 delta = max_radius_mag - radius_mag;
-	if (delta < 0.f)
-	{
-		// Check radius offset sign.
-		if (radius_offset < 0.f)
-		{
-			radius_offset = -max_radius_mag;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			radius_offset = max_radius_mag;
-		}
-		valid = approx_zero(delta, .1f);
-	}
-	mPathParams.setRadiusOffset(radius_offset);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setSkew(const F32 skew_value)
-	bool valid = true;
-	// Check the skew value against the revolutions.
-	F32 skew		= llclamp(skew_value, SKEW_MIN, SKEW_MAX);
-	F32 skew_mag	= fabs(skew);
-	F32 revolutions = getRevolutions();
-	F32 scale_x		= getRatioX();
-	F32 min_skew_mag = 1.0f - 1.0f / (revolutions * scale_x + 1.0f);
-	// Discontinuity; A revolution of 1 allows skews below 0.5.
-	if ( fabs(revolutions - 1.0f) < 0.001)
-		min_skew_mag = 0.0f;
-	// Clip skew.
-	F32 delta = skew_mag - min_skew_mag;
-	if (delta < 0.f)
-	{
-		// Check skew sign.
-		if (skew < 0.0f)
-		{
-			skew = -min_skew_mag;
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			skew = min_skew_mag;
-		}
-		valid = approx_zero(delta, .01f);
-	}
-	mPathParams.setSkew(skew);
-	return valid;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setSculptID(const LLUUID sculpt_id, U8 sculpt_type)
-	mSculptID = sculpt_id;
-	mSculptType = sculpt_type;
-	return true;
-bool LLVolumeParams::setType(U8 profile, U8 path)
-	bool result = true;
-	// First, check profile and path for validity.
-	U8 profile_type	= profile & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
-	U8 hole_type 	= (profile & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK) >> 4;
-	U8 path_type	= path >> 4;
-	if (profile_type > LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MAX)
-	{
-		// Bad profile.  Make it square.
-		result = false;
-		llwarns << "LLVolumeParams::setType changing bad profile type (" << profile_type
-			 	<< ") to be LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE" << llendl;
-	}
-	else if (hole_type > LL_PCODE_HOLE_MAX)
-	{
-		// Bad hole.  Make it the same.
-		profile = profile_type;
-		result = false;
-		llwarns << "LLVolumeParams::setType changing bad hole type (" << hole_type
-			 	<< ") to be LL_PCODE_HOLE_SAME" << llendl;
-	}
-	if (path_type < LL_PCODE_PATH_MIN ||
-		path_type > LL_PCODE_PATH_MAX)
-	{
-		// Bad path.  Make it linear.
-		result = false;
-		llwarns << "LLVolumeParams::setType changing bad path (" << path
-			 	<< ") to be LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE" << llendl;
-	}
-	mProfileParams.setCurveType(profile);
-	mPathParams.setCurveType(path);
-	return result;
-// static 
-bool LLVolumeParams::validate(U8 prof_curve, F32 prof_begin, F32 prof_end, F32 hollow,
-		U8 path_curve, F32 path_begin, F32 path_end,
-		F32 scx, F32 scy, F32 shx, F32 shy,
-		F32 twistend, F32 twistbegin, F32 radiusoffset,
-		F32 tx, F32 ty, F32 revolutions, F32 skew)
-	LLVolumeParams test_params;
-	if (!test_params.setType		(prof_curve, path_curve))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setBeginAndEndS	(prof_begin, prof_end))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setBeginAndEndT	(path_begin, path_end))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setHollow		(hollow))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setTwistBegin		(twistbegin))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setTwistEnd		(twistend))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setRatio		(scx, scy))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setShear		(shx, shy))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setTaper		(tx, ty))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setRevolutions		(revolutions))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setRadiusOffset	(radiusoffset))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	if (!test_params.setSkew		(skew))
-	{
-	    	return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-S32 *LLVolume::getTriangleIndices(U32 &num_indices) const
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	S32 expected_num_triangle_indices = getNumTriangleIndices();
-	if (expected_num_triangle_indices > MAX_VOLUME_TRIANGLE_INDICES)
-	{
-		// we don't allow LLVolumes with this many vertices
-		llwarns << "Couldn't allocate triangle indices" << llendl;
-		num_indices = 0;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	S32* index = new S32[expected_num_triangle_indices];
-	S32 count = 0;
-	// Let's do this totally diffently, as we don't care about faces...
-	// Counter-clockwise triangles are forward facing...
-	BOOL open = getProfile().isOpen();
-	BOOL hollow = (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0);
-	BOOL path_open = getPath().isOpen();
-	S32 size_s, size_s_out, size_t;
-	S32 s, t, i;
-	size_s = getProfile().getTotal();
-	size_s_out = getProfile().getTotalOut();
-	size_t = getPath().mPath.size();
-	// NOTE -- if the construction of the triangles below ever changes
-	// then getNumTriangleIndices() method may also have to be updated.
-	if (open)		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	{
-		if (hollow)
-		{
-			// Open hollow -- much like the closed solid, except we 
-			// we need to stitch up the gap between s=0 and s=size_s-1
-			for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
-			{
-				// The outer face, first cut, and inner face
-				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 1; s++)
-				{
-					i  = s + t*size_s;
-					index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
-					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-					index[count++]  = i + size_s + 1;	// x+1,y+1
-				}
-				// The other cut face
-				index[count++]  = s + t*size_s;		// x,y
-				index[count++]  = 0 + t*size_s;		// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = s + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = s + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = 0 + t*size_s;		// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = 0 + (t+1)*size_s;	// x+1,y+1
-			}
-			// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
-			if (path_open)
-			{
-				// Top cap
-				S32 pt1 = 0;
-				S32 pt2 = size_s-1;
-				S32 i   = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
-				while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
-				{
-					// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
-					// the un-transformed profile distances.
-					LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
-					LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
-					LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
-					LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
-					p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
-					F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
-					area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-								(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-								(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
-					area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-								(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
-								(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
-					area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-								(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-					area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-								(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-					BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
-					BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
-					if (area_1a2 < 0)
-					{
-						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (area_2ab < 0)
-					{
-						// Can't use, because it contains point b
-						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (area_21b < 0)
-					{
-						tri_21b = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (area_1ba < 0)
-					{
-						// Can't use, because it contains point b
-						tri_21b = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (!tri_1a2)
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-					else if (!tri_21b)
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
-						LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
-						if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
-						{
-							use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-						}
-					}
-					if (use_tri1a2)
-					{
-						index[count++] = pt1 + i;
-						index[count++] = pt1 + 1 + i;
-						index[count++] = pt2 + i;
-						pt1++;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						index[count++] = pt1 + i;
-						index[count++] = pt2 - 1 + i;
-						index[count++] = pt2 + i;
-						pt2--;
-					}
-				}
-				// Bottom cap
-				pt1          = 0;
-				pt2          = size_s-1;
-				while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
-				{
-					// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
-					// the un-transformed profile distances.
-					LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
-					LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
-					LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
-					LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
-					p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-					// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
-					F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
-					area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-								(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-								(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
-					area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-								(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
-								(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
-					area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-								(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-					area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-								(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-					BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
-					BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
-					if (area_1a2 < 0)
-					{
-						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (area_2ab < 0)
-					{
-						// Can't use, because it contains point b
-						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (area_21b < 0)
-					{
-						tri_21b = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (area_1ba < 0)
-					{
-						// Can't use, because it contains point b
-						tri_21b = FALSE;
-					}
-					if (!tri_1a2)
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-					else if (!tri_21b)
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
-						LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
-						if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
-						{
-							use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-						}
-					}
-					if (use_tri1a2)
-					{
-						index[count++] = pt1;
-						index[count++] = pt2;
-						index[count++] = pt1 + 1;
-						pt1++;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						index[count++] = pt1;
-						index[count++] = pt2;
-						index[count++] = pt2 - 1;
-						pt2--;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Open solid
-			for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
-			{
-				// Outer face + 1 cut face
-				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 1; s++)
-				{
-					i  = s + t*size_s;
-					index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
-					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-					index[count++]  = i + size_s + 1;	// x+1,y+1
-				}
-				// The other cut face
-				index[count++] = (size_s - 1) + (t*size_s);		// x,y
-				index[count++] = 0 + t*size_s;					// x+1,y
-				index[count++] = (size_s - 1) + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
-				index[count++] = (size_s - 1) + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
-				index[count++] = 0 + (t*size_s);				// x+1,y
-				index[count++] = 0 + (t+1)*size_s;				// x+1,y+1
-			}
-			// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
-			if (path_open)
-			{
-				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 2; s++)
-				{
-					index[count++] = s+1;
-					index[count++] = s;
-					index[count++] = size_s - 1;
-				}
-				// We've got a top cap
-				S32 offset = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
-				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 2; s++)
-				{
-					// Inverted ordering from bottom cap.
-					index[count++] = offset + size_s - 1;
-					index[count++] = offset + s;
-					index[count++] = offset + s + 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else if (hollow)
-	{
-		// Closed hollow
-		// Outer face
-		for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
-		{
-			for (s = 0; s < size_s_out - 1; s++)
-			{
-				i  = s + t*size_s;
-				index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
-				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = i + 1 + size_s;	// x+1,y+1
-			}
-		}
-		// Inner face
-		// Invert facing from outer face
-		for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
-		{
-			for (s = size_s_out; s < size_s - 1; s++)
-			{
-				i  = s + t*size_s;
-				index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
-				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = i + 1 + size_s;	// x+1,y+1
-			}
-		}
-		// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
-		if (path_open)
-		{
-			// Top cap
-			S32 pt1 = 0;
-			S32 pt2 = size_s-1;
-			S32 i   = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
-			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
-			{
-				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
-				// the un-transformed profile distances.
-				LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
-				LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
-				LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
-				LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
-				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
-				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
-				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
-				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
-				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
-				if (area_1a2 < 0)
-				{
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_2ab < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_21b < 0)
-				{
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_1ba < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (!tri_1a2)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				else if (!tri_21b)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
-					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
-					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-				}
-				if (use_tri1a2)
-				{
-					index[count++] = pt1 + i;
-					index[count++] = pt1 + 1 + i;
-					index[count++] = pt2 + i;
-					pt1++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					index[count++] = pt1 + i;
-					index[count++] = pt2 - 1 + i;
-					index[count++] = pt2 + i;
-					pt2--;
-				}
-			}
-			// Bottom cap
-			pt1          = 0;
-			pt2          = size_s-1;
-			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
-			{
-				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
-				// the un-transformed profile distances.
-				LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
-				LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
-				LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
-				LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
-				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
-				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
-				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
-				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
-				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
-				if (area_1a2 < 0)
-				{
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_2ab < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_21b < 0)
-				{
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_1ba < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (!tri_1a2)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				else if (!tri_21b)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
-					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
-					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-				}
-				if (use_tri1a2)
-				{
-					index[count++] = pt1;
-					index[count++] = pt2;
-					index[count++] = pt1 + 1;
-					pt1++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					index[count++] = pt1;
-					index[count++] = pt2;
-					index[count++] = pt2 - 1;
-					pt2--;
-				}
-			}
-		}		
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Closed solid.  Easy case.
-		for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
-		{
-			for (s = 0; s < size_s - 1; s++)
-			{
-				// Should wrap properly, but for now...
-				i  = s + t*size_s;
-				index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
-				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
-				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
-				index[count++]  = i + size_s + 1;	// x+1,y+1
-			}
-		}
-		// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
-		if (path_open)
-		{
-			// bottom cap
-			for (s = 1; s < size_s - 2; s++)
-			{
-				index[count++] = s+1;
-				index[count++] = s;
-				index[count++] = 0;
-			}
-			// top cap
-			S32 offset = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
-			for (s = 1; s < size_s - 2; s++)
-			{
-				// Inverted ordering from bottom cap.
-				index[count++] = offset;
-				index[count++] = offset + s;
-				index[count++] = offset + s + 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef LL_DEBUG
-	// assert that we computed the correct number of indices
-	if (count != expected_num_triangle_indices )
-	{
-		llerrs << "bad index count prediciton:"
-			<< "  expected=" << expected_num_triangle_indices 
-			<< " actual=" << count << llendl;
-	}
-#if 0
-	// verify that each index does not point beyond the size of the mesh
-	S32 num_vertices = mMesh.size();
-	for (i = 0; i < count; i+=3)
-	{
-		llinfos << index[i] << ":" << index[i+1] << ":" << index[i+2] << llendl;
-		llassert(index[i] < num_vertices);
-		llassert(index[i+1] < num_vertices);
-		llassert(index[i+2] < num_vertices);
-	}
-	num_indices = count;
-	return index;
-S32 LLVolume::getNumTriangleIndices() const
-	BOOL profile_open = getProfile().isOpen();
-	BOOL hollow = (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0);
-	BOOL path_open = getPath().isOpen();
-	S32 size_s, size_s_out, size_t;
-	size_s = getProfile().getTotal();
-	size_s_out = getProfile().getTotalOut();
-	size_t = getPath().mPath.size();
-	S32 count = 0;
-	if (profile_open)		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	{
-		if (hollow)
-		{
-			// Open hollow -- much like the closed solid, except we 
-			// we need to stitch up the gap between s=0 and s=size_s-1
-			count = (size_t - 1) * (((size_s -1) * 6) + 6);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			count = (size_t - 1) * (((size_s -1) * 6) + 6); 
-		}
-	}
-	else if (hollow)
-	{
-		// Closed hollow
-		// Outer face
-		count = (size_t - 1) * (size_s_out - 1) * 6;
-		// Inner face
-		count += (size_t - 1) * ((size_s - 1) - size_s_out) * 6;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Closed solid.  Easy case.
-		count = (size_t - 1) * (size_s - 1) * 6;
-	}
-	if (path_open)
-	{
-		S32 cap_triangle_count = size_s - 3;
-		if ( profile_open
-			|| hollow )
-		{
-			cap_triangle_count = size_s - 2;
-		}
-		if ( cap_triangle_count > 0 )
-		{
-			// top and bottom caps
-			count += cap_triangle_count * 2 * 3;
-		}
-	}
-	return count;
-S32 LLVolume::getNumTriangles() const
-	U32 triangle_count = 0;
-	for (S32 i = 0; i < getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i)
-	{
-		triangle_count += getVolumeFace(i).mNumIndices/3;
-	}
-	return triangle_count;
-// generateSilhouetteVertices()
-void LLVolume::generateSilhouetteVertices(std::vector<LLVector3> &vertices,
-										  std::vector<LLVector3> &normals,
-										  const LLVector3& obj_cam_vec_in,
-										  const LLMatrix4& mat_in,
-										  const LLMatrix3& norm_mat_in,
-										  S32 face_mask)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	LLMatrix4a mat;
-	mat.loadu(mat_in);
-	LLMatrix4a norm_mat;
-	norm_mat.loadu(norm_mat_in);
-	LLVector4a obj_cam_vec;
-	obj_cam_vec.load3(obj_cam_vec_in.mV);
-	vertices.clear();
-	normals.clear();
-	if ((mParams.getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	S32 cur_index = 0;
-	//for each face
-	for (face_list_t::iterator iter = mVolumeFaces.begin();
-		 iter != mVolumeFaces.end(); ++iter)
-	{
-		LLVolumeFace& face = *iter;
-		if (!(face_mask & (0x1 << cur_index++)) ||
-		     face.mNumIndices == 0 || face.mEdge.empty())
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (face.mTypeMask & (LLVolumeFace::CAP_MASK)) {
-		}
-		else {
-			//==============================================
-			//DEBUG draw edge map instead of silhouette edge
-			//==============================================
-			//for each triangle
-			U32 count = face.mNumIndices;
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < count/3; j++) {
-				//get vertices
-				S32 v1 = face.mIndices[j*3+0];
-				S32 v2 = face.mIndices[j*3+1];
-				S32 v3 = face.mIndices[j*3+2];
-				//get current face center
-				LLVector3 cCenter = (face.mVertices[v1].getPosition() + 
-									face.mVertices[v2].getPosition() + 
-									face.mVertices[v3].getPosition()) / 3.0f;
-				//for each edge
-				for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
-                    S32 nIndex = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
-					if (nIndex <= -1) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					if (nIndex >= (S32) count/3) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					//get neighbor vertices
-					v1 = face.mIndices[nIndex*3+0];
-					v2 = face.mIndices[nIndex*3+1];
-					v3 = face.mIndices[nIndex*3+2];
-					//get neighbor face center
-					LLVector3 nCenter = (face.mVertices[v1].getPosition() + 
-									face.mVertices[v2].getPosition() + 
-									face.mVertices[v3].getPosition()) / 3.0f;
-					//draw line
-					vertices.push_back(cCenter);
-					vertices.push_back(nCenter);
-					normals.push_back(LLVector3(1,1,1));
-					normals.push_back(LLVector3(1,1,1));
-					segments.push_back(vertices.size());
-				}
-			}
-			continue;
-			//==============================================
-			//DEBUG
-			//==============================================
-			//==============================================
-			//DEBUG draw normals instead of silhouette edge
-			//==============================================
-			//for each vertex
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; j++) {
-				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition());
-				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition() + face.mVertices[j].getNormal()*0.1f);
-				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
-				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
-				segments.push_back(vertices.size());
-				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition());
-				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition() + face.mVertices[j].mBinormal*0.1f);
-				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
-				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
-				segments.push_back(vertices.size());
-			}
-			continue;
-			//==============================================
-			//DEBUG
-			//==============================================
-			static const U8 AWAY = 0x01,
-							TOWARDS = 0x02;
-			//for each triangle
-			std::vector<U8> fFacing;
-			vector_append(fFacing, face.mNumIndices/3);
-			LLVector4a* v = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
-			LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices/3; j++) 
-			{
-				//approximate normal
-				S32 v1 = face.mIndices[j*3+0];
-				S32 v2 = face.mIndices[j*3+1];
-				S32 v3 = face.mIndices[j*3+2];
-				LLVector4a c1,c2;
-				c1.setSub(v[v1], v[v2]);
-				c2.setSub(v[v2], v[v3]);
-				LLVector4a norm;
-				norm.setCross3(c1, c2);
-				if (norm.dot3(norm) < 0.00000001f) 
-				{
-					fFacing[j] = AWAY | TOWARDS;
-				}
-				else 
-				{
-					//get view vector
-					LLVector4a view;
-					view.setSub(obj_cam_vec, v[v1]);
-					bool away = view.dot3(norm) > 0.0f; 
-					if (away) 
-					{
-						fFacing[j] = AWAY;
-					}
-					else 
-					{
-						fFacing[j] = TOWARDS;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//for each triangle
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices/3; j++) 
-			{
-				if (fFacing[j] == (AWAY | TOWARDS)) 
-				{ //this is a degenerate triangle
-					//take neighbor facing (degenerate faces get facing of one of their neighbors)
-					// *FIX IF NEEDED:  this does not deal with neighboring degenerate faces
-					for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) 
-					{
-						S32 index = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
-						if (index != -1) 
-						{
-							fFacing[j] = fFacing[index];
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					continue; //skip degenerate face
-				}
-				//for each edge
-				for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
-					S32 index = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
-					if (index != -1 && fFacing[index] == (AWAY | TOWARDS)) {
-						//our neighbor is degenerate, make him face our direction
-						fFacing[face.mEdge[j*3+k]] = fFacing[j];
-						continue;
-					}
-					if (index == -1 ||		//edge has no neighbor, MUST be a silhouette edge
-						(fFacing[index] & fFacing[j]) == 0) { 	//we found a silhouette edge
-						S32 v1 = face.mIndices[j*3+k];
-						S32 v2 = face.mIndices[j*3+((k+1)%3)];
-						LLVector4a t;
-						mat.affineTransform(v[v1], t);
-						vertices.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
-						norm_mat.rotate(n[v1], t);
-						t.normalize3fast();
-						normals.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
-						mat.affineTransform(v[v2], t);
-						vertices.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
-						norm_mat.rotate(n[v2], t);
-						t.normalize3fast();
-						normals.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
-					}
-				}		
-			}
-		}
-	}
-S32 LLVolume::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, 
-								   S32 face,
-								   LLVector3* intersection,LLVector2* tex_coord, LLVector3* normal, LLVector3* bi_normal)
-	LLVector4a starta, enda;
-	starta.load3(start.mV);
-	enda.load3(end.mV);
-	return lineSegmentIntersect(starta, enda, face, intersection, tex_coord, normal, bi_normal);
-S32 LLVolume::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, 
-								   S32 face,
-								   LLVector3* intersection,LLVector2* tex_coord, LLVector3* normal, LLVector3* bi_normal)
-	S32 hit_face = -1;
-	S32 start_face;
-	S32 end_face;
-	if (face == -1) // ALL_SIDES
-	{
-		start_face = 0;
-		end_face = getNumVolumeFaces() - 1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		start_face = face;
-		end_face = face;
-	}
-	LLVector4a dir;
-	dir.setSub(end, start);
-	F32 closest_t = 2.f; // must be larger than 1
-	end_face = llmin(end_face, getNumVolumeFaces()-1);
-	for (S32 i = start_face; i <= end_face; i++)
-	{
-		LLVolumeFace &face = mVolumeFaces[i];
-		LLVector4a box_center;
-		box_center.setAdd(face.mExtents[0], face.mExtents[1]);
-		box_center.mul(0.5f);
-		LLVector4a box_size;
-		box_size.setSub(face.mExtents[1], face.mExtents[0]);
-        if (LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(start, end, box_center, box_size))
-		{
-			if (bi_normal != NULL) // if the caller wants binormals, we may need to generate them
-			{
-				genBinormals(i);
-			}
-			if (!face.mOctree)
-			{
-				face.createOctree();
-			}
-			//LLVector4a* p = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
-			LLOctreeTriangleRayIntersect intersect(start, dir, &face, &closest_t, intersection, tex_coord, normal, bi_normal);
-			intersect.traverse(face.mOctree);
-			if (intersect.mHitFace)
-			{
-				hit_face = i;
-			}
-		}		
-	}
-	return hit_face;
-class LLVertexIndexPair
-	LLVertexIndexPair(const LLVector3 &vertex, const S32 index);
-	LLVector3 mVertex;
-	S32	mIndex;
-LLVertexIndexPair::LLVertexIndexPair(const LLVector3 &vertex, const S32 index)
-	mVertex = vertex;
-	mIndex = index;
-const F32 VERTEX_SLOP = 0.00001f;
-struct lessVertex
-	bool operator()(const LLVertexIndexPair *a, const LLVertexIndexPair *b)
-	{
-		const F32 slop = VERTEX_SLOP;
-		if (a->mVertex.mV[0] + slop < b->mVertex.mV[0])
-		{
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		else if (a->mVertex.mV[0] - slop > b->mVertex.mV[0])
-		{
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		if (a->mVertex.mV[1] + slop < b->mVertex.mV[1])
-		{
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		else if (a->mVertex.mV[1] - slop > b->mVertex.mV[1])
-		{
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		if (a->mVertex.mV[2] + slop < b->mVertex.mV[2])
-		{
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		else if (a->mVertex.mV[2] - slop > b->mVertex.mV[2])
-		{
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-struct lessTriangle
-	bool operator()(const S32 *a, const S32 *b)
-	{
-		if (*a < *b)
-		{
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		else if (*a > *b)
-		{
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		if (*(a+1) < *(b+1))
-		{
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		else if (*(a+1) > *(b+1))
-		{
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		if (*(a+2) < *(b+2))
-		{
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		else if (*(a+2) > *(b+2))
-		{
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-BOOL equalTriangle(const S32 *a, const S32 *b)
-	if ((*a == *b) && (*(a+1) == *(b+1)) && (*(a+2) == *(b+2)))
-	{
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-BOOL LLVolume::cleanupTriangleData( const S32 num_input_vertices,
-									const std::vector<Point>& input_vertices,
-									const S32 num_input_triangles,
-									S32 *input_triangles,
-									S32 &num_output_vertices,
-									LLVector3 **output_vertices,
-									S32 &num_output_triangles,
-									S32 **output_triangles)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	/* Testing: avoid any cleanup
-	static BOOL skip_cleanup = TRUE;
-	if ( skip_cleanup )
-	{
-		num_output_vertices = num_input_vertices;
-		num_output_triangles = num_input_triangles;
-		*output_vertices = new LLVector3[num_input_vertices];
-		for (S32 index = 0; index < num_input_vertices; index++)
-		{
-			(*output_vertices)[index] = input_vertices[index].mPos;
-		}
-		*output_triangles = new S32[num_input_triangles*3];
-		memcpy(*output_triangles, input_triangles, 3*num_input_triangles*sizeof(S32));		// Flawfinder: ignore
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	*/
-	// Here's how we do this:
-	// Create a structure which contains the original vertex index and the
-	// LLVector3 data.
-	// "Sort" the data by the vectors
-	// Create an array the size of the old vertex list, with a mapping of
-	// old indices to new indices.
-	// Go through triangles, shift so the lowest index is first
-	// Sort triangles by first index
-	// Remove duplicate triangles
-	// Allocate and pack new triangle data.
-	//LLTimer cleanupTimer;
-	//llinfos << "In vertices: " << num_input_vertices << llendl;
-	//llinfos << "In triangles: " << num_input_triangles << llendl;
-	S32 i;
-	typedef std::multiset<LLVertexIndexPair*, lessVertex> vertex_set_t;
-	vertex_set_t vertex_list;
-	LLVertexIndexPair *pairp = NULL;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_input_vertices; i++)
-	{
-		LLVertexIndexPair *new_pairp = new LLVertexIndexPair(input_vertices[i].mPos, i);
-		vertex_list.insert(new_pairp);
-	}
-	// Generate the vertex mapping and the list of vertices without
-	// duplicates.  This will crash if there are no vertices.
-	llassert(num_input_vertices > 0); // check for no vertices!
-	S32 *vertex_mapping = new S32[num_input_vertices];
-	LLVector3 *new_vertices = new LLVector3[num_input_vertices];
-	LLVertexIndexPair *prev_pairp = NULL;
-	S32 new_num_vertices;
-	new_num_vertices = 0;
-	for (vertex_set_t::iterator iter = vertex_list.begin(),
-			 end = vertex_list.end();
-		 iter != end; iter++)
-	{
-		pairp = *iter;
-		if (!prev_pairp || ((pairp->mVertex - prev_pairp->mVertex).magVecSquared() >= VERTEX_SLOP_SQRD))	
-		{
-			new_vertices[new_num_vertices] = pairp->mVertex;
-			//llinfos << "Added vertex " << new_num_vertices << " : " << pairp->mVertex << llendl;
-			new_num_vertices++;
-			// Update the previous
-			prev_pairp = pairp;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//llinfos << "Removed duplicate vertex " << pairp->mVertex << ", distance magVecSquared() is " << (pairp->mVertex - prev_pairp->mVertex).magVecSquared() << llendl;
-		}
-		vertex_mapping[pairp->mIndex] = new_num_vertices - 1;
-	}
-	// Iterate through triangles and remove degenerates, re-ordering vertices
-	// along the way.
-	S32 *new_triangles = new S32[num_input_triangles * 3];
-	S32 new_num_triangles = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_input_triangles; i++)
-	{
-		S32 v1 = i*3;
-		S32 v2 = v1 + 1;
-		S32 v3 = v1 + 2;
-		//llinfos << "Checking triangle " << input_triangles[v1] << ":" << input_triangles[v2] << ":" << input_triangles[v3] << llendl;
-		input_triangles[v1] = vertex_mapping[input_triangles[v1]];
-		input_triangles[v2] = vertex_mapping[input_triangles[v2]];
-		input_triangles[v3] = vertex_mapping[input_triangles[v3]];
-		if ((input_triangles[v1] == input_triangles[v2])
-			|| (input_triangles[v1] == input_triangles[v3])
-			|| (input_triangles[v2] == input_triangles[v3]))
-		{
-			//llinfos << "Removing degenerate triangle " << input_triangles[v1] << ":" << input_triangles[v2] << ":" << input_triangles[v3] << llendl;
-			// Degenerate triangle, skip
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (input_triangles[v1] < input_triangles[v2])
-		{
-			if (input_triangles[v1] < input_triangles[v3])
-			{
-				// (0 < 1) && (0 < 2)
-				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v1];
-				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v2];
-				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v3];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// (0 < 1) && (2 < 0)
-				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v3];
-				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v1];
-				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v2];
-			}
-		}
-		else if (input_triangles[v2] < input_triangles[v3])
-		{
-			// (1 < 0) && (1 < 2)
-			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v2];
-			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v3];
-			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v1];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// (1 < 0) && (2 < 1)
-			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v3];
-			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v1];
-			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v2];
-		}
-		new_num_triangles++;
-	}
-	if (new_num_triangles == 0)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Created volume object with 0 faces." << llendl;
-		delete[] new_triangles;
-		delete[] vertex_mapping;
-		delete[] new_vertices;
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	typedef std::set<S32*, lessTriangle> triangle_set_t;
-	triangle_set_t triangle_list;
-	for (i = 0; i < new_num_triangles; i++)
-	{
-		triangle_list.insert(&new_triangles[i*3]);
-	}
-	// Sort through the triangle list, and delete duplicates
-	S32 *prevp = NULL;
-	S32 *curp = NULL;
-	S32 *sorted_tris = new S32[new_num_triangles*3];
-	S32 cur_tri = 0;
-	for (triangle_set_t::iterator iter = triangle_list.begin(),
-			 end = triangle_list.end();
-		 iter != end; iter++)
-	{
-		curp = *iter;
-		if (!prevp || !equalTriangle(prevp, curp))
-		{
-			//llinfos << "Added triangle " << *curp << ":" << *(curp+1) << ":" << *(curp+2) << llendl;
-			sorted_tris[cur_tri*3] = *curp;
-			sorted_tris[cur_tri*3+1] = *(curp+1);
-			sorted_tris[cur_tri*3+2] = *(curp+2);
-			cur_tri++;
-			prevp = curp;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//llinfos << "Skipped triangle " << *curp << ":" << *(curp+1) << ":" << *(curp+2) << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	*output_vertices = new LLVector3[new_num_vertices];
-	num_output_vertices = new_num_vertices;
-	for (i = 0; i < new_num_vertices; i++)
-	{
-		(*output_vertices)[i] = new_vertices[i];
-	}
-	*output_triangles = new S32[cur_tri*3];
-	num_output_triangles = cur_tri;
-	memcpy(*output_triangles, sorted_tris, 3*cur_tri*sizeof(S32));		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	/*
-	llinfos << "Out vertices: " << num_output_vertices << llendl;
-	llinfos << "Out triangles: " << num_output_triangles << llendl;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_output_vertices; i++)
-	{
-		llinfos << i << ":" << (*output_vertices)[i] << llendl;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num_output_triangles; i++)
-	{
-		llinfos << i << ":" << (*output_triangles)[i*3] << ":" << (*output_triangles)[i*3+1] << ":" << (*output_triangles)[i*3+2] << llendl;
-	}
-	*/
-	//llinfos << "Out vertices: " << num_output_vertices << llendl;
-	//llinfos << "Out triangles: " << num_output_triangles << llendl;
-	delete[] vertex_mapping;
-	vertex_mapping = NULL;
-	delete[] new_vertices;
-	new_vertices = NULL;
-	delete[] new_triangles;
-	new_triangles = NULL;
-	delete[] sorted_tris;
-	sorted_tris = NULL;
-	triangle_list.clear();
-	std::for_each(vertex_list.begin(), vertex_list.end(), DeletePointer());
-	vertex_list.clear();
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLVolumeParams::importFile(LLFILE *fp)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	//llinfos << "importing volume" << llendl;
-	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
-	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of this buffer will require
-	// changing the sscanf below.
-	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	keyword[0] = 0;
-	while (!feof(fp))
-	{
-		if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp) == NULL)
-		{
-			buffer[0] = '\0';
-		}
-		sscanf(buffer, " %255s", keyword);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("profile", keyword))
-		{
-			mProfileParams.importFile(fp);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("path",keyword))
-		{
-			mPathParams.importFile(fp);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in volume import" << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLVolumeParams::exportFile(LLFILE *fp) const
-	fprintf(fp,"\tshape 0\n");
-	fprintf(fp,"\t{\n");
-	mPathParams.exportFile(fp);
-	mProfileParams.exportFile(fp);
-	fprintf(fp, "\t}\n");
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLVolumeParams::importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	//llinfos << "importing volume" << llendl;
-	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
-	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of this buffer will require
-	// changing the sscanf below.
-	char buffer[BUFSIZE];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	char keyword[256];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
-	keyword[0] = 0;
-	while (input_stream.good())
-	{
-		input_stream.getline(buffer, BUFSIZE);
-		sscanf(buffer, " %255s", keyword);
-		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("profile", keyword))
-		{
-			mProfileParams.importLegacyStream(input_stream);
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp("path",keyword))
-		{
-			mPathParams.importLegacyStream(input_stream);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in volume import" << llendl;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLVolumeParams::exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	output_stream <<"\tshape 0\n";
-	output_stream <<"\t{\n";
-	mPathParams.exportLegacyStream(output_stream);
-	mProfileParams.exportLegacyStream(output_stream);
-	output_stream << "\t}\n";
-	return TRUE;
-LLSD LLVolumeParams::sculptAsLLSD() const
-	LLSD sd = LLSD();
-	sd["id"] = getSculptID();
-	sd["type"] = getSculptType();
-	return sd;
-bool LLVolumeParams::sculptFromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
-	setSculptID(sd["id"].asUUID(), (U8)sd["type"].asInteger());
-	return true;
-LLSD LLVolumeParams::asLLSD() const
-	LLSD sd = LLSD();
-	sd["path"] = mPathParams;
-	sd["profile"] = mProfileParams;
-	sd["sculpt"] = sculptAsLLSD();
-	return sd;
-bool LLVolumeParams::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
-	mPathParams.fromLLSD(sd["path"]);
-	mProfileParams.fromLLSD(sd["profile"]);
-	sculptFromLLSD(sd["sculpt"]);
-	return true;
-void LLVolumeParams::reduceS(F32 begin, F32 end)
-	begin = llclampf(begin);
-	end = llclampf(end);
-	if (begin > end)
-	{
-		F32 temp = begin;
-		begin = end;
-		end = temp;
-	}
-	F32 a = mProfileParams.getBegin();
-	F32 b = mProfileParams.getEnd();
-	mProfileParams.setBegin(a + begin * (b - a));
-	mProfileParams.setEnd(a + end * (b - a));
-void LLVolumeParams::reduceT(F32 begin, F32 end)
-	begin = llclampf(begin);
-	end = llclampf(end);
-	if (begin > end)
-	{
-		F32 temp = begin;
-		begin = end;
-		end = temp;
-	}
-	F32 a = mPathParams.getBegin();
-	F32 b = mPathParams.getEnd();
-	mPathParams.setBegin(a + begin * (b - a));
-	mPathParams.setEnd(a + end * (b - a));
-const F32 MIN_CONCAVE_PROFILE_WEDGE = 0.125f;	// 1/8 unity
-const F32 MIN_CONCAVE_PATH_WEDGE = 0.111111f;	// 1/9 unity
-// returns TRUE if the shape can be approximated with a convex shape 
-// for collison purposes
-BOOL LLVolumeParams::isConvex() const
-	if (!getSculptID().isNull())
-	{
-		// can't determine, be safe and say no:
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	F32 path_length = mPathParams.getEnd() - mPathParams.getBegin();
-	F32 hollow = mProfileParams.getHollow();
-	U8 path_type = mPathParams.getCurveType();
-	if ( path_length > MIN_CONCAVE_PATH_WEDGE
-		&& ( mPathParams.getTwist() != mPathParams.getTwistBegin()
-		     || (hollow > 0.f 
-				 && LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE != path_type) ) )
-	{
-		// twist along a "not too short" path is concave
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	F32 profile_length = mProfileParams.getEnd() - mProfileParams.getBegin();
-	BOOL same_hole = hollow == 0.f 
-					 || (mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK) == LL_PCODE_HOLE_SAME;
-	F32 min_profile_wedge = MIN_CONCAVE_PROFILE_WEDGE;
-	U8 profile_type = mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
-	if ( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF == profile_type )
-	{
-		// it is a sphere and spheres get twice the minimum profile wedge
-		min_profile_wedge = 2.f * MIN_CONCAVE_PROFILE_WEDGE;
-	}
-	BOOL convex_profile = ( ( profile_length == 1.f
-						     || profile_length <= 0.5f )
-						   && hollow == 0.f )						// trivially convex
-						  || ( profile_length <= min_profile_wedge
-							  && same_hole );						// effectvely convex (even when hollow)
-	if (!convex_profile)
-	{
-		// profile is concave
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if ( LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE == path_type )
-	{
-		// straight paths with convex profile
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	BOOL concave_path = (path_length < 1.0f) && (path_length > 0.5f);
-	if (concave_path)
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// we're left with spheres, toroids and tubes
-	if ( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF == profile_type )
-	{
-		// at this stage all spheres must be convex
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	// it's a toroid or tube		
-	if ( path_length <= MIN_CONCAVE_PATH_WEDGE )
-	{
-		// effectively convex
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// debug
-void LLVolumeParams::setCube()
-	mProfileParams.setCurveType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE);
-	mProfileParams.setBegin(0.f);
-	mProfileParams.setEnd(1.f);
-	mProfileParams.setHollow(0.f);
-	mPathParams.setBegin(0.f);
-	mPathParams.setEnd(1.f);
-	mPathParams.setScale(1.f, 1.f);
-	mPathParams.setShear(0.f, 0.f);
-	mPathParams.setCurveType(LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE);
-	mPathParams.setTwistBegin(0.f);
-	mPathParams.setTwistEnd(0.f);
-	mPathParams.setRadiusOffset(0.f);
-	mPathParams.setTaper(0.f, 0.f);
-	mPathParams.setRevolutions(0.f);
-	mPathParams.setSkew(0.f);
-LLFaceID LLVolume::generateFaceMask()
-	LLFaceID new_mask = 0x0000;
-	switch(mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK)
-	{
-		new_mask |= LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0;
-		break;
-		{
-			for(S32 side = (S32)(mParams.getProfileParams().getBegin() * 4.f); side < llceil(mParams.getProfileParams().getEnd() * 4.f); side++)
-			{
-				new_mask |= LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << side;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			for(S32 side = (S32)(mParams.getProfileParams().getBegin() * 3.f); side < llceil(mParams.getProfileParams().getEnd() * 3.f); side++)
-			{
-				new_mask |= LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << side;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		llerrs << "Unknown profile!" << llendl;
-		break;
-	}
-	// handle hollow objects
-	if (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0)
-	{
-		new_mask |= LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE;
-	}
-	// handle open profile curves
-	if (mProfilep->isOpen())
-	{
-	}
-	// handle open path curves
-	if (mPathp->isOpen())
-	{
-	}
-	return new_mask;
-BOOL LLVolume::isFaceMaskValid(LLFaceID face_mask)
-	LLFaceID test_mask = 0;
-	for(S32 i = 0; i < getNumFaces(); i++)
-	{
-		test_mask |= mProfilep->mFaces[i].mFaceID;
-	}
-	return test_mask == face_mask;
-BOOL LLVolume::isConvex() const
-	// mParams.isConvex() may return FALSE even though the final
-	// geometry is actually convex due to LOD approximations.
-	// TODO -- provide LLPath and LLProfile with isConvex() methods
-	// that correctly determine convexity. -- Leviathan
-	return mParams.isConvex();
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLProfileParams &profile_params)
-	s << "{type=" << (U32) profile_params.mCurveType;
-	s << ", begin=" << profile_params.mBegin;
-	s << ", end=" << profile_params.mEnd;
-	s << ", hollow=" << profile_params.mHollow;
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLPathParams &path_params)
-	s << "{type=" << (U32) path_params.mCurveType;
-	s << ", begin=" << path_params.mBegin;
-	s << ", end=" << path_params.mEnd;
-	s << ", twist=" << path_params.mTwistEnd;
-	s << ", scale=" << path_params.mScale;
-	s << ", shear=" << path_params.mShear;
-	s << ", twist_begin=" << path_params.mTwistBegin;
-	s << ", radius_offset=" << path_params.mRadiusOffset;
-	s << ", taper=" << path_params.mTaper;
-	s << ", revolutions=" << path_params.mRevolutions;
-	s << ", skew=" << path_params.mSkew;
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolumeParams &volume_params)
-	s << "{profileparams = " << volume_params.mProfileParams;
-	s << ", pathparams = " << volume_params.mPathParams;
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLProfile &profile)
-	s << " {open=" << (U32) profile.mOpen;
-	s << ", dirty=" << profile.mDirty;
-	s << ", totalout=" << profile.mTotalOut;
-	s << ", total=" << profile.mTotal;
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLPath &path)
-	s << "{open=" << (U32) path.mOpen;
-	s << ", dirty=" << path.mDirty;
-	s << ", step=" << path.mStep;
-	s << ", total=" << path.mTotal;
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolume &volume)
-	s << "{params = " << volume.getParams();
-	s << ", path = " << *volume.mPathp;
-	s << ", profile = " << *volume.mProfilep;
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolume *volumep)
-	s << "{params = " << volumep->getParams();
-	s << ", path = " << *(volumep->mPathp);
-	s << ", profile = " << *(volumep->mProfilep);
-	s << "}";
-	return s;
-LLVolumeFace::LLVolumeFace() : 
-	mID(0),
-	mTypeMask(0),
-	mBeginS(0),
-	mBeginT(0),
-	mNumS(0),
-	mNumT(0),
-	mNumVertices(0),
-	mNumIndices(0),
-	mPositions(NULL),
-	mNormals(NULL),
-	mBinormals(NULL),
-	mTexCoords(NULL),
-	mIndices(NULL),
-	mWeights(NULL),
-	mOctree(NULL)
-	mExtents = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*3);
-	mCenter = mExtents+2;
-LLVolumeFace::LLVolumeFace(const LLVolumeFace& src)
-:	mID(0),
-	mTypeMask(0),
-	mBeginS(0),
-	mBeginT(0),
-	mNumS(0),
-	mNumT(0),
-	mNumVertices(0),
-	mNumIndices(0),
-	mPositions(NULL),
-	mNormals(NULL),
-	mBinormals(NULL),
-	mTexCoords(NULL),
-	mIndices(NULL),
-	mWeights(NULL),
-	mOctree(NULL)
-	mExtents = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*3);
-	mCenter = mExtents+2;
-	*this = src;
-LLVolumeFace& LLVolumeFace::operator=(const LLVolumeFace& src)
-	if (&src == this)
-	{ //self assignment, do nothing
-		return *this;
-	}
-	mID = src.mID;
-	mTypeMask = src.mTypeMask;
-	mBeginS = src.mBeginS;
-	mBeginT = src.mBeginT;
-	mNumS = src.mNumS;
-	mNumT = src.mNumT;
-	mExtents[0] = src.mExtents[0];
-	mExtents[1] = src.mExtents[1];
-	*mCenter = *src.mCenter;
-	mNumVertices = 0;
-	mNumIndices = 0;
-	freeData();
-	LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mExtents, (F32*) src.mExtents, 3*sizeof(LLVector4a));
-	resizeVertices(src.mNumVertices);
-	resizeIndices(src.mNumIndices);
-	if (mNumVertices)
-	{
-		S32 vert_size = mNumVertices*sizeof(LLVector4a);
-		S32 tc_size = (mNumVertices*sizeof(LLVector2)+0xF) & ~0xF;
-		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mPositions, (F32*) src.mPositions, vert_size);
-		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mNormals, (F32*) src.mNormals, vert_size);
-		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mTexCoords, (F32*) src.mTexCoords, tc_size);
-		if (src.mBinormals)
-		{
-			allocateBinormals(src.mNumVertices);
-			LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mBinormals, (F32*) src.mBinormals, vert_size);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			free(mBinormals);
-			mBinormals = NULL;
-		}
-		if (src.mWeights)
-		{
-			allocateWeights(src.mNumVertices);
-			LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mWeights, (F32*) src.mWeights, vert_size);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			free(mWeights);
-			mWeights = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	if (mNumIndices)
-	{
-		S32 idx_size = (mNumIndices*sizeof(U16)+0xF) & ~0xF;
-		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mIndices, (F32*) src.mIndices, idx_size);
-	}
-	//delete 
-	return *this;
-	free(mExtents);
-	mExtents = NULL;
-	freeData();
-void LLVolumeFace::freeData()
-	free(mPositions);
-	mPositions = NULL;
-	free( mNormals);
-	mNormals = NULL;
-	free(mTexCoords);
-	mTexCoords = NULL;
-	free(mIndices);
-	mIndices = NULL;
-	free(mBinormals);
-	mBinormals = NULL;
-	free(mWeights);
-	mWeights = NULL;
-	delete mOctree;
-	mOctree = NULL;
-BOOL LLVolumeFace::create(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
-	//tree for this face is no longer valid
-	delete mOctree;
-	mOctree = NULL;
-	BOOL ret = FALSE ;
-	if (mTypeMask & CAP_MASK)
-	{
-		ret = createCap(volume, partial_build);
-	}
-	else if ((mTypeMask & END_MASK) || (mTypeMask & SIDE_MASK))
-	{
-		ret = createSide(volume, partial_build);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		llerrs << "Unknown/uninitialized face type!" << llendl;
-	}
-	//update the range of the texture coordinates
-	if(ret)
-	{
-		mTexCoordExtents[0].setVec(1.f, 1.f) ;
-		mTexCoordExtents[1].setVec(0.f, 0.f) ;
-		for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mNumVertices ; i++)
-		{
-			if(mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] > mTexCoords[i].mV[0])
-			{
-				mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] = mTexCoords[i].mV[0] ;
-			}
-			if(mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] < mTexCoords[i].mV[0])
-			{
-				mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] = mTexCoords[i].mV[0] ;
-			}
-			if(mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] > mTexCoords[i].mV[1])
-			{
-				mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] = mTexCoords[i].mV[1] ;
-			}
-			if(mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] < mTexCoords[i].mV[1])
-			{
-				mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] = mTexCoords[i].mV[1] ;
-			}			
-		}
-		mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] = llmax(0.f, mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0]) ;
-		mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] = llmax(0.f, mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1]) ;
-		mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] = llmin(1.f, mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0]) ;
-		mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] = llmin(1.f, mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1]) ;
-	}
-	return ret ;
-void LLVolumeFace::getVertexData(U16 index, LLVolumeFace::VertexData& cv)
-	cv.setPosition(mPositions[index]);
-	cv.setNormal(mNormals[index]);
-	cv.mTexCoord = mTexCoords[index];
-bool LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::operator==(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs) const
-	return getPosition().equals3(rhs.getPosition()) &&
-		mTexCoord == rhs.mTexCoord &&
-		getNormal().equals3(rhs.getNormal());
-bool LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::ComparePosition::operator()(const LLVector3& a, const LLVector3& b) const
-	if (a.mV[0] != b.mV[0])
-	{
-		return a.mV[0] < b.mV[0];
-	}
-	if (a.mV[1] != b.mV[1])
-	{
-		return a.mV[1] < b.mV[1];
-	}
-	return a.mV[2] < b.mV[2];
-void LLVolumeFace::optimize(F32 angle_cutoff)
-	LLVolumeFace new_face;
-	//map of points to vector of vertices at that point
-	VertexMapData::PointMap point_map;
-	//remove redundant vertices
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
-	{
-		U16 index = mIndices[i];
-		LLVolumeFace::VertexData cv;
-		getVertexData(index, cv);
-		BOOL found = FALSE;
-		VertexMapData::PointMap::iterator point_iter = point_map.find(LLVector3(cv.getPosition().getF32ptr()));
-		if (point_iter != point_map.end())
-		{ //duplicate point might exist
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < point_iter->second.size(); ++j)
-			{
-				LLVolumeFace::VertexData& tv = (point_iter->second)[j];
-				if (tv.compareNormal(cv, angle_cutoff))
-				{
-					found = TRUE;
-					new_face.pushIndex((point_iter->second)[j].mIndex);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (!found)
-		{
-			new_face.pushVertex(cv);
-			U16 index = (U16) new_face.mNumVertices-1;
-			new_face.pushIndex(index);
-			VertexMapData d;
-			d.setPosition(cv.getPosition());
-			d.mTexCoord = cv.mTexCoord;
-			d.setNormal(cv.getNormal());
-			d.mIndex = index;
-			if (point_iter != point_map.end())
-			{
-				point_iter->second.push_back(d);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				point_map[LLVector3(d.getPosition().getF32ptr())].push_back(d);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	swapData(new_face);
-class LLVCacheTriangleData;
-class LLVCacheVertexData
-	S32 mIdx;
-	S32 mCacheTag;
-	F32 mScore;
-	U32 mActiveTriangles;
-	std::vector<LLVCacheTriangleData*> mTriangles;
-	LLVCacheVertexData()
-	{
-		mCacheTag = -1;
-		mScore = 0.f;
-		mActiveTriangles = 0;
-		mIdx = -1;
-	}
-class LLVCacheTriangleData
-	bool mActive;
-	F32 mScore;
-	LLVCacheVertexData* mVertex[3];
-	LLVCacheTriangleData()
-	{
-		mActive = true;
-		mScore = 0.f;
-		mVertex[0] = mVertex[1] = mVertex[2] = NULL;
-	}
-	void complete()
-	{
-		mActive = false;
-		for (S32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-		{
-			if (mVertex[i])
-			{
-				llassert_always(mVertex[i]->mActiveTriangles > 0);
-				mVertex[i]->mActiveTriangles--;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	bool operator<(const LLVCacheTriangleData& rhs) const
-	{ //highest score first
-		return rhs.mScore < mScore;
-	}
-const F32 FindVertexScore_CacheDecayPower = 1.5f;
-const F32 FindVertexScore_LastTriScore = 0.75f;
-const F32 FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostScale = 2.0f;
-const F32 FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostPower = 0.5f;
-const U32 MaxSizeVertexCache = 32;
-F32 find_vertex_score(LLVCacheVertexData& data)
-	if (data.mActiveTriangles == 0)
-	{ //no triangle references this vertex
-		return -1.f;
-	}
-	F32 score = 0.f;
-	S32 cache_idx = data.mCacheTag;
-	if (cache_idx < 0)
-	{
-		//not in cache
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (cache_idx < 3)
-		{ //vertex was in the last triangle
-			score = FindVertexScore_LastTriScore;
-		}
-		else
-		{ //more points for being higher in the cache
-			F32 scaler = 1.f/(MaxSizeVertexCache-3);
-			score = 1.f-((cache_idx-3)*scaler);
-			score = powf(score, FindVertexScore_CacheDecayPower);
-		}
-	}
-	//bonus points for having low valence
-	F32 valence_boost = powf(data.mActiveTriangles, -FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostPower);
-	score += FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostScale * valence_boost;
-	return score;
-class LLVCacheFIFO
-	LLVCacheVertexData* mCache[MaxSizeVertexCache];
-	U32 mMisses;
-	LLVCacheFIFO()
-	{
-		mMisses = 0;
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache; ++i)
-		{
-			mCache[i] = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	void addVertex(LLVCacheVertexData* data)
-	{
-		if (data->mCacheTag == -1)
-		{
-			mMisses++;
-			S32 end = MaxSizeVertexCache-1;
-			if (mCache[end])
-			{
-				mCache[end]->mCacheTag = -1;
-			}
-			for (S32 i = end; i > 0; --i)
-			{
-				mCache[i] = mCache[i-1];
-				if (mCache[i])
-				{
-					mCache[i]->mCacheTag = i;
-				}
-			}
-			mCache[0] = data;
-			data->mCacheTag = 0;
-		}
-	}
-class LLVCacheLRU
-	LLVCacheVertexData* mCache[MaxSizeVertexCache+3];
-	LLVCacheTriangleData* mBestTriangle;
-	U32 mMisses;
-	LLVCacheLRU()
-	{
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
-		{
-			mCache[i] = NULL;
-		}
-		mBestTriangle = NULL;
-		mMisses = 0;
-	}
-	void addVertex(LLVCacheVertexData* data)
-	{
-		S32 end = MaxSizeVertexCache+2;
-		if (data->mCacheTag != -1)
-		{ //just moving a vertex to the front of the cache
-			end = data->mCacheTag;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			mMisses++;
-			if (mCache[end])
-			{ //adding a new vertex, vertex at end of cache falls off
-				mCache[end]->mCacheTag = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		for (S32 i = end; i > 0; --i)
-		{ //adjust cache pointers and tags
-			mCache[i] = mCache[i-1];
-			if (mCache[i])
-			{
-				mCache[i]->mCacheTag = i;			
-			}
-		}
-		mCache[0] = data;
-		mCache[0]->mCacheTag = 0;
-	}
-	void addTriangle(LLVCacheTriangleData* data)
-	{
-		addVertex(data->mVertex[0]);
-		addVertex(data->mVertex[1]);
-		addVertex(data->mVertex[2]);
-	}
-	void updateScores()
-	{
-		for (U32 i = MaxSizeVertexCache; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
-		{ //trailing 3 vertices aren't actually in the cache for scoring purposes
-			if (mCache[i])
-			{
-				mCache[i]->mCacheTag = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache; ++i)
-		{ //update scores of vertices in cache
-			if (mCache[i])
-			{
-				mCache[i]->mScore = find_vertex_score(*(mCache[i]));
-				llassert_always(mCache[i]->mCacheTag == i);
-			}
-		}
-		mBestTriangle = NULL;
-		//update triangle scores
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
-		{
-			if (mCache[i])
-			{
-				for (U32 j = 0; j < mCache[i]->mTriangles.size(); ++j)
-				{
-					LLVCacheTriangleData* tri = mCache[i]->mTriangles[j];
-					if (tri->mActive)
-					{
-						tri->mScore = tri->mVertex[0]->mScore;
-						tri->mScore += tri->mVertex[1]->mScore;
-						tri->mScore += tri->mVertex[2]->mScore;
-						if (!mBestTriangle || mBestTriangle->mScore < tri->mScore)
-						{
-							mBestTriangle = tri;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//knock trailing 3 vertices off the cache
-		for (U32 i = MaxSizeVertexCache; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
-		{
-			if (mCache[i])
-			{
-				llassert_always(mCache[i]->mCacheTag == -1);
-				mCache[i] = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void LLVolumeFace::cacheOptimize()
-{ //optimize for vertex cache according to Forsyth method: 
-  // http://home.comcast.net/~tom_forsyth/papers/fast_vert_cache_opt.html
-	LLVCacheLRU cache;
-	//mapping of vertices to triangles and indices
-	std::vector<LLVCacheVertexData> vertex_data;
-	//mapping of triangles do vertices
-	std::vector<LLVCacheTriangleData> triangle_data;
-	triangle_data.resize(mNumIndices/3);
-	vertex_data.resize(mNumVertices);
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; i++)
-	{ //populate vertex data and triangle data arrays
-		U16 idx = mIndices[i];
-		U32 tri_idx = i/3;
-		vertex_data[idx].mTriangles.push_back(&(triangle_data[tri_idx]));
-		vertex_data[idx].mIdx = idx;
-		triangle_data[tri_idx].mVertex[i%3] = &(vertex_data[idx]);
-	}
-	/*F32 pre_acmr = 1.f;
-	//measure cache misses from before rebuild
-	{
-		LLVCacheFIFO test_cache;
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
-		{
-			test_cache.addVertex(&vertex_data[mIndices[i]]);
-		}
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
-		{
-			vertex_data[i].mCacheTag = -1;
-		}
-		pre_acmr = (F32) test_cache.mMisses/(mNumIndices/3);
-	}*/
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
-	{ //initialize score values (no cache -- might try a fifo cache here)
-		vertex_data[i].mScore = find_vertex_score(vertex_data[i]);
-		vertex_data[i].mActiveTriangles = vertex_data[i].mTriangles.size();
-		for (U32 j = 0; j < vertex_data[i].mTriangles.size(); ++j)
-		{
-			vertex_data[i].mTriangles[j]->mScore += vertex_data[i].mScore;
-		}
-	}
-	//sort triangle data by score
-	std::sort(triangle_data.begin(), triangle_data.end());
-	std::vector<U16> new_indices;
-	LLVCacheTriangleData* tri;
-	//prime pump by adding first triangle to cache;
-	tri = &(triangle_data[0]);
-	cache.addTriangle(tri);
-	new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[0]->mIdx);
-	new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[1]->mIdx);
-	new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[2]->mIdx);
-	tri->complete();
-	U32 breaks = 0;
-	for (U32 i = 1; i < mNumIndices/3; ++i)
-	{
-		cache.updateScores();
-		tri = cache.mBestTriangle;
-		if (!tri)
-		{
-			breaks++;
-			for (U32 j = 0; j < triangle_data.size(); ++j)
-			{
-				if (triangle_data[j].mActive)
-				{
-					tri = &(triangle_data[j]);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}	
-		cache.addTriangle(tri);
-		new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[0]->mIdx);
-		new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[1]->mIdx);
-		new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[2]->mIdx);
-		tri->complete();
-	}
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
-	{
-		mIndices[i] = new_indices[i];
-	}
-	/*F32 post_acmr = 1.f;
-	//measure cache misses from after rebuild
-	{
-		LLVCacheFIFO test_cache;
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
-		{
-			vertex_data[i].mCacheTag = -1;
-		}
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
-		{
-			test_cache.addVertex(&vertex_data[mIndices[i]]);
-		}
-		post_acmr = (F32) test_cache.mMisses/(mNumIndices/3);
-	}*/
-	//optimize for pre-TnL cache
-	//allocate space for new buffer
-	S32 num_verts = mNumVertices;
-	LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-	LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-	S32 size = ((num_verts*sizeof(LLVector2)) + 0xF) & ~0xF;
-	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) malloc(size);
-	LLVector4a* wght = NULL;
-	if (mWeights)
-	{
-		wght = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-	}
-	LLVector4a* binorm = NULL;
-	if (mBinormals)
-	{
-		binorm = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-	}
-	//allocate mapping of old indices to new indices
-	std::vector<S32> new_idx;
-	new_idx.resize(mNumVertices, -1);
-	S32 cur_idx = 0;
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
-	{
-		U16 idx = mIndices[i];
-		if (new_idx[idx] == -1)
-		{ //this vertex hasn't been added yet
-			new_idx[idx] = cur_idx;
-			//copy vertex data
-			pos[cur_idx] = mPositions[idx];
-			norm[cur_idx] = mNormals[idx];
-			tc[cur_idx] = mTexCoords[idx];
-			if (mWeights)
-			{
-				wght[cur_idx] = mWeights[idx];
-			}
-			if (mBinormals)
-			{
-				binorm[cur_idx] = mBinormals[idx];
-			}
-			cur_idx++;
-		}
-	}
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
-	{
-		mIndices[i] = new_idx[mIndices[i]];
-	}
-	free(mPositions);
-	free(mNormals);
-	free(mTexCoords);
-	free(mWeights);
-	free(mBinormals);
-	mPositions = pos;
-	mNormals = norm;
-	mTexCoords = tc;
-	mWeights = wght;
-	mBinormals = binorm;
-	//std::string result = llformat("ACMR pre/post: %.3f/%.3f  --  %d triangles %d breaks", pre_acmr, post_acmr, mNumIndices/3, breaks);
-	//llinfos << result << llendl;
-void LLVolumeFace::createOctree(F32 scaler, const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& size)
-	if (mOctree)
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	mOctree = new LLOctreeRoot<LLVolumeTriangle>(center, size, NULL);
-	new LLVolumeOctreeListener(mOctree);
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; i+= 3)
-	{ //for each triangle
-		LLPointer<LLVolumeTriangle> tri = new LLVolumeTriangle();
-		const LLVector4a& v0 = mPositions[mIndices[i]];
-		const LLVector4a& v1 = mPositions[mIndices[i+1]];
-		const LLVector4a& v2 = mPositions[mIndices[i+2]];
-		//store pointers to vertex data
-		tri->mV[0] = &v0;
-		tri->mV[1] = &v1;
-		tri->mV[2] = &v2;
-		//store indices
-		tri->mIndex[0] = mIndices[i];
-		tri->mIndex[1] = mIndices[i+1];
-		tri->mIndex[2] = mIndices[i+2];
-		//get minimum point
-		LLVector4a min = v0;
-		min.setMin(min, v1);
-		min.setMin(min, v2);
-		//get maximum point
-		LLVector4a max = v0;
-		max.setMax(max, v1);
-		max.setMax(max, v2);
-		//compute center
-		LLVector4a center;
-		center.setAdd(min, max);
-		center.mul(0.5f);
-		tri->mPositionGroup = center;
-		//compute "radius"
-		LLVector4a size;
-		size.setSub(max,min);
-		tri->mRadius = size.getLength3().getF32() * scaler;
-		//insert
-		mOctree->insert(tri);
-	}
-	//remove unneeded octree layers
-	while (!mOctree->balance())	{ }
-	//calculate AABB for each node
-	LLVolumeOctreeRebound rebound(this);
-	rebound.traverse(mOctree);
-	if (gDebugGL)
-	{
-		LLVolumeOctreeValidate validate;
-		validate.traverse(mOctree);
-	}
-void LLVolumeFace::swapData(LLVolumeFace& rhs)
-	llswap(rhs.mPositions, mPositions);
-	llswap(rhs.mNormals, mNormals);
-	llswap(rhs.mBinormals, mBinormals);
-	llswap(rhs.mTexCoords, mTexCoords);
-	llswap(rhs.mIndices,mIndices);
-	llswap(rhs.mNumVertices, mNumVertices);
-	llswap(rhs.mNumIndices, mNumIndices);
-void	LerpPlanarVertex(LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v0,
-				   LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v1,
-				   LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v2,
-				   LLVolumeFace::VertexData& vout,
-				   F32	coef01,
-				   F32	coef02)
-	LLVector4a lhs;
-	lhs.setSub(v1.getPosition(), v0.getPosition());
-	lhs.mul(coef01);
-	LLVector4a rhs;
-	rhs.setSub(v2.getPosition(), v0.getPosition());
-	rhs.mul(coef02);
-	rhs.add(lhs);
-	rhs.add(v0.getPosition());
-	vout.setPosition(rhs);
-	vout.mTexCoord = v0.mTexCoord + ((v1.mTexCoord-v0.mTexCoord)*coef01)+((v2.mTexCoord-v0.mTexCoord)*coef02);
-	vout.setNormal(v0.getNormal());
-BOOL LLVolumeFace::createUnCutCubeCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	const std::vector<LLVolume::Point>& mesh = volume->getMesh();
-	const std::vector<LLVector3>& profile = volume->getProfile().mProfile;
-	S32 max_s = volume->getProfile().getTotal();
-	S32 max_t = volume->getPath().mPath.size();
-	// S32 i;
-	S32 num_vertices = 0, num_indices = 0;
-	S32	grid_size = (profile.size()-1)/4;
-	S32	quad_count = (grid_size * grid_size);
-	num_vertices = (grid_size+1)*(grid_size+1);
-	num_indices = quad_count * 4;
-	LLVector4a& min = mExtents[0];
-	LLVector4a& max = mExtents[1];
-	S32 offset = 0;
-	if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-	{
-		offset = (max_t-1) * max_s;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		offset = mBeginS;
-	}
-	{
-		VertexData	corners[4];
-		VertexData baseVert;
-		for(S32 t = 0; t < 4; t++)
-		{
-			corners[t].getPosition().load3( mesh[offset + (grid_size*t)].mPos.mV);
-			corners[t].mTexCoord.mV[0] = profile[grid_size*t].mV[0]+0.5f;
-			corners[t].mTexCoord.mV[1] = 0.5f - profile[grid_size*t].mV[1];
-		}
-		{
-			LLVector4a lhs;
-			lhs.setSub(corners[1].getPosition(), corners[0].getPosition());
-			LLVector4a rhs;
-			rhs.setSub(corners[2].getPosition(), corners[1].getPosition());
-			baseVert.getNormal().setCross3(lhs, rhs); 
-			baseVert.getNormal().normalize3fast();
-		}
-		if(!(mTypeMask & TOP_MASK))
-		{
-			baseVert.getNormal().mul(-1.0f);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//Swap the UVs on the U(X) axis for top face
-			LLVector2 swap;
-			swap = corners[0].mTexCoord;
-			corners[0].mTexCoord=corners[3].mTexCoord;
-			corners[3].mTexCoord=swap;
-			swap = corners[1].mTexCoord;
-			corners[1].mTexCoord=corners[2].mTexCoord;
-			corners[2].mTexCoord=swap;
-		}
-		LLVector4a binormal;
-		calc_binormal_from_triangle( binormal,
-			corners[0].getPosition(), corners[0].mTexCoord,
-			corners[1].getPosition(), corners[1].mTexCoord,
-			corners[2].getPosition(), corners[2].mTexCoord);
-		binormal.normalize3fast();
-		S32 size = (grid_size+1)*(grid_size+1);
-		resizeVertices(size);
-		allocateBinormals(size);
-		LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) mPositions;
-		LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) mNormals;
-		LLVector4a* binorm = (LLVector4a*) mBinormals;
-		LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
-		for(int gx = 0;gx<grid_size+1;gx++)
-		{
-			for(int gy = 0;gy<grid_size+1;gy++)
-			{
-				VertexData newVert;
-				LerpPlanarVertex(
-					corners[0],
-					corners[1],
-					corners[3],
-					newVert,
-					(F32)gx/(F32)grid_size,
-					(F32)gy/(F32)grid_size);
-				*pos++ = newVert.getPosition();
-				*norm++ = baseVert.getNormal();
-				*tc++ = newVert.mTexCoord;
-				*binorm++ = binormal;
-				if (gx == 0 && gy == 0)
-				{
-					min = newVert.getPosition();
-					max = min;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					min.setMin(min, newVert.getPosition());
-					max.setMax(max, newVert.getPosition());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		mCenter->setAdd(min, max);
-		mCenter->mul(0.5f); 
-	}
-	if (!partial_build)
-	{
-		resizeIndices(grid_size*grid_size*6);
-		U16* out = mIndices;
-		S32 idxs[] = {0,1,(grid_size+1)+1,(grid_size+1)+1,(grid_size+1),0};
-		for(S32 gx = 0;gx<grid_size;gx++)
-		{
-			for(S32 gy = 0;gy<grid_size;gy++)
-			{
-				if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-				{
-					for(S32 i=5;i>=0;i--)
-					{
-						*out++ = ((gy*(grid_size+1))+gx+idxs[i]);
-					}		
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					for(S32 i=0;i<6;i++)
-					{
-						*out++ = ((gy*(grid_size+1))+gx+idxs[i]);
-					}
-				}
-			}	
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL LLVolumeFace::createCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	if (!(mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK) && 
-		!(mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK) && 
-		((volume->getParams().getPathParams().getBegin()==0.0f)&&
-		(volume->getParams().getPathParams().getEnd()==1.0f))&&
-		(volume->getParams().getProfileParams().getCurveType()==LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE &&
-		 volume->getParams().getPathParams().getCurveType()==LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE)	
-		){
-		return createUnCutCubeCap(volume, partial_build);
-	}
-	S32 num_vertices = 0, num_indices = 0;
-	const std::vector<LLVolume::Point>& mesh = volume->getMesh();
-	const std::vector<LLVector3>& profile = volume->getProfile().mProfile;
-	// All types of caps have the same number of vertices and indices
-	num_vertices = profile.size();
-	num_indices = (profile.size() - 2)*3;
-	if (!(mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK) && !(mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK))
-	{
-		resizeVertices(num_vertices+1);
-		allocateBinormals(num_vertices+1);	
-		if (!partial_build)
-		{
-			resizeIndices(num_indices+3);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		resizeVertices(num_vertices);
-		allocateBinormals(num_vertices);
-		if (!partial_build)
-		{
-			resizeIndices(num_indices);
-		}
-	}
-	S32 max_s = volume->getProfile().getTotal();
-	S32 max_t = volume->getPath().mPath.size();
-	mCenter->clear();
-	S32 offset = 0;
-	if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-	{
-		offset = (max_t-1) * max_s;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		offset = mBeginS;
-	}
-	// Figure out the normal, assume all caps are flat faces.
-	// Cross product to get normals.
-	LLVector2 cuv;
-	LLVector2 min_uv, max_uv;
-	LLVector4a& min = mExtents[0];
-	LLVector4a& max = mExtents[1];
-	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
-	LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) mPositions;
-	LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) mNormals;
-	LLVector4a* binorm = (LLVector4a*) mBinormals;
-	// Copy the vertices into the array
-	for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
-	{
-		if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-		{
-			tc[i].mV[0] = profile[i].mV[0]+0.5f;
-			tc[i].mV[1] = profile[i].mV[1]+0.5f;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Mirror for underside.
-			tc[i].mV[0] = profile[i].mV[0]+0.5f;
-			tc[i].mV[1] = 0.5f - profile[i].mV[1];
-		}
-		pos[i].load3(mesh[i + offset].mPos.mV);
-		if (i == 0)
-		{
-			max = pos[i];
-			min = max;
-			min_uv = max_uv = tc[i];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			update_min_max(min,max,pos[i]);
-			update_min_max(min_uv, max_uv, tc[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	mCenter->setAdd(min, max);
-	mCenter->mul(0.5f); 
-	cuv = (min_uv + max_uv)*0.5f;
-	LLVector4a binormal;
-	calc_binormal_from_triangle(binormal,
-		*mCenter, cuv,
-		pos[0], tc[0],
-		pos[1], tc[1]);
-	binormal.normalize3fast();
-	LLVector4a normal;
-	LLVector4a d0, d1;
-	d0.setSub(*mCenter, pos[0]);
-	d1.setSub(*mCenter, pos[1]);
-	if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-	{
-		normal.setCross3(d0, d1);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		normal.setCross3(d1, d0);
-	}
-	normal.normalize3fast();
-	VertexData vd;
-	vd.setPosition(*mCenter);
-	vd.mTexCoord = cuv;
-	if (!(mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK) && !(mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK))
-	{
-		pos[num_vertices] = *mCenter;
-		tc[num_vertices] = cuv;
-		num_vertices++;
-	}
-	for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
-	{
-		binorm[i].load4a(binormal.getF32ptr());
-		norm[i].load4a(normal.getF32ptr());
-	}
-	if (partial_build)
-	{
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	if (mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK)
-	{
-		if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-		{
-			// Does it matter if it's open or closed? - djs
-			S32 pt1 = 0, pt2 = num_vertices - 1;
-			S32 i = 0;
-			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
-			{
-				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
-				// the un-transformed profile distances.
-				LLVector3 p1 = profile[pt1];
-				LLVector3 p2 = profile[pt2];
-				LLVector3 pa = profile[pt1+1];
-				LLVector3 pb = profile[pt2-1];
-				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
-				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
-				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
-				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
-				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
-				if (area_1a2 < 0)
-				{
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_2ab < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_21b < 0)
-				{
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_1ba < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (!tri_1a2)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				else if (!tri_21b)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
-					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
-					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-				}
-				if (use_tri1a2)
-				{
-					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt1 + 1;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
-					pt1++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt2 - 1;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
-					pt2--;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Does it matter if it's open or closed? - djs
-			llassert(mTypeMask & BOTTOM_MASK);
-			S32 pt1 = 0, pt2 = num_vertices - 1;
-			S32 i = 0;
-			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
-			{
-				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
-				// the un-transformed profile distances.
-				LLVector3 p1 = profile[pt1];
-				LLVector3 p2 = profile[pt2];
-				LLVector3 pa = profile[pt1+1];
-				LLVector3 pb = profile[pt2-1];
-				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
-				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
-				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
-				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
-				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
-				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
-							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
-							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
-				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
-				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
-				if (area_1a2 < 0)
-				{
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_2ab < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_21b < 0)
-				{
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (area_1ba < 0)
-				{
-					// Can't use, because it contains point b
-					tri_21b = FALSE;
-				}
-				if (!tri_1a2)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-				}
-				else if (!tri_21b)
-				{
-					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
-					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
-					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
-					}
-				}
-				// Flipped backfacing from top
-				if (use_tri1a2)
-				{
-					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt1 + 1;
-					pt1++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
-					mIndices[i++] = pt2 - 1;
-					pt2--;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Not hollow, generate the triangle fan.
-		U16 v1 = 2;
-		U16 v2 = 1;
-		if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
-		{
-			v1 = 1;
-			v2 = 2;
-		}
-		for (S32 i = 0; i < (num_vertices - 2); i++)
-		{
-			mIndices[3*i] = num_vertices - 1;
-			mIndices[3*i+v1] = i;
-			mIndices[3*i+v2] = i + 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-void LLVolumeFace::createBinormals()
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	if (!mBinormals)
-	{
-		allocateBinormals(mNumVertices);
-		//generate binormals
-		LLVector4a* pos = mPositions;
-		LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
-		LLVector4a* binorm = (LLVector4a*) mBinormals;
-		LLVector4a* end = mBinormals+mNumVertices;
-		while (binorm < end)
-		{
-			(*binorm++).clear();
-		}
-		binorm = mBinormals;
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices/3; i++) 
-		{	//for each triangle
-			const U16& i0 = mIndices[i*3+0];
-			const U16& i1 = mIndices[i*3+1];
-			const U16& i2 = mIndices[i*3+2];
-			//calculate binormal
-			LLVector4a binormal;
-			calc_binormal_from_triangle(binormal,
-										pos[i0], tc[i0],
-										pos[i1], tc[i1],
-										pos[i2], tc[i2]);
-			//add triangle normal to vertices
-			binorm[i0].add(binormal);
-			binorm[i1].add(binormal);
-			binorm[i2].add(binormal);
-			//even out quad contributions
-			if (i % 2 == 0) 
-			{
-				binorm[i2].add(binormal);
-			}
-			else 
-			{
-				binorm[i1].add(binormal);
-			}
-		}
-		//normalize binormals
-		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++) 
-		{
-			binorm[i].normalize3fast();
-			//bump map/planar projection code requires normals to be normalized
-			mNormals[i].normalize3fast();
-		}
-	}
-void LLVolumeFace::resizeVertices(S32 num_verts)
-	free(mPositions);
-	free(mNormals);
-	free(mBinormals);
-	free(mTexCoords);
-	mBinormals = NULL;
-	if (num_verts)
-	{
-		mPositions = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-		assert_aligned(mPositions, 16);
-		mNormals = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-		assert_aligned(mNormals, 16);
-		//pad texture coordinate block end to allow for QWORD reads
-		S32 size = ((num_verts*sizeof(LLVector2)) + 0xF) & ~0xF;
-		mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) malloc(size);
-		assert_aligned(mTexCoords, 16);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mPositions = NULL;
-		mNormals = NULL;
-		mTexCoords = NULL;
-	}
-	mNumVertices = num_verts;
-void LLVolumeFace::pushVertex(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& cv)
-	pushVertex(cv.getPosition(), cv.getNormal(), cv.mTexCoord);
-void LLVolumeFace::pushVertex(const LLVector4a& pos, const LLVector4a& norm, const LLVector2& tc)
-	S32 new_verts = mNumVertices+1;
-	S32 new_size = new_verts*16;
-//	S32 old_size = mNumVertices*16;
-	//positions
-	mPositions = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mPositions, new_size);
-	//normals
-	mNormals = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mNormals, new_size);
-	//tex coords
-	new_size = ((new_verts*8)+0xF) & ~0xF;
-	mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) realloc(mTexCoords, new_size);
-	//just clear binormals
-	free(mBinormals);
-	mBinormals = NULL;
-	mPositions[mNumVertices] = pos;
-	mNormals[mNumVertices] = norm;
-	mTexCoords[mNumVertices] = tc;
-	mNumVertices++;	
-void LLVolumeFace::allocateBinormals(S32 num_verts)
-	free(mBinormals);
-	mBinormals = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-void LLVolumeFace::allocateWeights(S32 num_verts)
-	free(mWeights);
-	mWeights = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
-void LLVolumeFace::resizeIndices(S32 num_indices)
-	free(mIndices);
-	if (num_indices)
-	{
-		//pad index block end to allow for QWORD reads
-		S32 size = ((num_indices*sizeof(U16)) + 0xF) & ~0xF;
-		mIndices = (U16*) malloc(size);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mIndices = NULL;
-	}
-	mNumIndices = num_indices;
-void LLVolumeFace::pushIndex(const U16& idx)
-	S32 new_count = mNumIndices + 1;
-	S32 new_size = ((new_count*2)+0xF) & ~0xF;
-	S32 old_size = ((mNumIndices*2)+0xF) & ~0xF;
-	if (new_size != old_size)
-	{
-		mIndices = (U16*) realloc(mIndices, new_size);
-	}
-	mIndices[mNumIndices++] = idx;
-void LLVolumeFace::fillFromLegacyData(std::vector<LLVolumeFace::VertexData>& v, std::vector<U16>& idx)
-	resizeVertices(v.size());
-	resizeIndices(idx.size());
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
-	{
-		mPositions[i] = v[i].getPosition();
-		mNormals[i] = v[i].getNormal();
-		mTexCoords[i] = v[i].mTexCoord;
-	}
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)
-	{
-		mIndices[i] = idx[i];
-	}
-void LLVolumeFace::appendFace(const LLVolumeFace& face, LLMatrix4& mat_in, LLMatrix4& norm_mat_in)
-	U16 offset = mNumVertices;
-	S32 new_count = face.mNumVertices + mNumVertices;
-	if (new_count > 65536)
-	{
-		llerrs << "Cannot append face -- 16-bit overflow will occur." << llendl;
-	}
-	if (face.mNumVertices == 0)
-	{
-		llerrs << "Cannot append empty face." << llendl;
-	}
-	//allocate new buffer space
-	mPositions = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mPositions, new_count*sizeof(LLVector4a));
-	assert_aligned(mPositions, 16);
-	mNormals = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mNormals, new_count*sizeof(LLVector4a));
-	assert_aligned(mNormals, 16);
-	mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) realloc(mTexCoords, (new_count*sizeof(LLVector2)+0xF) & ~0xF);
-	assert_aligned(mTexCoords, 16);
-	mNumVertices = new_count;
-	//get destination address of appended face
-	LLVector4a* dst_pos = mPositions+offset;
-	LLVector2* dst_tc = mTexCoords+offset;
-	LLVector4a* dst_norm = mNormals+offset;
-	//get source addresses of appended face
-	const LLVector4a* src_pos = face.mPositions;
-	const LLVector2* src_tc = face.mTexCoords;
-	const LLVector4a* src_norm = face.mNormals;
-	//load aligned matrices
-	LLMatrix4a mat, norm_mat;
-	mat.loadu(mat_in);
-	norm_mat.loadu(norm_mat_in);
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; ++i)
-	{
-		//transform appended face position and store
-		mat.affineTransform(src_pos[i], dst_pos[i]);
-		//transform appended face normal and store
-		norm_mat.rotate(src_norm[i], dst_norm[i]);
-		dst_norm[i].normalize3fast();
-		//copy appended face texture coordinate
-		dst_tc[i] = src_tc[i];
-		if (offset == 0 && i == 0)
-		{ //initialize bounding box
-			mExtents[0] = mExtents[1] = dst_pos[i];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//stretch bounding box
-			update_min_max(mExtents[0], mExtents[1], dst_pos[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	new_count = mNumIndices + face.mNumIndices;
-	//allocate new index buffer
-	mIndices = (U16*) realloc(mIndices, (new_count*sizeof(U16)+0xF) & ~0xF);
-	//get destination address into new index buffer
-	U16* dst_idx = mIndices+mNumIndices;
-	mNumIndices = new_count;
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices; ++i)
-	{ //copy indices, offsetting by old vertex count
-		dst_idx[i] = face.mIndices[i]+offset;
-	}
-BOOL LLVolumeFace::createSide(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
-	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
-	BOOL flat = mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK;
-	U8 sculpt_type = volume->getParams().getSculptType();
-	U8 sculpt_stitching = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK;
-	BOOL sculpt_invert = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT;
-	BOOL sculpt_mirror = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR;
-	BOOL sculpt_reverse_horizontal = (sculpt_invert ? !sculpt_mirror : sculpt_mirror);  // XOR
-	S32 num_vertices, num_indices;
-	const std::vector<LLVolume::Point>& mesh = volume->getMesh();
-	const std::vector<LLVector3>& profile = volume->getProfile().mProfile;
-	const std::vector<LLPath::PathPt>& path_data = volume->getPath().mPath;
-	S32 max_s = volume->getProfile().getTotal();
-	S32 s, t, i;
-	F32 ss, tt;
-	num_vertices = mNumS*mNumT;
-	num_indices = (mNumS-1)*(mNumT-1)*6;
-	if (!partial_build)
-	{
-		resizeVertices(num_vertices);
-		resizeIndices(num_indices);
-		if ((volume->getParams().getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) != LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
-		{
-			mEdge.resize(num_indices);
-		}
-	}
-	LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) mPositions;
-	LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) mNormals;
-	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
-	S32 begin_stex = llfloor( profile[mBeginS].mV[2] );
-	S32 num_s = ((mTypeMask & INNER_MASK) && (mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK) && mNumS > 2) ? mNumS/2 : mNumS;
-	S32 cur_vertex = 0;
-	// Copy the vertices into the array
-	for (t = mBeginT; t < mBeginT + mNumT; t++)
-	{
-		tt = path_data[t].mTexT;
-		for (s = 0; s < num_s; s++)
-		{
-			if (mTypeMask & END_MASK)
-			{
-				if (s)
-				{
-					ss = 1.f;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					ss = 0.f;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Get s value for tex-coord.
-				if (!flat)
-				{
-					ss = profile[mBeginS + s].mV[2];
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					ss = profile[mBeginS + s].mV[2] - begin_stex;
-				}
-			}
-			if (sculpt_reverse_horizontal)
-			{
-				ss = 1.f - ss;
-			}
-			// Check to see if this triangle wraps around the array.
-			if (mBeginS + s >= max_s)
-			{
-				// We're wrapping
-				i = mBeginS + s + max_s*(t-1);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				i = mBeginS + s + max_s*t;
-			}
-			pos[cur_vertex].load3(mesh[i].mPos.mV);
-			tc[cur_vertex] = LLVector2(ss,tt);
-			norm[cur_vertex].clear();
-			cur_vertex++;
-			if ((mTypeMask & INNER_MASK) && (mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK) && mNumS > 2 && s > 0)
-			{
-				pos[cur_vertex].load3(mesh[i].mPos.mV);
-				tc[cur_vertex] = LLVector2(ss,tt);
-				norm[cur_vertex].clear();
-				cur_vertex++;
-			}
-		}
-		if ((mTypeMask & INNER_MASK) && (mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK) && mNumS > 2)
-		{
-			if (mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK)
-			{
-				s = num_s-1;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				s = 0;
-			}
-			i = mBeginS + s + max_s*t;
-			ss = profile[mBeginS + s].mV[2] - begin_stex;
-			pos[cur_vertex].load3(mesh[i].mPos.mV);
-			tc[cur_vertex] = LLVector2(ss,tt);
-			norm[cur_vertex].clear(); 
-			cur_vertex++;
-		}
-	}
-	//get bounding box for this side
-	LLVector4a& face_min = mExtents[0];
-	LLVector4a& face_max = mExtents[1];
-	mCenter->clear();
-	face_min = face_max = pos[0];
-	for (U32 i = 1; i < mNumVertices; ++i)
-	{
-		update_min_max(face_min, face_max, pos[i]);
-	}
-	mCenter->setAdd(face_min, face_max);
-	mCenter->mul(0.5f);
-	S32 cur_index = 0;
-	S32 cur_edge = 0;
-	BOOL flat_face = mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK;
-	if (!partial_build)
-	{
-		// Now we generate the indices.
-		for (t = 0; t < (mNumT-1); t++)
-		{
-			for (s = 0; s < (mNumS-1); s++)
-			{	
-				mIndices[cur_index++] = s   + mNumS*t;			//bottom left
-				mIndices[cur_index++] = s+1 + mNumS*(t+1);		//top right
-				mIndices[cur_index++] = s   + mNumS*(t+1);		//top left
-				mIndices[cur_index++] = s   + mNumS*t;			//bottom left
-				mIndices[cur_index++] = s+1 + mNumS*t;			//bottom right
-				mIndices[cur_index++] = s+1 + mNumS*(t+1);		//top right
-				mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+s*2+1;						//bottom left/top right neighbor face 
-				if (t < mNumT-2) {												//top right/top left neighbor face 
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*(t+1)+s*2+1;
-				}
-				else if (mNumT <= 3 || volume->getPath().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
-				}
-				else { //wrap on T
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = s*2+1;
-				}
-				if (s > 0) {													//top left/bottom left neighbor face
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+s*2-1;
-				}
-				else if (flat_face ||  volume->getProfile().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
-				}
-				else {	//wrap on S
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+(mNumS-2)*2+1;
-				}
-				if (t > 0) {													//bottom left/bottom right neighbor face
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*(t-1)+s*2;
-				}
-				else if (mNumT <= 3 || volume->getPath().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
-				}
-				else { //wrap on T
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*(mNumT-2)+s*2;
-				}
-				if (s < mNumS-2) {												//bottom right/top right neighbor face
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+(s+1)*2;
-				}
-				else if (flat_face || volume->getProfile().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
-				}
-				else { //wrap on S
-					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t;
-				}
-				mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+s*2;							//top right/bottom left neighbor face	
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//clear normals
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
-	{
-		mNormals[i].clear();
-	}
-	//generate normals 
-	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices/3; i++) //for each triangle
-	{
-		const U16* idx = &(mIndices[i*3]);
-		LLVector4a* v[] = 
-		{	pos+idx[0], pos+idx[1], pos+idx[2] };
-		LLVector4a* n[] = 
-		{	norm+idx[0], norm+idx[1], norm+idx[2] };
-		//calculate triangle normal
-		LLVector4a a, b, c;
-		a.setSub(*v[0], *v[1]);
-		b.setSub(*v[0], *v[2]);
-		c.setCross3(a,b);
-		n[0]->add(c);
-		n[1]->add(c);
-		n[2]->add(c);
-		//even out quad contributions
-		n[i%2+1]->add(c);
-	}
-	// adjust normals based on wrapping and stitching
-	LLVector4a top;
-	top.setSub(pos[0], pos[mNumS*(mNumT-2)]);
-	BOOL s_bottom_converges = (top.dot3(top) < 0.000001f);
-	top.setSub(pos[mNumS-1], pos[mNumS*(mNumT-2)+mNumS-1]);
-	BOOL s_top_converges = (top.dot3(top) < 0.000001f);
-	if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_NONE)  // logic for non-sculpt volumes
-	{
-		if (volume->getPath().isOpen() == FALSE)
-		{ //wrap normals on T
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
-			{
-				LLVector4a n;
-				n.setAdd(norm[i], norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i]);
-				norm[i] = n;
-				norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i] = n;
-			}
-		}
-		if ((volume->getProfile().isOpen() == FALSE) && !(s_bottom_converges))
-		{ //wrap normals on S
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
-			{
-				LLVector4a n;
-				n.setAdd(norm[mNumS*i], norm[mNumS*i+mNumS-1]);
-				norm[mNumS * i] = n;
-				norm[mNumS * i+mNumS-1] = n;
-			}
-		}
-		if (volume->getPathType() == LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE &&
-			((volume->getProfileType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK) == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF))
-		{
-			if (s_bottom_converges)
-			{ //all lower S have same normal
-				for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
-				{
-					norm[mNumS*i].set(1,0,0);
-				}
-			}
-			if (s_top_converges)
-			{ //all upper S have same normal
-				for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
-				{
-					norm[mNumS*i+mNumS-1].set(-1,0,0);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else  // logic for sculpt volumes
-	{
-		BOOL average_poles = FALSE;
-		BOOL wrap_s = FALSE;
-		BOOL wrap_t = FALSE;
-		if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE)
-			average_poles = TRUE;
-		if ((sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE) ||
-			(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS) ||
-			(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER))
-			wrap_s = TRUE;
-		if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS)
-			wrap_t = TRUE;
-		if (average_poles)
-		{
-			// average normals for north pole
-			LLVector4a average;
-			average.clear();
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
-			{
-				average.add(norm[i]);
-			}
-			// set average
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
-			{
-				norm[i] = average;
-			}
-			// average normals for south pole
-			average.clear();
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
-			{
-				average.add(norm[i + mNumS * (mNumT - 1)]);
-			}
-			// set average
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
-			{
-				norm[i + mNumS * (mNumT - 1)] = average;
-			}
-		}
-		if (wrap_s)
-		{
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
-			{
-				LLVector4a n;
-				n.setAdd(norm[mNumS*i], norm[mNumS*i+mNumS-1]);
-				norm[mNumS * i] = n;
-				norm[mNumS * i+mNumS-1] = n;
-			}
-		}
-		if (wrap_t)
-		{
-			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
-			{
-				LLVector4a n;
-				n.setAdd(norm[i], norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i]);
-				norm[i] = n;
-				norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i] = n;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-// Finds binormal based on three vertices with texture coordinates.
-// Fills in dummy values if the triangle has degenerate texture coordinates.
-void calc_binormal_from_triangle(LLVector4a& binormal,
-	const LLVector4a& pos0,
-	const LLVector2& tex0,
-	const LLVector4a& pos1,
-	const LLVector2& tex1,
-	const LLVector4a& pos2,
-	const LLVector2& tex2)
-	LLVector4a rx0( pos0[VX], tex0.mV[VX], tex0.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a rx1( pos1[VX], tex1.mV[VX], tex1.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a rx2( pos2[VX], tex2.mV[VX], tex2.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a ry0( pos0[VY], tex0.mV[VX], tex0.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a ry1( pos1[VY], tex1.mV[VX], tex1.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a ry2( pos2[VY], tex2.mV[VX], tex2.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a rz0( pos0[VZ], tex0.mV[VX], tex0.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a rz1( pos1[VZ], tex1.mV[VX], tex1.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a rz2( pos2[VZ], tex2.mV[VX], tex2.mV[VY] );
-	LLVector4a lhs, rhs;
-	LLVector4a r0; 
-	lhs.setSub(rx0, rx1); rhs.setSub(rx0, rx2);
-	r0.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
-	LLVector4a r1;
-	lhs.setSub(ry0, ry1); rhs.setSub(ry0, ry2);
-	r1.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
-	LLVector4a r2;
-	lhs.setSub(rz0, rz1); rhs.setSub(rz0, rz2);
-	r2.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
-	if( r0[VX] && r1[VX] && r2[VX] )
-	{
-		binormal.set(
-				-r0[VZ] / r0[VX],
-				-r1[VZ] / r1[VX],
-				-r2[VZ] / r2[VX]);
-		// binormal.normVec();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		binormal.set( 0, 1 , 0 );
-	}
+ * @file llvolume.cpp
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ * 
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llmemory.h"
+#include "llmath.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "llmemtype.h"
+#include "llvolumemgr.h"
+#include "v2math.h"
+#include "v3math.h"
+#include "v4math.h"
+#include "m4math.h"
+#include "m3math.h"
+#include "llmatrix3a.h"
+#include "lloctree.h"
+#include "lldarray.h"
+#include "llvolume.h"
+#include "llvolumeoctree.h"
+#include "llstl.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llvector4a.h"
+#include "llmatrix4a.h"
+#define DEBUG_SILHOUETTE_NORMALS 0 // TomY: Use this to display normals using the silhouette
+#define DEBUG_SILHOUETTE_EDGE_MAP 0 // DaveP: Use this to display edge map using the silhouette
+const F32 CUT_MIN = 0.f;
+const F32 CUT_MAX = 1.f;
+const F32 MIN_CUT_DELTA = 0.02f;
+const F32 HOLLOW_MIN = 0.f;
+const F32 HOLLOW_MAX = 0.95f;
+const F32 HOLLOW_MAX_SQUARE	= 0.7f;
+const F32 TWIST_MIN = -1.f;
+const F32 TWIST_MAX =  1.f;
+const F32 RATIO_MIN = 0.f;
+const F32 RATIO_MAX = 2.f; // Tom Y: Inverted sense here: 0 = top taper, 2 = bottom taper
+const F32 HOLE_X_MIN= 0.05f;
+const F32 HOLE_X_MAX= 1.0f;
+const F32 HOLE_Y_MIN= 0.05f;
+const F32 HOLE_Y_MAX= 0.5f;
+const F32 SHEAR_MIN = -0.5f;
+const F32 SHEAR_MAX =  0.5f;
+const F32 REV_MIN = 1.f;
+const F32 REV_MAX = 4.f;
+const F32 TAPER_MIN = -1.f;
+const F32 TAPER_MAX =  1.f;
+const F32 SKEW_MIN	= -0.95f;
+const F32 SKEW_MAX	=  0.95f;
+const F32 SCULPT_MIN_AREA = 0.002f;
+extern BOOL gDebugGL;
+void assert_aligned(void* ptr, uintptr_t alignment)
+#if 0
+	uintptr_t t = (uintptr_t) ptr;
+	if (t%alignment != 0)
+	{
+		llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+	}
+BOOL check_same_clock_dir( const LLVector3& pt1, const LLVector3& pt2, const LLVector3& pt3, const LLVector3& norm)
+	LLVector3 test = (pt2-pt1)%(pt3-pt2);
+	//answer
+	if(test * norm < 0) 
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+BOOL LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, const LLVector3& center, const LLVector3& size)
+	return LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(start.mV, end.mV, center.mV, size.mV);
+BOOL LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(const F32* start, const F32* end, const F32* center, const F32* size)
+	F32 fAWdU[3];
+	F32 dir[3];
+	F32 diff[3];
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+	{
+		dir[i] = 0.5f * (end[i] - start[i]);
+		diff[i] = (0.5f * (end[i] + start[i])) - center[i];
+		fAWdU[i] = fabsf(dir[i]);
+		if(fabsf(diff[i])>size[i] + fAWdU[i]) return false;
+	}
+	float f;
+	f = dir[1] * diff[2] - dir[2] * diff[1];    if(fabsf(f)>size[1]*fAWdU[2] + size[2]*fAWdU[1])  return false;
+	f = dir[2] * diff[0] - dir[0] * diff[2];    if(fabsf(f)>size[0]*fAWdU[2] + size[2]*fAWdU[0])  return false;
+	f = dir[0] * diff[1] - dir[1] * diff[0];    if(fabsf(f)>size[0]*fAWdU[1] + size[1]*fAWdU[0])  return false;
+	return true;
+// intersect test between triangle vert0, vert1, vert2 and a ray from orig in direction dir.
+// returns TRUE if intersecting and returns barycentric coordinates in intersection_a, intersection_b,
+// and returns the intersection point along dir in intersection_t.
+// Moller-Trumbore algorithm
+BOOL LLTriangleRayIntersect(const LLVector4a& vert0, const LLVector4a& vert1, const LLVector4a& vert2, const LLVector4a& orig, const LLVector4a& dir,
+							F32& intersection_a, F32& intersection_b, F32& intersection_t)
+	/* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
+	LLVector4a edge1;
+	edge1.setSub(vert1, vert0);
+	LLVector4a edge2;
+	edge2.setSub(vert2, vert0);
+	/* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
+	LLVector4a pvec;
+	pvec.setCross3(dir, edge2);
+	/* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
+	LLVector4a det;
+	det.setAllDot3(edge1, pvec);
+	if (det.greaterEqual(LLVector4a::getEpsilon()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7)
+	{
+		/* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
+		LLVector4a tvec;
+		tvec.setSub(orig, vert0);
+		/* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
+		LLVector4a u;
+		u.setAllDot3(tvec,pvec);
+		if ((u.greaterEqual(LLVector4a::getZero()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7) &&
+			(u.lessEqual(det).getGatheredBits() & 0x7))
+		{
+			/* prepare to test V parameter */
+			LLVector4a qvec;
+			qvec.setCross3(tvec, edge1);
+			/* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
+			LLVector4a v;
+			v.setAllDot3(dir, qvec);
+			//if (!(v < 0.f || u + v > det))
+			LLVector4a sum_uv;
+			sum_uv.setAdd(u, v);
+			S32 v_gequal = v.greaterEqual(LLVector4a::getZero()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7;
+			S32 sum_lequal = sum_uv.lessEqual(det).getGatheredBits() & 0x7;
+			if (v_gequal  && sum_lequal)
+			{
+				/* calculate t, scale parameters, ray intersects triangle */
+				LLVector4a t;
+				t.setAllDot3(edge2,qvec);
+				t.div(det);
+				u.div(det);
+				v.div(det);
+				intersection_a = u[0];
+				intersection_b = v[0];
+				intersection_t = t[0];
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTriangleRayIntersectTwoSided(const LLVector4a& vert0, const LLVector4a& vert1, const LLVector4a& vert2, const LLVector4a& orig, const LLVector4a& dir,
+							F32& intersection_a, F32& intersection_b, F32& intersection_t)
+	F32 u, v, t;
+	/* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
+	LLVector4a edge1;
+	edge1.setSub(vert1, vert0);
+	LLVector4a edge2;
+	edge2.setSub(vert2, vert0);
+	/* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
+	LLVector4a pvec;
+	pvec.setCross3(dir, edge2);
+	/* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
+	F32 det = edge1.dot3(pvec).getF32();
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	F32 inv_det = 1.f / det;
+	/* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
+	LLVector4a tvec;
+	tvec.setSub(orig, vert0);
+	/* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
+	u = (tvec.dot3(pvec).getF32()) * inv_det;
+	if (u < 0.f || u > 1.f)
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	/* prepare to test V parameter */
+	tvec.sub(edge1);
+	/* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
+	v = (dir.dot3(tvec).getF32()) * inv_det;
+	if (v < 0.f || u + v > 1.f)
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	/* calculate t, ray intersects triangle */
+	t = (edge2.dot3(tvec).getF32()) * inv_det;
+	intersection_a = u;
+	intersection_b = v;
+	intersection_t = t;
+	return TRUE;
+//helper for non-aligned vectors
+BOOL LLTriangleRayIntersect(const LLVector3& vert0, const LLVector3& vert1, const LLVector3& vert2, const LLVector3& orig, const LLVector3& dir,
+							F32& intersection_a, F32& intersection_b, F32& intersection_t, BOOL two_sided)
+	LLVector4a vert0a, vert1a, vert2a, origa, dira;
+	vert0a.load3(vert0.mV);
+	vert1a.load3(vert1.mV);
+	vert2a.load3(vert2.mV);
+	origa.load3(orig.mV);
+	dira.load3(dir.mV);
+	if (two_sided)
+	{
+		return LLTriangleRayIntersectTwoSided(vert0a, vert1a, vert2a, origa, dira, 
+				intersection_a, intersection_b, intersection_t);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return LLTriangleRayIntersect(vert0a, vert1a, vert2a, origa, dira, 
+				intersection_a, intersection_b, intersection_t);
+	}
+class LLVolumeOctreeRebound : public LLOctreeTravelerDepthFirst<LLVolumeTriangle>
+	const LLVolumeFace* mFace;
+	LLVolumeOctreeRebound(const LLVolumeFace* face)
+	{
+		mFace = face;
+	}
+	virtual void visit(const LLOctreeNode<LLVolumeTriangle>* branch)
+	{ //this is a depth first traversal, so it's safe to assum all children have complete
+		//bounding data
+		LLVolumeOctreeListener* node = (LLVolumeOctreeListener*) branch->getListener(0);
+		LLVector4a& min = node->mExtents[0];
+		LLVector4a& max = node->mExtents[1];
+		if (!branch->getData().empty())
+		{ //node has data, find AABB that binds data set
+			const LLVolumeTriangle* tri = *(branch->getData().begin());
+			//initialize min/max to first available vertex
+			min = *(tri->mV[0]);
+			max = *(tri->mV[0]);
+			for (LLOctreeNode<LLVolumeTriangle>::const_element_iter iter = 
+				branch->getData().begin(); iter != branch->getData().end(); ++iter)
+			{ //for each triangle in node
+				//stretch by triangles in node
+				tri = *iter;
+				min.setMin(min, *tri->mV[0]);
+				min.setMin(min, *tri->mV[1]);
+				min.setMin(min, *tri->mV[2]);
+				max.setMax(max, *tri->mV[0]);
+				max.setMax(max, *tri->mV[1]);
+				max.setMax(max, *tri->mV[2]);
+			}
+		}
+		else if (!branch->getChildren().empty())
+		{ //no data, but child nodes exist
+			LLVolumeOctreeListener* child = (LLVolumeOctreeListener*) branch->getChild(0)->getListener(0);
+			//initialize min/max to extents of first child
+			min = child->mExtents[0];
+			max = child->mExtents[1];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			llerrs << "WTF? Empty leaf" << llendl;
+		}
+		for (S32 i = 0; i < branch->getChildCount(); ++i)
+		{  //stretch by child extents
+			LLVolumeOctreeListener* child = (LLVolumeOctreeListener*) branch->getChild(i)->getListener(0);
+			min.setMin(min, child->mExtents[0]);
+			max.setMax(max, child->mExtents[1]);
+		}
+		node->mBounds[0].setAdd(min, max);
+		node->mBounds[0].mul(0.5f);
+		node->mBounds[1].setSub(max,min);
+		node->mBounds[1].mul(0.5f);
+	}
+// statics
+LLProfile::Face* LLProfile::addCap(S16 faceID)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	Face *face   = vector_append(mFaces, 1);
+	face->mIndex = 0;
+	face->mCount = mTotal;
+	face->mScaleU= 1.0f;
+	face->mCap   = TRUE;
+	face->mFaceID = faceID;
+	return face;
+LLProfile::Face* LLProfile::addFace(S32 i, S32 count, F32 scaleU, S16 faceID, BOOL flat)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	Face *face   = vector_append(mFaces, 1);
+	face->mIndex = i;
+	face->mCount = count;
+	face->mScaleU= scaleU;
+	face->mFlat = flat;
+	face->mCap   = FALSE;
+	face->mFaceID = faceID;
+	return face;
+// What is the bevel parameter used for? - DJS 04/05/02
+// Bevel parameter is currently unused but presumedly would support
+// filleted and chamfered corners
+void LLProfile::genNGon(const LLProfileParams& params, S32 sides, F32 offset, F32 bevel, F32 ang_scale, S32 split)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	// Generate an n-sided "circular" path.
+	// 0 is (1,0), and we go counter-clockwise along a circular path from there.
+	const F32 tableScale[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.707107f, 0.53f, 0.525f, 0.5f };
+	F32 scale = 0.5f;
+	F32 t, t_step, t_first, t_fraction, ang, ang_step;
+	LLVector3 pt1,pt2;
+	F32 begin  = params.getBegin();
+	F32 end    = params.getEnd();
+	t_step = 1.0f / sides;
+	ang_step = 2.0f*F_PI*t_step*ang_scale;
+	// Scale to have size "match" scale.  Compensates to get object to generally fill bounding box.
+	S32 total_sides = llround(sides / ang_scale);	// Total number of sides all around
+	if (total_sides < 8)
+	{
+		scale = tableScale[total_sides];
+	}
+	t_first = floor(begin * sides) / (F32)sides;
+	// pt1 is the first point on the fractional face.
+	// Starting t and ang values for the first face
+	t = t_first;
+	ang = 2.0f*F_PI*(t*ang_scale + offset);
+	pt1.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale, t);
+	// Increment to the next point.
+	// pt2 is the end point on the fractional face
+	t += t_step;
+	ang += ang_step;
+	pt2.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale,t);
+	t_fraction = (begin - t_first)*sides;
+	// Only use if it's not almost exactly on an edge.
+	if (t_fraction < 0.9999f)
+	{
+		LLVector3 new_pt = lerp(pt1, pt2, t_fraction);
+		mProfile.push_back(new_pt);
+	}
+	// There's lots of potential here for floating point error to generate unneeded extra points - DJS 04/05/02
+	while (t < end)
+	{
+		// Iterate through all the integer steps of t.
+		pt1.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale,t);
+		if (mProfile.size() > 0) {
+			LLVector3 p = mProfile[mProfile.size()-1];
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < split && mProfile.size() > 0; i++) {
+				mProfile.push_back(p+(pt1-p) * 1.0f/(float)(split+1) * (float)(i+1));
+			}
+		}
+		mProfile.push_back(pt1);
+		t += t_step;
+		ang += ang_step;
+	}
+	t_fraction = (end - (t - t_step))*sides;
+	// pt1 is the first point on the fractional face
+	// pt2 is the end point on the fractional face
+	pt2.setVec(cos(ang)*scale,sin(ang)*scale,t);
+	// Find the fraction that we need to add to the end point.
+	t_fraction = (end - (t - t_step))*sides;
+	if (t_fraction > 0.0001f)
+	{
+		LLVector3 new_pt = lerp(pt1, pt2, t_fraction);
+		if (mProfile.size() > 0) {
+			LLVector3 p = mProfile[mProfile.size()-1];
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < split && mProfile.size() > 0; i++) {
+				mProfile.push_back(p+(new_pt-p) * 1.0f/(float)(split+1) * (float)(i+1));
+			}
+		}
+		mProfile.push_back(new_pt);
+	}
+	// If we're sliced, the profile is open.
+	if ((end - begin)*ang_scale < 0.99f)
+	{
+		if ((end - begin)*ang_scale > 0.5f)
+		{
+			mConcave = TRUE;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			mConcave = FALSE;
+		}
+		mOpen = TRUE;
+		if (params.getHollow() <= 0)
+		{
+			// put center point if not hollow.
+			mProfile.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,0));
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// The profile isn't open.
+		mOpen = FALSE;
+		mConcave = FALSE;
+	}
+	mTotal = mProfile.size();
+void LLProfile::genNormals(const LLProfileParams& params)
+	S32 count = mProfile.size();
+	S32 outer_count;
+	if (mTotalOut)
+	{
+		outer_count = mTotalOut;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		outer_count = mTotal / 2;
+	}
+	mEdgeNormals.resize(count * 2);
+	mEdgeCenters.resize(count * 2);
+	mNormals.resize(count);
+	LLVector2 pt0,pt1;
+	BOOL hollow = (params.getHollow() > 0);
+	S32 i0, i1, i2, i3, i4;
+	// Parametrically generate normal
+	for (i2 = 0; i2 < count; i2++)
+	{
+		mNormals[i2].mV[0] = mProfile[i2].mV[0];
+		mNormals[i2].mV[1] = mProfile[i2].mV[1];
+		if (hollow && (i2 >= outer_count))
+		{
+			mNormals[i2] *= -1.f;
+		}
+		if (mNormals[i2].magVec() < 0.001)
+		{
+			// Special case for point at center, get adjacent points.
+			i1 = (i2 - 1) >= 0 ? i2 - 1 : count - 1;
+			i0 = (i1 - 1) >= 0 ? i1 - 1 : count - 1;
+			i3 = (i2 + 1) < count ? i2 + 1 : 0;
+			i4 = (i3 + 1) < count ? i3 + 1 : 0;
+			pt0.setVec(mProfile[i1].mV[VX] + mProfile[i1].mV[VX] - mProfile[i0].mV[VX], 
+				mProfile[i1].mV[VY] + mProfile[i1].mV[VY] - mProfile[i0].mV[VY]);
+			pt1.setVec(mProfile[i3].mV[VX] + mProfile[i3].mV[VX] - mProfile[i4].mV[VX], 
+				mProfile[i3].mV[VY] + mProfile[i3].mV[VY] - mProfile[i4].mV[VY]);
+			mNormals[i2] = pt0 + pt1;
+			mNormals[i2] *= 0.5f;
+		}
+		mNormals[i2].normVec();
+	}
+	S32 num_normal_sets = isConcave() ? 2 : 1;
+	for (S32 normal_set = 0; normal_set < num_normal_sets; normal_set++)
+	{
+		S32 point_num;
+		for (point_num = 0; point_num < mTotal; point_num++)
+		{
+			LLVector3 point_1 = mProfile[point_num];
+			point_1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+			LLVector3 point_2;
+			if (isConcave() && normal_set == 0 && point_num == (mTotal - 1) / 2)
+			{
+				point_2 = mProfile[mTotal - 1];
+			}
+			else if (isConcave() && normal_set == 1 && point_num == mTotal - 1)
+			{
+				point_2 = mProfile[(mTotal - 1) / 2];
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				LLVector3 delta_pos;
+				S32 neighbor_point = (point_num + 1) % mTotal;
+				while(delta_pos.magVecSquared() < 0.01f * 0.01f)
+				{
+					point_2 = mProfile[neighbor_point];
+					delta_pos = point_2 - point_1;
+					neighbor_point = (neighbor_point + 1) % mTotal;
+					if (neighbor_point == point_num)
+					{
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			point_2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+			LLVector3 face_normal = (point_2 - point_1) % LLVector3::z_axis;
+			face_normal.normVec();
+			mEdgeNormals[normal_set * count + point_num] = face_normal;
+			mEdgeCenters[normal_set * count + point_num] = lerp(point_1, point_2, 0.5f);
+		}
+	}
+// Hollow is percent of the original bounding box, not of this particular
+// profile's geometry.  Thus, a swept triangle needs lower hollow values than
+// a swept square.
+LLProfile::Face* LLProfile::addHole(const LLProfileParams& params, BOOL flat, F32 sides, F32 offset, F32 box_hollow, F32 ang_scale, S32 split)
+	// Note that addHole will NOT work for non-"circular" profiles, if we ever decide to use them.
+	// Total add has number of vertices on outside.
+	mTotalOut = mTotal;
+	// Why is the "bevel" parameter -1? DJS 04/05/02
+	genNGon(params, llfloor(sides),offset,-1, ang_scale, split);
+	Face *face = addFace(mTotalOut, mTotal-mTotalOut,0,LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE, flat);
+	std::vector<LLVector3> pt;
+	pt.resize(mTotal) ;
+	for (S32 i=mTotalOut;i<mTotal;i++)
+	{
+		pt[i] = mProfile[i] * box_hollow;
+	}
+	S32 j=mTotal-1;
+	for (S32 i=mTotalOut;i<mTotal;i++)
+	{
+		mProfile[i] = pt[j--];
+	}
+	for (S32 i=0;i<(S32)mFaces.size();i++) 
+	{
+		if (mFaces[i].mCap)
+		{
+			mFaces[i].mCount *= 2;
+		}
+	}
+	return face;
+BOOL LLProfile::generate(const LLProfileParams& params, BOOL path_open,F32 detail, S32 split,
+						 BOOL is_sculpted, S32 sculpt_size)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	if ((!mDirty) && (!is_sculpted))
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	mDirty = FALSE;
+	if (detail < MIN_LOD)
+	{
+		llinfos << "Generating profile with LOD < MIN_LOD.  CLAMPING" << llendl;
+		detail = MIN_LOD;
+	}
+	mProfile.clear();
+	mFaces.clear();
+	// Generate the face data
+	S32 i;
+	F32 begin = params.getBegin();
+	F32 end = params.getEnd();
+	F32 hollow = params.getHollow();
+	// Quick validation to eliminate some server crashes.
+	if (begin > end - 0.01f)
+	{
+		llwarns << "LLProfile::generate() assertion failed (begin >= end)" << llendl;
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	S32 face_num = 0;
+	switch (params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK)
+	{
+		{
+			genNGon(params, 4,-0.375, 0, 1, split);
+			if (path_open)
+			{
+				addCap (LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
+			}
+			for (i = llfloor(begin * 4.f); i < llfloor(end * 4.f + .999f); i++)
+			{
+				addFace((face_num++) * (split +1), split+2, 1, LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << i, TRUE);
+			}
+			for (i = 0; i <(S32) mProfile.size(); i++)
+			{
+				// Scale by 4 to generate proper tex coords.
+				mProfile[i].mV[2] *= 4.f;
+			}
+			if (hollow)
+			{
+				switch (params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK)
+				{
+					// This offset is not correct, but we can't change it now... DK 11/17/04
+				  	addHole(params, TRUE, 3, -0.375f, hollow, 1.f, split);
+					break;
+					// TODO: Compute actual detail levels for cubes
+				  	addHole(params, FALSE, MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail, -0.375f, hollow, 1.f);
+					break;
+				default:
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 4, -0.375f, hollow, 1.f, split);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (path_open) {
+				mFaces[0].mCount = mTotal;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		{
+			genNGon(params, 3,0, 0, 1, split);
+			for (i = 0; i <(S32) mProfile.size(); i++)
+			{
+				// Scale by 3 to generate proper tex coords.
+				mProfile[i].mV[2] *= 3.f;
+			}
+			if (path_open)
+			{
+				addCap(LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
+			}
+			for (i = llfloor(begin * 3.f); i < llfloor(end * 3.f + .999f); i++)
+			{
+				addFace((face_num++) * (split +1), split+2, 1, LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << i, TRUE);
+			}
+			if (hollow)
+			{
+				// Swept triangles need smaller hollowness values,
+				// because the triangle doesn't fill the bounding box.
+				F32 triangle_hollow = hollow / 2.f;
+				switch (params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK)
+				{
+					// TODO: Actually generate level of detail for triangles
+					addHole(params, FALSE, MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail, 0, triangle_hollow, 1.f);
+					break;
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 4, 0, triangle_hollow, 1.f, split);
+					break;
+				default:
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 3, 0, triangle_hollow, 1.f, split);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		{
+			// If this has a square hollow, we should adjust the
+			// number of faces a bit so that the geometry lines up.
+			U8 hole_type=0;
+			F32 circle_detail = MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail;
+			if (hollow)
+			{
+				hole_type = params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK;
+				if (hole_type == LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE)
+				{
+					// Snap to the next multiple of four sides,
+					// so that corners line up.
+					circle_detail = llceil(circle_detail / 4.0f) * 4.0f;
+				}
+			}
+			S32 sides = (S32)circle_detail;
+			if (is_sculpted)
+				sides = sculpt_size;
+			genNGon(params, sides);
+			if (path_open)
+			{
+				addCap (LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
+			}
+			if (mOpen && !hollow)
+			{
+				addFace(0,mTotal-1,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				addFace(0,mTotal,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
+			}
+			if (hollow)
+			{
+				switch (hole_type)
+				{
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 4, 0, hollow, 1.f, split);
+					break;
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 3, 0, hollow, 1.f, split);
+					break;
+				default:
+					addHole(params, FALSE, circle_detail, 0, hollow, 1.f);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		{
+			// If this has a square hollow, we should adjust the
+			// number of faces a bit so that the geometry lines up.
+			U8 hole_type=0;
+			// Number of faces is cut in half because it's only a half-circle.
+			F32 circle_detail = MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail * 0.5f;
+			if (hollow)
+			{
+				hole_type = params.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK;
+				if (hole_type == LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE)
+				{
+					// Snap to the next multiple of four sides (div 2),
+					// so that corners line up.
+					circle_detail = llceil(circle_detail / 2.0f) * 2.0f;
+				}
+			}
+			genNGon(params, llfloor(circle_detail), 0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f);
+			if (path_open)
+			{
+				addCap(LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN);
+			}
+			if (mOpen && !params.getHollow())
+			{
+				addFace(0,mTotal-1,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				addFace(0,mTotal,0,LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0, FALSE);
+			}
+			if (hollow)
+			{
+				switch (hole_type)
+				{
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 2, 0.5f, hollow, 0.5f, split);
+					break;
+					addHole(params, TRUE, 3,  0.5f, hollow, 0.5f, split);
+					break;
+				default:
+					addHole(params, FALSE, circle_detail,  0.5f, hollow, 0.5f);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Special case for openness of sphere
+			if ((params.getEnd() - params.getBegin()) < 1.f)
+			{
+				mOpen = TRUE;
+			}
+			else if (!hollow)
+			{
+				mOpen = FALSE;
+				mProfile.push_back(mProfile[0]);
+				mTotal++;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+	    llerrs << "Unknown profile: getCurveType()=" << params.getCurveType() << llendl;
+		break;
+	};
+	if (path_open)
+	{
+		addCap(LL_FACE_PATH_END); // bottom
+	}
+	if ( mOpen) // interior edge caps
+	{
+		addFace(mTotal-1, 2,0.5,LL_FACE_PROFILE_BEGIN, TRUE); 
+		if (hollow)
+		{
+			addFace(mTotalOut-1, 2,0.5,LL_FACE_PROFILE_END, TRUE);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			addFace(mTotal-2, 2,0.5,LL_FACE_PROFILE_END, TRUE);
+		}
+	}
+	//genNormals(params);
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLProfileParams::importFile(LLFILE *fp)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
+	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
+	// changing the sscanf below.
+	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	keyword[0] = 0;
+	valuestr[0] = 0;
+	F32 tempF32;
+	U32 tempU32;
+	while (!feof(fp))
+	{
+		if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp) == NULL)
+		{
+			buffer[0] = '\0';
+		}
+		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+			buffer,
+			" %255s %255s",
+			keyword, valuestr);
+		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
+			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setBegin(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setEnd(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("hollow",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setHollow(tempF32);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in profile import" << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLProfileParams::exportFile(LLFILE *fp) const
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\tprofile 0\n");
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t{\n");
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tcurve\t%d\n", getCurveType());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tbegin\t%g\n", getBegin());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tend\t%g\n", getEnd());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\thollow\t%g\n", getHollow());
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t}\n");
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLProfileParams::importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
+	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
+	// changing the sscanf below.
+	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	keyword[0] = 0;
+	valuestr[0] = 0;
+	F32 tempF32;
+	U32 tempU32;
+	while (input_stream.good())
+	{
+		input_stream.getline(buffer, BUFSIZE);
+		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+			buffer,
+			" %255s %255s",
+			keyword,
+			valuestr);
+		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
+			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setBegin(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setEnd(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("hollow",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setHollow(tempF32);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+ 		llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in profile import" << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLProfileParams::exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const
+	output_stream <<"\t\tprofile 0\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t{\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\tcurve\t" << (S32) getCurveType() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\tbegin\t" << getBegin() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\tend\t" << getEnd() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\thollow\t" << getHollow() << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t}\n";
+	return TRUE;
+LLSD LLProfileParams::asLLSD() const
+	LLSD sd;
+	sd["curve"] = getCurveType();
+	sd["begin"] = getBegin();
+	sd["end"] = getEnd();
+	sd["hollow"] = getHollow();
+	return sd;
+bool LLProfileParams::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
+	setCurveType(sd["curve"].asInteger());
+	setBegin((F32)sd["begin"].asReal());
+	setEnd((F32)sd["end"].asReal());
+	setHollow((F32)sd["hollow"].asReal());
+	return true;
+void LLProfileParams::copyParams(const LLProfileParams &params)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	setCurveType(params.getCurveType());
+	setBegin(params.getBegin());
+	setEnd(params.getEnd());
+	setHollow(params.getHollow());
+void LLPath::genNGon(const LLPathParams& params, S32 sides, F32 startOff, F32 end_scale, F32 twist_scale)
+	// Generates a circular path, starting at (1, 0, 0), counterclockwise along the xz plane.
+	const F32 tableScale[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.707107f, 0.53f, 0.525f, 0.5f };
+	F32 revolutions = params.getRevolutions();
+	F32 skew		= params.getSkew();
+	F32 skew_mag	= fabs(skew);
+	F32 hole_x		= params.getScaleX() * (1.0f - skew_mag);
+	F32 hole_y		= params.getScaleY();
+	// Calculate taper begin/end for x,y (Negative means taper the beginning)
+	F32 taper_x_begin	= 1.0f;
+	F32 taper_x_end		= 1.0f - params.getTaperX();
+	F32	taper_y_begin	= 1.0f;
+	F32	taper_y_end		= 1.0f - params.getTaperY();
+	if ( taper_x_end > 1.0f )
+	{
+		// Flip tapering.
+		taper_x_begin	= 2.0f - taper_x_end;
+		taper_x_end		= 1.0f;
+	}
+	if ( taper_y_end > 1.0f )
+	{
+		// Flip tapering.
+		taper_y_begin	= 2.0f - taper_y_end;
+		taper_y_end		= 1.0f;
+	}
+	// For spheres, the radius is usually zero.
+	F32 radius_start = 0.5f;
+	if (sides < 8)
+	{
+		radius_start = tableScale[sides];
+	}
+	// Scale the radius to take the hole size into account.
+	radius_start *= 1.0f - hole_y;
+	// Now check the radius offset to calculate the start,end radius.  (Negative means
+	// decrease the start radius instead).
+	F32 radius_end    = radius_start;
+	F32 radius_offset = params.getRadiusOffset();
+	if (radius_offset < 0.f)
+	{
+		radius_start *= 1.f + radius_offset;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		radius_end   *= 1.f - radius_offset;
+	}	
+	// Is the path NOT a closed loop?
+	mOpen = ( (params.getEnd()*end_scale - params.getBegin() < 1.0f) ||
+		      (skew_mag > 0.001f) ||
+			  (fabs(taper_x_end - taper_x_begin) > 0.001f) ||
+			  (fabs(taper_y_end - taper_y_begin) > 0.001f) ||
+			  (fabs(radius_end - radius_start) > 0.001f) );
+	F32 ang, c, s;
+	LLQuaternion twist, qang;
+	PathPt *pt;
+	LLVector3 path_axis (1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
+	//LLVector3 twist_axis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+	F32 twist_begin = params.getTwistBegin() * twist_scale;
+	F32 twist_end	= params.getTwist() * twist_scale;
+	// We run through this once before the main loop, to make sure
+	// the path begins at the correct cut.
+	F32 step= 1.0f / sides;
+	F32 t	= params.getBegin();
+	pt		= vector_append(mPath, 1);
+	ang		= 2.0f*F_PI*revolutions * t;
+	s		= sin(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);	
+	c		= cos(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
+	pt->mPos.setVec(0 + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],s)
+					  + lerp(-skew ,skew, t) * 0.5f,
+					c + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],s), 
+					s);
+	pt->mScale.mV[VX] = hole_x * lerp(taper_x_begin, taper_x_end, t);
+	pt->mScale.mV[VY] = hole_y * lerp(taper_y_begin, taper_y_end, t);
+	pt->mTexT  = t;
+	// Twist rotates the path along the x,y plane (I think) - DJS 04/05/02
+	twist.setQuat  (lerp(twist_begin,twist_end,t) * 2.f * F_PI - F_PI,0,0,1);
+	// Rotate the point around the circle's center.
+	qang.setQuat   (ang,path_axis);
+	pt->mRot   = twist * qang;
+	t+=step;
+	// Snap to a quantized parameter, so that cut does not
+	// affect most sample points.
+	t = ((S32)(t * sides)) / (F32)sides;
+	// Run through the non-cut dependent points.
+	while (t < params.getEnd())
+	{
+		pt		= vector_append(mPath, 1);
+		ang = 2.0f*F_PI*revolutions * t;
+		c   = cos(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
+		s   = sin(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
+		pt->mPos.setVec(0 + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],s)
+					      + lerp(-skew ,skew, t) * 0.5f,
+						c + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],s), 
+						s);
+		pt->mScale.mV[VX] = hole_x * lerp(taper_x_begin, taper_x_end, t);
+		pt->mScale.mV[VY] = hole_y * lerp(taper_y_begin, taper_y_end, t);
+		pt->mTexT  = t;
+		// Twist rotates the path along the x,y plane (I think) - DJS 04/05/02
+		twist.setQuat  (lerp(twist_begin,twist_end,t) * 2.f * F_PI - F_PI,0,0,1);
+		// Rotate the point around the circle's center.
+		qang.setQuat   (ang,path_axis);
+		pt->mRot	= twist * qang;
+		t+=step;
+	}
+	// Make one final pass for the end cut.
+	t = params.getEnd();
+	pt		= vector_append(mPath, 1);
+	ang = 2.0f*F_PI*revolutions * t;
+	c   = cos(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
+	s   = sin(ang)*lerp(radius_start, radius_end, t);
+	pt->mPos.setVec(0 + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],s)
+					  + lerp(-skew ,skew, t) * 0.5f,
+					c + lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],s), 
+					s);
+	pt->mScale.mV[VX] = hole_x * lerp(taper_x_begin, taper_x_end, t);
+	pt->mScale.mV[VY] = hole_y * lerp(taper_y_begin, taper_y_end, t);
+	pt->mTexT  = t;
+	// Twist rotates the path along the x,y plane (I think) - DJS 04/05/02
+	twist.setQuat  (lerp(twist_begin,twist_end,t) * 2.f * F_PI - F_PI,0,0,1);
+	// Rotate the point around the circle's center.
+	qang.setQuat   (ang,path_axis);
+	pt->mRot   = twist * qang;
+	mTotal = mPath.size();
+const LLVector2 LLPathParams::getBeginScale() const
+	LLVector2 begin_scale(1.f, 1.f);
+	if (getScaleX() > 1)
+	{
+		begin_scale.mV[0] = 2-getScaleX();
+	}
+	if (getScaleY() > 1)
+	{
+		begin_scale.mV[1] = 2-getScaleY();
+	}
+	return begin_scale;
+const LLVector2 LLPathParams::getEndScale() const
+	LLVector2 end_scale(1.f, 1.f);
+	if (getScaleX() < 1)
+	{
+		end_scale.mV[0] = getScaleX();
+	}
+	if (getScaleY() < 1)
+	{
+		end_scale.mV[1] = getScaleY();
+	}
+	return end_scale;
+BOOL LLPath::generate(const LLPathParams& params, F32 detail, S32 split,
+					  BOOL is_sculpted, S32 sculpt_size)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	if ((!mDirty) && (!is_sculpted))
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if (detail < MIN_LOD)
+	{
+		llinfos << "Generating path with LOD < MIN!  Clamping to 1" << llendl;
+		detail = MIN_LOD;
+	}
+	mDirty = FALSE;
+	S32 np = 2; // hardcode for line
+	mPath.clear();
+	mOpen = TRUE;
+	// Is this 0xf0 mask really necessary?  DK 03/02/05
+	switch (params.getCurveType() & 0xf0)
+	{
+	default:
+		{
+			// Take the begin/end twist into account for detail.
+			np    = llfloor(fabs(params.getTwistBegin() - params.getTwist()) * 3.5f * (detail-0.5f)) + 2;
+			if (np < split+2)
+			{
+				np = split+2;
+			}
+			mStep = 1.0f / (np-1);
+			mPath.resize(np);
+			LLVector2 start_scale = params.getBeginScale();
+			LLVector2 end_scale = params.getEndScale();
+			for (S32 i=0;i<np;i++)
+			{
+				F32 t = lerp(params.getBegin(),params.getEnd(),(F32)i * mStep);
+				mPath[i].mPos.setVec(lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[0],t),
+									 lerp(0,params.getShear().mV[1],t),
+									 t - 0.5f);
+				mPath[i].mRot.setQuat(lerp(F_PI * params.getTwistBegin(),F_PI * params.getTwist(),t),0,0,1);
+				mPath[i].mScale.mV[0] = lerp(start_scale.mV[0],end_scale.mV[0],t);
+				mPath[i].mScale.mV[1] = lerp(start_scale.mV[1],end_scale.mV[1],t);
+				mPath[i].mTexT        = t;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		{
+			// Increase the detail as the revolutions and twist increase.
+			F32 twist_mag = fabs(params.getTwistBegin() - params.getTwist());
+			S32 sides = (S32)llfloor(llfloor((MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail + twist_mag * 3.5f * (detail-0.5f))) * params.getRevolutions());
+			if (is_sculpted)
+				sides = sculpt_size;
+			genNGon(params, sides);
+		}
+		break;
+		{
+			if (params.getEnd() - params.getBegin() >= 0.99f &&
+				params.getScaleX() >= .99f)
+			{
+				mOpen = FALSE;
+			}
+			//genNGon(params, llfloor(MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail), 4.f, 0.f);
+			genNGon(params, llfloor(MIN_DETAIL_FACES * detail));
+			F32 t     = 0.f;
+			F32 tStep = 1.0f / mPath.size();
+			F32 toggle = 0.5f;
+			for (S32 i=0;i<(S32)mPath.size();i++)
+			{
+				mPath[i].mPos.mV[0] = toggle;
+				if (toggle == 0.5f)
+					toggle = -0.5f;
+				else
+					toggle = 0.5f;
+				t += tStep;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		np     = 5;
+		mStep = 1.0f / (np-1);
+		mPath.resize(np);
+		for (S32 i=0;i<np;i++)
+		{
+			F32 t = (F32)i * mStep;
+			mPath[i].mPos.setVec(0,
+								lerp(0,   -sin(F_PI*params.getTwist()*t)*0.5f,t),
+								lerp(-0.5, cos(F_PI*params.getTwist()*t)*0.5f,t));
+			mPath[i].mScale.mV[0] = lerp(1,params.getScale().mV[0],t);
+			mPath[i].mScale.mV[1] = lerp(1,params.getScale().mV[1],t);
+			mPath[i].mTexT  = t;
+			mPath[i].mRot.setQuat(F_PI * params.getTwist() * t,1,0,0);
+		}
+		break;
+	};
+	if (params.getTwist() != params.getTwistBegin()) mOpen = TRUE;
+	//if ((int(fabsf(params.getTwist() - params.getTwistBegin())*100))%100 != 0) {
+	//	mOpen = TRUE;
+	//}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLDynamicPath::generate(const LLPathParams& params, F32 detail, S32 split,
+							 BOOL is_sculpted, S32 sculpt_size)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	mOpen = TRUE; // Draw end caps
+	if (getPathLength() == 0)
+	{
+		// Path hasn't been generated yet.
+		// Some algorithms later assume at least TWO path points.
+		resizePath(2);
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+		{
+			mPath[i].mPos.setVec(0, 0, 0);
+			mPath[i].mRot.setQuat(0, 0, 0);
+			mPath[i].mScale.setVec(1, 1);
+			mPath[i].mTexT = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLPathParams::importFile(LLFILE *fp)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
+	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
+	// changing the sscanf below.
+	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	keyword[0] = 0;
+	valuestr[0] = 0;
+	F32 tempF32;
+	F32 x, y;
+	U32 tempU32;
+	while (!feof(fp))
+	{
+		if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp) == NULL)
+		{
+			buffer[0] = '\0';
+		}
+		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+			buffer,
+			" %255s %255s",
+			keyword, valuestr);
+		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
+			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setBegin(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setEnd(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("scale",keyword))
+		{
+			// Legacy for one dimensional scale per path
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setScale(tempF32, tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("scale_x", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
+			setScaleX(x);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("scale_y", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setScaleY(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("shear_x", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
+			setShearX(x);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("shear_y", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setShearY(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("twist",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setTwist(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("twist_begin", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setTwistBegin(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("radius_offset", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setRadiusOffset(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("taper_x", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setTaperX(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("taper_y", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setTaperY(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("revolutions", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setRevolutions(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("skew", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setSkew(y);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << " in path import" << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLPathParams::exportFile(LLFILE *fp) const
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\tpath 0\n");
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t{\n");
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tcurve\t%d\n", getCurveType());
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tbegin\t%g\n", getBegin());
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tend\t%g\n", getEnd());
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tscale_x\t%g\n", getScaleX() );
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tscale_y\t%g\n", getScaleY() );
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tshear_x\t%g\n", getShearX() );
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tshear_y\t%g\n", getShearY() );
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttwist\t%g\n", getTwist());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttwist_begin\t%g\n", getTwistBegin());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tradius_offset\t%g\n", getRadiusOffset());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttaper_x\t%g\n", getTaperX());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttaper_y\t%g\n", getTaperY());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\trevolutions\t%g\n", getRevolutions());
+	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tskew\t%g\n", getSkew());
+	fprintf(fp, "\t\t}\n");
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLPathParams::importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
+	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of these buffers will require
+	// changing the sscanf below.
+	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	char valuestr[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	keyword[0] = 0;
+	valuestr[0] = 0;
+	F32 tempF32;
+	F32 x, y;
+	U32 tempU32;
+	while (input_stream.good())
+	{
+		input_stream.getline(buffer, BUFSIZE);
+		sscanf(	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+			buffer,
+			" %255s %255s",
+			keyword, valuestr);
+		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("curve", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%d",&tempU32);
+			setCurveType((U8) tempU32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("begin",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setBegin(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("end",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setEnd(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("scale",keyword))
+		{
+			// Legacy for one dimensional scale per path
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setScale(tempF32, tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("scale_x", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
+			setScaleX(x);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("scale_y", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setScaleY(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("shear_x", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &x);
+			setShearX(x);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("shear_y", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setShearY(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("twist",keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr,"%g",&tempF32);
+			setTwist(tempF32);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("twist_begin", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setTwistBegin(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("radius_offset", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setRadiusOffset(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("taper_x", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setTaperX(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("taper_y", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setTaperY(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("revolutions", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setRevolutions(y);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("skew", keyword))
+		{
+			sscanf(valuestr, "%g", &y);
+			setSkew(y);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << " in path import" << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLPathParams::exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const
+	output_stream << "\t\tpath 0\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t{\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tcurve\t" << (S32) getCurveType() << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tbegin\t" << getBegin() << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tend\t" << getEnd() << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tscale_x\t" << getScaleX()  << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tscale_y\t" << getScaleY()  << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tshear_x\t" << getShearX()  << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t\tshear_y\t" << getShearY()  << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttwist\t" << getTwist() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttwist_begin\t" << getTwistBegin() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\tradius_offset\t" << getRadiusOffset() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttaper_x\t" << getTaperX() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\ttaper_y\t" << getTaperY() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\trevolutions\t" << getRevolutions() << "\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t\t\tskew\t" << getSkew() << "\n";
+	output_stream << "\t\t}\n";
+	return TRUE;
+LLSD LLPathParams::asLLSD() const
+	LLSD sd = LLSD();
+	sd["curve"] = getCurveType();
+	sd["begin"] = getBegin();
+	sd["end"] = getEnd();
+	sd["scale_x"] = getScaleX();
+	sd["scale_y"] = getScaleY();
+	sd["shear_x"] = getShearX();
+	sd["shear_y"] = getShearY();
+	sd["twist"] = getTwist();
+	sd["twist_begin"] = getTwistBegin();
+	sd["radius_offset"] = getRadiusOffset();
+	sd["taper_x"] = getTaperX();
+	sd["taper_y"] = getTaperY();
+	sd["revolutions"] = getRevolutions();
+	sd["skew"] = getSkew();
+	return sd;
+bool LLPathParams::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
+	setCurveType(sd["curve"].asInteger());
+	setBegin((F32)sd["begin"].asReal());
+	setEnd((F32)sd["end"].asReal());
+	setScaleX((F32)sd["scale_x"].asReal());
+	setScaleY((F32)sd["scale_y"].asReal());
+	setShearX((F32)sd["shear_x"].asReal());
+	setShearY((F32)sd["shear_y"].asReal());
+	setTwist((F32)sd["twist"].asReal());
+	setTwistBegin((F32)sd["twist_begin"].asReal());
+	setRadiusOffset((F32)sd["radius_offset"].asReal());
+	setTaperX((F32)sd["taper_x"].asReal());
+	setTaperY((F32)sd["taper_y"].asReal());
+	setRevolutions((F32)sd["revolutions"].asReal());
+	setSkew((F32)sd["skew"].asReal());
+	return true;
+void LLPathParams::copyParams(const LLPathParams &params)
+	setCurveType(params.getCurveType());
+	setBegin(params.getBegin());
+	setEnd(params.getEnd());
+	setScale(params.getScaleX(), params.getScaleY() );
+	setShear(params.getShearX(), params.getShearY() );
+	setTwist(params.getTwist());
+	setTwistBegin(params.getTwistBegin());
+	setRadiusOffset(params.getRadiusOffset());
+	setTaper( params.getTaperX(), params.getTaperY() );
+	setRevolutions(params.getRevolutions());
+	setSkew(params.getSkew());
+S32 profile_delete_lock = 1 ; 
+	if(profile_delete_lock)
+	{
+		llerrs << "LLProfile should not be deleted here!" << llendl ;
+	}
+S32 LLVolume::sNumMeshPoints = 0;
+LLVolume::LLVolume(const LLVolumeParams &params, const F32 detail, const BOOL generate_single_face, const BOOL is_unique)
+	: mParams(params)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	mUnique = is_unique;
+	mFaceMask = 0x0;
+	mDetail = detail;
+	mSculptLevel = -2;
+	mIsTetrahedron = FALSE;
+	mLODScaleBias.setVec(1,1,1);
+	mHullPoints = NULL;
+	mHullIndices = NULL;
+	mNumHullPoints = 0;
+	mNumHullIndices = 0;
+	// set defaults
+	if (mParams.getPathParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PATH_FLEXIBLE)
+	{
+		mPathp = new LLDynamicPath();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		mPathp = new LLPath();
+	}
+	mProfilep = new LLProfile();
+	mGenerateSingleFace = generate_single_face;
+	generate();
+	if (mParams.getSculptID().isNull() && mParams.getSculptType() == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_NONE)
+	{
+		createVolumeFaces();
+	}
+void LLVolume::resizePath(S32 length)
+	mPathp->resizePath(length);
+	mVolumeFaces.clear();
+void LLVolume::regen()
+	generate();
+	createVolumeFaces();
+void LLVolume::genBinormals(S32 face)
+	mVolumeFaces[face].createBinormals();
+	sNumMeshPoints -= mMesh.size();
+	delete mPathp;
+	profile_delete_lock = 0 ;
+	delete mProfilep;
+	profile_delete_lock = 1 ;
+	mPathp = NULL;
+	mProfilep = NULL;
+	mVolumeFaces.clear();
+	free(mHullPoints);
+	mHullPoints = NULL;
+	free(mHullIndices);
+	mHullIndices = NULL;
+BOOL LLVolume::generate()
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	llassert_always(mProfilep);
+	//Added 10.03.05 Dave Parks
+	// Split is a parameter to LLProfile::generate that tesselates edges on the profile 
+	// to prevent lighting and texture interpolation errors on triangles that are 
+	// stretched due to twisting or scaling on the path.  
+	S32 split = (S32) ((mDetail)*0.66f);
+	if (mParams.getPathParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE &&
+		(mParams.getPathParams().getScale().mV[0] != 1.0f ||
+		 mParams.getPathParams().getScale().mV[1] != 1.0f) &&
+		(mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE ||
+		 mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_ISOTRI ||
+		 mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI ||
+		 mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_RIGHTTRI))
+	{
+		split = 0;
+	}
+	mLODScaleBias.setVec(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
+	F32 profile_detail = mDetail;
+	F32 path_detail = mDetail;
+	U8 path_type = mParams.getPathParams().getCurveType();
+	U8 profile_type = mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType();
+	if (path_type == LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE && profile_type == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE)
+	{ //cylinders don't care about Z-Axis
+		mLODScaleBias.setVec(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.0f);
+	}
+	else if (path_type == LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE) 
+	{	
+		mLODScaleBias.setVec(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
+	}
+	//********************************************************************
+	//debug info, to be removed
+	if((U32)(mPathp->mPath.size() * mProfilep->mProfile.size()) > (1u << 20))
+	{
+		llinfos << "sizeS: " << mPathp->mPath.size() << " sizeT: " << mProfilep->mProfile.size() << llendl ;
+		llinfos << "path_detail : " << path_detail << " split: " << split << " profile_detail: " << profile_detail << llendl ;
+		llinfos << mParams << llendl ;
+		llinfos << "more info to check if mProfilep is deleted or not." << llendl ;
+		llinfos << mProfilep->mNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mFaces.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeCenters.size() << llendl ;
+		llerrs << "LLVolume corrupted!" << llendl ;
+	}
+	//********************************************************************
+	BOOL regenPath = mPathp->generate(mParams.getPathParams(), path_detail, split);
+	BOOL regenProf = mProfilep->generate(mParams.getProfileParams(), mPathp->isOpen(),profile_detail, split);
+	if (regenPath || regenProf ) 
+	{
+		S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
+		S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
+		//********************************************************************
+		//debug info, to be removed
+		if((U32)(sizeS * sizeT) > (1u << 20))
+		{
+			llinfos << "regenPath: " << (S32)regenPath << " regenProf: " << (S32)regenProf << llendl ;
+			llinfos << "sizeS: " << sizeS << " sizeT: " << sizeT << llendl ;
+			llinfos << "path_detail : " << path_detail << " split: " << split << " profile_detail: " << profile_detail << llendl ;
+			llinfos << mParams << llendl ;
+			llinfos << "more info to check if mProfilep is deleted or not." << llendl ;
+			llinfos << mProfilep->mNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mFaces.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeNormals.size() << " : " << mProfilep->mEdgeCenters.size() << llendl ;
+			llerrs << "LLVolume corrupted!" << llendl ;
+		}
+		//********************************************************************
+		sNumMeshPoints -= mMesh.size();
+		mMesh.resize(sizeT * sizeS);
+		sNumMeshPoints += mMesh.size();		
+		//generate vertex positions
+		// Run along the path.
+		for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS; ++s)
+		{
+			LLVector2  scale = mPathp->mPath[s].mScale;
+			LLQuaternion rot = mPathp->mPath[s].mRot;
+			// Run along the profile.
+			for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT; ++t)
+			{
+				S32 m = s*sizeT + t;
+				Point& pt = mMesh[m];
+				pt.mPos.mV[0] = mProfilep->mProfile[t].mV[0] * scale.mV[0];
+				pt.mPos.mV[1] = mProfilep->mProfile[t].mV[1] * scale.mV[1];
+				pt.mPos.mV[2] = 0.0f;
+				pt.mPos       = pt.mPos * rot;
+				pt.mPos      += mPathp->mPath[s].mPos;
+			}
+		}
+		for (std::vector<LLProfile::Face>::iterator iter = mProfilep->mFaces.begin();
+			 iter != mProfilep->mFaces.end(); ++iter)
+		{
+			LLFaceID id = iter->mFaceID;
+			mFaceMask |= id;
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+void LLVolumeFace::VertexData::init()
+	if (!mData)
+	{
+		mData = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*2);
+	}
+	mData = NULL;
+	init();
+LLVolumeFace::VertexData::VertexData(const VertexData& rhs)
+	mData = NULL;
+	*this = rhs;
+const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::operator=(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs)
+	if (this != &rhs)
+	{
+		init();
+		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mData, (F32*) rhs.mData, 2*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+		mTexCoord = rhs.mTexCoord;
+	}
+	return *this;
+	free(mData);
+	mData = NULL;
+LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getPosition()
+	return mData[POSITION];
+LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getNormal()
+	return mData[NORMAL];
+const LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getPosition() const
+	return mData[POSITION];
+const LLVector4a& LLVolumeFace::VertexData::getNormal() const
+	return mData[NORMAL];
+void LLVolumeFace::VertexData::setPosition(const LLVector4a& pos)
+	mData[POSITION] = pos;
+void LLVolumeFace::VertexData::setNormal(const LLVector4a& norm)
+	mData[NORMAL] = norm;
+bool LLVolumeFace::VertexData::operator<(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs)const
+	const F32* lp = this->getPosition().getF32ptr();
+	const F32* rp = rhs.getPosition().getF32ptr();
+	if (lp[0] != rp[0])
+	{
+		return lp[0] < rp[0];
+	}
+	if (rp[1] != lp[1])
+	{
+		return lp[1] < rp[1];
+	}
+	if (rp[2] != lp[2])
+	{
+		return lp[2] < rp[2];
+	}
+	lp = getNormal().getF32ptr();
+	rp = rhs.getNormal().getF32ptr();
+	if (lp[0] != rp[0])
+	{
+		return lp[0] < rp[0];
+	}
+	if (rp[1] != lp[1])
+	{
+		return lp[1] < rp[1];
+	}
+	if (rp[2] != lp[2])
+	{
+		return lp[2] < rp[2];
+	}
+	if (mTexCoord.mV[0] != rhs.mTexCoord.mV[0])
+	{
+		return mTexCoord.mV[0] < rhs.mTexCoord.mV[0];
+	}
+	return mTexCoord.mV[1] < rhs.mTexCoord.mV[1];
+bool LLVolumeFace::VertexData::operator==(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs)const
+	return mData[POSITION].equals3(rhs.getPosition()) &&
+			mData[NORMAL].equals3(rhs.getNormal()) &&
+			mTexCoord == rhs.mTexCoord;
+bool LLVolumeFace::VertexData::compareNormal(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs, F32 angle_cutoff) const
+	bool retval = false;
+	if (rhs.mData[POSITION].equals3(mData[POSITION]) && rhs.mTexCoord == mTexCoord)
+	{
+		if (angle_cutoff > 1.f)
+		{
+			retval = (mData[NORMAL].equals3(rhs.mData[NORMAL]));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			F32 cur_angle = rhs.mData[NORMAL].dot3(mData[NORMAL]).getF32();
+			retval = cur_angle > angle_cutoff;
+		}
+	}
+	return retval;
+bool LLVolume::unpackVolumeFaces(std::istream& is, S32 size)
+	//input stream is now pointing at a zlib compressed block of LLSD
+	//decompress block
+	LLSD mdl;
+	if (!unzip_llsd(mdl, is, size))
+	{
+		llwarns << "not a valid mesh asset!" << llendl;
+		return false;
+	}
+	{
+		U32 face_count = mdl.size();
+		if (face_count == 0)
+		{
+			llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+		}
+		mVolumeFaces.resize(face_count);
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < face_count; ++i)
+		{
+			LLSD::Binary pos = mdl[i]["Position"];
+			LLSD::Binary norm = mdl[i]["Normal"];
+			LLSD::Binary tc = mdl[i]["TexCoord0"];
+			LLSD::Binary idx = mdl[i]["TriangleList"];
+			LLVolumeFace& face = mVolumeFaces[i];
+			//copy out indices
+			face.resizeIndices(idx.size()/2);
+			if (idx.empty() || face.mNumIndices < 3)
+			{ //why is there an empty index list?
+				llerrs <<"WTF?" << llendl;
+				continue;
+			}
+			U16* indices = (U16*) &(idx[0]);
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < idx.size()/2; ++j)
+			{
+				face.mIndices[j] = indices[j];
+			}
+			//copy out vertices
+			U32 num_verts = pos.size()/(3*2);
+			face.resizeVertices(num_verts);
+			if (mdl[i].has("Weights"))
+			{
+				face.allocateWeights(num_verts);
+				LLSD::Binary weights = mdl[i]["Weights"];
+				U32 idx = 0;
+				U32 cur_vertex = 0;
+				while (idx < weights.size() && cur_vertex < num_verts)
+				{
+					const U8 END_INFLUENCES = 0xFF;
+					U8 joint = weights[idx++];
+					U32 cur_influence = 0;
+					LLVector4 wght(0,0,0,0);
+					while (joint != END_INFLUENCES && idx < weights.size())
+					{
+						U16 influence = weights[idx++];
+						influence |= ((U16) weights[idx++] << 8);
+						F32 w = llclamp((F32) influence / 65535.f, 0.f, 0.99999f);
+						wght.mV[cur_influence++] = (F32) joint + w;
+						if (cur_influence >= 4)
+						{
+							joint = END_INFLUENCES;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							joint = weights[idx++];
+						}
+					}
+					face.mWeights[cur_vertex].loadua(wght.mV);
+					cur_vertex++;
+				}
+				if (cur_vertex != num_verts || idx != weights.size())
+				{
+					llwarns << "Vertex weight count does not match vertex count!" << llendl;
+				}
+			}
+			LLVector3 minp;
+			LLVector3 maxp;
+			LLVector2 min_tc; 
+			LLVector2 max_tc; 
+			minp.setValue(mdl[i]["PositionDomain"]["Min"]);
+			maxp.setValue(mdl[i]["PositionDomain"]["Max"]);
+			LLVector4a min_pos, max_pos;
+			min_pos.load3(minp.mV);
+			max_pos.load3(maxp.mV);
+			min_tc.setValue(mdl[i]["TexCoord0Domain"]["Min"]);
+			max_tc.setValue(mdl[i]["TexCoord0Domain"]["Max"]);
+			LLVector4a pos_range;
+			pos_range.setSub(max_pos, min_pos);
+			LLVector2 tc_range = max_tc - min_tc;
+			LLVector4a* pos_out = face.mPositions;
+			LLVector4a* norm_out = face.mNormals;
+			LLVector2* tc_out = face.mTexCoords;
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < num_verts; ++j)
+			{
+				U16* v = (U16*) &(pos[j*3*2]);
+				pos_out->set((F32) v[0], (F32) v[1], (F32) v[2]);
+				pos_out->div(65535.f);
+				pos_out->mul(pos_range);
+				pos_out->add(min_pos);
+				pos_out++;
+				U16* n = (U16*) &(norm[j*3*2]);
+				norm_out->set((F32) n[0], (F32) n[1], (F32) n[2]);
+				norm_out->div(65535.f);
+				norm_out->mul(2.f);
+				norm_out->sub(1.f);
+				norm_out++;
+				U16* t = (U16*) &(tc[j*2*2]);
+				tc_out->mV[0] = (F32) t[0] / 65535.f * tc_range.mV[0] + min_tc.mV[0];
+				tc_out->mV[1] =	(F32) t[1] / 65535.f * tc_range.mV[1] + min_tc.mV[1];
+				tc_out++;
+			}
+			// modifier flags?
+			bool do_mirror = (mParams.getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR);
+			bool do_invert = (mParams.getSculptType() &LL_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT);
+			// translate to actions:
+			bool do_reflect_x = false;
+			bool do_reverse_triangles = false;
+			bool do_invert_normals = false;
+			if (do_mirror)
+			{
+				do_reflect_x = true;
+				do_reverse_triangles = !do_reverse_triangles;
+			}
+			if (do_invert)
+			{
+				do_invert_normals = true;
+				do_reverse_triangles = !do_reverse_triangles;
+			}
+			// now do the work
+			if (do_reflect_x)
+			{
+				LLVector4a* p = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
+				LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
+				for (S32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; i++)
+				{
+					p[i].mul(-1.0f);
+					n[i].mul(-1.0f);
+				}
+			}
+			if (do_invert_normals)
+			{
+				LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
+				for (S32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; i++)
+				{
+					n[i].mul(-1.0f);
+				}
+			}
+			if (do_reverse_triangles)
+			{
+				for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; j += 3)
+				{
+					// swap the 2nd and 3rd index
+					S32 swap = face.mIndices[j+1];
+					face.mIndices[j+1] = face.mIndices[j+2];
+					face.mIndices[j+2] = swap;
+				}
+			}
+			//calculate bounding box
+			LLVector4a& min = face.mExtents[0];
+			LLVector4a& max = face.mExtents[1];
+			min.clear();
+			max.clear();
+			min = max = face.mPositions[0];
+			for (S32 i = 1; i < face.mNumVertices; ++i)
+			{
+				min.setMin(min, face.mPositions[i]);
+				max.setMax(max, face.mPositions[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	mSculptLevel = 0;  // success!
+	cacheOptimize();
+	return true;
+void tetrahedron_set_normal(LLVolumeFace::VertexData* cv)
+	LLVector4a v0;
+	v0.setSub(cv[1].getPosition(), cv[0].getNormal());
+	LLVector4a v1;
+	v1.setSub(cv[2].getNormal(), cv[0].getPosition());
+	cv[0].getNormal().setCross3(v0,v1);
+	cv[0].getNormal().normalize3fast();
+	cv[1].setNormal(cv[0].getNormal());
+	cv[2].setNormal(cv[1].getNormal());
+BOOL LLVolume::isTetrahedron()
+	return mIsTetrahedron;
+void LLVolume::makeTetrahedron()
+	mVolumeFaces.clear();
+	LLVolumeFace face;
+	F32 x = 0.25f;
+	LLVector4a p[] = 
+	{ //unit tetrahedron corners
+		LLVector4a(x,x,x),
+		LLVector4a(-x,-x,x),
+		LLVector4a(-x,x,-x),
+		LLVector4a(x,-x,-x)
+	};
+	face.mExtents[0].splat(-x);
+	face.mExtents[1].splat(x);
+	LLVolumeFace::VertexData cv[3];
+	//set texture coordinates
+	cv[0].mTexCoord = LLVector2(0,0);
+	cv[1].mTexCoord = LLVector2(1,0);
+	cv[2].mTexCoord = LLVector2(0.5f, 0.5f*F_SQRT3);
+	//side 1
+	cv[0].setPosition(p[1]);
+	cv[1].setPosition(p[0]);
+	cv[2].setPosition(p[2]);
+	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
+	face.resizeVertices(12);
+	face.resizeIndices(12);
+	LLVector4a* v = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
+	LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
+	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) face.mTexCoords;
+	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
+	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
+	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
+	v += 3;
+	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
+	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
+	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
+	n += 3;
+	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
+	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
+	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
+	tc += 3;
+	//side 2
+	cv[0].setPosition(p[3]);
+	cv[1].setPosition(p[0]);
+	cv[2].setPosition(p[1]);
+	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
+	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
+	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
+	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
+	v += 3;
+	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
+	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
+	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
+	n += 3;
+	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
+	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
+	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
+	tc += 3;
+	//side 3
+	cv[0].setPosition(p[3]);
+	cv[1].setPosition(p[1]);
+	cv[2].setPosition(p[2]);
+	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
+	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
+	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
+	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
+	v += 3;
+	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
+	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
+	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
+	n += 3;
+	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
+	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
+	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
+	tc += 3;
+	//side 4
+	cv[0].setPosition(p[2]);
+	cv[1].setPosition(p[0]);
+	cv[2].setPosition(p[3]);
+	tetrahedron_set_normal(cv);
+	v[0] = cv[0].getPosition();
+	v[1] = cv[1].getPosition();
+	v[2] = cv[2].getPosition();
+	v += 3;
+	n[0] = cv[0].getNormal();
+	n[1] = cv[1].getNormal();
+	n[2] = cv[2].getNormal();
+	n += 3;
+	tc[0] = cv[0].mTexCoord;
+	tc[1] = cv[1].mTexCoord;
+	tc[2] = cv[2].mTexCoord;
+	tc += 3;
+	//set index buffer
+	for (U16 i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+	{
+		face.mIndices[i] = i;
+	}
+	mVolumeFaces.push_back(face);
+	mSculptLevel = 0;
+	mIsTetrahedron = TRUE;
+void LLVolume::copyVolumeFaces(const LLVolume* volume)
+	mVolumeFaces = volume->mVolumeFaces;
+	mSculptLevel = 0;
+	mIsTetrahedron = FALSE;
+void LLVolume::cacheOptimize()
+	for (S32 i = 0; i < mVolumeFaces.size(); ++i)
+	{
+		mVolumeFaces[i].cacheOptimize();
+	}
+S32	LLVolume::getNumFaces() const
+	U8 sculpt_type = (mParams.getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK);
+	if (sculpt_type == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
+	{
+	}
+	return (S32)mProfilep->mFaces.size();
+void LLVolume::createVolumeFaces()
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	if (mGenerateSingleFace)
+	{
+		// do nothing
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		S32 num_faces = getNumFaces();
+		BOOL partial_build = TRUE;
+		if (num_faces != mVolumeFaces.size())
+		{
+			partial_build = FALSE;
+			mVolumeFaces.resize(num_faces);
+		}
+		// Initialize volume faces with parameter data
+		for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)mVolumeFaces.size(); i++)
+		{
+			LLVolumeFace& vf = mVolumeFaces[i];
+			LLProfile::Face& face = mProfilep->mFaces[i];
+			vf.mBeginS = face.mIndex;
+			vf.mNumS = face.mCount;
+			if (vf.mNumS < 0)
+			{
+				llerrs << "Volume face corruption detected." << llendl;
+			}
+			vf.mBeginT = 0;
+			vf.mNumT= getPath().mPath.size();
+			vf.mID = i;
+			// Set the type mask bits correctly
+			if (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0)
+			{
+				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::HOLLOW_MASK;
+			}
+			if (mProfilep->isOpen())
+			{
+				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::OPEN_MASK;
+			}
+			if (face.mCap)
+			{
+				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::CAP_MASK;
+				if (face.mFaceID == LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN)
+				{
+					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::TOP_MASK;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					llassert(face.mFaceID == LL_FACE_PATH_END);
+					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::BOTTOM_MASK;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (face.mFaceID & (LL_FACE_PROFILE_BEGIN | LL_FACE_PROFILE_END))
+			{
+				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::FLAT_MASK | LLVolumeFace::END_MASK;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::SIDE_MASK;
+				if (face.mFlat)
+				{
+					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::FLAT_MASK;
+				}
+				if (face.mFaceID & LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE)
+				{
+					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::INNER_MASK;
+					if (face.mFlat && vf.mNumS > 2)
+					{ //flat inner faces have to copy vert normals
+						vf.mNumS = vf.mNumS*2;
+						if (vf.mNumS < 0)
+						{
+							llerrs << "Volume face corruption detected." << llendl;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					vf.mTypeMask |= LLVolumeFace::OUTER_MASK;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for (face_list_t::iterator iter = mVolumeFaces.begin();
+			 iter != mVolumeFaces.end(); ++iter)
+		{
+			(*iter).create(this, partial_build);
+		}
+	}
+inline LLVector3 sculpt_rgb_to_vector(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b)
+	// maps RGB values to vector values [0..255] -> [-0.5..0.5]
+	LLVector3 value;
+	value.mV[VX] = r / 255.f - 0.5f;
+	value.mV[VY] = g / 255.f - 0.5f;
+	value.mV[VZ] = b / 255.f - 0.5f;
+	return value;
+inline U32 sculpt_xy_to_index(U32 x, U32 y, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components)
+	U32 index = (x + y * sculpt_width) * sculpt_components;
+	return index;
+inline U32 sculpt_st_to_index(S32 s, S32 t, S32 size_s, S32 size_t, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components)
+	U32 x = (U32) ((F32)s/(size_s) * (F32) sculpt_width);
+	U32 y = (U32) ((F32)t/(size_t) * (F32) sculpt_height);
+	return sculpt_xy_to_index(x, y, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components);
+inline LLVector3 sculpt_index_to_vector(U32 index, const U8* sculpt_data)
+	LLVector3 v = sculpt_rgb_to_vector(sculpt_data[index], sculpt_data[index+1], sculpt_data[index+2]);
+	return v;
+inline LLVector3 sculpt_st_to_vector(S32 s, S32 t, S32 size_s, S32 size_t, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data)
+	U32 index = sculpt_st_to_index(s, t, size_s, size_t, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components);
+	return sculpt_index_to_vector(index, sculpt_data);
+inline LLVector3 sculpt_xy_to_vector(U32 x, U32 y, U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data)
+	U32 index = sculpt_xy_to_index(x, y, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components);
+	return sculpt_index_to_vector(index, sculpt_data);
+F32 LLVolume::sculptGetSurfaceArea()
+	// test to see if image has enough variation to create non-degenerate geometry
+	F32 area = 0;
+	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
+	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
+	for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS-1; s++)
+	{
+		for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT-1; t++)
+		{
+			// get four corners of quad
+			LLVector3 p1 = mMesh[(s  )*sizeT + (t  )].mPos;
+			LLVector3 p2 = mMesh[(s+1)*sizeT + (t  )].mPos;
+			LLVector3 p3 = mMesh[(s  )*sizeT + (t+1)].mPos;
+			LLVector3 p4 = mMesh[(s+1)*sizeT + (t+1)].mPos;
+			// compute the area of the quad by taking the length of the cross product of the two triangles
+			LLVector3 cross1 = (p1 - p2) % (p1 - p3);
+			LLVector3 cross2 = (p4 - p2) % (p4 - p3);
+			area += (cross1.magVec() + cross2.magVec()) / 2.0;
+		}
+	}
+	return area;
+// create placeholder shape
+void LLVolume::sculptGeneratePlaceholder()
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
+	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
+	S32 line = 0;
+	// for now, this is a sphere.
+	for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS; s++)
+	{
+		for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT; t++)
+		{
+			S32 i = t + line;
+			Point& pt = mMesh[i];
+			F32 u = (F32)s/(sizeS-1);
+			F32 v = (F32)t/(sizeT-1);
+			const F32 RADIUS = (F32) 0.3;
+			pt.mPos.mV[0] = (F32)(sin(F_PI * v) * cos(2.0 * F_PI * u) * RADIUS);
+			pt.mPos.mV[1] = (F32)(sin(F_PI * v) * sin(2.0 * F_PI * u) * RADIUS);
+			pt.mPos.mV[2] = (F32)(cos(F_PI * v) * RADIUS);
+		}
+		line += sizeT;
+	}
+// create the vertices from the map
+void LLVolume::sculptGenerateMapVertices(U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data, U8 sculpt_type)
+	U8 sculpt_stitching = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK;
+	BOOL sculpt_invert = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT;
+	BOOL sculpt_mirror = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR;
+	BOOL reverse_horizontal = (sculpt_invert ? !sculpt_mirror : sculpt_mirror);  // XOR
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();
+	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();
+	S32 line = 0;
+	for (S32 s = 0; s < sizeS; s++)
+	{
+		// Run along the profile.
+		for (S32 t = 0; t < sizeT; t++)
+		{
+			S32 i = t + line;
+			Point& pt = mMesh[i];
+			S32 reversed_t = t;
+			if (reverse_horizontal)
+			{
+				reversed_t = sizeT - t - 1;
+			}
+			U32 x = (U32) ((F32)reversed_t/(sizeT-1) * (F32) sculpt_width);
+			U32 y = (U32) ((F32)s/(sizeS-1) * (F32) sculpt_height);
+			if (y == 0)  // top row stitching
+			{
+				// pinch?
+				if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE)
+				{
+					x = sculpt_width / 2;
+				}
+			}
+			if (y == sculpt_height)  // bottom row stitching
+			{
+				// wrap?
+				if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS)
+				{
+					y = 0;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					y = sculpt_height - 1;
+				}
+				// pinch?
+				if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE)
+				{
+					x = sculpt_width / 2;
+				}
+			}
+			if (x == sculpt_width)   // side stitching
+			{
+				// wrap?
+				if ((sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE) ||
+					(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS) ||
+					(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER))
+				{
+					x = 0;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					x = sculpt_width - 1;
+				}
+			}
+			pt.mPos = sculpt_xy_to_vector(x, y, sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components, sculpt_data);
+			if (sculpt_mirror)
+			{
+				pt.mPos.mV[VX] *= -1.f;
+			}
+		}
+		line += sizeT;
+	}
+const S32 SCULPT_REZ_1 = 6;  // changed from 4 to 6 - 6 looks round whereas 4 looks square
+const S32 SCULPT_REZ_2 = 8;
+const S32 SCULPT_REZ_3 = 16;
+const S32 SCULPT_REZ_4 = 32;
+S32 sculpt_sides(F32 detail)
+	// detail is usually one of: 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0.
+	if (detail <= 1.0)
+	{
+		return SCULPT_REZ_1;
+	}
+	if (detail <= 2.0)
+	{
+		return SCULPT_REZ_2;
+	}
+	if (detail <= 3.0)
+	{
+		return SCULPT_REZ_3;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return SCULPT_REZ_4;
+	}
+// determine the number of vertices in both s and t direction for this sculpt
+void sculpt_calc_mesh_resolution(U16 width, U16 height, U8 type, F32 detail, S32& s, S32& t)
+	// this code has the following properties:
+	// 1) the aspect ratio of the mesh is as close as possible to the ratio of the map
+	//    while still using all available verts
+	// 2) the mesh cannot have more verts than is allowed by LOD
+	// 3) the mesh cannot have more verts than is allowed by the map
+	S32 max_vertices_lod = (S32)pow((double)sculpt_sides(detail), 2.0);
+	S32 max_vertices_map = width * height / 4;
+	S32 vertices;
+	if (max_vertices_map > 0)
+		vertices = llmin(max_vertices_lod, max_vertices_map);
+	else
+		vertices = max_vertices_lod;
+	F32 ratio;
+	if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
+		ratio = 1.f;
+	else
+		ratio = (F32) width / (F32) height;
+	s = (S32)(F32) sqrt(((F32)vertices / ratio));
+	s = llmax(s, 4);              // no degenerate sizes, please
+	t = vertices / s;
+	t = llmax(t, 4);              // no degenerate sizes, please
+	s = vertices / t;
+// sculpt replaces generate() for sculpted surfaces
+void LLVolume::sculpt(U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data, S32 sculpt_level)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+    U8 sculpt_type = mParams.getSculptType();
+	BOOL data_is_empty = FALSE;
+	if (sculpt_width == 0 || sculpt_height == 0 || sculpt_components < 3 || sculpt_data == NULL)
+	{
+		sculpt_level = -1;
+		data_is_empty = TRUE;
+	}
+	S32 requested_sizeS = 0;
+	S32 requested_sizeT = 0;
+	sculpt_calc_mesh_resolution(sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_type, mDetail, requested_sizeS, requested_sizeT);
+	mPathp->generate(mParams.getPathParams(), mDetail, 0, TRUE, requested_sizeS);
+	mProfilep->generate(mParams.getProfileParams(), mPathp->isOpen(), mDetail, 0, TRUE, requested_sizeT);
+	S32 sizeS = mPathp->mPath.size();         // we requested a specific size, now see what we really got
+	S32 sizeT = mProfilep->mProfile.size();   // we requested a specific size, now see what we really got
+	// weird crash bug - DEV-11158 - trying to collect more data:
+	if ((sizeS == 0) || (sizeT == 0))
+	{
+		llwarns << "sculpt bad mesh size " << sizeS << " " << sizeT << llendl;
+	}
+	sNumMeshPoints -= mMesh.size();
+	mMesh.resize(sizeS * sizeT);
+	sNumMeshPoints += mMesh.size();
+	//generate vertex positions
+	if (!data_is_empty)
+	{
+		sculptGenerateMapVertices(sculpt_width, sculpt_height, sculpt_components, sculpt_data, sculpt_type);
+		// don't test lowest LOD to support legacy content DEV-33670
+		if (mDetail > SCULPT_MIN_AREA_DETAIL)
+		{
+			if (sculptGetSurfaceArea() < SCULPT_MIN_AREA)
+			{
+				data_is_empty = TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (data_is_empty)
+	{
+		sculptGeneratePlaceholder();
+	}
+	for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)mProfilep->mFaces.size(); i++)
+	{
+		mFaceMask |= mProfilep->mFaces[i].mFaceID;
+	}
+	mSculptLevel = sculpt_level;
+	// Delete any existing faces so that they get regenerated
+	mVolumeFaces.clear();
+	createVolumeFaces();
+BOOL LLVolume::isCap(S32 face)
+	return mProfilep->mFaces[face].mCap; 
+BOOL LLVolume::isFlat(S32 face)
+	return mProfilep->mFaces[face].mFlat;
+bool LLVolumeParams::isSculpt() const
+	return mSculptID.notNull();
+bool LLVolumeParams::isMeshSculpt() const
+	return isSculpt() && ((mSculptType & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH);
+bool LLVolumeParams::operator==(const LLVolumeParams &params) const
+	return ( (getPathParams() == params.getPathParams()) &&
+			 (getProfileParams() == params.getProfileParams()) &&
+			 (mSculptID == params.mSculptID) &&
+			 (mSculptType == params.mSculptType) );
+bool LLVolumeParams::operator!=(const LLVolumeParams &params) const
+	return ( (getPathParams() != params.getPathParams()) ||
+			 (getProfileParams() != params.getProfileParams()) ||
+			 (mSculptID != params.mSculptID) ||
+			 (mSculptType != params.mSculptType) );
+bool LLVolumeParams::operator<(const LLVolumeParams &params) const
+	if( getPathParams() != params.getPathParams() )
+	{
+		return getPathParams() < params.getPathParams();
+	}
+	if (getProfileParams() != params.getProfileParams())
+	{
+		return getProfileParams() < params.getProfileParams();
+	}
+	if (mSculptID != params.mSculptID)
+	{
+		return mSculptID < params.mSculptID;
+	}
+	return mSculptType < params.mSculptType;
+void LLVolumeParams::copyParams(const LLVolumeParams &params)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	mProfileParams.copyParams(params.mProfileParams);
+	mPathParams.copyParams(params.mPathParams);
+	mSculptID = params.getSculptID();
+	mSculptType = params.getSculptType();
+// Less restricitve approx 0 for volumes
+const F32 APPROXIMATELY_ZERO = 0.001f;
+bool approx_zero( F32 f, F32 tolerance = APPROXIMATELY_ZERO)
+	return (f >= -tolerance) && (f <= tolerance);
+// return true if in range (or nearly so)
+static bool limit_range(F32& v, F32 min, F32 max, F32 tolerance = APPROXIMATELY_ZERO)
+	F32 min_delta = v - min;
+	if (min_delta < 0.f)
+	{
+		v = min;
+		if (!approx_zero(min_delta, tolerance))
+			return false;
+	}
+	F32 max_delta = max - v;
+	if (max_delta < 0.f)
+	{
+		v = max;
+		if (!approx_zero(max_delta, tolerance))
+			return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setBeginAndEndS(const F32 b, const F32 e)
+	bool valid = true;
+	// First, clamp to valid ranges.
+	F32 begin = b;
+	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, 1.f - MIN_CUT_DELTA);
+	F32 end = e;
+	if (end >= .0149f && end < MIN_CUT_DELTA) end = MIN_CUT_DELTA; // eliminate warning for common rounding error
+	valid &= limit_range(end, MIN_CUT_DELTA, 1.f);
+	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, end - MIN_CUT_DELTA, .01f);
+	// Now set them.
+	mProfileParams.setBegin(begin);
+	mProfileParams.setEnd(end);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setBeginAndEndT(const F32 b, const F32 e)
+	bool valid = true;
+	// First, clamp to valid ranges.
+	F32 begin = b;
+	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, 1.f - MIN_CUT_DELTA);
+	F32 end = e;
+	valid &= limit_range(end, MIN_CUT_DELTA, 1.f);
+	valid &= limit_range(begin, 0.f, end - MIN_CUT_DELTA, .01f);
+	// Now set them.
+	mPathParams.setBegin(begin);
+	mPathParams.setEnd(end);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setHollow(const F32 h)
+	// Validate the hollow based on path and profile.
+	U8 profile 	= mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
+	U8 hole_type 	= mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK;
+	F32 max_hollow = HOLLOW_MAX;
+	// Only square holes have trouble.
+	if (LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE == hole_type)
+	{
+		switch(profile)
+		{
+			max_hollow = HOLLOW_MAX_SQUARE;
+		}
+	}
+	F32 hollow = h;
+	bool valid = limit_range(hollow, HOLLOW_MIN, max_hollow);
+	mProfileParams.setHollow(hollow); 
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setTwistBegin(const F32 b)
+	F32 twist_begin = b;
+	bool valid = limit_range(twist_begin, TWIST_MIN, TWIST_MAX);
+	mPathParams.setTwistBegin(twist_begin);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setTwistEnd(const F32 e)
+	F32 twist_end = e;
+	bool valid = limit_range(twist_end, TWIST_MIN, TWIST_MAX);
+	mPathParams.setTwistEnd(twist_end);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setRatio(const F32 x, const F32 y)
+	F32 min_x = RATIO_MIN;
+	F32 max_x = RATIO_MAX;
+	F32 min_y = RATIO_MIN;
+	F32 max_y = RATIO_MAX;
+	// If this is a circular path (and not a sphere) then 'ratio' is actually hole size.
+	U8 path_type 	= mPathParams.getCurveType();
+	U8 profile_type = mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
+	if ( LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE == path_type &&
+		 LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF != profile_type)
+	{
+		// Holes are more restricted...
+		min_x = HOLE_X_MIN;
+		max_x = HOLE_X_MAX;
+		min_y = HOLE_Y_MIN;
+		max_y = HOLE_Y_MAX;
+	}
+	F32 ratio_x = x;
+	bool valid = limit_range(ratio_x, min_x, max_x);
+	F32 ratio_y = y;
+	valid &= limit_range(ratio_y, min_y, max_y);
+	mPathParams.setScale(ratio_x, ratio_y);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setShear(const F32 x, const F32 y)
+	F32 shear_x = x;
+	bool valid = limit_range(shear_x, SHEAR_MIN, SHEAR_MAX);
+	F32 shear_y = y;
+	valid &= limit_range(shear_y, SHEAR_MIN, SHEAR_MAX);
+	mPathParams.setShear(shear_x, shear_y);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setTaperX(const F32 v)
+	F32 taper = v;
+	bool valid = limit_range(taper, TAPER_MIN, TAPER_MAX);
+	mPathParams.setTaperX(taper);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setTaperY(const F32 v)
+	F32 taper = v;
+	bool valid = limit_range(taper, TAPER_MIN, TAPER_MAX);
+	mPathParams.setTaperY(taper);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setRevolutions(const F32 r)
+	F32 revolutions = r;
+	bool valid = limit_range(revolutions, REV_MIN, REV_MAX);
+	mPathParams.setRevolutions(revolutions);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setRadiusOffset(const F32 offset)
+	bool valid = true;
+	// If this is a sphere, just set it to 0 and get out.
+	U8 path_type 	= mPathParams.getCurveType();
+	U8 profile_type = mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
+	if ( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF == profile_type ||
+		LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE != path_type )
+	{
+		mPathParams.setRadiusOffset(0.f);
+		return true;
+	}
+	// Limit radius offset, based on taper and hole size y.
+	F32 radius_offset	= offset;
+	F32 taper_y    		= getTaperY();
+	F32 radius_mag		= fabs(radius_offset);
+	F32 hole_y_mag 		= fabs(getRatioY());
+	F32 taper_y_mag		= fabs(taper_y);
+	// Check to see if the taper effects us.
+	if ( (radius_offset > 0.f && taper_y < 0.f) ||
+			(radius_offset < 0.f && taper_y > 0.f) )
+	{
+		// The taper does not help increase the radius offset range.
+		taper_y_mag = 0.f;
+	}
+	F32 max_radius_mag = 1.f - hole_y_mag * (1.f - taper_y_mag) / (1.f - hole_y_mag);
+	// Enforce the maximum magnitude.
+	F32 delta = max_radius_mag - radius_mag;
+	if (delta < 0.f)
+	{
+		// Check radius offset sign.
+		if (radius_offset < 0.f)
+		{
+			radius_offset = -max_radius_mag;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			radius_offset = max_radius_mag;
+		}
+		valid = approx_zero(delta, .1f);
+	}
+	mPathParams.setRadiusOffset(radius_offset);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setSkew(const F32 skew_value)
+	bool valid = true;
+	// Check the skew value against the revolutions.
+	F32 skew		= llclamp(skew_value, SKEW_MIN, SKEW_MAX);
+	F32 skew_mag	= fabs(skew);
+	F32 revolutions = getRevolutions();
+	F32 scale_x		= getRatioX();
+	F32 min_skew_mag = 1.0f - 1.0f / (revolutions * scale_x + 1.0f);
+	// Discontinuity; A revolution of 1 allows skews below 0.5.
+	if ( fabs(revolutions - 1.0f) < 0.001)
+		min_skew_mag = 0.0f;
+	// Clip skew.
+	F32 delta = skew_mag - min_skew_mag;
+	if (delta < 0.f)
+	{
+		// Check skew sign.
+		if (skew < 0.0f)
+		{
+			skew = -min_skew_mag;
+		}
+		else 
+		{
+			skew = min_skew_mag;
+		}
+		valid = approx_zero(delta, .01f);
+	}
+	mPathParams.setSkew(skew);
+	return valid;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setSculptID(const LLUUID sculpt_id, U8 sculpt_type)
+	mSculptID = sculpt_id;
+	mSculptType = sculpt_type;
+	return true;
+bool LLVolumeParams::setType(U8 profile, U8 path)
+	bool result = true;
+	// First, check profile and path for validity.
+	U8 profile_type	= profile & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
+	U8 hole_type 	= (profile & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK) >> 4;
+	U8 path_type	= path >> 4;
+	if (profile_type > LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MAX)
+	{
+		// Bad profile.  Make it square.
+		result = false;
+		llwarns << "LLVolumeParams::setType changing bad profile type (" << profile_type
+			 	<< ") to be LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE" << llendl;
+	}
+	else if (hole_type > LL_PCODE_HOLE_MAX)
+	{
+		// Bad hole.  Make it the same.
+		profile = profile_type;
+		result = false;
+		llwarns << "LLVolumeParams::setType changing bad hole type (" << hole_type
+			 	<< ") to be LL_PCODE_HOLE_SAME" << llendl;
+	}
+	if (path_type < LL_PCODE_PATH_MIN ||
+		path_type > LL_PCODE_PATH_MAX)
+	{
+		// Bad path.  Make it linear.
+		result = false;
+		llwarns << "LLVolumeParams::setType changing bad path (" << path
+			 	<< ") to be LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE" << llendl;
+	}
+	mProfileParams.setCurveType(profile);
+	mPathParams.setCurveType(path);
+	return result;
+// static 
+bool LLVolumeParams::validate(U8 prof_curve, F32 prof_begin, F32 prof_end, F32 hollow,
+		U8 path_curve, F32 path_begin, F32 path_end,
+		F32 scx, F32 scy, F32 shx, F32 shy,
+		F32 twistend, F32 twistbegin, F32 radiusoffset,
+		F32 tx, F32 ty, F32 revolutions, F32 skew)
+	LLVolumeParams test_params;
+	if (!test_params.setType		(prof_curve, path_curve))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setBeginAndEndS	(prof_begin, prof_end))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setBeginAndEndT	(path_begin, path_end))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setHollow		(hollow))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setTwistBegin		(twistbegin))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setTwistEnd		(twistend))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setRatio		(scx, scy))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setShear		(shx, shy))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setTaper		(tx, ty))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setRevolutions		(revolutions))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setRadiusOffset	(radiusoffset))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	if (!test_params.setSkew		(skew))
+	{
+	    	return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+S32 *LLVolume::getTriangleIndices(U32 &num_indices) const
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	S32 expected_num_triangle_indices = getNumTriangleIndices();
+	if (expected_num_triangle_indices > MAX_VOLUME_TRIANGLE_INDICES)
+	{
+		// we don't allow LLVolumes with this many vertices
+		llwarns << "Couldn't allocate triangle indices" << llendl;
+		num_indices = 0;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	S32* index = new S32[expected_num_triangle_indices];
+	S32 count = 0;
+	// Let's do this totally diffently, as we don't care about faces...
+	// Counter-clockwise triangles are forward facing...
+	BOOL open = getProfile().isOpen();
+	BOOL hollow = (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0);
+	BOOL path_open = getPath().isOpen();
+	S32 size_s, size_s_out, size_t;
+	S32 s, t, i;
+	size_s = getProfile().getTotal();
+	size_s_out = getProfile().getTotalOut();
+	size_t = getPath().mPath.size();
+	// NOTE -- if the construction of the triangles below ever changes
+	// then getNumTriangleIndices() method may also have to be updated.
+	if (open)		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	{
+		if (hollow)
+		{
+			// Open hollow -- much like the closed solid, except we 
+			// we need to stitch up the gap between s=0 and s=size_s-1
+			for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
+			{
+				// The outer face, first cut, and inner face
+				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 1; s++)
+				{
+					i  = s + t*size_s;
+					index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
+					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+					index[count++]  = i + size_s + 1;	// x+1,y+1
+				}
+				// The other cut face
+				index[count++]  = s + t*size_s;		// x,y
+				index[count++]  = 0 + t*size_s;		// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = s + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = s + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = 0 + t*size_s;		// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = 0 + (t+1)*size_s;	// x+1,y+1
+			}
+			// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
+			if (path_open)
+			{
+				// Top cap
+				S32 pt1 = 0;
+				S32 pt2 = size_s-1;
+				S32 i   = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
+				while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
+				{
+					// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
+					// the un-transformed profile distances.
+					LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
+					LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
+					LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
+					LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
+					p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
+					F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
+					area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+								(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+								(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
+					area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+								(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
+								(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
+					area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+								(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+					area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+								(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+					BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
+					BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
+					if (area_1a2 < 0)
+					{
+						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (area_2ab < 0)
+					{
+						// Can't use, because it contains point b
+						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (area_21b < 0)
+					{
+						tri_21b = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (area_1ba < 0)
+					{
+						// Can't use, because it contains point b
+						tri_21b = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (!tri_1a2)
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+					else if (!tri_21b)
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
+						LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
+						if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
+						{
+							use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+						}
+					}
+					if (use_tri1a2)
+					{
+						index[count++] = pt1 + i;
+						index[count++] = pt1 + 1 + i;
+						index[count++] = pt2 + i;
+						pt1++;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						index[count++] = pt1 + i;
+						index[count++] = pt2 - 1 + i;
+						index[count++] = pt2 + i;
+						pt2--;
+					}
+				}
+				// Bottom cap
+				pt1          = 0;
+				pt2          = size_s-1;
+				while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
+				{
+					// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
+					// the un-transformed profile distances.
+					LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
+					LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
+					LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
+					LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
+					p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+					// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
+					F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
+					area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+								(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+								(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
+					area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+								(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
+								(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
+					area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+								(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+					area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+								(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+								(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+					BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
+					BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
+					if (area_1a2 < 0)
+					{
+						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (area_2ab < 0)
+					{
+						// Can't use, because it contains point b
+						tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (area_21b < 0)
+					{
+						tri_21b = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (area_1ba < 0)
+					{
+						// Can't use, because it contains point b
+						tri_21b = FALSE;
+					}
+					if (!tri_1a2)
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+					else if (!tri_21b)
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
+						LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
+						if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
+						{
+							use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+						}
+					}
+					if (use_tri1a2)
+					{
+						index[count++] = pt1;
+						index[count++] = pt2;
+						index[count++] = pt1 + 1;
+						pt1++;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						index[count++] = pt1;
+						index[count++] = pt2;
+						index[count++] = pt2 - 1;
+						pt2--;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Open solid
+			for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
+			{
+				// Outer face + 1 cut face
+				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 1; s++)
+				{
+					i  = s + t*size_s;
+					index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
+					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+					index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+					index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+					index[count++]  = i + size_s + 1;	// x+1,y+1
+				}
+				// The other cut face
+				index[count++] = (size_s - 1) + (t*size_s);		// x,y
+				index[count++] = 0 + t*size_s;					// x+1,y
+				index[count++] = (size_s - 1) + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
+				index[count++] = (size_s - 1) + (t+1)*size_s;	// x,y+1
+				index[count++] = 0 + (t*size_s);				// x+1,y
+				index[count++] = 0 + (t+1)*size_s;				// x+1,y+1
+			}
+			// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
+			if (path_open)
+			{
+				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 2; s++)
+				{
+					index[count++] = s+1;
+					index[count++] = s;
+					index[count++] = size_s - 1;
+				}
+				// We've got a top cap
+				S32 offset = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
+				for (s = 0; s < size_s - 2; s++)
+				{
+					// Inverted ordering from bottom cap.
+					index[count++] = offset + size_s - 1;
+					index[count++] = offset + s;
+					index[count++] = offset + s + 1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (hollow)
+	{
+		// Closed hollow
+		// Outer face
+		for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
+		{
+			for (s = 0; s < size_s_out - 1; s++)
+			{
+				i  = s + t*size_s;
+				index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
+				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = i + 1 + size_s;	// x+1,y+1
+			}
+		}
+		// Inner face
+		// Invert facing from outer face
+		for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
+		{
+			for (s = size_s_out; s < size_s - 1; s++)
+			{
+				i  = s + t*size_s;
+				index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
+				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = i + 1 + size_s;	// x+1,y+1
+			}
+		}
+		// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
+		if (path_open)
+		{
+			// Top cap
+			S32 pt1 = 0;
+			S32 pt2 = size_s-1;
+			S32 i   = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
+			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
+			{
+				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
+				// the un-transformed profile distances.
+				LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
+				LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
+				LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
+				LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
+				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
+				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
+				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
+				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
+				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
+				if (area_1a2 < 0)
+				{
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_2ab < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_21b < 0)
+				{
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_1ba < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (!tri_1a2)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				else if (!tri_21b)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
+					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
+					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+				if (use_tri1a2)
+				{
+					index[count++] = pt1 + i;
+					index[count++] = pt1 + 1 + i;
+					index[count++] = pt2 + i;
+					pt1++;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					index[count++] = pt1 + i;
+					index[count++] = pt2 - 1 + i;
+					index[count++] = pt2 + i;
+					pt2--;
+				}
+			}
+			// Bottom cap
+			pt1          = 0;
+			pt2          = size_s-1;
+			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
+			{
+				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
+				// the un-transformed profile distances.
+				LLVector3 p1 = getProfile().mProfile[pt1];
+				LLVector3 p2 = getProfile().mProfile[pt2];
+				LLVector3 pa = getProfile().mProfile[pt1+1];
+				LLVector3 pb = getProfile().mProfile[pt2-1];
+				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
+				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
+				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
+				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
+				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
+				if (area_1a2 < 0)
+				{
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_2ab < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_21b < 0)
+				{
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_1ba < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (!tri_1a2)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				else if (!tri_21b)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
+					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
+					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+				if (use_tri1a2)
+				{
+					index[count++] = pt1;
+					index[count++] = pt2;
+					index[count++] = pt1 + 1;
+					pt1++;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					index[count++] = pt1;
+					index[count++] = pt2;
+					index[count++] = pt2 - 1;
+					pt2--;
+				}
+			}
+		}		
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Closed solid.  Easy case.
+		for (t = 0; t < size_t - 1; t++)
+		{
+			for (s = 0; s < size_s - 1; s++)
+			{
+				// Should wrap properly, but for now...
+				i  = s + t*size_s;
+				index[count++]  = i;				// x,y
+				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s;		// x,y+1
+				index[count++]  = i + 1;			// x+1,y
+				index[count++]  = i + size_s + 1;	// x+1,y+1
+			}
+		}
+		// Do the top and bottom caps, if necessary
+		if (path_open)
+		{
+			// bottom cap
+			for (s = 1; s < size_s - 2; s++)
+			{
+				index[count++] = s+1;
+				index[count++] = s;
+				index[count++] = 0;
+			}
+			// top cap
+			S32 offset = (size_t - 1)*size_s;
+			for (s = 1; s < size_s - 2; s++)
+			{
+				// Inverted ordering from bottom cap.
+				index[count++] = offset;
+				index[count++] = offset + s;
+				index[count++] = offset + s + 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef LL_DEBUG
+	// assert that we computed the correct number of indices
+	if (count != expected_num_triangle_indices )
+	{
+		llerrs << "bad index count prediciton:"
+			<< "  expected=" << expected_num_triangle_indices 
+			<< " actual=" << count << llendl;
+	}
+#if 0
+	// verify that each index does not point beyond the size of the mesh
+	S32 num_vertices = mMesh.size();
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i+=3)
+	{
+		llinfos << index[i] << ":" << index[i+1] << ":" << index[i+2] << llendl;
+		llassert(index[i] < num_vertices);
+		llassert(index[i+1] < num_vertices);
+		llassert(index[i+2] < num_vertices);
+	}
+	num_indices = count;
+	return index;
+S32 LLVolume::getNumTriangleIndices() const
+	BOOL profile_open = getProfile().isOpen();
+	BOOL hollow = (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0);
+	BOOL path_open = getPath().isOpen();
+	S32 size_s, size_s_out, size_t;
+	size_s = getProfile().getTotal();
+	size_s_out = getProfile().getTotalOut();
+	size_t = getPath().mPath.size();
+	S32 count = 0;
+	if (profile_open)		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	{
+		if (hollow)
+		{
+			// Open hollow -- much like the closed solid, except we 
+			// we need to stitch up the gap between s=0 and s=size_s-1
+			count = (size_t - 1) * (((size_s -1) * 6) + 6);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			count = (size_t - 1) * (((size_s -1) * 6) + 6); 
+		}
+	}
+	else if (hollow)
+	{
+		// Closed hollow
+		// Outer face
+		count = (size_t - 1) * (size_s_out - 1) * 6;
+		// Inner face
+		count += (size_t - 1) * ((size_s - 1) - size_s_out) * 6;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Closed solid.  Easy case.
+		count = (size_t - 1) * (size_s - 1) * 6;
+	}
+	if (path_open)
+	{
+		S32 cap_triangle_count = size_s - 3;
+		if ( profile_open
+			|| hollow )
+		{
+			cap_triangle_count = size_s - 2;
+		}
+		if ( cap_triangle_count > 0 )
+		{
+			// top and bottom caps
+			count += cap_triangle_count * 2 * 3;
+		}
+	}
+	return count;
+S32 LLVolume::getNumTriangles() const
+	U32 triangle_count = 0;
+	for (S32 i = 0; i < getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i)
+	{
+		triangle_count += getVolumeFace(i).mNumIndices/3;
+	}
+	return triangle_count;
+// generateSilhouetteVertices()
+void LLVolume::generateSilhouetteVertices(std::vector<LLVector3> &vertices,
+										  std::vector<LLVector3> &normals,
+										  const LLVector3& obj_cam_vec_in,
+										  const LLMatrix4& mat_in,
+										  const LLMatrix3& norm_mat_in,
+										  S32 face_mask)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	LLMatrix4a mat;
+	mat.loadu(mat_in);
+	LLMatrix4a norm_mat;
+	norm_mat.loadu(norm_mat_in);
+	LLVector4a obj_cam_vec;
+	obj_cam_vec.load3(obj_cam_vec_in.mV);
+	vertices.clear();
+	normals.clear();
+	if ((mParams.getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	S32 cur_index = 0;
+	//for each face
+	for (face_list_t::iterator iter = mVolumeFaces.begin();
+		 iter != mVolumeFaces.end(); ++iter)
+	{
+		LLVolumeFace& face = *iter;
+		if (!(face_mask & (0x1 << cur_index++)) ||
+		     face.mNumIndices == 0 || face.mEdge.empty())
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (face.mTypeMask & (LLVolumeFace::CAP_MASK)) {
+		}
+		else {
+			//==============================================
+			//DEBUG draw edge map instead of silhouette edge
+			//==============================================
+			//for each triangle
+			U32 count = face.mNumIndices;
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < count/3; j++) {
+				//get vertices
+				S32 v1 = face.mIndices[j*3+0];
+				S32 v2 = face.mIndices[j*3+1];
+				S32 v3 = face.mIndices[j*3+2];
+				//get current face center
+				LLVector3 cCenter = (face.mVertices[v1].getPosition() + 
+									face.mVertices[v2].getPosition() + 
+									face.mVertices[v3].getPosition()) / 3.0f;
+				//for each edge
+				for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+                    S32 nIndex = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
+					if (nIndex <= -1) {
+						continue;
+					}
+					if (nIndex >= (S32) count/3) {
+						continue;
+					}
+					//get neighbor vertices
+					v1 = face.mIndices[nIndex*3+0];
+					v2 = face.mIndices[nIndex*3+1];
+					v3 = face.mIndices[nIndex*3+2];
+					//get neighbor face center
+					LLVector3 nCenter = (face.mVertices[v1].getPosition() + 
+									face.mVertices[v2].getPosition() + 
+									face.mVertices[v3].getPosition()) / 3.0f;
+					//draw line
+					vertices.push_back(cCenter);
+					vertices.push_back(nCenter);
+					normals.push_back(LLVector3(1,1,1));
+					normals.push_back(LLVector3(1,1,1));
+					segments.push_back(vertices.size());
+				}
+			}
+			continue;
+			//==============================================
+			//DEBUG
+			//==============================================
+			//==============================================
+			//DEBUG draw normals instead of silhouette edge
+			//==============================================
+			//for each vertex
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; j++) {
+				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition());
+				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition() + face.mVertices[j].getNormal()*0.1f);
+				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
+				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
+				segments.push_back(vertices.size());
+				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition());
+				vertices.push_back(face.mVertices[j].getPosition() + face.mVertices[j].mBinormal*0.1f);
+				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
+				normals.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,1));
+				segments.push_back(vertices.size());
+			}
+			continue;
+			//==============================================
+			//DEBUG
+			//==============================================
+			static const U8 AWAY = 0x01,
+							TOWARDS = 0x02;
+			//for each triangle
+			std::vector<U8> fFacing;
+			vector_append(fFacing, face.mNumIndices/3);
+			LLVector4a* v = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
+			LLVector4a* n = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals;
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices/3; j++) 
+			{
+				//approximate normal
+				S32 v1 = face.mIndices[j*3+0];
+				S32 v2 = face.mIndices[j*3+1];
+				S32 v3 = face.mIndices[j*3+2];
+				LLVector4a c1,c2;
+				c1.setSub(v[v1], v[v2]);
+				c2.setSub(v[v2], v[v3]);
+				LLVector4a norm;
+				norm.setCross3(c1, c2);
+				if (norm.dot3(norm) < 0.00000001f) 
+				{
+					fFacing[j] = AWAY | TOWARDS;
+				}
+				else 
+				{
+					//get view vector
+					LLVector4a view;
+					view.setSub(obj_cam_vec, v[v1]);
+					bool away = view.dot3(norm) > 0.0f; 
+					if (away) 
+					{
+						fFacing[j] = AWAY;
+					}
+					else 
+					{
+						fFacing[j] = TOWARDS;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//for each triangle
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices/3; j++) 
+			{
+				if (fFacing[j] == (AWAY | TOWARDS)) 
+				{ //this is a degenerate triangle
+					//take neighbor facing (degenerate faces get facing of one of their neighbors)
+					// *FIX IF NEEDED:  this does not deal with neighboring degenerate faces
+					for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) 
+					{
+						S32 index = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
+						if (index != -1) 
+						{
+							fFacing[j] = fFacing[index];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					continue; //skip degenerate face
+				}
+				//for each edge
+				for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+					S32 index = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
+					if (index != -1 && fFacing[index] == (AWAY | TOWARDS)) {
+						//our neighbor is degenerate, make him face our direction
+						fFacing[face.mEdge[j*3+k]] = fFacing[j];
+						continue;
+					}
+					if (index == -1 ||		//edge has no neighbor, MUST be a silhouette edge
+						(fFacing[index] & fFacing[j]) == 0) { 	//we found a silhouette edge
+						S32 v1 = face.mIndices[j*3+k];
+						S32 v2 = face.mIndices[j*3+((k+1)%3)];
+						LLVector4a t;
+						mat.affineTransform(v[v1], t);
+						vertices.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
+						norm_mat.rotate(n[v1], t);
+						t.normalize3fast();
+						normals.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
+						mat.affineTransform(v[v2], t);
+						vertices.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
+						norm_mat.rotate(n[v2], t);
+						t.normalize3fast();
+						normals.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
+					}
+				}		
+			}
+		}
+	}
+S32 LLVolume::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, 
+								   S32 face,
+								   LLVector3* intersection,LLVector2* tex_coord, LLVector3* normal, LLVector3* bi_normal)
+	LLVector4a starta, enda;
+	starta.load3(start.mV);
+	enda.load3(end.mV);
+	return lineSegmentIntersect(starta, enda, face, intersection, tex_coord, normal, bi_normal);
+S32 LLVolume::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, 
+								   S32 face,
+								   LLVector3* intersection,LLVector2* tex_coord, LLVector3* normal, LLVector3* bi_normal)
+	S32 hit_face = -1;
+	S32 start_face;
+	S32 end_face;
+	if (face == -1) // ALL_SIDES
+	{
+		start_face = 0;
+		end_face = getNumVolumeFaces() - 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		start_face = face;
+		end_face = face;
+	}
+	LLVector4a dir;
+	dir.setSub(end, start);
+	F32 closest_t = 2.f; // must be larger than 1
+	end_face = llmin(end_face, getNumVolumeFaces()-1);
+	for (S32 i = start_face; i <= end_face; i++)
+	{
+		LLVolumeFace &face = mVolumeFaces[i];
+		LLVector4a box_center;
+		box_center.setAdd(face.mExtents[0], face.mExtents[1]);
+		box_center.mul(0.5f);
+		LLVector4a box_size;
+		box_size.setSub(face.mExtents[1], face.mExtents[0]);
+        if (LLLineSegmentBoxIntersect(start, end, box_center, box_size))
+		{
+			if (bi_normal != NULL) // if the caller wants binormals, we may need to generate them
+			{
+				genBinormals(i);
+			}
+			if (!face.mOctree)
+			{
+				face.createOctree();
+			}
+			//LLVector4a* p = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
+			LLOctreeTriangleRayIntersect intersect(start, dir, &face, &closest_t, intersection, tex_coord, normal, bi_normal);
+			intersect.traverse(face.mOctree);
+			if (intersect.mHitFace)
+			{
+				hit_face = i;
+			}
+		}		
+	}
+	return hit_face;
+class LLVertexIndexPair
+	LLVertexIndexPair(const LLVector3 &vertex, const S32 index);
+	LLVector3 mVertex;
+	S32	mIndex;
+LLVertexIndexPair::LLVertexIndexPair(const LLVector3 &vertex, const S32 index)
+	mVertex = vertex;
+	mIndex = index;
+const F32 VERTEX_SLOP = 0.00001f;
+struct lessVertex
+	bool operator()(const LLVertexIndexPair *a, const LLVertexIndexPair *b)
+	{
+		const F32 slop = VERTEX_SLOP;
+		if (a->mVertex.mV[0] + slop < b->mVertex.mV[0])
+		{
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		else if (a->mVertex.mV[0] - slop > b->mVertex.mV[0])
+		{
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (a->mVertex.mV[1] + slop < b->mVertex.mV[1])
+		{
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		else if (a->mVertex.mV[1] - slop > b->mVertex.mV[1])
+		{
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (a->mVertex.mV[2] + slop < b->mVertex.mV[2])
+		{
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		else if (a->mVertex.mV[2] - slop > b->mVertex.mV[2])
+		{
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+struct lessTriangle
+	bool operator()(const S32 *a, const S32 *b)
+	{
+		if (*a < *b)
+		{
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		else if (*a > *b)
+		{
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (*(a+1) < *(b+1))
+		{
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		else if (*(a+1) > *(b+1))
+		{
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (*(a+2) < *(b+2))
+		{
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		else if (*(a+2) > *(b+2))
+		{
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+BOOL equalTriangle(const S32 *a, const S32 *b)
+	if ((*a == *b) && (*(a+1) == *(b+1)) && (*(a+2) == *(b+2)))
+	{
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+BOOL LLVolume::cleanupTriangleData( const S32 num_input_vertices,
+									const std::vector<Point>& input_vertices,
+									const S32 num_input_triangles,
+									S32 *input_triangles,
+									S32 &num_output_vertices,
+									LLVector3 **output_vertices,
+									S32 &num_output_triangles,
+									S32 **output_triangles)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	/* Testing: avoid any cleanup
+	static BOOL skip_cleanup = TRUE;
+	if ( skip_cleanup )
+	{
+		num_output_vertices = num_input_vertices;
+		num_output_triangles = num_input_triangles;
+		*output_vertices = new LLVector3[num_input_vertices];
+		for (S32 index = 0; index < num_input_vertices; index++)
+		{
+			(*output_vertices)[index] = input_vertices[index].mPos;
+		}
+		*output_triangles = new S32[num_input_triangles*3];
+		memcpy(*output_triangles, input_triangles, 3*num_input_triangles*sizeof(S32));		// Flawfinder: ignore
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	*/
+	// Here's how we do this:
+	// Create a structure which contains the original vertex index and the
+	// LLVector3 data.
+	// "Sort" the data by the vectors
+	// Create an array the size of the old vertex list, with a mapping of
+	// old indices to new indices.
+	// Go through triangles, shift so the lowest index is first
+	// Sort triangles by first index
+	// Remove duplicate triangles
+	// Allocate and pack new triangle data.
+	//LLTimer cleanupTimer;
+	//llinfos << "In vertices: " << num_input_vertices << llendl;
+	//llinfos << "In triangles: " << num_input_triangles << llendl;
+	S32 i;
+	typedef std::multiset<LLVertexIndexPair*, lessVertex> vertex_set_t;
+	vertex_set_t vertex_list;
+	LLVertexIndexPair *pairp = NULL;
+	for (i = 0; i < num_input_vertices; i++)
+	{
+		LLVertexIndexPair *new_pairp = new LLVertexIndexPair(input_vertices[i].mPos, i);
+		vertex_list.insert(new_pairp);
+	}
+	// Generate the vertex mapping and the list of vertices without
+	// duplicates.  This will crash if there are no vertices.
+	llassert(num_input_vertices > 0); // check for no vertices!
+	S32 *vertex_mapping = new S32[num_input_vertices];
+	LLVector3 *new_vertices = new LLVector3[num_input_vertices];
+	LLVertexIndexPair *prev_pairp = NULL;
+	S32 new_num_vertices;
+	new_num_vertices = 0;
+	for (vertex_set_t::iterator iter = vertex_list.begin(),
+			 end = vertex_list.end();
+		 iter != end; iter++)
+	{
+		pairp = *iter;
+		if (!prev_pairp || ((pairp->mVertex - prev_pairp->mVertex).magVecSquared() >= VERTEX_SLOP_SQRD))	
+		{
+			new_vertices[new_num_vertices] = pairp->mVertex;
+			//llinfos << "Added vertex " << new_num_vertices << " : " << pairp->mVertex << llendl;
+			new_num_vertices++;
+			// Update the previous
+			prev_pairp = pairp;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//llinfos << "Removed duplicate vertex " << pairp->mVertex << ", distance magVecSquared() is " << (pairp->mVertex - prev_pairp->mVertex).magVecSquared() << llendl;
+		}
+		vertex_mapping[pairp->mIndex] = new_num_vertices - 1;
+	}
+	// Iterate through triangles and remove degenerates, re-ordering vertices
+	// along the way.
+	S32 *new_triangles = new S32[num_input_triangles * 3];
+	S32 new_num_triangles = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < num_input_triangles; i++)
+	{
+		S32 v1 = i*3;
+		S32 v2 = v1 + 1;
+		S32 v3 = v1 + 2;
+		//llinfos << "Checking triangle " << input_triangles[v1] << ":" << input_triangles[v2] << ":" << input_triangles[v3] << llendl;
+		input_triangles[v1] = vertex_mapping[input_triangles[v1]];
+		input_triangles[v2] = vertex_mapping[input_triangles[v2]];
+		input_triangles[v3] = vertex_mapping[input_triangles[v3]];
+		if ((input_triangles[v1] == input_triangles[v2])
+			|| (input_triangles[v1] == input_triangles[v3])
+			|| (input_triangles[v2] == input_triangles[v3]))
+		{
+			//llinfos << "Removing degenerate triangle " << input_triangles[v1] << ":" << input_triangles[v2] << ":" << input_triangles[v3] << llendl;
+			// Degenerate triangle, skip
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (input_triangles[v1] < input_triangles[v2])
+		{
+			if (input_triangles[v1] < input_triangles[v3])
+			{
+				// (0 < 1) && (0 < 2)
+				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v1];
+				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v2];
+				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v3];
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// (0 < 1) && (2 < 0)
+				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v3];
+				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v1];
+				new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v2];
+			}
+		}
+		else if (input_triangles[v2] < input_triangles[v3])
+		{
+			// (1 < 0) && (1 < 2)
+			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v2];
+			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v3];
+			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v1];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// (1 < 0) && (2 < 1)
+			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3] = input_triangles[v3];
+			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+1] = input_triangles[v1];
+			new_triangles[new_num_triangles*3+2] = input_triangles[v2];
+		}
+		new_num_triangles++;
+	}
+	if (new_num_triangles == 0)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Created volume object with 0 faces." << llendl;
+		delete[] new_triangles;
+		delete[] vertex_mapping;
+		delete[] new_vertices;
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	typedef std::set<S32*, lessTriangle> triangle_set_t;
+	triangle_set_t triangle_list;
+	for (i = 0; i < new_num_triangles; i++)
+	{
+		triangle_list.insert(&new_triangles[i*3]);
+	}
+	// Sort through the triangle list, and delete duplicates
+	S32 *prevp = NULL;
+	S32 *curp = NULL;
+	S32 *sorted_tris = new S32[new_num_triangles*3];
+	S32 cur_tri = 0;
+	for (triangle_set_t::iterator iter = triangle_list.begin(),
+			 end = triangle_list.end();
+		 iter != end; iter++)
+	{
+		curp = *iter;
+		if (!prevp || !equalTriangle(prevp, curp))
+		{
+			//llinfos << "Added triangle " << *curp << ":" << *(curp+1) << ":" << *(curp+2) << llendl;
+			sorted_tris[cur_tri*3] = *curp;
+			sorted_tris[cur_tri*3+1] = *(curp+1);
+			sorted_tris[cur_tri*3+2] = *(curp+2);
+			cur_tri++;
+			prevp = curp;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//llinfos << "Skipped triangle " << *curp << ":" << *(curp+1) << ":" << *(curp+2) << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	*output_vertices = new LLVector3[new_num_vertices];
+	num_output_vertices = new_num_vertices;
+	for (i = 0; i < new_num_vertices; i++)
+	{
+		(*output_vertices)[i] = new_vertices[i];
+	}
+	*output_triangles = new S32[cur_tri*3];
+	num_output_triangles = cur_tri;
+	memcpy(*output_triangles, sorted_tris, 3*cur_tri*sizeof(S32));		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	/*
+	llinfos << "Out vertices: " << num_output_vertices << llendl;
+	llinfos << "Out triangles: " << num_output_triangles << llendl;
+	for (i = 0; i < num_output_vertices; i++)
+	{
+		llinfos << i << ":" << (*output_vertices)[i] << llendl;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < num_output_triangles; i++)
+	{
+		llinfos << i << ":" << (*output_triangles)[i*3] << ":" << (*output_triangles)[i*3+1] << ":" << (*output_triangles)[i*3+2] << llendl;
+	}
+	*/
+	//llinfos << "Out vertices: " << num_output_vertices << llendl;
+	//llinfos << "Out triangles: " << num_output_triangles << llendl;
+	delete[] vertex_mapping;
+	vertex_mapping = NULL;
+	delete[] new_vertices;
+	new_vertices = NULL;
+	delete[] new_triangles;
+	new_triangles = NULL;
+	delete[] sorted_tris;
+	sorted_tris = NULL;
+	triangle_list.clear();
+	std::for_each(vertex_list.begin(), vertex_list.end(), DeletePointer());
+	vertex_list.clear();
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLVolumeParams::importFile(LLFILE *fp)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	//llinfos << "importing volume" << llendl;
+	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
+	char buffer[BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of this buffer will require
+	// changing the sscanf below.
+	char keyword[256];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	keyword[0] = 0;
+	while (!feof(fp))
+	{
+		if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp) == NULL)
+		{
+			buffer[0] = '\0';
+		}
+		sscanf(buffer, " %255s", keyword);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("profile", keyword))
+		{
+			mProfileParams.importFile(fp);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("path",keyword))
+		{
+			mPathParams.importFile(fp);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in volume import" << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLVolumeParams::exportFile(LLFILE *fp) const
+	fprintf(fp,"\tshape 0\n");
+	fprintf(fp,"\t{\n");
+	mPathParams.exportFile(fp);
+	mProfileParams.exportFile(fp);
+	fprintf(fp, "\t}\n");
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLVolumeParams::importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	//llinfos << "importing volume" << llendl;
+	const S32 BUFSIZE = 16384;
+	// *NOTE: changing the size or type of this buffer will require
+	// changing the sscanf below.
+	char buffer[BUFSIZE];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	char keyword[256];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
+	keyword[0] = 0;
+	while (input_stream.good())
+	{
+		input_stream.getline(buffer, BUFSIZE);
+		sscanf(buffer, " %255s", keyword);
+		if (!strcmp("{", keyword))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp("}",keyword))
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("profile", keyword))
+		{
+			mProfileParams.importLegacyStream(input_stream);
+		}
+		else if (!strcmp("path",keyword))
+		{
+			mPathParams.importLegacyStream(input_stream);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			llwarns << "unknown keyword " << keyword << " in volume import" << llendl;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLVolumeParams::exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	output_stream <<"\tshape 0\n";
+	output_stream <<"\t{\n";
+	mPathParams.exportLegacyStream(output_stream);
+	mProfileParams.exportLegacyStream(output_stream);
+	output_stream << "\t}\n";
+	return TRUE;
+LLSD LLVolumeParams::sculptAsLLSD() const
+	LLSD sd = LLSD();
+	sd["id"] = getSculptID();
+	sd["type"] = getSculptType();
+	return sd;
+bool LLVolumeParams::sculptFromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
+	setSculptID(sd["id"].asUUID(), (U8)sd["type"].asInteger());
+	return true;
+LLSD LLVolumeParams::asLLSD() const
+	LLSD sd = LLSD();
+	sd["path"] = mPathParams;
+	sd["profile"] = mProfileParams;
+	sd["sculpt"] = sculptAsLLSD();
+	return sd;
+bool LLVolumeParams::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
+	mPathParams.fromLLSD(sd["path"]);
+	mProfileParams.fromLLSD(sd["profile"]);
+	sculptFromLLSD(sd["sculpt"]);
+	return true;
+void LLVolumeParams::reduceS(F32 begin, F32 end)
+	begin = llclampf(begin);
+	end = llclampf(end);
+	if (begin > end)
+	{
+		F32 temp = begin;
+		begin = end;
+		end = temp;
+	}
+	F32 a = mProfileParams.getBegin();
+	F32 b = mProfileParams.getEnd();
+	mProfileParams.setBegin(a + begin * (b - a));
+	mProfileParams.setEnd(a + end * (b - a));
+void LLVolumeParams::reduceT(F32 begin, F32 end)
+	begin = llclampf(begin);
+	end = llclampf(end);
+	if (begin > end)
+	{
+		F32 temp = begin;
+		begin = end;
+		end = temp;
+	}
+	F32 a = mPathParams.getBegin();
+	F32 b = mPathParams.getEnd();
+	mPathParams.setBegin(a + begin * (b - a));
+	mPathParams.setEnd(a + end * (b - a));
+const F32 MIN_CONCAVE_PROFILE_WEDGE = 0.125f;	// 1/8 unity
+const F32 MIN_CONCAVE_PATH_WEDGE = 0.111111f;	// 1/9 unity
+// returns TRUE if the shape can be approximated with a convex shape 
+// for collison purposes
+BOOL LLVolumeParams::isConvex() const
+	if (!getSculptID().isNull())
+	{
+		// can't determine, be safe and say no:
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	F32 path_length = mPathParams.getEnd() - mPathParams.getBegin();
+	F32 hollow = mProfileParams.getHollow();
+	U8 path_type = mPathParams.getCurveType();
+	if ( path_length > MIN_CONCAVE_PATH_WEDGE
+		&& ( mPathParams.getTwist() != mPathParams.getTwistBegin()
+		     || (hollow > 0.f 
+				 && LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE != path_type) ) )
+	{
+		// twist along a "not too short" path is concave
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	F32 profile_length = mProfileParams.getEnd() - mProfileParams.getBegin();
+	BOOL same_hole = hollow == 0.f 
+					 || (mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK) == LL_PCODE_HOLE_SAME;
+	F32 min_profile_wedge = MIN_CONCAVE_PROFILE_WEDGE;
+	U8 profile_type = mProfileParams.getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK;
+	if ( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF == profile_type )
+	{
+		// it is a sphere and spheres get twice the minimum profile wedge
+		min_profile_wedge = 2.f * MIN_CONCAVE_PROFILE_WEDGE;
+	}
+	BOOL convex_profile = ( ( profile_length == 1.f
+						     || profile_length <= 0.5f )
+						   && hollow == 0.f )						// trivially convex
+						  || ( profile_length <= min_profile_wedge
+							  && same_hole );						// effectvely convex (even when hollow)
+	if (!convex_profile)
+	{
+		// profile is concave
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE == path_type )
+	{
+		// straight paths with convex profile
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	BOOL concave_path = (path_length < 1.0f) && (path_length > 0.5f);
+	if (concave_path)
+	{
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// we're left with spheres, toroids and tubes
+	if ( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF == profile_type )
+	{
+		// at this stage all spheres must be convex
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	// it's a toroid or tube		
+	if ( path_length <= MIN_CONCAVE_PATH_WEDGE )
+	{
+		// effectively convex
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+// debug
+void LLVolumeParams::setCube()
+	mProfileParams.setCurveType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE);
+	mProfileParams.setBegin(0.f);
+	mProfileParams.setEnd(1.f);
+	mProfileParams.setHollow(0.f);
+	mPathParams.setBegin(0.f);
+	mPathParams.setEnd(1.f);
+	mPathParams.setScale(1.f, 1.f);
+	mPathParams.setShear(0.f, 0.f);
+	mPathParams.setCurveType(LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE);
+	mPathParams.setTwistBegin(0.f);
+	mPathParams.setTwistEnd(0.f);
+	mPathParams.setRadiusOffset(0.f);
+	mPathParams.setTaper(0.f, 0.f);
+	mPathParams.setRevolutions(0.f);
+	mPathParams.setSkew(0.f);
+LLFaceID LLVolume::generateFaceMask()
+	LLFaceID new_mask = 0x0000;
+	switch(mParams.getProfileParams().getCurveType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK)
+	{
+		new_mask |= LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0;
+		break;
+		{
+			for(S32 side = (S32)(mParams.getProfileParams().getBegin() * 4.f); side < llceil(mParams.getProfileParams().getEnd() * 4.f); side++)
+			{
+				new_mask |= LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << side;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		{
+			for(S32 side = (S32)(mParams.getProfileParams().getBegin() * 3.f); side < llceil(mParams.getProfileParams().getEnd() * 3.f); side++)
+			{
+				new_mask |= LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0 << side;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		llerrs << "Unknown profile!" << llendl;
+		break;
+	}
+	// handle hollow objects
+	if (mParams.getProfileParams().getHollow() > 0)
+	{
+		new_mask |= LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE;
+	}
+	// handle open profile curves
+	if (mProfilep->isOpen())
+	{
+	}
+	// handle open path curves
+	if (mPathp->isOpen())
+	{
+	}
+	return new_mask;
+BOOL LLVolume::isFaceMaskValid(LLFaceID face_mask)
+	LLFaceID test_mask = 0;
+	for(S32 i = 0; i < getNumFaces(); i++)
+	{
+		test_mask |= mProfilep->mFaces[i].mFaceID;
+	}
+	return test_mask == face_mask;
+BOOL LLVolume::isConvex() const
+	// mParams.isConvex() may return FALSE even though the final
+	// geometry is actually convex due to LOD approximations.
+	// TODO -- provide LLPath and LLProfile with isConvex() methods
+	// that correctly determine convexity. -- Leviathan
+	return mParams.isConvex();
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLProfileParams &profile_params)
+	s << "{type=" << (U32) profile_params.mCurveType;
+	s << ", begin=" << profile_params.mBegin;
+	s << ", end=" << profile_params.mEnd;
+	s << ", hollow=" << profile_params.mHollow;
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLPathParams &path_params)
+	s << "{type=" << (U32) path_params.mCurveType;
+	s << ", begin=" << path_params.mBegin;
+	s << ", end=" << path_params.mEnd;
+	s << ", twist=" << path_params.mTwistEnd;
+	s << ", scale=" << path_params.mScale;
+	s << ", shear=" << path_params.mShear;
+	s << ", twist_begin=" << path_params.mTwistBegin;
+	s << ", radius_offset=" << path_params.mRadiusOffset;
+	s << ", taper=" << path_params.mTaper;
+	s << ", revolutions=" << path_params.mRevolutions;
+	s << ", skew=" << path_params.mSkew;
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolumeParams &volume_params)
+	s << "{profileparams = " << volume_params.mProfileParams;
+	s << ", pathparams = " << volume_params.mPathParams;
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLProfile &profile)
+	s << " {open=" << (U32) profile.mOpen;
+	s << ", dirty=" << profile.mDirty;
+	s << ", totalout=" << profile.mTotalOut;
+	s << ", total=" << profile.mTotal;
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLPath &path)
+	s << "{open=" << (U32) path.mOpen;
+	s << ", dirty=" << path.mDirty;
+	s << ", step=" << path.mStep;
+	s << ", total=" << path.mTotal;
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolume &volume)
+	s << "{params = " << volume.getParams();
+	s << ", path = " << *volume.mPathp;
+	s << ", profile = " << *volume.mProfilep;
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolume *volumep)
+	s << "{params = " << volumep->getParams();
+	s << ", path = " << *(volumep->mPathp);
+	s << ", profile = " << *(volumep->mProfilep);
+	s << "}";
+	return s;
+LLVolumeFace::LLVolumeFace() : 
+	mID(0),
+	mTypeMask(0),
+	mBeginS(0),
+	mBeginT(0),
+	mNumS(0),
+	mNumT(0),
+	mNumVertices(0),
+	mNumIndices(0),
+	mPositions(NULL),
+	mNormals(NULL),
+	mBinormals(NULL),
+	mTexCoords(NULL),
+	mIndices(NULL),
+	mWeights(NULL),
+	mOctree(NULL)
+	mExtents = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*3);
+	mCenter = mExtents+2;
+LLVolumeFace::LLVolumeFace(const LLVolumeFace& src)
+:	mID(0),
+	mTypeMask(0),
+	mBeginS(0),
+	mBeginT(0),
+	mNumS(0),
+	mNumT(0),
+	mNumVertices(0),
+	mNumIndices(0),
+	mPositions(NULL),
+	mNormals(NULL),
+	mBinormals(NULL),
+	mTexCoords(NULL),
+	mIndices(NULL),
+	mWeights(NULL),
+	mOctree(NULL)
+	mExtents = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*3);
+	mCenter = mExtents+2;
+	*this = src;
+LLVolumeFace& LLVolumeFace::operator=(const LLVolumeFace& src)
+	if (&src == this)
+	{ //self assignment, do nothing
+		return *this;
+	}
+	mID = src.mID;
+	mTypeMask = src.mTypeMask;
+	mBeginS = src.mBeginS;
+	mBeginT = src.mBeginT;
+	mNumS = src.mNumS;
+	mNumT = src.mNumT;
+	mExtents[0] = src.mExtents[0];
+	mExtents[1] = src.mExtents[1];
+	*mCenter = *src.mCenter;
+	mNumVertices = 0;
+	mNumIndices = 0;
+	freeData();
+	LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mExtents, (F32*) src.mExtents, 3*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+	resizeVertices(src.mNumVertices);
+	resizeIndices(src.mNumIndices);
+	if (mNumVertices)
+	{
+		S32 vert_size = mNumVertices*sizeof(LLVector4a);
+		S32 tc_size = (mNumVertices*sizeof(LLVector2)+0xF) & ~0xF;
+		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mPositions, (F32*) src.mPositions, vert_size);
+		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mNormals, (F32*) src.mNormals, vert_size);
+		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mTexCoords, (F32*) src.mTexCoords, tc_size);
+		if (src.mBinormals)
+		{
+			allocateBinormals(src.mNumVertices);
+			LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mBinormals, (F32*) src.mBinormals, vert_size);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			free(mBinormals);
+			mBinormals = NULL;
+		}
+		if (src.mWeights)
+		{
+			allocateWeights(src.mNumVertices);
+			LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mWeights, (F32*) src.mWeights, vert_size);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			free(mWeights);
+			mWeights = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	if (mNumIndices)
+	{
+		S32 idx_size = (mNumIndices*sizeof(U16)+0xF) & ~0xF;
+		LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mIndices, (F32*) src.mIndices, idx_size);
+	}
+	//delete 
+	return *this;
+	free(mExtents);
+	mExtents = NULL;
+	freeData();
+void LLVolumeFace::freeData()
+	free(mPositions);
+	mPositions = NULL;
+	free( mNormals);
+	mNormals = NULL;
+	free(mTexCoords);
+	mTexCoords = NULL;
+	free(mIndices);
+	mIndices = NULL;
+	free(mBinormals);
+	mBinormals = NULL;
+	free(mWeights);
+	mWeights = NULL;
+	delete mOctree;
+	mOctree = NULL;
+BOOL LLVolumeFace::create(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
+	//tree for this face is no longer valid
+	delete mOctree;
+	mOctree = NULL;
+	BOOL ret = FALSE ;
+	if (mTypeMask & CAP_MASK)
+	{
+		ret = createCap(volume, partial_build);
+	}
+	else if ((mTypeMask & END_MASK) || (mTypeMask & SIDE_MASK))
+	{
+		ret = createSide(volume, partial_build);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		llerrs << "Unknown/uninitialized face type!" << llendl;
+	}
+	//update the range of the texture coordinates
+	if(ret)
+	{
+		mTexCoordExtents[0].setVec(1.f, 1.f) ;
+		mTexCoordExtents[1].setVec(0.f, 0.f) ;
+		for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mNumVertices ; i++)
+		{
+			if(mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] > mTexCoords[i].mV[0])
+			{
+				mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] = mTexCoords[i].mV[0] ;
+			}
+			if(mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] < mTexCoords[i].mV[0])
+			{
+				mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] = mTexCoords[i].mV[0] ;
+			}
+			if(mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] > mTexCoords[i].mV[1])
+			{
+				mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] = mTexCoords[i].mV[1] ;
+			}
+			if(mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] < mTexCoords[i].mV[1])
+			{
+				mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] = mTexCoords[i].mV[1] ;
+			}			
+		}
+		mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] = llmax(0.f, mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0]) ;
+		mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] = llmax(0.f, mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1]) ;
+		mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] = llmin(1.f, mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0]) ;
+		mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] = llmin(1.f, mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1]) ;
+	}
+	return ret ;
+void LLVolumeFace::getVertexData(U16 index, LLVolumeFace::VertexData& cv)
+	cv.setPosition(mPositions[index]);
+	cv.setNormal(mNormals[index]);
+	cv.mTexCoord = mTexCoords[index];
+bool LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::operator==(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& rhs) const
+	return getPosition().equals3(rhs.getPosition()) &&
+		mTexCoord == rhs.mTexCoord &&
+		getNormal().equals3(rhs.getNormal());
+bool LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::ComparePosition::operator()(const LLVector3& a, const LLVector3& b) const
+	if (a.mV[0] != b.mV[0])
+	{
+		return a.mV[0] < b.mV[0];
+	}
+	if (a.mV[1] != b.mV[1])
+	{
+		return a.mV[1] < b.mV[1];
+	}
+	return a.mV[2] < b.mV[2];
+void LLVolumeFace::optimize(F32 angle_cutoff)
+	LLVolumeFace new_face;
+	//map of points to vector of vertices at that point
+	VertexMapData::PointMap point_map;
+	//remove redundant vertices
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
+	{
+		U16 index = mIndices[i];
+		LLVolumeFace::VertexData cv;
+		getVertexData(index, cv);
+		BOOL found = FALSE;
+		VertexMapData::PointMap::iterator point_iter = point_map.find(LLVector3(cv.getPosition().getF32ptr()));
+		if (point_iter != point_map.end())
+		{ //duplicate point might exist
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < point_iter->second.size(); ++j)
+			{
+				LLVolumeFace::VertexData& tv = (point_iter->second)[j];
+				if (tv.compareNormal(cv, angle_cutoff))
+				{
+					found = TRUE;
+					new_face.pushIndex((point_iter->second)[j].mIndex);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!found)
+		{
+			new_face.pushVertex(cv);
+			U16 index = (U16) new_face.mNumVertices-1;
+			new_face.pushIndex(index);
+			VertexMapData d;
+			d.setPosition(cv.getPosition());
+			d.mTexCoord = cv.mTexCoord;
+			d.setNormal(cv.getNormal());
+			d.mIndex = index;
+			if (point_iter != point_map.end())
+			{
+				point_iter->second.push_back(d);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				point_map[LLVector3(d.getPosition().getF32ptr())].push_back(d);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	swapData(new_face);
+class LLVCacheTriangleData;
+class LLVCacheVertexData
+	S32 mIdx;
+	S32 mCacheTag;
+	F32 mScore;
+	U32 mActiveTriangles;
+	std::vector<LLVCacheTriangleData*> mTriangles;
+	LLVCacheVertexData()
+	{
+		mCacheTag = -1;
+		mScore = 0.f;
+		mActiveTriangles = 0;
+		mIdx = -1;
+	}
+class LLVCacheTriangleData
+	bool mActive;
+	F32 mScore;
+	LLVCacheVertexData* mVertex[3];
+	LLVCacheTriangleData()
+	{
+		mActive = true;
+		mScore = 0.f;
+		mVertex[0] = mVertex[1] = mVertex[2] = NULL;
+	}
+	void complete()
+	{
+		mActive = false;
+		for (S32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+		{
+			if (mVertex[i])
+			{
+				llassert_always(mVertex[i]->mActiveTriangles > 0);
+				mVertex[i]->mActiveTriangles--;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	bool operator<(const LLVCacheTriangleData& rhs) const
+	{ //highest score first
+		return rhs.mScore < mScore;
+	}
+const F32 FindVertexScore_CacheDecayPower = 1.5f;
+const F32 FindVertexScore_LastTriScore = 0.75f;
+const F32 FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostScale = 2.0f;
+const F32 FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostPower = 0.5f;
+const U32 MaxSizeVertexCache = 32;
+F32 find_vertex_score(LLVCacheVertexData& data)
+	if (data.mActiveTriangles == 0)
+	{ //no triangle references this vertex
+		return -1.f;
+	}
+	F32 score = 0.f;
+	S32 cache_idx = data.mCacheTag;
+	if (cache_idx < 0)
+	{
+		//not in cache
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (cache_idx < 3)
+		{ //vertex was in the last triangle
+			score = FindVertexScore_LastTriScore;
+		}
+		else
+		{ //more points for being higher in the cache
+			F32 scaler = 1.f/(MaxSizeVertexCache-3);
+			score = 1.f-((cache_idx-3)*scaler);
+			score = powf(score, FindVertexScore_CacheDecayPower);
+		}
+	}
+	//bonus points for having low valence
+	F32 valence_boost = powf(data.mActiveTriangles, -FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostPower);
+	score += FindVertexScore_ValenceBoostScale * valence_boost;
+	return score;
+class LLVCacheFIFO
+	LLVCacheVertexData* mCache[MaxSizeVertexCache];
+	U32 mMisses;
+	LLVCacheFIFO()
+	{
+		mMisses = 0;
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache; ++i)
+		{
+			mCache[i] = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	void addVertex(LLVCacheVertexData* data)
+	{
+		if (data->mCacheTag == -1)
+		{
+			mMisses++;
+			S32 end = MaxSizeVertexCache-1;
+			if (mCache[end])
+			{
+				mCache[end]->mCacheTag = -1;
+			}
+			for (S32 i = end; i > 0; --i)
+			{
+				mCache[i] = mCache[i-1];
+				if (mCache[i])
+				{
+					mCache[i]->mCacheTag = i;
+				}
+			}
+			mCache[0] = data;
+			data->mCacheTag = 0;
+		}
+	}
+class LLVCacheLRU
+	LLVCacheVertexData* mCache[MaxSizeVertexCache+3];
+	LLVCacheTriangleData* mBestTriangle;
+	U32 mMisses;
+	LLVCacheLRU()
+	{
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
+		{
+			mCache[i] = NULL;
+		}
+		mBestTriangle = NULL;
+		mMisses = 0;
+	}
+	void addVertex(LLVCacheVertexData* data)
+	{
+		S32 end = MaxSizeVertexCache+2;
+		if (data->mCacheTag != -1)
+		{ //just moving a vertex to the front of the cache
+			end = data->mCacheTag;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			mMisses++;
+			if (mCache[end])
+			{ //adding a new vertex, vertex at end of cache falls off
+				mCache[end]->mCacheTag = -1;
+			}
+		}
+		for (S32 i = end; i > 0; --i)
+		{ //adjust cache pointers and tags
+			mCache[i] = mCache[i-1];
+			if (mCache[i])
+			{
+				mCache[i]->mCacheTag = i;			
+			}
+		}
+		mCache[0] = data;
+		mCache[0]->mCacheTag = 0;
+	}
+	void addTriangle(LLVCacheTriangleData* data)
+	{
+		addVertex(data->mVertex[0]);
+		addVertex(data->mVertex[1]);
+		addVertex(data->mVertex[2]);
+	}
+	void updateScores()
+	{
+		for (U32 i = MaxSizeVertexCache; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
+		{ //trailing 3 vertices aren't actually in the cache for scoring purposes
+			if (mCache[i])
+			{
+				mCache[i]->mCacheTag = -1;
+			}
+		}
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache; ++i)
+		{ //update scores of vertices in cache
+			if (mCache[i])
+			{
+				mCache[i]->mScore = find_vertex_score(*(mCache[i]));
+				llassert_always(mCache[i]->mCacheTag == i);
+			}
+		}
+		mBestTriangle = NULL;
+		//update triangle scores
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
+		{
+			if (mCache[i])
+			{
+				for (U32 j = 0; j < mCache[i]->mTriangles.size(); ++j)
+				{
+					LLVCacheTriangleData* tri = mCache[i]->mTriangles[j];
+					if (tri->mActive)
+					{
+						tri->mScore = tri->mVertex[0]->mScore;
+						tri->mScore += tri->mVertex[1]->mScore;
+						tri->mScore += tri->mVertex[2]->mScore;
+						if (!mBestTriangle || mBestTriangle->mScore < tri->mScore)
+						{
+							mBestTriangle = tri;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//knock trailing 3 vertices off the cache
+		for (U32 i = MaxSizeVertexCache; i < MaxSizeVertexCache+3; ++i)
+		{
+			if (mCache[i])
+			{
+				llassert_always(mCache[i]->mCacheTag == -1);
+				mCache[i] = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void LLVolumeFace::cacheOptimize()
+{ //optimize for vertex cache according to Forsyth method: 
+  // http://home.comcast.net/~tom_forsyth/papers/fast_vert_cache_opt.html
+	LLVCacheLRU cache;
+	//mapping of vertices to triangles and indices
+	std::vector<LLVCacheVertexData> vertex_data;
+	//mapping of triangles do vertices
+	std::vector<LLVCacheTriangleData> triangle_data;
+	triangle_data.resize(mNumIndices/3);
+	vertex_data.resize(mNumVertices);
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; i++)
+	{ //populate vertex data and triangle data arrays
+		U16 idx = mIndices[i];
+		U32 tri_idx = i/3;
+		vertex_data[idx].mTriangles.push_back(&(triangle_data[tri_idx]));
+		vertex_data[idx].mIdx = idx;
+		triangle_data[tri_idx].mVertex[i%3] = &(vertex_data[idx]);
+	}
+	/*F32 pre_acmr = 1.f;
+	//measure cache misses from before rebuild
+	{
+		LLVCacheFIFO test_cache;
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
+		{
+			test_cache.addVertex(&vertex_data[mIndices[i]]);
+		}
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
+		{
+			vertex_data[i].mCacheTag = -1;
+		}
+		pre_acmr = (F32) test_cache.mMisses/(mNumIndices/3);
+	}*/
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
+	{ //initialize score values (no cache -- might try a fifo cache here)
+		vertex_data[i].mScore = find_vertex_score(vertex_data[i]);
+		vertex_data[i].mActiveTriangles = vertex_data[i].mTriangles.size();
+		for (U32 j = 0; j < vertex_data[i].mTriangles.size(); ++j)
+		{
+			vertex_data[i].mTriangles[j]->mScore += vertex_data[i].mScore;
+		}
+	}
+	//sort triangle data by score
+	std::sort(triangle_data.begin(), triangle_data.end());
+	std::vector<U16> new_indices;
+	LLVCacheTriangleData* tri;
+	//prime pump by adding first triangle to cache;
+	tri = &(triangle_data[0]);
+	cache.addTriangle(tri);
+	new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[0]->mIdx);
+	new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[1]->mIdx);
+	new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[2]->mIdx);
+	tri->complete();
+	U32 breaks = 0;
+	for (U32 i = 1; i < mNumIndices/3; ++i)
+	{
+		cache.updateScores();
+		tri = cache.mBestTriangle;
+		if (!tri)
+		{
+			breaks++;
+			for (U32 j = 0; j < triangle_data.size(); ++j)
+			{
+				if (triangle_data[j].mActive)
+				{
+					tri = &(triangle_data[j]);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}	
+		cache.addTriangle(tri);
+		new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[0]->mIdx);
+		new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[1]->mIdx);
+		new_indices.push_back(tri->mVertex[2]->mIdx);
+		tri->complete();
+	}
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
+	{
+		mIndices[i] = new_indices[i];
+	}
+	/*F32 post_acmr = 1.f;
+	//measure cache misses from after rebuild
+	{
+		LLVCacheFIFO test_cache;
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
+		{
+			vertex_data[i].mCacheTag = -1;
+		}
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
+		{
+			test_cache.addVertex(&vertex_data[mIndices[i]]);
+		}
+		post_acmr = (F32) test_cache.mMisses/(mNumIndices/3);
+	}*/
+	//optimize for pre-TnL cache
+	//allocate space for new buffer
+	S32 num_verts = mNumVertices;
+	LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+	LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+	S32 size = ((num_verts*sizeof(LLVector2)) + 0xF) & ~0xF;
+	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) malloc(size);
+	LLVector4a* wght = NULL;
+	if (mWeights)
+	{
+		wght = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+	}
+	LLVector4a* binorm = NULL;
+	if (mBinormals)
+	{
+		binorm = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+	}
+	//allocate mapping of old indices to new indices
+	std::vector<S32> new_idx;
+	new_idx.resize(mNumVertices, -1);
+	S32 cur_idx = 0;
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
+	{
+		U16 idx = mIndices[i];
+		if (new_idx[idx] == -1)
+		{ //this vertex hasn't been added yet
+			new_idx[idx] = cur_idx;
+			//copy vertex data
+			pos[cur_idx] = mPositions[idx];
+			norm[cur_idx] = mNormals[idx];
+			tc[cur_idx] = mTexCoords[idx];
+			if (mWeights)
+			{
+				wght[cur_idx] = mWeights[idx];
+			}
+			if (mBinormals)
+			{
+				binorm[cur_idx] = mBinormals[idx];
+			}
+			cur_idx++;
+		}
+	}
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; ++i)
+	{
+		mIndices[i] = new_idx[mIndices[i]];
+	}
+	free(mPositions);
+	free(mNormals);
+	free(mTexCoords);
+	free(mWeights);
+	free(mBinormals);
+	mPositions = pos;
+	mNormals = norm;
+	mTexCoords = tc;
+	mWeights = wght;
+	mBinormals = binorm;
+	//std::string result = llformat("ACMR pre/post: %.3f/%.3f  --  %d triangles %d breaks", pre_acmr, post_acmr, mNumIndices/3, breaks);
+	//llinfos << result << llendl;
+void LLVolumeFace::createOctree(F32 scaler, const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& size)
+	if (mOctree)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	mOctree = new LLOctreeRoot<LLVolumeTriangle>(center, size, NULL);
+	new LLVolumeOctreeListener(mOctree);
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices; i+= 3)
+	{ //for each triangle
+		LLPointer<LLVolumeTriangle> tri = new LLVolumeTriangle();
+		const LLVector4a& v0 = mPositions[mIndices[i]];
+		const LLVector4a& v1 = mPositions[mIndices[i+1]];
+		const LLVector4a& v2 = mPositions[mIndices[i+2]];
+		//store pointers to vertex data
+		tri->mV[0] = &v0;
+		tri->mV[1] = &v1;
+		tri->mV[2] = &v2;
+		//store indices
+		tri->mIndex[0] = mIndices[i];
+		tri->mIndex[1] = mIndices[i+1];
+		tri->mIndex[2] = mIndices[i+2];
+		//get minimum point
+		LLVector4a min = v0;
+		min.setMin(min, v1);
+		min.setMin(min, v2);
+		//get maximum point
+		LLVector4a max = v0;
+		max.setMax(max, v1);
+		max.setMax(max, v2);
+		//compute center
+		LLVector4a center;
+		center.setAdd(min, max);
+		center.mul(0.5f);
+		tri->mPositionGroup = center;
+		//compute "radius"
+		LLVector4a size;
+		size.setSub(max,min);
+		tri->mRadius = size.getLength3().getF32() * scaler;
+		//insert
+		mOctree->insert(tri);
+	}
+	//remove unneeded octree layers
+	while (!mOctree->balance())	{ }
+	//calculate AABB for each node
+	LLVolumeOctreeRebound rebound(this);
+	rebound.traverse(mOctree);
+	if (gDebugGL)
+	{
+		LLVolumeOctreeValidate validate;
+		validate.traverse(mOctree);
+	}
+void LLVolumeFace::swapData(LLVolumeFace& rhs)
+	llswap(rhs.mPositions, mPositions);
+	llswap(rhs.mNormals, mNormals);
+	llswap(rhs.mBinormals, mBinormals);
+	llswap(rhs.mTexCoords, mTexCoords);
+	llswap(rhs.mIndices,mIndices);
+	llswap(rhs.mNumVertices, mNumVertices);
+	llswap(rhs.mNumIndices, mNumIndices);
+void	LerpPlanarVertex(LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v0,
+				   LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v1,
+				   LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v2,
+				   LLVolumeFace::VertexData& vout,
+				   F32	coef01,
+				   F32	coef02)
+	LLVector4a lhs;
+	lhs.setSub(v1.getPosition(), v0.getPosition());
+	lhs.mul(coef01);
+	LLVector4a rhs;
+	rhs.setSub(v2.getPosition(), v0.getPosition());
+	rhs.mul(coef02);
+	rhs.add(lhs);
+	rhs.add(v0.getPosition());
+	vout.setPosition(rhs);
+	vout.mTexCoord = v0.mTexCoord + ((v1.mTexCoord-v0.mTexCoord)*coef01)+((v2.mTexCoord-v0.mTexCoord)*coef02);
+	vout.setNormal(v0.getNormal());
+BOOL LLVolumeFace::createUnCutCubeCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	const std::vector<LLVolume::Point>& mesh = volume->getMesh();
+	const std::vector<LLVector3>& profile = volume->getProfile().mProfile;
+	S32 max_s = volume->getProfile().getTotal();
+	S32 max_t = volume->getPath().mPath.size();
+	// S32 i;
+	S32 num_vertices = 0, num_indices = 0;
+	S32	grid_size = (profile.size()-1)/4;
+	S32	quad_count = (grid_size * grid_size);
+	num_vertices = (grid_size+1)*(grid_size+1);
+	num_indices = quad_count * 4;
+	LLVector4a& min = mExtents[0];
+	LLVector4a& max = mExtents[1];
+	S32 offset = 0;
+	if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+	{
+		offset = (max_t-1) * max_s;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		offset = mBeginS;
+	}
+	{
+		VertexData	corners[4];
+		VertexData baseVert;
+		for(S32 t = 0; t < 4; t++)
+		{
+			corners[t].getPosition().load3( mesh[offset + (grid_size*t)].mPos.mV);
+			corners[t].mTexCoord.mV[0] = profile[grid_size*t].mV[0]+0.5f;
+			corners[t].mTexCoord.mV[1] = 0.5f - profile[grid_size*t].mV[1];
+		}
+		{
+			LLVector4a lhs;
+			lhs.setSub(corners[1].getPosition(), corners[0].getPosition());
+			LLVector4a rhs;
+			rhs.setSub(corners[2].getPosition(), corners[1].getPosition());
+			baseVert.getNormal().setCross3(lhs, rhs); 
+			baseVert.getNormal().normalize3fast();
+		}
+		if(!(mTypeMask & TOP_MASK))
+		{
+			baseVert.getNormal().mul(-1.0f);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//Swap the UVs on the U(X) axis for top face
+			LLVector2 swap;
+			swap = corners[0].mTexCoord;
+			corners[0].mTexCoord=corners[3].mTexCoord;
+			corners[3].mTexCoord=swap;
+			swap = corners[1].mTexCoord;
+			corners[1].mTexCoord=corners[2].mTexCoord;
+			corners[2].mTexCoord=swap;
+		}
+		LLVector4a binormal;
+		calc_binormal_from_triangle( binormal,
+			corners[0].getPosition(), corners[0].mTexCoord,
+			corners[1].getPosition(), corners[1].mTexCoord,
+			corners[2].getPosition(), corners[2].mTexCoord);
+		binormal.normalize3fast();
+		S32 size = (grid_size+1)*(grid_size+1);
+		resizeVertices(size);
+		allocateBinormals(size);
+		LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) mPositions;
+		LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) mNormals;
+		LLVector4a* binorm = (LLVector4a*) mBinormals;
+		LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
+		for(int gx = 0;gx<grid_size+1;gx++)
+		{
+			for(int gy = 0;gy<grid_size+1;gy++)
+			{
+				VertexData newVert;
+				LerpPlanarVertex(
+					corners[0],
+					corners[1],
+					corners[3],
+					newVert,
+					(F32)gx/(F32)grid_size,
+					(F32)gy/(F32)grid_size);
+				*pos++ = newVert.getPosition();
+				*norm++ = baseVert.getNormal();
+				*tc++ = newVert.mTexCoord;
+				*binorm++ = binormal;
+				if (gx == 0 && gy == 0)
+				{
+					min = newVert.getPosition();
+					max = min;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					min.setMin(min, newVert.getPosition());
+					max.setMax(max, newVert.getPosition());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		mCenter->setAdd(min, max);
+		mCenter->mul(0.5f); 
+	}
+	if (!partial_build)
+	{
+		resizeIndices(grid_size*grid_size*6);
+		U16* out = mIndices;
+		S32 idxs[] = {0,1,(grid_size+1)+1,(grid_size+1)+1,(grid_size+1),0};
+		for(S32 gx = 0;gx<grid_size;gx++)
+		{
+			for(S32 gy = 0;gy<grid_size;gy++)
+			{
+				if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+				{
+					for(S32 i=5;i>=0;i--)
+					{
+						*out++ = ((gy*(grid_size+1))+gx+idxs[i]);
+					}		
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					for(S32 i=0;i<6;i++)
+					{
+						*out++ = ((gy*(grid_size+1))+gx+idxs[i]);
+					}
+				}
+			}	
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+BOOL LLVolumeFace::createCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	if (!(mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK) && 
+		!(mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK) && 
+		((volume->getParams().getPathParams().getBegin()==0.0f)&&
+		(volume->getParams().getPathParams().getEnd()==1.0f))&&
+		(volume->getParams().getProfileParams().getCurveType()==LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE &&
+		 volume->getParams().getPathParams().getCurveType()==LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE)	
+		){
+		return createUnCutCubeCap(volume, partial_build);
+	}
+	S32 num_vertices = 0, num_indices = 0;
+	const std::vector<LLVolume::Point>& mesh = volume->getMesh();
+	const std::vector<LLVector3>& profile = volume->getProfile().mProfile;
+	// All types of caps have the same number of vertices and indices
+	num_vertices = profile.size();
+	num_indices = (profile.size() - 2)*3;
+	if (!(mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK) && !(mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK))
+	{
+		resizeVertices(num_vertices+1);
+		allocateBinormals(num_vertices+1);	
+		if (!partial_build)
+		{
+			resizeIndices(num_indices+3);
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		resizeVertices(num_vertices);
+		allocateBinormals(num_vertices);
+		if (!partial_build)
+		{
+			resizeIndices(num_indices);
+		}
+	}
+	S32 max_s = volume->getProfile().getTotal();
+	S32 max_t = volume->getPath().mPath.size();
+	mCenter->clear();
+	S32 offset = 0;
+	if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+	{
+		offset = (max_t-1) * max_s;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		offset = mBeginS;
+	}
+	// Figure out the normal, assume all caps are flat faces.
+	// Cross product to get normals.
+	LLVector2 cuv;
+	LLVector2 min_uv, max_uv;
+	LLVector4a& min = mExtents[0];
+	LLVector4a& max = mExtents[1];
+	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
+	LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) mPositions;
+	LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) mNormals;
+	LLVector4a* binorm = (LLVector4a*) mBinormals;
+	// Copy the vertices into the array
+	for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
+	{
+		if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+		{
+			tc[i].mV[0] = profile[i].mV[0]+0.5f;
+			tc[i].mV[1] = profile[i].mV[1]+0.5f;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Mirror for underside.
+			tc[i].mV[0] = profile[i].mV[0]+0.5f;
+			tc[i].mV[1] = 0.5f - profile[i].mV[1];
+		}
+		pos[i].load3(mesh[i + offset].mPos.mV);
+		if (i == 0)
+		{
+			max = pos[i];
+			min = max;
+			min_uv = max_uv = tc[i];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			update_min_max(min,max,pos[i]);
+			update_min_max(min_uv, max_uv, tc[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	mCenter->setAdd(min, max);
+	mCenter->mul(0.5f); 
+	cuv = (min_uv + max_uv)*0.5f;
+	LLVector4a binormal;
+	calc_binormal_from_triangle(binormal,
+		*mCenter, cuv,
+		pos[0], tc[0],
+		pos[1], tc[1]);
+	binormal.normalize3fast();
+	LLVector4a normal;
+	LLVector4a d0, d1;
+	d0.setSub(*mCenter, pos[0]);
+	d1.setSub(*mCenter, pos[1]);
+	if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+	{
+		normal.setCross3(d0, d1);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		normal.setCross3(d1, d0);
+	}
+	normal.normalize3fast();
+	VertexData vd;
+	vd.setPosition(*mCenter);
+	vd.mTexCoord = cuv;
+	if (!(mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK) && !(mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK))
+	{
+		pos[num_vertices] = *mCenter;
+		tc[num_vertices] = cuv;
+		num_vertices++;
+	}
+	for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
+	{
+		binorm[i].load4a(binormal.getF32ptr());
+		norm[i].load4a(normal.getF32ptr());
+	}
+	if (partial_build)
+	{
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	if (mTypeMask & HOLLOW_MASK)
+	{
+		if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+		{
+			// Does it matter if it's open or closed? - djs
+			S32 pt1 = 0, pt2 = num_vertices - 1;
+			S32 i = 0;
+			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
+			{
+				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
+				// the un-transformed profile distances.
+				LLVector3 p1 = profile[pt1];
+				LLVector3 p2 = profile[pt2];
+				LLVector3 pa = profile[pt1+1];
+				LLVector3 pb = profile[pt2-1];
+				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
+				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
+				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
+				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
+				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
+				if (area_1a2 < 0)
+				{
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_2ab < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_21b < 0)
+				{
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_1ba < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (!tri_1a2)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				else if (!tri_21b)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
+					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
+					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+				if (use_tri1a2)
+				{
+					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt1 + 1;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
+					pt1++;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt2 - 1;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
+					pt2--;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Does it matter if it's open or closed? - djs
+			llassert(mTypeMask & BOTTOM_MASK);
+			S32 pt1 = 0, pt2 = num_vertices - 1;
+			S32 i = 0;
+			while (pt2 - pt1 > 1)
+			{
+				// Use the profile points instead of the mesh, since you want
+				// the un-transformed profile distances.
+				LLVector3 p1 = profile[pt1];
+				LLVector3 p2 = profile[pt2];
+				LLVector3 pa = profile[pt1+1];
+				LLVector3 pb = profile[pt2-1];
+				p1.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				p2.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pa.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				pb.mV[VZ] = 0.f;
+				// Use area of triangle to determine backfacing
+				F32 area_1a2, area_1ba, area_21b, area_2ab;
+				area_1a2 =  (p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]);
+				area_1ba =  (p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]);
+				area_21b =  (p2.mV[0]*p1.mV[1] - p1.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(p1.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*p1.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				area_2ab =  (p2.mV[0]*pa.mV[1] - pa.mV[0]*p2.mV[1]) +
+							(pa.mV[0]*pb.mV[1] - pb.mV[0]*pa.mV[1]) +
+							(pb.mV[0]*p2.mV[1] - p2.mV[0]*pb.mV[1]);
+				BOOL use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_1a2 = TRUE;
+				BOOL tri_21b = TRUE;
+				if (area_1a2 < 0)
+				{
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_2ab < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_21b < 0)
+				{
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (area_1ba < 0)
+				{
+					// Can't use, because it contains point b
+					tri_21b = FALSE;
+				}
+				if (!tri_1a2)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+				}
+				else if (!tri_21b)
+				{
+					use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					LLVector3 d1 = p1 - pa;
+					LLVector3 d2 = p2 - pb;
+					if (d1.magVecSquared() < d2.magVecSquared())
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = TRUE;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						use_tri1a2 = FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+				// Flipped backfacing from top
+				if (use_tri1a2)
+				{
+					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt1 + 1;
+					pt1++;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					mIndices[i++] = pt1;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt2;
+					mIndices[i++] = pt2 - 1;
+					pt2--;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Not hollow, generate the triangle fan.
+		U16 v1 = 2;
+		U16 v2 = 1;
+		if (mTypeMask & TOP_MASK)
+		{
+			v1 = 1;
+			v2 = 2;
+		}
+		for (S32 i = 0; i < (num_vertices - 2); i++)
+		{
+			mIndices[3*i] = num_vertices - 1;
+			mIndices[3*i+v1] = i;
+			mIndices[3*i+v2] = i + 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+void LLVolumeFace::createBinormals()
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	if (!mBinormals)
+	{
+		allocateBinormals(mNumVertices);
+		//generate binormals
+		LLVector4a* pos = mPositions;
+		LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
+		LLVector4a* binorm = (LLVector4a*) mBinormals;
+		LLVector4a* end = mBinormals+mNumVertices;
+		while (binorm < end)
+		{
+			(*binorm++).clear();
+		}
+		binorm = mBinormals;
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices/3; i++) 
+		{	//for each triangle
+			const U16& i0 = mIndices[i*3+0];
+			const U16& i1 = mIndices[i*3+1];
+			const U16& i2 = mIndices[i*3+2];
+			//calculate binormal
+			LLVector4a binormal;
+			calc_binormal_from_triangle(binormal,
+										pos[i0], tc[i0],
+										pos[i1], tc[i1],
+										pos[i2], tc[i2]);
+			//add triangle normal to vertices
+			binorm[i0].add(binormal);
+			binorm[i1].add(binormal);
+			binorm[i2].add(binormal);
+			//even out quad contributions
+			if (i % 2 == 0) 
+			{
+				binorm[i2].add(binormal);
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+				binorm[i1].add(binormal);
+			}
+		}
+		//normalize binormals
+		for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++) 
+		{
+			binorm[i].normalize3fast();
+			//bump map/planar projection code requires normals to be normalized
+			mNormals[i].normalize3fast();
+		}
+	}
+void LLVolumeFace::resizeVertices(S32 num_verts)
+	free(mPositions);
+	free(mNormals);
+	free(mBinormals);
+	free(mTexCoords);
+	mBinormals = NULL;
+	if (num_verts)
+	{
+		mPositions = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+		assert_aligned(mPositions, 16);
+		mNormals = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+		assert_aligned(mNormals, 16);
+		//pad texture coordinate block end to allow for QWORD reads
+		S32 size = ((num_verts*sizeof(LLVector2)) + 0xF) & ~0xF;
+		mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) malloc(size);
+		assert_aligned(mTexCoords, 16);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		mPositions = NULL;
+		mNormals = NULL;
+		mTexCoords = NULL;
+	}
+	mNumVertices = num_verts;
+void LLVolumeFace::pushVertex(const LLVolumeFace::VertexData& cv)
+	pushVertex(cv.getPosition(), cv.getNormal(), cv.mTexCoord);
+void LLVolumeFace::pushVertex(const LLVector4a& pos, const LLVector4a& norm, const LLVector2& tc)
+	S32 new_verts = mNumVertices+1;
+	S32 new_size = new_verts*16;
+//	S32 old_size = mNumVertices*16;
+	//positions
+	mPositions = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mPositions, new_size);
+	//normals
+	mNormals = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mNormals, new_size);
+	//tex coords
+	new_size = ((new_verts*8)+0xF) & ~0xF;
+	mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) realloc(mTexCoords, new_size);
+	//just clear binormals
+	free(mBinormals);
+	mBinormals = NULL;
+	mPositions[mNumVertices] = pos;
+	mNormals[mNumVertices] = norm;
+	mTexCoords[mNumVertices] = tc;
+	mNumVertices++;	
+void LLVolumeFace::allocateBinormals(S32 num_verts)
+	free(mBinormals);
+	mBinormals = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+void LLVolumeFace::allocateWeights(S32 num_verts)
+	free(mWeights);
+	mWeights = (LLVector4a*) malloc(sizeof(LLVector4a)*num_verts);
+void LLVolumeFace::resizeIndices(S32 num_indices)
+	free(mIndices);
+	if (num_indices)
+	{
+		//pad index block end to allow for QWORD reads
+		S32 size = ((num_indices*sizeof(U16)) + 0xF) & ~0xF;
+		mIndices = (U16*) malloc(size);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		mIndices = NULL;
+	}
+	mNumIndices = num_indices;
+void LLVolumeFace::pushIndex(const U16& idx)
+	S32 new_count = mNumIndices + 1;
+	S32 new_size = ((new_count*2)+0xF) & ~0xF;
+	S32 old_size = ((mNumIndices*2)+0xF) & ~0xF;
+	if (new_size != old_size)
+	{
+		mIndices = (U16*) realloc(mIndices, new_size);
+	}
+	mIndices[mNumIndices++] = idx;
+void LLVolumeFace::fillFromLegacyData(std::vector<LLVolumeFace::VertexData>& v, std::vector<U16>& idx)
+	resizeVertices(v.size());
+	resizeIndices(idx.size());
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
+	{
+		mPositions[i] = v[i].getPosition();
+		mNormals[i] = v[i].getNormal();
+		mTexCoords[i] = v[i].mTexCoord;
+	}
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)
+	{
+		mIndices[i] = idx[i];
+	}
+void LLVolumeFace::appendFace(const LLVolumeFace& face, LLMatrix4& mat_in, LLMatrix4& norm_mat_in)
+	U16 offset = mNumVertices;
+	S32 new_count = face.mNumVertices + mNumVertices;
+	if (new_count > 65536)
+	{
+		llerrs << "Cannot append face -- 16-bit overflow will occur." << llendl;
+	}
+	if (face.mNumVertices == 0)
+	{
+		llerrs << "Cannot append empty face." << llendl;
+	}
+	//allocate new buffer space
+	mPositions = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mPositions, new_count*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+	assert_aligned(mPositions, 16);
+	mNormals = (LLVector4a*) realloc(mNormals, new_count*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+	assert_aligned(mNormals, 16);
+	mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) realloc(mTexCoords, (new_count*sizeof(LLVector2)+0xF) & ~0xF);
+	assert_aligned(mTexCoords, 16);
+	mNumVertices = new_count;
+	//get destination address of appended face
+	LLVector4a* dst_pos = mPositions+offset;
+	LLVector2* dst_tc = mTexCoords+offset;
+	LLVector4a* dst_norm = mNormals+offset;
+	//get source addresses of appended face
+	const LLVector4a* src_pos = face.mPositions;
+	const LLVector2* src_tc = face.mTexCoords;
+	const LLVector4a* src_norm = face.mNormals;
+	//load aligned matrices
+	LLMatrix4a mat, norm_mat;
+	mat.loadu(mat_in);
+	norm_mat.loadu(norm_mat_in);
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; ++i)
+	{
+		//transform appended face position and store
+		mat.affineTransform(src_pos[i], dst_pos[i]);
+		//transform appended face normal and store
+		norm_mat.rotate(src_norm[i], dst_norm[i]);
+		dst_norm[i].normalize3fast();
+		//copy appended face texture coordinate
+		dst_tc[i] = src_tc[i];
+		if (offset == 0 && i == 0)
+		{ //initialize bounding box
+			mExtents[0] = mExtents[1] = dst_pos[i];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//stretch bounding box
+			update_min_max(mExtents[0], mExtents[1], dst_pos[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	new_count = mNumIndices + face.mNumIndices;
+	//allocate new index buffer
+	mIndices = (U16*) realloc(mIndices, (new_count*sizeof(U16)+0xF) & ~0xF);
+	//get destination address into new index buffer
+	U16* dst_idx = mIndices+mNumIndices;
+	mNumIndices = new_count;
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices; ++i)
+	{ //copy indices, offsetting by old vertex count
+		dst_idx[i] = face.mIndices[i]+offset;
+	}
+BOOL LLVolumeFace::createSide(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
+	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_VOLUME);
+	BOOL flat = mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK;
+	U8 sculpt_type = volume->getParams().getSculptType();
+	U8 sculpt_stitching = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK;
+	BOOL sculpt_invert = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT;
+	BOOL sculpt_mirror = sculpt_type & LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR;
+	BOOL sculpt_reverse_horizontal = (sculpt_invert ? !sculpt_mirror : sculpt_mirror);  // XOR
+	S32 num_vertices, num_indices;
+	const std::vector<LLVolume::Point>& mesh = volume->getMesh();
+	const std::vector<LLVector3>& profile = volume->getProfile().mProfile;
+	const std::vector<LLPath::PathPt>& path_data = volume->getPath().mPath;
+	S32 max_s = volume->getProfile().getTotal();
+	S32 s, t, i;
+	F32 ss, tt;
+	num_vertices = mNumS*mNumT;
+	num_indices = (mNumS-1)*(mNumT-1)*6;
+	if (!partial_build)
+	{
+		resizeVertices(num_vertices);
+		resizeIndices(num_indices);
+		if ((volume->getParams().getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) != LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
+		{
+			mEdge.resize(num_indices);
+		}
+	}
+	LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) mPositions;
+	LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) mNormals;
+	LLVector2* tc = (LLVector2*) mTexCoords;
+	S32 begin_stex = llfloor( profile[mBeginS].mV[2] );
+	S32 num_s = ((mTypeMask & INNER_MASK) && (mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK) && mNumS > 2) ? mNumS/2 : mNumS;
+	S32 cur_vertex = 0;
+	// Copy the vertices into the array
+	for (t = mBeginT; t < mBeginT + mNumT; t++)
+	{
+		tt = path_data[t].mTexT;
+		for (s = 0; s < num_s; s++)
+		{
+			if (mTypeMask & END_MASK)
+			{
+				if (s)
+				{
+					ss = 1.f;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					ss = 0.f;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Get s value for tex-coord.
+				if (!flat)
+				{
+					ss = profile[mBeginS + s].mV[2];
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					ss = profile[mBeginS + s].mV[2] - begin_stex;
+				}
+			}
+			if (sculpt_reverse_horizontal)
+			{
+				ss = 1.f - ss;
+			}
+			// Check to see if this triangle wraps around the array.
+			if (mBeginS + s >= max_s)
+			{
+				// We're wrapping
+				i = mBeginS + s + max_s*(t-1);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				i = mBeginS + s + max_s*t;
+			}
+			pos[cur_vertex].load3(mesh[i].mPos.mV);
+			tc[cur_vertex] = LLVector2(ss,tt);
+			norm[cur_vertex].clear();
+			cur_vertex++;
+			if ((mTypeMask & INNER_MASK) && (mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK) && mNumS > 2 && s > 0)
+			{
+				pos[cur_vertex].load3(mesh[i].mPos.mV);
+				tc[cur_vertex] = LLVector2(ss,tt);
+				norm[cur_vertex].clear();
+				cur_vertex++;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((mTypeMask & INNER_MASK) && (mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK) && mNumS > 2)
+		{
+			if (mTypeMask & OPEN_MASK)
+			{
+				s = num_s-1;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				s = 0;
+			}
+			i = mBeginS + s + max_s*t;
+			ss = profile[mBeginS + s].mV[2] - begin_stex;
+			pos[cur_vertex].load3(mesh[i].mPos.mV);
+			tc[cur_vertex] = LLVector2(ss,tt);
+			norm[cur_vertex].clear(); 
+			cur_vertex++;
+		}
+	}
+	//get bounding box for this side
+	LLVector4a& face_min = mExtents[0];
+	LLVector4a& face_max = mExtents[1];
+	mCenter->clear();
+	face_min = face_max = pos[0];
+	for (U32 i = 1; i < mNumVertices; ++i)
+	{
+		update_min_max(face_min, face_max, pos[i]);
+	}
+	mCenter->setAdd(face_min, face_max);
+	mCenter->mul(0.5f);
+	S32 cur_index = 0;
+	S32 cur_edge = 0;
+	BOOL flat_face = mTypeMask & FLAT_MASK;
+	if (!partial_build)
+	{
+		// Now we generate the indices.
+		for (t = 0; t < (mNumT-1); t++)
+		{
+			for (s = 0; s < (mNumS-1); s++)
+			{	
+				mIndices[cur_index++] = s   + mNumS*t;			//bottom left
+				mIndices[cur_index++] = s+1 + mNumS*(t+1);		//top right
+				mIndices[cur_index++] = s   + mNumS*(t+1);		//top left
+				mIndices[cur_index++] = s   + mNumS*t;			//bottom left
+				mIndices[cur_index++] = s+1 + mNumS*t;			//bottom right
+				mIndices[cur_index++] = s+1 + mNumS*(t+1);		//top right
+				mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+s*2+1;						//bottom left/top right neighbor face 
+				if (t < mNumT-2) {												//top right/top left neighbor face 
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*(t+1)+s*2+1;
+				}
+				else if (mNumT <= 3 || volume->getPath().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
+				}
+				else { //wrap on T
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = s*2+1;
+				}
+				if (s > 0) {													//top left/bottom left neighbor face
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+s*2-1;
+				}
+				else if (flat_face ||  volume->getProfile().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
+				}
+				else {	//wrap on S
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+(mNumS-2)*2+1;
+				}
+				if (t > 0) {													//bottom left/bottom right neighbor face
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*(t-1)+s*2;
+				}
+				else if (mNumT <= 3 || volume->getPath().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
+				}
+				else { //wrap on T
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*(mNumT-2)+s*2;
+				}
+				if (s < mNumS-2) {												//bottom right/top right neighbor face
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+(s+1)*2;
+				}
+				else if (flat_face || volume->getProfile().isOpen() == TRUE) { //no neighbor
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = -1;
+				}
+				else { //wrap on S
+					mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t;
+				}
+				mEdge[cur_edge++] = (mNumS-1)*2*t+s*2;							//top right/bottom left neighbor face	
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//clear normals
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
+	{
+		mNormals[i].clear();
+	}
+	//generate normals 
+	for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumIndices/3; i++) //for each triangle
+	{
+		const U16* idx = &(mIndices[i*3]);
+		LLVector4a* v[] = 
+		{	pos+idx[0], pos+idx[1], pos+idx[2] };
+		LLVector4a* n[] = 
+		{	norm+idx[0], norm+idx[1], norm+idx[2] };
+		//calculate triangle normal
+		LLVector4a a, b, c;
+		a.setSub(*v[0], *v[1]);
+		b.setSub(*v[0], *v[2]);
+		c.setCross3(a,b);
+		n[0]->add(c);
+		n[1]->add(c);
+		n[2]->add(c);
+		//even out quad contributions
+		n[i%2+1]->add(c);
+	}
+	// adjust normals based on wrapping and stitching
+	LLVector4a top;
+	top.setSub(pos[0], pos[mNumS*(mNumT-2)]);
+	BOOL s_bottom_converges = (top.dot3(top) < 0.000001f);
+	top.setSub(pos[mNumS-1], pos[mNumS*(mNumT-2)+mNumS-1]);
+	BOOL s_top_converges = (top.dot3(top) < 0.000001f);
+	if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_NONE)  // logic for non-sculpt volumes
+	{
+		if (volume->getPath().isOpen() == FALSE)
+		{ //wrap normals on T
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
+			{
+				LLVector4a n;
+				n.setAdd(norm[i], norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i]);
+				norm[i] = n;
+				norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i] = n;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((volume->getProfile().isOpen() == FALSE) && !(s_bottom_converges))
+		{ //wrap normals on S
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
+			{
+				LLVector4a n;
+				n.setAdd(norm[mNumS*i], norm[mNumS*i+mNumS-1]);
+				norm[mNumS * i] = n;
+				norm[mNumS * i+mNumS-1] = n;
+			}
+		}
+		if (volume->getPathType() == LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE &&
+			((volume->getProfileType() & LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK) == LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF))
+		{
+			if (s_bottom_converges)
+			{ //all lower S have same normal
+				for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
+				{
+					norm[mNumS*i].set(1,0,0);
+				}
+			}
+			if (s_top_converges)
+			{ //all upper S have same normal
+				for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
+				{
+					norm[mNumS*i+mNumS-1].set(-1,0,0);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else  // logic for sculpt volumes
+	{
+		BOOL average_poles = FALSE;
+		BOOL wrap_s = FALSE;
+		BOOL wrap_t = FALSE;
+		if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE)
+			average_poles = TRUE;
+		if ((sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE) ||
+			(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS) ||
+			(sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER))
+			wrap_s = TRUE;
+		if (sculpt_stitching == LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS)
+			wrap_t = TRUE;
+		if (average_poles)
+		{
+			// average normals for north pole
+			LLVector4a average;
+			average.clear();
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
+			{
+				average.add(norm[i]);
+			}
+			// set average
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
+			{
+				norm[i] = average;
+			}
+			// average normals for south pole
+			average.clear();
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
+			{
+				average.add(norm[i + mNumS * (mNumT - 1)]);
+			}
+			// set average
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
+			{
+				norm[i + mNumS * (mNumT - 1)] = average;
+			}
+		}
+		if (wrap_s)
+		{
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumT; i++)
+			{
+				LLVector4a n;
+				n.setAdd(norm[mNumS*i], norm[mNumS*i+mNumS-1]);
+				norm[mNumS * i] = n;
+				norm[mNumS * i+mNumS-1] = n;
+			}
+		}
+		if (wrap_t)
+		{
+			for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumS; i++)
+			{
+				LLVector4a n;
+				n.setAdd(norm[i], norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i]);
+				norm[i] = n;
+				norm[mNumS*(mNumT-1)+i] = n;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+// Finds binormal based on three vertices with texture coordinates.
+// Fills in dummy values if the triangle has degenerate texture coordinates.
+void calc_binormal_from_triangle(LLVector4a& binormal,
+	const LLVector4a& pos0,
+	const LLVector2& tex0,
+	const LLVector4a& pos1,
+	const LLVector2& tex1,
+	const LLVector4a& pos2,
+	const LLVector2& tex2)
+	LLVector4a rx0( pos0[VX], tex0.mV[VX], tex0.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a rx1( pos1[VX], tex1.mV[VX], tex1.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a rx2( pos2[VX], tex2.mV[VX], tex2.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a ry0( pos0[VY], tex0.mV[VX], tex0.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a ry1( pos1[VY], tex1.mV[VX], tex1.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a ry2( pos2[VY], tex2.mV[VX], tex2.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a rz0( pos0[VZ], tex0.mV[VX], tex0.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a rz1( pos1[VZ], tex1.mV[VX], tex1.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a rz2( pos2[VZ], tex2.mV[VX], tex2.mV[VY] );
+	LLVector4a lhs, rhs;
+	LLVector4a r0; 
+	lhs.setSub(rx0, rx1); rhs.setSub(rx0, rx2);
+	r0.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+	LLVector4a r1;
+	lhs.setSub(ry0, ry1); rhs.setSub(ry0, ry2);
+	r1.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+	LLVector4a r2;
+	lhs.setSub(rz0, rz1); rhs.setSub(rz0, rz2);
+	r2.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+	if( r0[VX] && r1[VX] && r2[VX] )
+	{
+		binormal.set(
+				-r0[VZ] / r0[VX],
+				-r1[VZ] / r1[VX],
+				-r2[VZ] / r2[VX]);
+		// binormal.normVec();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		binormal.set( 0, 1 , 0 );
+	}
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llglheaders.h b/indra/llrender/llglheaders.h
index c48e2bb5fad36417c88ab61e8ee601aa578f883e..d8140a124db1d5a02b3cf07518d07031ce2896ff 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llglheaders.h
+++ b/indra/llrender/llglheaders.h
@@ -840,18 +840,18 @@ extern void glGetBufferPointervARB (GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid* *);
 //GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info constants
 #ifndef GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info
 #define GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info
-#define	GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_EVICTION_COUNT_NVX            0x904A
+#define	GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_EVICTION_COUNT_NVX            0x904A
 #define	GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_EVICTED_MEMORY_NVX            0x904B
 //GL_ATI_meminfo constants
 #ifndef GL_ATI_meminfo
 #define GL_ATI_meminfo
-#define GL_VBO_FREE_MEMORY_ATI                     0x87FB
-#define GL_TEXTURE_FREE_MEMORY_ATI                 0x87FC
+#define GL_VBO_FREE_MEMORY_ATI                     0x87FB
+#define GL_TEXTURE_FREE_MEMORY_ATI                 0x87FC
 #define GL_RENDERBUFFER_FREE_MEMORY_ATI            0x87FD
diff --git a/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.cpp b/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.cpp
index 54d54bfcb962f54959904a99f559096ebc031f9f..5bfe5c9941c470443abd6bd3e96170040c240a4a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.cpp
@@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
-* @file		llphysicsshapebuilder.cpp
-* @brief	Generic system to convert LL(Physics)VolumeParams to physics shapes
-* @author	falcon@lindenlab.com
-* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=internal$
-* Copyright (c) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
-* The following source code is PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. Use of
-* this source code is governed by the Linden Lab Source Code Disclosure
-* Agreement ("Agreement") previously entered between you and Linden
-* Lab. By accessing, using, copying, modifying or distributing this
-* software, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your
-* obligations under the Agreement and agree to abide by those obligations.
-* $/LicenseInfo$
+ * @file llphysicsshapebuilder.cpp
+ * @brief Generic system to convert LL(Physics)VolumeParams to physics shapes
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ * 
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
 #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.h b/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.h
index 3de9afcb25b2b09cb938ab234e201c7441001868..7dedfb05e223b774741b658619e3960164eb036d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llphysicsshapebuilderutil.h
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
  * @file llphysicsshapebuilder.h
- * @author falcon@lindenlab.com
  * @brief Generic system to convert LL(Physics)VolumeParams to physics shapes
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=internal$
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * The following source code is PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. Use of
- * this source code is governed by the Linden Lab Source Code Disclosure
- * Agreement ("Agreement") previously entered between you and Linden
- * Lab. By accessing, using, copying, modifying or distributing this
- * software, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your
- * obligations under the Agreement and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ * 
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
  * $/LicenseInfo$
@@ -42,39 +46,39 @@ const F32 SHAPE_BUILDER_ENTRY_SNAP_PARAMETER_BIN_SIZE = 0.010f;
-class LLPhysicsVolumeParams : public LLVolumeParams
-	LLPhysicsVolumeParams( const LLVolumeParams& params, bool forceConvex ) : 
-		LLVolumeParams( params ),
-		mForceConvex(forceConvex) {}
-	bool operator==(const LLPhysicsVolumeParams &params) const
-	{
-		return ( LLVolumeParams::operator==(params) && (mForceConvex == params.mForceConvex) );
-	}
-	bool operator!=(const LLPhysicsVolumeParams &params) const
-	{
-		return !operator==(params);
-	}
-	bool operator<(const LLPhysicsVolumeParams &params) const
-	{
-		if ( LLVolumeParams::operator!=(params) )
-		{
-			return LLVolumeParams::operator<(params);
-		}
-		return (params.mForceConvex == false) && (mForceConvex == true);	
-	}
-	bool shouldForceConvex() const { return mForceConvex; }
-	bool mForceConvex;
+class LLPhysicsVolumeParams : public LLVolumeParams
+	LLPhysicsVolumeParams( const LLVolumeParams& params, bool forceConvex ) : 
+		LLVolumeParams( params ),
+		mForceConvex(forceConvex) {}
+	bool operator==(const LLPhysicsVolumeParams &params) const
+	{
+		return ( LLVolumeParams::operator==(params) && (mForceConvex == params.mForceConvex) );
+	}
+	bool operator!=(const LLPhysicsVolumeParams &params) const
+	{
+		return !operator==(params);
+	}
+	bool operator<(const LLPhysicsVolumeParams &params) const
+	{
+		if ( LLVolumeParams::operator!=(params) )
+		{
+			return LLVolumeParams::operator<(params);
+		}
+		return (params.mForceConvex == false) && (mForceConvex == true);	
+	}
+	bool shouldForceConvex() const { return mForceConvex; }
+	bool mForceConvex;
 class LLPhysicsShapeBuilderUtil
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
index fdf4f5bdaae6ec81a1b1c1fc660f9682fec04759..295799fd247bf95a2c86f3bb999484ce2be9d799 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
@@ -1,1090 +1,1090 @@
- * @file llvoavatar.h
- * @brief Declaration of LLVOAvatar class which is a derivation of
- * LLViewerObject
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <map>
-#include <deque>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
-#include "imageids.h"			// IMG_INVISIBLE
-#include "llchat.h"
-#include "lldrawpoolalpha.h"
-#include "llviewerobject.h"
-#include "llcharacter.h"
-#include "llviewerjointmesh.h"
-#include "llviewerjointattachment.h"
-#include "llrendertarget.h"
-#include "llvoavatardefines.h"
-#include "lltexglobalcolor.h"
-#include "lldriverparam.h"
-#include "material_codes.h"		// LL_MCODE_END
-extern const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_EYE;
-class LLTexLayerSet;
-class LLVoiceVisualizer;
-class LLHUDNameTag;
-class LLHUDEffectSpiral;
-class LLTexGlobalColor;
-class LLVOAvatarBoneInfo;
-class LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo;
-// LLVOAvatar
-class LLVOAvatar :
-	public LLViewerObject,
-	public LLCharacter,
-	public boost::signals2::trackable
-	friend class LLVOAvatarSelf;
-	struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo;
-	struct LLMaskedMorph;
- **                                                                            **
- **                    INITIALIZATION
- **/
-	LLVOAvatar(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp);
-	virtual void		markDead();
-	static void			initClass(); // Initialize data that's only init'd once per class.
-	static void			cleanupClass();	// Cleanup data that's only init'd once per class.
-	virtual void 		initInstance(); // Called after construction to initialize the class.
-	virtual				~LLVOAvatar();
-	BOOL				loadSkeletonNode();
-	BOOL				loadMeshNodes();
-	virtual BOOL		loadLayersets();
-/**                    Initialization
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    INHERITED
- **/
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// LLViewerObject interface and related
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual void			updateGL();
-	virtual	LLVOAvatar*		asAvatar();
-	virtual U32    	 	 	processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
-													 void **user_data,
-													 U32 block_num,
-													 const EObjectUpdateType update_type,
-													 LLDataPacker *dp);
-	virtual BOOL   	 	 	idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time);
-	virtual BOOL   	 	 	updateLOD();
-	BOOL  	 	 	 	 	updateJointLODs();
-	void					updateLODRiggedAttachments( void );
-	virtual BOOL   	 	 	isActive() const; // Whether this object needs to do an idleUpdate.
-	virtual void   	 	 	updateTextures();
-	virtual S32    	 	 	setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid); // If setting a baked texture, need to request it from a non-local sim.
-	virtual void   	 	 	onShift(const LLVector4a& shift_vector);
-	virtual U32    	 	 	getPartitionType() const;
-	virtual const  	 	 	LLVector3 getRenderPosition() const;
-	virtual void   	 	 	updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped);
-	virtual LLDrawable* 	createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline);
-	virtual BOOL   	 	 	updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable);
-	virtual void   	 	 	setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent);
-	virtual void   	 	 	updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
-	virtual void   	 	 	updateSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a &newMax);
-	virtual void   	 	 	getSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a& newMax);
-	virtual BOOL   	 	 	lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end,
-												 S32 face = -1,                    // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
-												 BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
-												 S32* face_hit = NULL,             // which face was hit
-												 LLVector3* intersection = NULL,   // return the intersection point
-												 LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL,      // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
-												 LLVector3* normal = NULL,         // return the surface normal at the intersection point
-												 LLVector3* bi_normal = NULL);     // return the surface bi-normal at the intersection point
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// LLCharacter interface and related
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual LLVector3    	getCharacterPosition();
-	virtual LLQuaternion 	getCharacterRotation();
-	virtual LLVector3    	getCharacterVelocity();
-	virtual LLVector3    	getCharacterAngularVelocity();
-	virtual LLJoint*		getCharacterJoint(U32 num);
-	virtual BOOL			allocateCharacterJoints(U32 num);
-	virtual LLUUID			remapMotionID(const LLUUID& id);
-	virtual BOOL			startMotion(const LLUUID& id, F32 time_offset = 0.f);
-	virtual BOOL			stopMotion(const LLUUID& id, BOOL stop_immediate = FALSE);
-	virtual void			stopMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id);
-	virtual void			requestStopMotion(LLMotion* motion);
-	LLMotion*				findMotion(const LLUUID& id) const;
-	void					startDefaultMotions();
-	void					dumpAnimationState();
-	virtual LLJoint*		getJoint(const std::string &name);
-	virtual LLJoint*     	getRootJoint() { return &mRoot; }
-	void					resetJointPositions( void );
-	void					resetJointPositionsToDefault( void );
-	void					resetSpecificJointPosition( const std::string& name );
-	virtual const char*		getAnimationPrefix() { return "avatar"; }
-	virtual const LLUUID&   getID();
-	virtual LLVector3		getVolumePos(S32 joint_index, LLVector3& volume_offset);
-	virtual LLJoint*		findCollisionVolume(U32 volume_id);
-	virtual S32				getCollisionVolumeID(std::string &name);
-	virtual void			addDebugText(const std::string& text);
-	virtual F32          	getTimeDilation();
-	virtual void			getGround(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
-	virtual F32				getPixelArea() const;
-	virtual LLPolyMesh*		getHeadMesh();
-	virtual LLPolyMesh*		getUpperBodyMesh();
-	virtual LLVector3d		getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &position);
-	virtual LLVector3		getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &position);
-	virtual void			updateVisualParams();
-/**                    Inherited
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    STATE
- **/
-	virtual bool 	isSelf() const { return false; } // True if this avatar is for this viewer's agent
-	bool isBuilt() const { return mIsBuilt; }
-private: //aligned members
-	LLVector4a	mImpostorExtents[2];
-	BOOL			mSupportsAlphaLayers; // For backwards compatibility, TRUE for 1.23+ clients
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Updates
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual BOOL 	updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent);
-	void 			idleUpdateVoiceVisualizer(bool voice_enabled);
-	void 			idleUpdateMisc(bool detailed_update);
-	virtual void	idleUpdateAppearanceAnimation();
-	void 			idleUpdateLipSync(bool voice_enabled);
-	void 			idleUpdateLoadingEffect();
-	void 			idleUpdateWindEffect();
-	void 			idleUpdateNameTag(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
-	void			idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name);
-	LLVector3		idleUpdateNameTagPosition(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
-	void			idleUpdateNameTagAlpha(BOOL new_name, F32 alpha);
-	LLColor4		getNameTagColor(bool is_friend);
-	void			clearNameTag();
-	static void		invalidateNameTag(const LLUUID& agent_id);
-	// force all name tags to rebuild, useful when display names turned on/off
-	static void		invalidateNameTags();
-	void			addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font);
-	void 			idleUpdateRenderCost();
-	void 			idleUpdateBelowWater();
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Static preferences (controlled by user settings/menus)
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static S32		sRenderName;
-	static BOOL		sRenderGroupTitles;
-	static U32		sMaxVisible; //(affected by control "RenderAvatarMaxVisible")
-	static F32		sRenderDistance; //distance at which avatars will render.
-	static BOOL		sShowAnimationDebug; // show animation debug info
-	static BOOL		sUseImpostors; //use impostors for far away avatars
-	static BOOL		sShowFootPlane;	// show foot collision plane reported by server
-	static BOOL		sShowCollisionVolumes;	// show skeletal collision volumes
-	static BOOL		sVisibleInFirstPerson;
-	static S32		sNumLODChangesThisFrame;
-	static S32		sNumVisibleChatBubbles;
-	static BOOL		sDebugInvisible;
-	static BOOL		sShowAttachmentPoints;
-	static F32		sLODFactor; // user-settable LOD factor
-	static F32		sPhysicsLODFactor; // user-settable physics LOD factor
-	static BOOL		sJointDebug; // output total number of joints being touched for each avatar
-	static BOOL		sDebugAvatarRotation;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Region state
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	LLHost			getObjectHost() const;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Loading state
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL			isFullyLoaded() const;
-	bool visualParamWeightsAreDefault();
-	virtual BOOL	getIsCloud();
-	BOOL			updateIsFullyLoaded();
-	BOOL			processFullyLoadedChange(bool loading);
-	void			updateRuthTimer(bool loading);
-	F32 			calcMorphAmount();
-	BOOL			mFullyLoaded;
-	BOOL			mPreviousFullyLoaded;
-	BOOL			mFullyLoadedInitialized;
-	S32				mFullyLoadedFrameCounter;
-	LLFrameTimer	mFullyLoadedTimer;
-	LLFrameTimer	mRuthTimer;
-	LLFrameTimer    mInvisibleTimer;
-/**                    State
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    SKELETON
- **/
-	void				updateHeadOffset();
-	F32					getPelvisToFoot() const { return mPelvisToFoot; }
-	void				setPelvisOffset( bool hasOffset, const LLVector3& translation, F32 offset ) ;
-	bool				hasPelvisOffset( void ) { return mHasPelvisOffset; }
-	void				postPelvisSetRecalc( void );
-	void				setPelvisOffset( F32 pelvixFixupAmount );
-	bool				mHasPelvisOffset;
-	LLVector3			mPelvisOffset;
-	F32					mLastPelvisToFoot;
-	F32					mPelvisFixup;
-	F32					mLastPelvisFixup;
-	LLVector3			mHeadOffset; // current head position
-	LLViewerJoint		mRoot;
-	static BOOL			parseSkeletonFile(const std::string& filename);
-	void				buildCharacter();
-	virtual BOOL		loadAvatar();
-	BOOL				setupBone(const LLVOAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLViewerJoint* parent, S32 &current_volume_num, S32 &current_joint_num);
-	BOOL				buildSkeleton(const LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo *info);
-	BOOL				mIsBuilt; // state of deferred character building
-	S32					mNumJoints;
-	LLViewerJoint*		mSkeleton;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Pelvis height adjustment members.
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	LLVector3			mBodySize;
-	S32					mLastSkeletonSerialNum;
-	F32					mPelvisToFoot;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Cached pointers to well known joints
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mPelvisp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mTorsop;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mChestp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mNeckp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mHeadp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mSkullp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mEyeLeftp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mEyeRightp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mHipLeftp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mHipRightp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mKneeLeftp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mKneeRightp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mAnkleLeftp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mAnkleRightp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mFootLeftp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mFootRightp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mWristLeftp;
-	LLViewerJoint* 		mWristRightp;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// XML parse tree
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static LLXmlTree 	sXMLTree; // avatar config file
-	static LLXmlTree 	sSkeletonXMLTree; // avatar skeleton file
-/**                    Skeleton
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    RENDERING
- **/
-	U32 		renderImpostor(LLColor4U color = LLColor4U(255,255,255,255), S32 diffuse_channel = 0);
-	U32 		renderRigid();
-	U32 		renderSkinned(EAvatarRenderPass pass);
-	F32			getLastSkinTime() { return mLastSkinTime; }
-	U32			renderSkinnedAttachments();
-	U32 		renderTransparent(BOOL first_pass);
-	void 		renderCollisionVolumes();
-	static void	deleteCachedImages(bool clearAll=true);
-	static void	destroyGL();
-	static void	restoreGL();
-	BOOL 		mIsDummy; // for special views
-	S32			mSpecialRenderMode; // special lighting
-	bool		shouldAlphaMask();
-	BOOL 		mNeedsSkin; // avatar has been animated and verts have not been updated
-	F32			mLastSkinTime; //value of gFrameTimeSeconds at last skin update
-	S32	 		mUpdatePeriod;
-	S32  		mNumInitFaces; //number of faces generated when creating the avatar drawable, does not inculde splitted faces due to long vertex buffer.
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Morph masks
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL 		morphMaskNeedsUpdate(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
-	void 		addMaskedMorph(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index, LLPolyMorphTarget* morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer);
-	void 		applyMorphMask(U8* tex_data, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Visibility
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void 		updateVisibility();
-	U32	 		mVisibilityRank;
-	BOOL 		mVisible;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Shadowing
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void 		updateShadowFaces();
-	LLDrawable*	mShadow;
-	LLFace* 	mShadow0Facep;
-	LLFace* 	mShadow1Facep;
-	LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mShadowImagep;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Impostors
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL 		isImpostor() const;
-	BOOL 	    needsImpostorUpdate() const;
-	const LLVector3& getImpostorOffset() const;
-	const LLVector2& getImpostorDim() const;
-	void 		getImpostorValues(LLVector4a* extents, LLVector3& angle, F32& distance) const;
-	void 		cacheImpostorValues();
-	void 		setImpostorDim(const LLVector2& dim);
-	static void	resetImpostors();
-	static void updateImpostors();
-	LLRenderTarget mImpostor;
-	BOOL		mNeedsImpostorUpdate;
-	LLVector3	mImpostorOffset;
-	LLVector2	mImpostorDim;
-	BOOL		mNeedsAnimUpdate;
-	LLVector3	mImpostorAngle;
-	F32			mImpostorDistance;
-	F32			mImpostorPixelArea;
-	LLVector3	mLastAnimExtents[2];  
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Wind rippling in clothes
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	LLVector4	mWindVec;
-	F32			mRipplePhase;
-	BOOL		mBelowWater;
-	F32			mWindFreq;
-	LLFrameTimer mRippleTimer;
-	F32			mRippleTimeLast;
-	LLVector3	mRippleAccel;
-	LLVector3	mLastVel;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Culling
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static void	cullAvatarsByPixelArea();
-	BOOL		isCulled() const { return mCulled; }
-	BOOL		mCulled;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Freeze counter
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static void updateFreezeCounter(S32 counter = 0);
-	static S32  sFreezeCounter;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Constants
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel 	getAvatarBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR; }
-	virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel 	getAvatarBakedBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED; }
-	virtual S32 						getTexImageSize() const;
-	virtual S32 						getTexImageArea() const { return getTexImageSize()*getTexImageSize(); }
-/**                    Rendering
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    TEXTURES
- **/
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Loading status
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual BOOL    isTextureDefined(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
-	virtual BOOL	isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
-	virtual BOOL	isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLWearable *wearable) const;
-	BOOL			isFullyBaked();
-	static BOOL		areAllNearbyInstancesBaked(S32& grey_avatars);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Baked textures
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void			releaseComponentTextures(); // ! BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY !
-	static void		onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
-	static void		onInitialBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
-	static void		onBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
-	virtual void	removeMissingBakedTextures();
-	void			useBakedTexture(const LLUUID& id);
-	typedef std::deque<LLMaskedMorph *> 	morph_list_t;
-	struct BakedTextureData
-	{
-		LLUUID								mLastTextureIndex;
-		LLTexLayerSet* 						mTexLayerSet; // Only exists for self
-		bool								mIsLoaded;
-		bool								mIsUsed;
-		LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex 	mTextureIndex;
-		U32									mMaskTexName;
-		// Stores pointers to the joint meshes that this baked texture deals with
-		std::vector< LLViewerJointMesh * > 	mMeshes;  // std::vector<LLViewerJointMesh> mJoints[i]->mMeshParts
-		morph_list_t						mMaskedMorphs;
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<BakedTextureData> 	bakedtexturedata_vec_t;
-	bakedtexturedata_vec_t 					mBakedTextureDatas;
-	LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t mCallbackTextureList ; 
-	BOOL mLoadedCallbacksPaused;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Local Textures
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual void	setLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerTexture* tex, BOOL baked_version_exits, U32 index = 0);
-	virtual void	addLocalTextureStats(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL rendered, BOOL covered_by_baked, U32 index = 0);
-	// MULTI-WEARABLE: make self-only?
-	virtual void	setBakedReady(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, BOOL baked_version_exists, U32 index = 0);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Texture accessors
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual	void				setImage(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *imagep, const U32 index); 
-	virtual LLViewerTexture*	getImage(const U8 te, const U32 index) const;
-	virtual const LLTextureEntry* getTexEntry(const U8 te_num) const;
-	virtual void setTexEntry(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry &te);
-	void checkTextureLoading() ;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Layers
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void			deleteLayerSetCaches(bool clearAll = true);
-	void			addBakedTextureStats(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Composites
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	virtual void	invalidateComposite(LLTexLayerSet* layerset, BOOL upload_result);
-	virtual void	invalidateAll();
-	virtual void	setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(bool b) {}
-	virtual void 	setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(U32 index, bool b) {}
-	virtual bool 	isCompositeUpdateEnabled(U32 index) { return false; }
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Static texture/mesh/baked dictionary
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static BOOL 	isIndexLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
-	static BOOL 	isIndexBakedTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
-	static const LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary *getDictionary() { return sAvatarDictionary; }
-	static LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary* sAvatarDictionary;
-	static LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo* 					sAvatarSkeletonInfo;
-	static LLVOAvatarXmlInfo* 						sAvatarXmlInfo;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Messaging
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void 			onFirstTEMessageReceived();
-	BOOL			mFirstTEMessageReceived;
-	BOOL			mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived;
-/**                    Textures
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    MESHES
- **/
-	void 			updateMeshTextures();
-	void 			updateSexDependentLayerSets(BOOL upload_bake);
-	void 			dirtyMesh(); // Dirty the avatar mesh
-	void 			updateMeshData();
-	void 			releaseMeshData();
-	virtual void restoreMeshData();
-	void 			dirtyMesh(S32 priority); // Dirty the avatar mesh, with priority
-	S32 			mDirtyMesh; // 0 -- not dirty, 1 -- morphed, 2 -- LOD
-	BOOL			mMeshTexturesDirty;
-	typedef std::multimap<std::string, LLPolyMesh*> polymesh_map_t;
-	polymesh_map_t 									mMeshes;
-	std::vector<LLViewerJoint *> 					mMeshLOD;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Destroy invisible mesh
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL			mMeshValid;
-	LLFrameTimer	mMeshInvisibleTime;
-/**                    Meshes
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    APPEARANCE
- **/
-	void 			processAvatarAppearance(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys);
-	void 			hideSkirt();
-	void			startAppearanceAnimation();
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Appearance morphing
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL			getIsAppearanceAnimating() const { return mAppearanceAnimating; }
-	BOOL			mAppearanceAnimating;
-	LLFrameTimer	mAppearanceMorphTimer;
-	F32				mLastAppearanceBlendTime;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Clothing colors (convenience functions to access visual parameters)
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void			setClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& new_color, BOOL upload_bake);
-	LLColor4		getClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te);
-	static BOOL			teToColorParams(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, U32 *param_name);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Global colors
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	LLColor4		getGlobalColor(const std::string& color_name ) const;
-	void			onGlobalColorChanged(const LLTexGlobalColor* global_color, BOOL upload_bake);
-	LLTexGlobalColor* mTexSkinColor;
-	LLTexGlobalColor* mTexHairColor;
-	LLTexGlobalColor* mTexEyeColor;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Visibility
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL			isVisible() const;
-	void			setVisibilityRank(U32 rank);
-	U32				getVisibilityRank()  const { return mVisibilityRank; } // unused
-	static S32 		sNumVisibleAvatars; // Number of instances of this class
-	static LLColor4 getDummyColor();
-/**                    Appearance
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    WEARABLES
- **/
-	virtual BOOL			isWearingWearableType(LLWearableType::EType type ) const;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Attachments
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void 				clampAttachmentPositions();
-	virtual const LLViewerJointAttachment* attachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
-	virtual BOOL 		detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
-	void				cleanupAttachedMesh( LLViewerObject* pVO );
-	static LLVOAvatar*  findAvatarFromAttachment(LLViewerObject* obj);
-	LLViewerJointAttachment* getTargetAttachmentPoint(LLViewerObject* viewer_object);
-	void 				lazyAttach();
-	void				rebuildRiggedAttachments( void );
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Map of attachment points, by ID
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	S32 				getAttachmentCount(); // Warning: order(N) not order(1) // currently used only by -self
-	typedef std::map<S32, LLViewerJointAttachment*> attachment_map_t;
-	attachment_map_t 								mAttachmentPoints;
-	std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerObject> > 		mPendingAttachment;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// HUD functions
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL 				hasHUDAttachment() const;
-	LLBBox 				getHUDBBox() const;
-	void 				rebuildHUD();
-	void 				resetHUDAttachments();
-	BOOL				canAttachMoreObjects() const;
-	BOOL				canAttachMoreObjects(U32 n) const;
-	U32					getNumAttachments() const; // O(N), not O(1)
-/**                    Wearables
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    ACTIONS
- **/
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Animations
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL 			isAnyAnimationSignaled(const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims) const;
-	void 			processAnimationStateChanges();
-	BOOL 			processSingleAnimationStateChange(const LLUUID &anim_id, BOOL start);
-	void 			resetAnimations();
-	LLTimer			mAnimTimer;
-	F32				mTimeLast;	
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Animation state data
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	typedef std::map<LLUUID, S32>::iterator AnimIterator;
-	std::map<LLUUID, S32> 					mSignaledAnimations; // requested state of Animation name/value
-	std::map<LLUUID, S32> 					mPlayingAnimations; // current state of Animation name/value
-	typedef std::multimap<LLUUID, LLUUID> 	AnimationSourceMap;
-	typedef AnimationSourceMap::iterator 	AnimSourceIterator;
-	AnimationSourceMap 						mAnimationSources; // object ids that triggered anim ids
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Chat
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void			addChat(const LLChat& chat);
-	void	   		clearChat();
-	void	   		startTyping() { mTyping = TRUE; mTypingTimer.reset(); }
-	void			stopTyping() { mTyping = FALSE; }
-	BOOL			mVisibleChat;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Lip synch morphs
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	bool 		   	mLipSyncActive; // we're morphing for lip sync
-	LLVisualParam* 	mOohMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
-	LLVisualParam* 	mAahMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Flight
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL			mInAir;
-	LLFrameTimer	mTimeInAir;
-/**                    Actions
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    PHYSICS
- **/
-	F32 		mSpeedAccum; // measures speed (for diagnostics mostly).
-	BOOL 		mTurning; // controls hysteresis on avatar rotation
-	F32			mSpeed; // misc. animation repeated state
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Collision volumes
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  	S32			mNumCollisionVolumes;
-	LLViewerJointCollisionVolume* mCollisionVolumes;
-	BOOL		allocateCollisionVolumes(U32 num);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Dimensions
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void 		resolveHeightGlobal(const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
-	bool		distanceToGround( const LLVector3d &startPoint, LLVector3d &collisionPoint, F32 distToIntersectionAlongRay );
-	void 		resolveHeightAgent(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
-	void 		resolveRayCollisionAgent(const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm);
-	void 		slamPosition(); // Slam position to transmitted position (for teleport);
-	void 		computeBodySize();
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Material being stepped on
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	BOOL		mStepOnLand;
-	U8			mStepMaterial;
-	LLVector3	mStepObjectVelocity;
-/**                    Physics
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    HIERARCHY
- **/
-	virtual BOOL 	setParent(LLViewerObject* parent);
-	virtual void 	addChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
-	virtual void 	removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Sitting
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void			sitDown(BOOL bSitting);
-	BOOL			isSitting(){return mIsSitting;}
-	void 			sitOnObject(LLViewerObject *sit_object);
-	void 			getOffObject();
-	// set this property only with LLVOAvatar::sitDown method
-	BOOL 			mIsSitting;
-/**                    Hierarchy
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    NAME
- **/
-	std::string		getFullname() const; // Returns "FirstName LastName"
-	static void		getAnimLabels(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* labels);
-	static void		getAnimNames(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* names);	
-	std::string		mNameString;		// UTF-8 title + name + status
-	std::string  	mTitle;
-	bool	  		mNameAway;
-	bool	  		mNameBusy;
-	bool	  		mNameMute;
-	bool      		mNameAppearance;
-	bool			mNameFriend;
-	bool			mNameCloud;
-	F32				mNameAlpha;
-	BOOL      		mRenderGroupTitles;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Display the name (then optionally fade it out)
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	LLFrameTimer	mChatTimer;
-	LLPointer<LLHUDNameTag> mNameText;
-	LLFrameTimer	mTimeVisible;
-	std::deque<LLChat> mChats;
-	BOOL			mTyping;
-	LLFrameTimer	mTypingTimer;
-/**                    Name
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    SOUNDS
- **/
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Voice visualizer
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Responsible for detecting the user's voice signal (and when the
-	// user speaks, it puts a voice symbol over the avatar's head) and gesticulations
-	LLPointer<LLVoiceVisualizer>  mVoiceVisualizer;
-	int					mCurrentGesticulationLevel;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Step sound
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	const LLUUID& 		getStepSound() const;
-	// Global table of sound ids per material, and the ground
-	const static LLUUID	sStepSounds[LL_MCODE_END];
-	const static LLUUID	sStepSoundOnLand;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Foot step state (for generating sounds)
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void 				setFootPlane(const LLVector4 &plane) { mFootPlane = plane; }
-	LLVector4			mFootPlane;
-	BOOL				mWasOnGroundLeft;
-	BOOL				mWasOnGroundRight;
-/**                    Sounds
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    DIAGNOSTICS
- **/
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// General
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static void			dumpArchetypeXML(void*);
-	static void			dumpBakedStatus();
-	const std::string 	getBakedStatusForPrintout() const;
-	void				dumpAvatarTEs(const std::string& context) const;
-	static F32 			sUnbakedTime; // Total seconds with >=1 unbaked avatars
-	static F32 			sUnbakedUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame) 
-	static F32 			sGreyTime; // Total seconds with >=1 grey avatars	
-	static F32 			sGreyUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame) 
-	S32					getUnbakedPixelAreaRank();
-	BOOL				mHasGrey;
-	F32					mMinPixelArea;
-	F32					mMaxPixelArea;
-	F32					mAdjustedPixelArea;
-	std::string  		mDebugText;
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Avatar Rez Metrics
-	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	F32				debugGetExistenceTimeElapsedF32() const { return mDebugExistenceTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }
-	LLFrameTimer	mRuthDebugTimer; // For tracking how long it takes for av to rez
-	LLFrameTimer	mDebugExistenceTimer; // Debugging for how long the avatar has been in memory.
-/**                    Diagnostics
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
- **                                                                            **
- **                    SUPPORT CLASSES
- **/
-protected: // Shared with LLVOAvatarSelf
-	struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo
-	{
-		LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
-		~LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
-		BOOL 	parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
-		BOOL 	parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
-		BOOL 	parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
-		BOOL 	parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
-		BOOL 	parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
-		BOOL	parseXmlMorphNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
-		struct LLVOAvatarMeshInfo
-		{
-			typedef std::pair<LLPolyMorphTargetInfo*,BOOL> morph_info_pair_t;
-			typedef std::vector<morph_info_pair_t> morph_info_list_t;
-			LLVOAvatarMeshInfo() : mLOD(0), mMinPixelArea(.1f) {}
-			~LLVOAvatarMeshInfo()
-			{
-				morph_info_list_t::iterator iter;
-				for (iter = mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin(); iter != mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end(); iter++)
-				{
-					delete iter->first;
-				}
-				mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.clear();
-			}
-			std::string mType;
-			S32			mLOD;
-			std::string	mMeshFileName;
-			std::string	mReferenceMeshName;
-			F32			mMinPixelArea;
-			morph_info_list_t mPolyMorphTargetInfoList;
-		};
-		typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMeshInfo*> mesh_info_list_t;
-		mesh_info_list_t mMeshInfoList;
-		typedef std::vector<LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo*> skeletal_distortion_info_list_t;
-		skeletal_distortion_info_list_t mSkeletalDistortionInfoList;
-		struct LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo
-		{
-			LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo()
-				: mGroup(-1), mAttachmentID(-1), mPieMenuSlice(-1), mVisibleFirstPerson(FALSE),
-				  mIsHUDAttachment(FALSE), mHasPosition(FALSE), mHasRotation(FALSE) {}
-			std::string mName;
-			std::string mJointName;
-			LLVector3 mPosition;
-			LLVector3 mRotationEuler;
-			S32 mGroup;
-			S32 mAttachmentID;
-			S32 mPieMenuSlice;
-			BOOL mVisibleFirstPerson;
-			BOOL mIsHUDAttachment;
-			BOOL mHasPosition;
-			BOOL mHasRotation;
-		};
-		typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo*> attachment_info_list_t;
-		attachment_info_list_t mAttachmentInfoList;
-		LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexSkinColorInfo;
-		LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexHairColorInfo;
-		LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexEyeColorInfo;
-		typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerSetInfo*> layer_info_list_t;
-		layer_info_list_t mLayerInfoList;
-		typedef std::vector<LLDriverParamInfo*> driver_info_list_t;
-		driver_info_list_t mDriverInfoList;
-		struct LLVOAvatarMorphInfo
-		{
-			LLVOAvatarMorphInfo()
-				: mInvert(FALSE) {}
-			std::string mName;
-			std::string mRegion;
-			std::string mLayer;
-			BOOL mInvert;
-		};
-		typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMorphInfo*> morph_info_list_t;
-		morph_info_list_t	mMorphMaskInfoList;
-	};
-	struct LLMaskedMorph
-	{
-		LLMaskedMorph(LLPolyMorphTarget *morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer) :
-			mMorphTarget(morph_target), 
-			mInvert(invert),
-			mLayer(layer)
-		{
-			morph_target->addPendingMorphMask();
-		}
-		LLPolyMorphTarget	*mMorphTarget;
-		BOOL				mInvert;
-		std::string			mLayer;
-	};
-/**                    Support classes
- **                                                                            **
- *******************************************************************************/
-}; // LLVOAvatar
-extern const F32 SELF_ADDITIONAL_PRI;
-#endif // LL_VO_AVATAR_H
+ * @file llvoavatar.h
+ * @brief Declaration of LLVOAvatar class which is a derivation of
+ * LLViewerObject
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ * 
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include "imageids.h"			// IMG_INVISIBLE
+#include "llchat.h"
+#include "lldrawpoolalpha.h"
+#include "llviewerobject.h"
+#include "llcharacter.h"
+#include "llviewerjointmesh.h"
+#include "llviewerjointattachment.h"
+#include "llrendertarget.h"
+#include "llvoavatardefines.h"
+#include "lltexglobalcolor.h"
+#include "lldriverparam.h"
+#include "material_codes.h"		// LL_MCODE_END
+extern const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_EYE;
+class LLTexLayerSet;
+class LLVoiceVisualizer;
+class LLHUDNameTag;
+class LLHUDEffectSpiral;
+class LLTexGlobalColor;
+class LLVOAvatarBoneInfo;
+class LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+// LLVOAvatar
+class LLVOAvatar :
+	public LLViewerObject,
+	public LLCharacter,
+	public boost::signals2::trackable
+	friend class LLVOAvatarSelf;
+	struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo;
+	struct LLMaskedMorph;
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    INITIALIZATION
+ **/
+	LLVOAvatar(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp);
+	virtual void		markDead();
+	static void			initClass(); // Initialize data that's only init'd once per class.
+	static void			cleanupClass();	// Cleanup data that's only init'd once per class.
+	virtual void 		initInstance(); // Called after construction to initialize the class.
+	virtual				~LLVOAvatar();
+	BOOL				loadSkeletonNode();
+	BOOL				loadMeshNodes();
+	virtual BOOL		loadLayersets();
+/**                    Initialization
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    INHERITED
+ **/
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// LLViewerObject interface and related
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual void			updateGL();
+	virtual	LLVOAvatar*		asAvatar();
+	virtual U32    	 	 	processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
+													 void **user_data,
+													 U32 block_num,
+													 const EObjectUpdateType update_type,
+													 LLDataPacker *dp);
+	virtual BOOL   	 	 	idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time);
+	virtual BOOL   	 	 	updateLOD();
+	BOOL  	 	 	 	 	updateJointLODs();
+	void					updateLODRiggedAttachments( void );
+	virtual BOOL   	 	 	isActive() const; // Whether this object needs to do an idleUpdate.
+	virtual void   	 	 	updateTextures();
+	virtual S32    	 	 	setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid); // If setting a baked texture, need to request it from a non-local sim.
+	virtual void   	 	 	onShift(const LLVector4a& shift_vector);
+	virtual U32    	 	 	getPartitionType() const;
+	virtual const  	 	 	LLVector3 getRenderPosition() const;
+	virtual void   	 	 	updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped);
+	virtual LLDrawable* 	createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline);
+	virtual BOOL   	 	 	updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable);
+	virtual void   	 	 	setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent);
+	virtual void   	 	 	updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
+	virtual void   	 	 	updateSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a &newMax);
+	virtual void   	 	 	getSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a& newMax);
+	virtual BOOL   	 	 	lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end,
+												 S32 face = -1,                    // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
+												 BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
+												 S32* face_hit = NULL,             // which face was hit
+												 LLVector3* intersection = NULL,   // return the intersection point
+												 LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL,      // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
+												 LLVector3* normal = NULL,         // return the surface normal at the intersection point
+												 LLVector3* bi_normal = NULL);     // return the surface bi-normal at the intersection point
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// LLCharacter interface and related
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual LLVector3    	getCharacterPosition();
+	virtual LLQuaternion 	getCharacterRotation();
+	virtual LLVector3    	getCharacterVelocity();
+	virtual LLVector3    	getCharacterAngularVelocity();
+	virtual LLJoint*		getCharacterJoint(U32 num);
+	virtual BOOL			allocateCharacterJoints(U32 num);
+	virtual LLUUID			remapMotionID(const LLUUID& id);
+	virtual BOOL			startMotion(const LLUUID& id, F32 time_offset = 0.f);
+	virtual BOOL			stopMotion(const LLUUID& id, BOOL stop_immediate = FALSE);
+	virtual void			stopMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id);
+	virtual void			requestStopMotion(LLMotion* motion);
+	LLMotion*				findMotion(const LLUUID& id) const;
+	void					startDefaultMotions();
+	void					dumpAnimationState();
+	virtual LLJoint*		getJoint(const std::string &name);
+	virtual LLJoint*     	getRootJoint() { return &mRoot; }
+	void					resetJointPositions( void );
+	void					resetJointPositionsToDefault( void );
+	void					resetSpecificJointPosition( const std::string& name );
+	virtual const char*		getAnimationPrefix() { return "avatar"; }
+	virtual const LLUUID&   getID();
+	virtual LLVector3		getVolumePos(S32 joint_index, LLVector3& volume_offset);
+	virtual LLJoint*		findCollisionVolume(U32 volume_id);
+	virtual S32				getCollisionVolumeID(std::string &name);
+	virtual void			addDebugText(const std::string& text);
+	virtual F32          	getTimeDilation();
+	virtual void			getGround(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
+	virtual F32				getPixelArea() const;
+	virtual LLPolyMesh*		getHeadMesh();
+	virtual LLPolyMesh*		getUpperBodyMesh();
+	virtual LLVector3d		getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &position);
+	virtual LLVector3		getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &position);
+	virtual void			updateVisualParams();
+/**                    Inherited
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    STATE
+ **/
+	virtual bool 	isSelf() const { return false; } // True if this avatar is for this viewer's agent
+	bool isBuilt() const { return mIsBuilt; }
+private: //aligned members
+	LLVector4a	mImpostorExtents[2];
+	BOOL			mSupportsAlphaLayers; // For backwards compatibility, TRUE for 1.23+ clients
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Updates
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual BOOL 	updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent);
+	void 			idleUpdateVoiceVisualizer(bool voice_enabled);
+	void 			idleUpdateMisc(bool detailed_update);
+	virtual void	idleUpdateAppearanceAnimation();
+	void 			idleUpdateLipSync(bool voice_enabled);
+	void 			idleUpdateLoadingEffect();
+	void 			idleUpdateWindEffect();
+	void 			idleUpdateNameTag(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
+	void			idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name);
+	LLVector3		idleUpdateNameTagPosition(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
+	void			idleUpdateNameTagAlpha(BOOL new_name, F32 alpha);
+	LLColor4		getNameTagColor(bool is_friend);
+	void			clearNameTag();
+	static void		invalidateNameTag(const LLUUID& agent_id);
+	// force all name tags to rebuild, useful when display names turned on/off
+	static void		invalidateNameTags();
+	void			addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font);
+	void 			idleUpdateRenderCost();
+	void 			idleUpdateBelowWater();
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Static preferences (controlled by user settings/menus)
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static S32		sRenderName;
+	static BOOL		sRenderGroupTitles;
+	static U32		sMaxVisible; //(affected by control "RenderAvatarMaxVisible")
+	static F32		sRenderDistance; //distance at which avatars will render.
+	static BOOL		sShowAnimationDebug; // show animation debug info
+	static BOOL		sUseImpostors; //use impostors for far away avatars
+	static BOOL		sShowFootPlane;	// show foot collision plane reported by server
+	static BOOL		sShowCollisionVolumes;	// show skeletal collision volumes
+	static BOOL		sVisibleInFirstPerson;
+	static S32		sNumLODChangesThisFrame;
+	static S32		sNumVisibleChatBubbles;
+	static BOOL		sDebugInvisible;
+	static BOOL		sShowAttachmentPoints;
+	static F32		sLODFactor; // user-settable LOD factor
+	static F32		sPhysicsLODFactor; // user-settable physics LOD factor
+	static BOOL		sJointDebug; // output total number of joints being touched for each avatar
+	static BOOL		sDebugAvatarRotation;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Region state
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	LLHost			getObjectHost() const;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Loading state
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL			isFullyLoaded() const;
+	bool visualParamWeightsAreDefault();
+	virtual BOOL	getIsCloud();
+	BOOL			updateIsFullyLoaded();
+	BOOL			processFullyLoadedChange(bool loading);
+	void			updateRuthTimer(bool loading);
+	F32 			calcMorphAmount();
+	BOOL			mFullyLoaded;
+	BOOL			mPreviousFullyLoaded;
+	BOOL			mFullyLoadedInitialized;
+	S32				mFullyLoadedFrameCounter;
+	LLFrameTimer	mFullyLoadedTimer;
+	LLFrameTimer	mRuthTimer;
+	LLFrameTimer    mInvisibleTimer;
+/**                    State
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    SKELETON
+ **/
+	void				updateHeadOffset();
+	F32					getPelvisToFoot() const { return mPelvisToFoot; }
+	void				setPelvisOffset( bool hasOffset, const LLVector3& translation, F32 offset ) ;
+	bool				hasPelvisOffset( void ) { return mHasPelvisOffset; }
+	void				postPelvisSetRecalc( void );
+	void				setPelvisOffset( F32 pelvixFixupAmount );
+	bool				mHasPelvisOffset;
+	LLVector3			mPelvisOffset;
+	F32					mLastPelvisToFoot;
+	F32					mPelvisFixup;
+	F32					mLastPelvisFixup;
+	LLVector3			mHeadOffset; // current head position
+	LLViewerJoint		mRoot;
+	static BOOL			parseSkeletonFile(const std::string& filename);
+	void				buildCharacter();
+	virtual BOOL		loadAvatar();
+	BOOL				setupBone(const LLVOAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLViewerJoint* parent, S32 &current_volume_num, S32 &current_joint_num);
+	BOOL				buildSkeleton(const LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo *info);
+	BOOL				mIsBuilt; // state of deferred character building
+	S32					mNumJoints;
+	LLViewerJoint*		mSkeleton;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Pelvis height adjustment members.
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	LLVector3			mBodySize;
+	S32					mLastSkeletonSerialNum;
+	F32					mPelvisToFoot;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Cached pointers to well known joints
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mPelvisp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mTorsop;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mChestp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mNeckp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mHeadp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mSkullp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mEyeLeftp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mEyeRightp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mHipLeftp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mHipRightp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mKneeLeftp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mKneeRightp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mAnkleLeftp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mAnkleRightp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mFootLeftp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mFootRightp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mWristLeftp;
+	LLViewerJoint* 		mWristRightp;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// XML parse tree
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static LLXmlTree 	sXMLTree; // avatar config file
+	static LLXmlTree 	sSkeletonXMLTree; // avatar skeleton file
+/**                    Skeleton
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    RENDERING
+ **/
+	U32 		renderImpostor(LLColor4U color = LLColor4U(255,255,255,255), S32 diffuse_channel = 0);
+	U32 		renderRigid();
+	U32 		renderSkinned(EAvatarRenderPass pass);
+	F32			getLastSkinTime() { return mLastSkinTime; }
+	U32			renderSkinnedAttachments();
+	U32 		renderTransparent(BOOL first_pass);
+	void 		renderCollisionVolumes();
+	static void	deleteCachedImages(bool clearAll=true);
+	static void	destroyGL();
+	static void	restoreGL();
+	BOOL 		mIsDummy; // for special views
+	S32			mSpecialRenderMode; // special lighting
+	bool		shouldAlphaMask();
+	BOOL 		mNeedsSkin; // avatar has been animated and verts have not been updated
+	F32			mLastSkinTime; //value of gFrameTimeSeconds at last skin update
+	S32	 		mUpdatePeriod;
+	S32  		mNumInitFaces; //number of faces generated when creating the avatar drawable, does not inculde splitted faces due to long vertex buffer.
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Morph masks
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL 		morphMaskNeedsUpdate(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
+	void 		addMaskedMorph(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index, LLPolyMorphTarget* morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer);
+	void 		applyMorphMask(U8* tex_data, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Visibility
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void 		updateVisibility();
+	U32	 		mVisibilityRank;
+	BOOL 		mVisible;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Shadowing
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void 		updateShadowFaces();
+	LLDrawable*	mShadow;
+	LLFace* 	mShadow0Facep;
+	LLFace* 	mShadow1Facep;
+	LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mShadowImagep;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Impostors
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL 		isImpostor() const;
+	BOOL 	    needsImpostorUpdate() const;
+	const LLVector3& getImpostorOffset() const;
+	const LLVector2& getImpostorDim() const;
+	void 		getImpostorValues(LLVector4a* extents, LLVector3& angle, F32& distance) const;
+	void 		cacheImpostorValues();
+	void 		setImpostorDim(const LLVector2& dim);
+	static void	resetImpostors();
+	static void updateImpostors();
+	LLRenderTarget mImpostor;
+	BOOL		mNeedsImpostorUpdate;
+	LLVector3	mImpostorOffset;
+	LLVector2	mImpostorDim;
+	BOOL		mNeedsAnimUpdate;
+	LLVector3	mImpostorAngle;
+	F32			mImpostorDistance;
+	F32			mImpostorPixelArea;
+	LLVector3	mLastAnimExtents[2];  
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Wind rippling in clothes
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	LLVector4	mWindVec;
+	F32			mRipplePhase;
+	BOOL		mBelowWater;
+	F32			mWindFreq;
+	LLFrameTimer mRippleTimer;
+	F32			mRippleTimeLast;
+	LLVector3	mRippleAccel;
+	LLVector3	mLastVel;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Culling
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static void	cullAvatarsByPixelArea();
+	BOOL		isCulled() const { return mCulled; }
+	BOOL		mCulled;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Freeze counter
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static void updateFreezeCounter(S32 counter = 0);
+	static S32  sFreezeCounter;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Constants
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel 	getAvatarBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR; }
+	virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel 	getAvatarBakedBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED; }
+	virtual S32 						getTexImageSize() const;
+	virtual S32 						getTexImageArea() const { return getTexImageSize()*getTexImageSize(); }
+/**                    Rendering
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    TEXTURES
+ **/
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Loading status
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual BOOL    isTextureDefined(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
+	virtual BOOL	isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
+	virtual BOOL	isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLWearable *wearable) const;
+	BOOL			isFullyBaked();
+	static BOOL		areAllNearbyInstancesBaked(S32& grey_avatars);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Baked textures
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void			releaseComponentTextures(); // ! BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY !
+	static void		onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
+	static void		onInitialBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
+	static void		onBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
+	virtual void	removeMissingBakedTextures();
+	void			useBakedTexture(const LLUUID& id);
+	typedef std::deque<LLMaskedMorph *> 	morph_list_t;
+	struct BakedTextureData
+	{
+		LLUUID								mLastTextureIndex;
+		LLTexLayerSet* 						mTexLayerSet; // Only exists for self
+		bool								mIsLoaded;
+		bool								mIsUsed;
+		LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex 	mTextureIndex;
+		U32									mMaskTexName;
+		// Stores pointers to the joint meshes that this baked texture deals with
+		std::vector< LLViewerJointMesh * > 	mMeshes;  // std::vector<LLViewerJointMesh> mJoints[i]->mMeshParts
+		morph_list_t						mMaskedMorphs;
+	};
+	typedef std::vector<BakedTextureData> 	bakedtexturedata_vec_t;
+	bakedtexturedata_vec_t 					mBakedTextureDatas;
+	LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t mCallbackTextureList ; 
+	BOOL mLoadedCallbacksPaused;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Local Textures
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual void	setLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerTexture* tex, BOOL baked_version_exits, U32 index = 0);
+	virtual void	addLocalTextureStats(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL rendered, BOOL covered_by_baked, U32 index = 0);
+	// MULTI-WEARABLE: make self-only?
+	virtual void	setBakedReady(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, BOOL baked_version_exists, U32 index = 0);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Texture accessors
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual	void				setImage(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *imagep, const U32 index); 
+	virtual LLViewerTexture*	getImage(const U8 te, const U32 index) const;
+	virtual const LLTextureEntry* getTexEntry(const U8 te_num) const;
+	virtual void setTexEntry(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry &te);
+	void checkTextureLoading() ;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Layers
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void			deleteLayerSetCaches(bool clearAll = true);
+	void			addBakedTextureStats(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Composites
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	virtual void	invalidateComposite(LLTexLayerSet* layerset, BOOL upload_result);
+	virtual void	invalidateAll();
+	virtual void	setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(bool b) {}
+	virtual void 	setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(U32 index, bool b) {}
+	virtual bool 	isCompositeUpdateEnabled(U32 index) { return false; }
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Static texture/mesh/baked dictionary
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static BOOL 	isIndexLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
+	static BOOL 	isIndexBakedTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
+	static const LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary *getDictionary() { return sAvatarDictionary; }
+	static LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary* sAvatarDictionary;
+	static LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo* 					sAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+	static LLVOAvatarXmlInfo* 						sAvatarXmlInfo;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Messaging
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void 			onFirstTEMessageReceived();
+	BOOL			mFirstTEMessageReceived;
+	BOOL			mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived;
+/**                    Textures
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    MESHES
+ **/
+	void 			updateMeshTextures();
+	void 			updateSexDependentLayerSets(BOOL upload_bake);
+	void 			dirtyMesh(); // Dirty the avatar mesh
+	void 			updateMeshData();
+	void 			releaseMeshData();
+	virtual void restoreMeshData();
+	void 			dirtyMesh(S32 priority); // Dirty the avatar mesh, with priority
+	S32 			mDirtyMesh; // 0 -- not dirty, 1 -- morphed, 2 -- LOD
+	BOOL			mMeshTexturesDirty;
+	typedef std::multimap<std::string, LLPolyMesh*> polymesh_map_t;
+	polymesh_map_t 									mMeshes;
+	std::vector<LLViewerJoint *> 					mMeshLOD;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Destroy invisible mesh
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL			mMeshValid;
+	LLFrameTimer	mMeshInvisibleTime;
+/**                    Meshes
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    APPEARANCE
+ **/
+	void 			processAvatarAppearance(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys);
+	void 			hideSkirt();
+	void			startAppearanceAnimation();
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Appearance morphing
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL			getIsAppearanceAnimating() const { return mAppearanceAnimating; }
+	BOOL			mAppearanceAnimating;
+	LLFrameTimer	mAppearanceMorphTimer;
+	F32				mLastAppearanceBlendTime;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Clothing colors (convenience functions to access visual parameters)
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void			setClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& new_color, BOOL upload_bake);
+	LLColor4		getClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te);
+	static BOOL			teToColorParams(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, U32 *param_name);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Global colors
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	LLColor4		getGlobalColor(const std::string& color_name ) const;
+	void			onGlobalColorChanged(const LLTexGlobalColor* global_color, BOOL upload_bake);
+	LLTexGlobalColor* mTexSkinColor;
+	LLTexGlobalColor* mTexHairColor;
+	LLTexGlobalColor* mTexEyeColor;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Visibility
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL			isVisible() const;
+	void			setVisibilityRank(U32 rank);
+	U32				getVisibilityRank()  const { return mVisibilityRank; } // unused
+	static S32 		sNumVisibleAvatars; // Number of instances of this class
+	static LLColor4 getDummyColor();
+/**                    Appearance
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    WEARABLES
+ **/
+	virtual BOOL			isWearingWearableType(LLWearableType::EType type ) const;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Attachments
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void 				clampAttachmentPositions();
+	virtual const LLViewerJointAttachment* attachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
+	virtual BOOL 		detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
+	void				cleanupAttachedMesh( LLViewerObject* pVO );
+	static LLVOAvatar*  findAvatarFromAttachment(LLViewerObject* obj);
+	LLViewerJointAttachment* getTargetAttachmentPoint(LLViewerObject* viewer_object);
+	void 				lazyAttach();
+	void				rebuildRiggedAttachments( void );
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Map of attachment points, by ID
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	S32 				getAttachmentCount(); // Warning: order(N) not order(1) // currently used only by -self
+	typedef std::map<S32, LLViewerJointAttachment*> attachment_map_t;
+	attachment_map_t 								mAttachmentPoints;
+	std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerObject> > 		mPendingAttachment;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// HUD functions
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL 				hasHUDAttachment() const;
+	LLBBox 				getHUDBBox() const;
+	void 				rebuildHUD();
+	void 				resetHUDAttachments();
+	BOOL				canAttachMoreObjects() const;
+	BOOL				canAttachMoreObjects(U32 n) const;
+	U32					getNumAttachments() const; // O(N), not O(1)
+/**                    Wearables
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    ACTIONS
+ **/
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Animations
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL 			isAnyAnimationSignaled(const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims) const;
+	void 			processAnimationStateChanges();
+	BOOL 			processSingleAnimationStateChange(const LLUUID &anim_id, BOOL start);
+	void 			resetAnimations();
+	LLTimer			mAnimTimer;
+	F32				mTimeLast;	
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Animation state data
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	typedef std::map<LLUUID, S32>::iterator AnimIterator;
+	std::map<LLUUID, S32> 					mSignaledAnimations; // requested state of Animation name/value
+	std::map<LLUUID, S32> 					mPlayingAnimations; // current state of Animation name/value
+	typedef std::multimap<LLUUID, LLUUID> 	AnimationSourceMap;
+	typedef AnimationSourceMap::iterator 	AnimSourceIterator;
+	AnimationSourceMap 						mAnimationSources; // object ids that triggered anim ids
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Chat
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void			addChat(const LLChat& chat);
+	void	   		clearChat();
+	void	   		startTyping() { mTyping = TRUE; mTypingTimer.reset(); }
+	void			stopTyping() { mTyping = FALSE; }
+	BOOL			mVisibleChat;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Lip synch morphs
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	bool 		   	mLipSyncActive; // we're morphing for lip sync
+	LLVisualParam* 	mOohMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
+	LLVisualParam* 	mAahMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Flight
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL			mInAir;
+	LLFrameTimer	mTimeInAir;
+/**                    Actions
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    PHYSICS
+ **/
+	F32 		mSpeedAccum; // measures speed (for diagnostics mostly).
+	BOOL 		mTurning; // controls hysteresis on avatar rotation
+	F32			mSpeed; // misc. animation repeated state
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Collision volumes
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  	S32			mNumCollisionVolumes;
+	LLViewerJointCollisionVolume* mCollisionVolumes;
+	BOOL		allocateCollisionVolumes(U32 num);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Dimensions
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void 		resolveHeightGlobal(const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
+	bool		distanceToGround( const LLVector3d &startPoint, LLVector3d &collisionPoint, F32 distToIntersectionAlongRay );
+	void 		resolveHeightAgent(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
+	void 		resolveRayCollisionAgent(const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm);
+	void 		slamPosition(); // Slam position to transmitted position (for teleport);
+	void 		computeBodySize();
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Material being stepped on
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	BOOL		mStepOnLand;
+	U8			mStepMaterial;
+	LLVector3	mStepObjectVelocity;
+/**                    Physics
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    HIERARCHY
+ **/
+	virtual BOOL 	setParent(LLViewerObject* parent);
+	virtual void 	addChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
+	virtual void 	removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Sitting
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void			sitDown(BOOL bSitting);
+	BOOL			isSitting(){return mIsSitting;}
+	void 			sitOnObject(LLViewerObject *sit_object);
+	void 			getOffObject();
+	// set this property only with LLVOAvatar::sitDown method
+	BOOL 			mIsSitting;
+/**                    Hierarchy
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    NAME
+ **/
+	std::string		getFullname() const; // Returns "FirstName LastName"
+	static void		getAnimLabels(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* labels);
+	static void		getAnimNames(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* names);	
+	std::string		mNameString;		// UTF-8 title + name + status
+	std::string  	mTitle;
+	bool	  		mNameAway;
+	bool	  		mNameBusy;
+	bool	  		mNameMute;
+	bool      		mNameAppearance;
+	bool			mNameFriend;
+	bool			mNameCloud;
+	F32				mNameAlpha;
+	BOOL      		mRenderGroupTitles;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Display the name (then optionally fade it out)
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	LLFrameTimer	mChatTimer;
+	LLPointer<LLHUDNameTag> mNameText;
+	LLFrameTimer	mTimeVisible;
+	std::deque<LLChat> mChats;
+	BOOL			mTyping;
+	LLFrameTimer	mTypingTimer;
+/**                    Name
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    SOUNDS
+ **/
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Voice visualizer
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Responsible for detecting the user's voice signal (and when the
+	// user speaks, it puts a voice symbol over the avatar's head) and gesticulations
+	LLPointer<LLVoiceVisualizer>  mVoiceVisualizer;
+	int					mCurrentGesticulationLevel;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Step sound
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	const LLUUID& 		getStepSound() const;
+	// Global table of sound ids per material, and the ground
+	const static LLUUID	sStepSounds[LL_MCODE_END];
+	const static LLUUID	sStepSoundOnLand;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Foot step state (for generating sounds)
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	void 				setFootPlane(const LLVector4 &plane) { mFootPlane = plane; }
+	LLVector4			mFootPlane;
+	BOOL				mWasOnGroundLeft;
+	BOOL				mWasOnGroundRight;
+/**                    Sounds
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    DIAGNOSTICS
+ **/
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// General
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static void			dumpArchetypeXML(void*);
+	static void			dumpBakedStatus();
+	const std::string 	getBakedStatusForPrintout() const;
+	void				dumpAvatarTEs(const std::string& context) const;
+	static F32 			sUnbakedTime; // Total seconds with >=1 unbaked avatars
+	static F32 			sUnbakedUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame) 
+	static F32 			sGreyTime; // Total seconds with >=1 grey avatars	
+	static F32 			sGreyUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame) 
+	S32					getUnbakedPixelAreaRank();
+	BOOL				mHasGrey;
+	F32					mMinPixelArea;
+	F32					mMaxPixelArea;
+	F32					mAdjustedPixelArea;
+	std::string  		mDebugText;
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Avatar Rez Metrics
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	F32				debugGetExistenceTimeElapsedF32() const { return mDebugExistenceTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }
+	LLFrameTimer	mRuthDebugTimer; // For tracking how long it takes for av to rez
+	LLFrameTimer	mDebugExistenceTimer; // Debugging for how long the avatar has been in memory.
+/**                    Diagnostics
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ **                                                                            **
+ **                    SUPPORT CLASSES
+ **/
+protected: // Shared with LLVOAvatarSelf
+	struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo
+	{
+		LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
+		~LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
+		BOOL 	parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+		BOOL 	parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+		BOOL 	parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+		BOOL 	parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+		BOOL 	parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+		BOOL	parseXmlMorphNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+		struct LLVOAvatarMeshInfo
+		{
+			typedef std::pair<LLPolyMorphTargetInfo*,BOOL> morph_info_pair_t;
+			typedef std::vector<morph_info_pair_t> morph_info_list_t;
+			LLVOAvatarMeshInfo() : mLOD(0), mMinPixelArea(.1f) {}
+			~LLVOAvatarMeshInfo()
+			{
+				morph_info_list_t::iterator iter;
+				for (iter = mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin(); iter != mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end(); iter++)
+				{
+					delete iter->first;
+				}
+				mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.clear();
+			}
+			std::string mType;
+			S32			mLOD;
+			std::string	mMeshFileName;
+			std::string	mReferenceMeshName;
+			F32			mMinPixelArea;
+			morph_info_list_t mPolyMorphTargetInfoList;
+		};
+		typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMeshInfo*> mesh_info_list_t;
+		mesh_info_list_t mMeshInfoList;
+		typedef std::vector<LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo*> skeletal_distortion_info_list_t;
+		skeletal_distortion_info_list_t mSkeletalDistortionInfoList;
+		struct LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo
+		{
+			LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo()
+				: mGroup(-1), mAttachmentID(-1), mPieMenuSlice(-1), mVisibleFirstPerson(FALSE),
+				  mIsHUDAttachment(FALSE), mHasPosition(FALSE), mHasRotation(FALSE) {}
+			std::string mName;
+			std::string mJointName;
+			LLVector3 mPosition;
+			LLVector3 mRotationEuler;
+			S32 mGroup;
+			S32 mAttachmentID;
+			S32 mPieMenuSlice;
+			BOOL mVisibleFirstPerson;
+			BOOL mIsHUDAttachment;
+			BOOL mHasPosition;
+			BOOL mHasRotation;
+		};
+		typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo*> attachment_info_list_t;
+		attachment_info_list_t mAttachmentInfoList;
+		LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexSkinColorInfo;
+		LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexHairColorInfo;
+		LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexEyeColorInfo;
+		typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerSetInfo*> layer_info_list_t;
+		layer_info_list_t mLayerInfoList;
+		typedef std::vector<LLDriverParamInfo*> driver_info_list_t;
+		driver_info_list_t mDriverInfoList;
+		struct LLVOAvatarMorphInfo
+		{
+			LLVOAvatarMorphInfo()
+				: mInvert(FALSE) {}
+			std::string mName;
+			std::string mRegion;
+			std::string mLayer;
+			BOOL mInvert;
+		};
+		typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMorphInfo*> morph_info_list_t;
+		morph_info_list_t	mMorphMaskInfoList;
+	};
+	struct LLMaskedMorph
+	{
+		LLMaskedMorph(LLPolyMorphTarget *morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer) :
+			mMorphTarget(morph_target), 
+			mInvert(invert),
+			mLayer(layer)
+		{
+			morph_target->addPendingMorphMask();
+		}
+		LLPolyMorphTarget	*mMorphTarget;
+		BOOL				mInvert;
+		std::string			mLayer;
+	};
+/**                    Support classes
+ **                                                                            **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+}; // LLVOAvatar
+extern const F32 SELF_ADDITIONAL_PRI;
+#endif // LL_VO_AVATAR_H
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp b/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp
index 1f9be20c751f30c55c3c17010dbac1f177f667ad..b888a263d0c863c1d7f3ea15e9c4d90e0dc1d98c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp
@@ -1,756 +1,756 @@
- * @file llvocache.cpp
- * @brief Cache of objects on the viewer.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
-#include "llvocache.h"
-#include "llerror.h"
-#include "llregionhandle.h"
-#include "llviewercontrol.h"
-BOOL check_read(LLAPRFile* apr_file, void* src, S32 n_bytes) 
-	return apr_file->read(src, n_bytes) == n_bytes ;
-BOOL check_write(LLAPRFile* apr_file, void* src, S32 n_bytes) 
-	return apr_file->write(src, n_bytes) == n_bytes ;
-// LLVOCacheEntry
-LLVOCacheEntry::LLVOCacheEntry(U32 local_id, U32 crc, LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp)
-	:
-	mLocalID(local_id),
-	mCRC(crc),
-	mHitCount(0),
-	mDupeCount(0),
-	mCRCChangeCount(0)
-	mBuffer = new U8[dp.getBufferSize()];
-	mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, dp.getBufferSize());
-	mDP = dp;
-	:
-	mLocalID(0),
-	mCRC(0),
-	mHitCount(0),
-	mDupeCount(0),
-	mCRCChangeCount(0),
-	mBuffer(NULL)
-	mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, 0);
-LLVOCacheEntry::LLVOCacheEntry(LLAPRFile* apr_file)
-	: mBuffer(NULL)
-	S32 size = -1;
-	BOOL success;
-	success = check_read(apr_file, &mLocalID, sizeof(U32));
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_read(apr_file, &mCRC, sizeof(U32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_read(apr_file, &mHitCount, sizeof(S32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_read(apr_file, &mDupeCount, sizeof(S32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_read(apr_file, &mCRCChangeCount, sizeof(S32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_read(apr_file, &size, sizeof(S32));
-		// Corruption in the cache entries
-		if ((size > 10000) || (size < 1))
-		{
-			// We've got a bogus size, skip reading it.
-			// We won't bother seeking, because the rest of this file
-			// is likely bogus, and will be tossed anyway.
-			llwarns << "Bogus cache entry, size " << size << ", aborting!" << llendl;
-			success = FALSE;
-		}
-	}
-	if(success && size > 0)
-	{
-		mBuffer = new U8[size];
-		success = check_read(apr_file, mBuffer, size);
-		if(success)
-		{
-			mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, size);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			delete[] mBuffer ;
-			mBuffer = NULL ;
-		}
-	}
-	if(!success)
-	{
-		mLocalID = 0;
-		mCRC = 0;
-		mHitCount = 0;
-		mDupeCount = 0;
-		mCRCChangeCount = 0;
-		mBuffer = NULL;
-	}
-	if(mBuffer)
-	{
-		delete[] mBuffer;
-	}
-// New CRC means the object has changed.
-void LLVOCacheEntry::assignCRC(U32 crc, LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp)
-	if (  (mCRC != crc)
-		||(mDP.getBufferSize() == 0))
-	{
-		mCRC = crc;
-		mHitCount = 0;
-		mCRCChangeCount++;
-		mDP.freeBuffer();
-		mBuffer = new U8[dp.getBufferSize()];
-		mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, dp.getBufferSize());
-		mDP = dp;
-	}
-LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer *LLVOCacheEntry::getDP(U32 crc)
-	if (  (mCRC != crc)
-		||(mDP.getBufferSize() == 0))
-	{
-		//llinfos << "Not getting cache entry, invalid!" << llendl;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	mHitCount++;
-	return &mDP;
-void LLVOCacheEntry::recordHit()
-	mHitCount++;
-void LLVOCacheEntry::dump() const
-	llinfos << "local " << mLocalID
-		<< " crc " << mCRC
-		<< " hits " << mHitCount
-		<< " dupes " << mDupeCount
-		<< " change " << mCRCChangeCount
-		<< llendl;
-BOOL LLVOCacheEntry::writeToFile(LLAPRFile* apr_file) const
-	BOOL success;
-	success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mLocalID, sizeof(U32));
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mCRC, sizeof(U32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mHitCount, sizeof(S32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mDupeCount, sizeof(S32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mCRCChangeCount, sizeof(S32));
-	}
-	if(success)
-	{
-		S32 size = mDP.getBufferSize();
-		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&size, sizeof(S32));
-		if(success)
-		{
-			success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)mBuffer, size);
-		}
-	}
-	return success ;
-// Format string used to construct filename for the object cache
-static const char OBJECT_CACHE_FILENAME[] = "objects_%d_%d.slc";
-const U32 MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES = 128 ;
-const U32 MIN_ENTRIES_TO_PURGE = 16 ;
-const U32 INVALID_TIME = 0 ;
-const char* object_cache_dirname = "objectcache";
-const char* header_filename = "object.cache";
-LLVOCache* LLVOCache::sInstance = NULL;
-LLVOCache* LLVOCache::getInstance() 
-	if(!sInstance)
-	{
-		sInstance = new LLVOCache() ;
-	}
-	return sInstance ;
-BOOL LLVOCache::hasInstance() 
-	return sInstance != NULL ;
-void LLVOCache::destroyClass() 
-	if(sInstance)
-	{
-		delete sInstance ;
-		sInstance = NULL ;
-	}
-	mInitialized(FALSE),
-	mReadOnly(TRUE),
-	mNumEntries(0),
-	mCacheSize(1)
-	mEnabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ObjectCacheEnabled");
-	mLocalAPRFilePoolp = new LLVolatileAPRPool() ;
-	if(mEnabled)
-	{
-		writeCacheHeader();
-		clearCacheInMemory();
-	}
-	delete mLocalAPRFilePoolp;
-void LLVOCache::setDirNames(ELLPath location)
-	std::string delem = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
-	mHeaderFileName = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(location, object_cache_dirname, header_filename);
-	mObjectCacheDirName = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(location, object_cache_dirname);
-void LLVOCache::initCache(ELLPath location, U32 size, U32 cache_version)
-	if(!mEnabled)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not initializing cache: Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	if(mInitialized)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Cache already initialized." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	mInitialized = TRUE ;
-	setDirNames(location);
-	if (!mReadOnly)
-	{
-		LLFile::mkdir(mObjectCacheDirName);
-	}
-	mMetaInfo.mVersion = cache_version;
-	readCacheHeader();	
-	if(mMetaInfo.mVersion != cache_version) 
-	{
-		mMetaInfo.mVersion = cache_version ;
-		if(mReadOnly) //disable cache
-		{
-			clearCacheInMemory();
-		}
-		else //delete the current cache if the format does not match.
-		{			
-			removeCache();
-		}
-	}	
-void LLVOCache::removeCache(ELLPath location) 
-	if(mReadOnly)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not removing cache at " << location << ": Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	llinfos << "about to remove the object cache due to settings." << llendl ;
-	std::string delem = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
-	std::string mask = delem + "*";
-	std::string cache_dir = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(location, object_cache_dirname);
-	llinfos << "Removing cache at " << cache_dir << llendl;
-	gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(cache_dir, mask); //delete all files
-	LLFile::rmdir(cache_dir);
-	clearCacheInMemory();
-	mInitialized = FALSE ;
-void LLVOCache::removeCache() 
-	llassert_always(mInitialized) ;
-	if(mReadOnly)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not clearing object cache: Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	llinfos << "about to remove the object cache due to some error." << llendl ;
-	std::string delem = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
-	std::string mask = delem + "*";
-	llinfos << "Removing cache at " << mObjectCacheDirName << llendl;
-	gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(mObjectCacheDirName, mask); 
-	clearCacheInMemory() ;
-	writeCacheHeader();
-void LLVOCache::removeEntry(HeaderEntryInfo* entry) 
-	llassert_always(mInitialized) ;
-	if(mReadOnly)
-	{
-		return ;
-	}
-	if(!entry)
-	{
-		return ;
-	}
-	header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.find(entry) ;
-	if(iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end())
-	{		
-		mHandleEntryMap.erase(entry->mHandle) ;		
-		mHeaderEntryQueue.erase(iter) ;
-		removeFromCache(entry) ;
-		delete entry ;
-		mNumEntries = mHandleEntryMap.size() ;
-	}
-void LLVOCache::removeEntry(U64 handle) 
-	handle_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mHandleEntryMap.find(handle) ;
-	if(iter == mHandleEntryMap.end()) //no cache
-	{
-		return ;
-	}
-	HeaderEntryInfo* entry = iter->second ;
-	removeEntry(entry) ;
-void LLVOCache::clearCacheInMemory()
-	if(!mHeaderEntryQueue.empty()) 
-	{
-		for(header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin(); iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end(); ++iter)
-		{
-			delete *iter ;
-		}
-		mHeaderEntryQueue.clear();
-		mHandleEntryMap.clear();
-		mNumEntries = 0 ;
-	}
-void LLVOCache::getObjectCacheFilename(U64 handle, std::string& filename) 
-	U32 region_x, region_y;
-	grid_from_region_handle(handle, &region_x, &region_y);
-	filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CACHE, object_cache_dirname,
-			   llformat(OBJECT_CACHE_FILENAME, region_x, region_y));
-	return ;
-void LLVOCache::removeFromCache(HeaderEntryInfo* entry)
-	if(mReadOnly)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not removing cache for handle " << entry->mHandle << ": Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	std::string filename;
-	getObjectCacheFilename(entry->mHandle, filename);
-	LLAPRFile::remove(filename, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
-	entry->mTime = INVALID_TIME ;
-	updateEntry(entry) ; //update the head file.
-void LLVOCache::readCacheHeader()
-	if(!mEnabled)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not reading cache header: Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
-		return;
-	}
-	//clear stale info.
-	clearCacheInMemory();	
-	bool success = true ;
-	if (LLAPRFile::isExist(mHeaderFileName, mLocalAPRFilePoolp))
-	{
-		LLAPRFile apr_file(mHeaderFileName, APR_READ|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);		
-		//read the meta element
-		success = check_read(&apr_file, &mMetaInfo, sizeof(HeaderMetaInfo)) ;
-		if(success)
-		{
-			HeaderEntryInfo* entry = NULL ;
-			mNumEntries = 0 ;
-			U32 num_read = 0 ;
-			while(num_read++ < MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES)
-			{
-				if(!entry)
-				{
-					entry = new HeaderEntryInfo() ;
-				}
-				success = check_read(&apr_file, entry, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo));
-				if(!success) //failed
-				{
-					llwarns << "Error reading cache header entry. (entry_index=" << mNumEntries << ")" << llendl;
-					delete entry ;
-					entry = NULL ;
-					break ;
-				}
-				else if(entry->mTime == INVALID_TIME)
-				{
-					continue ; //an empty entry
-				}
-				entry->mIndex = mNumEntries++ ;
-				mHeaderEntryQueue.insert(entry) ;
-				mHandleEntryMap[entry->mHandle] = entry ;
-				entry = NULL ;
-			}
-			if(entry)
-			{
-				delete entry ;
-			}
-		}
-		//---------
-		//debug code
-		//----------
-		//std::string name ;
-		//for(header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin() ; success && iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end(); ++iter)
-		//{
-		//	getObjectCacheFilename((*iter)->mHandle, name) ;
-		//	llinfos << name << llendl ;
-		//}
-		//-----------
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		writeCacheHeader() ;
-	}
-	if(!success)
-	{
-		removeCache() ; //failed to read header, clear the cache
-	}
-	else if(mNumEntries >= mCacheSize)
-	{
-		purgeEntries(mCacheSize) ;
-	}
-	return ;
-void LLVOCache::writeCacheHeader()
-	if (!mEnabled)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not writing cache header: Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mReadOnly)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not writing cache header: Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
-		return;
-	}
-	bool success = true ;
-	{
-		LLAPRFile apr_file(mHeaderFileName, APR_CREATE|APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
-		//write the meta element
-		success = check_write(&apr_file, &mMetaInfo, sizeof(HeaderMetaInfo)) ;
-		mNumEntries = 0 ;	
-		for(header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin() ; success && iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end(); ++iter)
-		{
-			(*iter)->mIndex = mNumEntries++ ;
-			success = check_write(&apr_file, (void*)*iter, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo));
-		}
-		mNumEntries = mHeaderEntryQueue.size() ;
-		if(success && mNumEntries < MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES)
-		{
-			HeaderEntryInfo* entry = new HeaderEntryInfo() ;
-			entry->mTime = INVALID_TIME ;
-			for(S32 i = mNumEntries ; success && i < MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES ; i++)
-			{
-				//fill the cache with the default entry.
-				success = check_write(&apr_file, entry, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo)) ;			
-			}
-			delete entry ;
-		}
-	}
-	if(!success)
-	{
-		clearCacheInMemory() ;
-		mReadOnly = TRUE ; //disable the cache.
-	}
-	return ;
-BOOL LLVOCache::updateEntry(const HeaderEntryInfo* entry)
-	LLAPRFile apr_file(mHeaderFileName, APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
-	apr_file.seek(APR_SET, entry->mIndex * sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo) + sizeof(HeaderMetaInfo)) ;
-	return check_write(&apr_file, (void*)entry, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo)) ;
-void LLVOCache::readFromCache(U64 handle, const LLUUID& id, LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t& cache_entry_map) 
-	if(!mEnabled)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not reading cache for handle " << handle << "): Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	llassert_always(mInitialized);
-	handle_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mHandleEntryMap.find(handle) ;
-	if(iter == mHandleEntryMap.end()) //no cache
-	{
-		llwarns << "No handle map entry for " << handle << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	bool success = true ;
-	{
-		std::string filename;
-		getObjectCacheFilename(handle, filename);
-		LLAPRFile apr_file(filename, APR_READ|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
-		LLUUID cache_id ;
-		success = check_read(&apr_file, cache_id.mData, UUID_BYTES) ;
-		if(success)
-		{		
-			if(cache_id != id)
-			{
-				llinfos << "Cache ID doesn't match for this region, discarding"<< llendl;
-				success = false ;
-			}
-			if(success)
-			{
-				S32 num_entries;
-				success = check_read(&apr_file, &num_entries, sizeof(S32)) ;
-				for (S32 i = 0; success && i < num_entries; i++)
-				{
-					LLVOCacheEntry* entry = new LLVOCacheEntry(&apr_file);
-					if (!entry->getLocalID())
-					{
-						llwarns << "Aborting cache file load for " << filename << ", cache file corruption!" << llendl;
-						delete entry ;
-						success = false ;
-					}
-					cache_entry_map[entry->getLocalID()] = entry;
-				}
-			}
-		}		
-	}
-	if(!success)
-	{
-		if(cache_entry_map.empty())
-		{
-			removeEntry(iter->second) ;
-		}
-	}
-	return ;
-void LLVOCache::purgeEntries(U32 size)
-	while(mHeaderEntryQueue.size() > size)
-	{
-		header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin() ;
-		HeaderEntryInfo* entry = *iter ;			
-		mHandleEntryMap.erase(entry->mHandle);
-		mHeaderEntryQueue.erase(iter) ;
-		removeFromCache(entry) ;
-		delete entry;
-	}
-	mNumEntries = mHandleEntryMap.size() ;
-void LLVOCache::writeToCache(U64 handle, const LLUUID& id, const LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t& cache_entry_map, BOOL dirty_cache) 
-	if(!mEnabled)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not writing cache for handle " << handle << "): Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}
-	llassert_always(mInitialized);
-	if(mReadOnly)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Not writing cache for handle " << handle << "): Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
-		return ;
-	}	
-	HeaderEntryInfo* entry;
-	handle_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mHandleEntryMap.find(handle) ;
-	if(iter == mHandleEntryMap.end()) //new entry
-	{				
-		if(mNumEntries >= mCacheSize - 1)
-		{
-			purgeEntries(mCacheSize - 1) ;
-		}
-		entry = new HeaderEntryInfo();
-		entry->mHandle = handle ;
-		entry->mTime = time(NULL) ;
-		entry->mIndex = mNumEntries++;
-		mHeaderEntryQueue.insert(entry) ;
-		mHandleEntryMap[handle] = entry ;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Update access time.
-		entry = iter->second ;		
-		//resort
-		mHeaderEntryQueue.erase(entry) ;
-		entry->mTime = time(NULL) ;
-		mHeaderEntryQueue.insert(entry) ;
-	}
-	//update cache header
-	if(!updateEntry(entry))
-	{
-		llwarns << "Failed to update cache header index " << entry->mIndex << ". handle = " << handle << llendl;
-		return ; //update failed.
-	}
-	if(!dirty_cache)
-	{
-		llwarns << "Skipping write to cache for handle " << handle << ": cache not dirty" << llendl;
-		return ; //nothing changed, no need to update.
-	}
-	//write to cache file
-	bool success = true ;
-	{
-		std::string filename;
-		getObjectCacheFilename(handle, filename);
-		LLAPRFile apr_file(filename, APR_CREATE|APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
-		success = check_write(&apr_file, (void*)id.mData, UUID_BYTES) ;
-		if(success)
-		{
-			S32 num_entries = cache_entry_map.size() ;
-			success = check_write(&apr_file, &num_entries, sizeof(S32));
-			for (LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t::const_iterator iter = cache_entry_map.begin(); success && iter != cache_entry_map.end(); ++iter)
-			{
-				success = iter->second->writeToFile(&apr_file) ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(!success)
-	{
-		removeEntry(entry) ;
-	}
-	return ;
+ * @file llvocache.cpp
+ * @brief Cache of objects on the viewer.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ * 
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llvocache.h"
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "llregionhandle.h"
+#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+BOOL check_read(LLAPRFile* apr_file, void* src, S32 n_bytes) 
+	return apr_file->read(src, n_bytes) == n_bytes ;
+BOOL check_write(LLAPRFile* apr_file, void* src, S32 n_bytes) 
+	return apr_file->write(src, n_bytes) == n_bytes ;
+// LLVOCacheEntry
+LLVOCacheEntry::LLVOCacheEntry(U32 local_id, U32 crc, LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp)
+	:
+	mLocalID(local_id),
+	mCRC(crc),
+	mHitCount(0),
+	mDupeCount(0),
+	mCRCChangeCount(0)
+	mBuffer = new U8[dp.getBufferSize()];
+	mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, dp.getBufferSize());
+	mDP = dp;
+	:
+	mLocalID(0),
+	mCRC(0),
+	mHitCount(0),
+	mDupeCount(0),
+	mCRCChangeCount(0),
+	mBuffer(NULL)
+	mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, 0);
+LLVOCacheEntry::LLVOCacheEntry(LLAPRFile* apr_file)
+	: mBuffer(NULL)
+	S32 size = -1;
+	BOOL success;
+	success = check_read(apr_file, &mLocalID, sizeof(U32));
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_read(apr_file, &mCRC, sizeof(U32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_read(apr_file, &mHitCount, sizeof(S32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_read(apr_file, &mDupeCount, sizeof(S32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_read(apr_file, &mCRCChangeCount, sizeof(S32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_read(apr_file, &size, sizeof(S32));
+		// Corruption in the cache entries
+		if ((size > 10000) || (size < 1))
+		{
+			// We've got a bogus size, skip reading it.
+			// We won't bother seeking, because the rest of this file
+			// is likely bogus, and will be tossed anyway.
+			llwarns << "Bogus cache entry, size " << size << ", aborting!" << llendl;
+			success = FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	if(success && size > 0)
+	{
+		mBuffer = new U8[size];
+		success = check_read(apr_file, mBuffer, size);
+		if(success)
+		{
+			mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, size);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			delete[] mBuffer ;
+			mBuffer = NULL ;
+		}
+	}
+	if(!success)
+	{
+		mLocalID = 0;
+		mCRC = 0;
+		mHitCount = 0;
+		mDupeCount = 0;
+		mCRCChangeCount = 0;
+		mBuffer = NULL;
+	}
+	if(mBuffer)
+	{
+		delete[] mBuffer;
+	}
+// New CRC means the object has changed.
+void LLVOCacheEntry::assignCRC(U32 crc, LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp)
+	if (  (mCRC != crc)
+		||(mDP.getBufferSize() == 0))
+	{
+		mCRC = crc;
+		mHitCount = 0;
+		mCRCChangeCount++;
+		mDP.freeBuffer();
+		mBuffer = new U8[dp.getBufferSize()];
+		mDP.assignBuffer(mBuffer, dp.getBufferSize());
+		mDP = dp;
+	}
+LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer *LLVOCacheEntry::getDP(U32 crc)
+	if (  (mCRC != crc)
+		||(mDP.getBufferSize() == 0))
+	{
+		//llinfos << "Not getting cache entry, invalid!" << llendl;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	mHitCount++;
+	return &mDP;
+void LLVOCacheEntry::recordHit()
+	mHitCount++;
+void LLVOCacheEntry::dump() const
+	llinfos << "local " << mLocalID
+		<< " crc " << mCRC
+		<< " hits " << mHitCount
+		<< " dupes " << mDupeCount
+		<< " change " << mCRCChangeCount
+		<< llendl;
+BOOL LLVOCacheEntry::writeToFile(LLAPRFile* apr_file) const
+	BOOL success;
+	success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mLocalID, sizeof(U32));
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mCRC, sizeof(U32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mHitCount, sizeof(S32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mDupeCount, sizeof(S32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mCRCChangeCount, sizeof(S32));
+	}
+	if(success)
+	{
+		S32 size = mDP.getBufferSize();
+		success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&size, sizeof(S32));
+		if(success)
+		{
+			success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)mBuffer, size);
+		}
+	}
+	return success ;
+// Format string used to construct filename for the object cache
+static const char OBJECT_CACHE_FILENAME[] = "objects_%d_%d.slc";
+const U32 MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES = 128 ;
+const U32 MIN_ENTRIES_TO_PURGE = 16 ;
+const U32 INVALID_TIME = 0 ;
+const char* object_cache_dirname = "objectcache";
+const char* header_filename = "object.cache";
+LLVOCache* LLVOCache::sInstance = NULL;
+LLVOCache* LLVOCache::getInstance() 
+	if(!sInstance)
+	{
+		sInstance = new LLVOCache() ;
+	}
+	return sInstance ;
+BOOL LLVOCache::hasInstance() 
+	return sInstance != NULL ;
+void LLVOCache::destroyClass() 
+	if(sInstance)
+	{
+		delete sInstance ;
+		sInstance = NULL ;
+	}
+	mInitialized(FALSE),
+	mReadOnly(TRUE),
+	mNumEntries(0),
+	mCacheSize(1)
+	mEnabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ObjectCacheEnabled");
+	mLocalAPRFilePoolp = new LLVolatileAPRPool() ;
+	if(mEnabled)
+	{
+		writeCacheHeader();
+		clearCacheInMemory();
+	}
+	delete mLocalAPRFilePoolp;
+void LLVOCache::setDirNames(ELLPath location)
+	std::string delem = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
+	mHeaderFileName = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(location, object_cache_dirname, header_filename);
+	mObjectCacheDirName = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(location, object_cache_dirname);
+void LLVOCache::initCache(ELLPath location, U32 size, U32 cache_version)
+	if(!mEnabled)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not initializing cache: Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	if(mInitialized)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Cache already initialized." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	mInitialized = TRUE ;
+	setDirNames(location);
+	if (!mReadOnly)
+	{
+		LLFile::mkdir(mObjectCacheDirName);
+	}
+	mMetaInfo.mVersion = cache_version;
+	readCacheHeader();	
+	if(mMetaInfo.mVersion != cache_version) 
+	{
+		mMetaInfo.mVersion = cache_version ;
+		if(mReadOnly) //disable cache
+		{
+			clearCacheInMemory();
+		}
+		else //delete the current cache if the format does not match.
+		{			
+			removeCache();
+		}
+	}	
+void LLVOCache::removeCache(ELLPath location) 
+	if(mReadOnly)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not removing cache at " << location << ": Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	llinfos << "about to remove the object cache due to settings." << llendl ;
+	std::string delem = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
+	std::string mask = delem + "*";
+	std::string cache_dir = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(location, object_cache_dirname);
+	llinfos << "Removing cache at " << cache_dir << llendl;
+	gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(cache_dir, mask); //delete all files
+	LLFile::rmdir(cache_dir);
+	clearCacheInMemory();
+	mInitialized = FALSE ;
+void LLVOCache::removeCache() 
+	llassert_always(mInitialized) ;
+	if(mReadOnly)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not clearing object cache: Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	llinfos << "about to remove the object cache due to some error." << llendl ;
+	std::string delem = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
+	std::string mask = delem + "*";
+	llinfos << "Removing cache at " << mObjectCacheDirName << llendl;
+	gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(mObjectCacheDirName, mask); 
+	clearCacheInMemory() ;
+	writeCacheHeader();
+void LLVOCache::removeEntry(HeaderEntryInfo* entry) 
+	llassert_always(mInitialized) ;
+	if(mReadOnly)
+	{
+		return ;
+	}
+	if(!entry)
+	{
+		return ;
+	}
+	header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.find(entry) ;
+	if(iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end())
+	{		
+		mHandleEntryMap.erase(entry->mHandle) ;		
+		mHeaderEntryQueue.erase(iter) ;
+		removeFromCache(entry) ;
+		delete entry ;
+		mNumEntries = mHandleEntryMap.size() ;
+	}
+void LLVOCache::removeEntry(U64 handle) 
+	handle_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mHandleEntryMap.find(handle) ;
+	if(iter == mHandleEntryMap.end()) //no cache
+	{
+		return ;
+	}
+	HeaderEntryInfo* entry = iter->second ;
+	removeEntry(entry) ;
+void LLVOCache::clearCacheInMemory()
+	if(!mHeaderEntryQueue.empty()) 
+	{
+		for(header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin(); iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end(); ++iter)
+		{
+			delete *iter ;
+		}
+		mHeaderEntryQueue.clear();
+		mHandleEntryMap.clear();
+		mNumEntries = 0 ;
+	}
+void LLVOCache::getObjectCacheFilename(U64 handle, std::string& filename) 
+	U32 region_x, region_y;
+	grid_from_region_handle(handle, &region_x, &region_y);
+	filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CACHE, object_cache_dirname,
+			   llformat(OBJECT_CACHE_FILENAME, region_x, region_y));
+	return ;
+void LLVOCache::removeFromCache(HeaderEntryInfo* entry)
+	if(mReadOnly)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not removing cache for handle " << entry->mHandle << ": Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	std::string filename;
+	getObjectCacheFilename(entry->mHandle, filename);
+	LLAPRFile::remove(filename, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
+	entry->mTime = INVALID_TIME ;
+	updateEntry(entry) ; //update the head file.
+void LLVOCache::readCacheHeader()
+	if(!mEnabled)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not reading cache header: Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
+		return;
+	}
+	//clear stale info.
+	clearCacheInMemory();	
+	bool success = true ;
+	if (LLAPRFile::isExist(mHeaderFileName, mLocalAPRFilePoolp))
+	{
+		LLAPRFile apr_file(mHeaderFileName, APR_READ|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);		
+		//read the meta element
+		success = check_read(&apr_file, &mMetaInfo, sizeof(HeaderMetaInfo)) ;
+		if(success)
+		{
+			HeaderEntryInfo* entry = NULL ;
+			mNumEntries = 0 ;
+			U32 num_read = 0 ;
+			while(num_read++ < MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES)
+			{
+				if(!entry)
+				{
+					entry = new HeaderEntryInfo() ;
+				}
+				success = check_read(&apr_file, entry, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo));
+				if(!success) //failed
+				{
+					llwarns << "Error reading cache header entry. (entry_index=" << mNumEntries << ")" << llendl;
+					delete entry ;
+					entry = NULL ;
+					break ;
+				}
+				else if(entry->mTime == INVALID_TIME)
+				{
+					continue ; //an empty entry
+				}
+				entry->mIndex = mNumEntries++ ;
+				mHeaderEntryQueue.insert(entry) ;
+				mHandleEntryMap[entry->mHandle] = entry ;
+				entry = NULL ;
+			}
+			if(entry)
+			{
+				delete entry ;
+			}
+		}
+		//---------
+		//debug code
+		//----------
+		//std::string name ;
+		//for(header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin() ; success && iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end(); ++iter)
+		//{
+		//	getObjectCacheFilename((*iter)->mHandle, name) ;
+		//	llinfos << name << llendl ;
+		//}
+		//-----------
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writeCacheHeader() ;
+	}
+	if(!success)
+	{
+		removeCache() ; //failed to read header, clear the cache
+	}
+	else if(mNumEntries >= mCacheSize)
+	{
+		purgeEntries(mCacheSize) ;
+	}
+	return ;
+void LLVOCache::writeCacheHeader()
+	if (!mEnabled)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not writing cache header: Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
+		return;
+	}
+	if(mReadOnly)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not writing cache header: Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
+		return;
+	}
+	bool success = true ;
+	{
+		LLAPRFile apr_file(mHeaderFileName, APR_CREATE|APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
+		//write the meta element
+		success = check_write(&apr_file, &mMetaInfo, sizeof(HeaderMetaInfo)) ;
+		mNumEntries = 0 ;	
+		for(header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin() ; success && iter != mHeaderEntryQueue.end(); ++iter)
+		{
+			(*iter)->mIndex = mNumEntries++ ;
+			success = check_write(&apr_file, (void*)*iter, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo));
+		}
+		mNumEntries = mHeaderEntryQueue.size() ;
+		if(success && mNumEntries < MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES)
+		{
+			HeaderEntryInfo* entry = new HeaderEntryInfo() ;
+			entry->mTime = INVALID_TIME ;
+			for(S32 i = mNumEntries ; success && i < MAX_NUM_OBJECT_ENTRIES ; i++)
+			{
+				//fill the cache with the default entry.
+				success = check_write(&apr_file, entry, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo)) ;			
+			}
+			delete entry ;
+		}
+	}
+	if(!success)
+	{
+		clearCacheInMemory() ;
+		mReadOnly = TRUE ; //disable the cache.
+	}
+	return ;
+BOOL LLVOCache::updateEntry(const HeaderEntryInfo* entry)
+	LLAPRFile apr_file(mHeaderFileName, APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
+	apr_file.seek(APR_SET, entry->mIndex * sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo) + sizeof(HeaderMetaInfo)) ;
+	return check_write(&apr_file, (void*)entry, sizeof(HeaderEntryInfo)) ;
+void LLVOCache::readFromCache(U64 handle, const LLUUID& id, LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t& cache_entry_map) 
+	if(!mEnabled)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not reading cache for handle " << handle << "): Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	llassert_always(mInitialized);
+	handle_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mHandleEntryMap.find(handle) ;
+	if(iter == mHandleEntryMap.end()) //no cache
+	{
+		llwarns << "No handle map entry for " << handle << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	bool success = true ;
+	{
+		std::string filename;
+		getObjectCacheFilename(handle, filename);
+		LLAPRFile apr_file(filename, APR_READ|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
+		LLUUID cache_id ;
+		success = check_read(&apr_file, cache_id.mData, UUID_BYTES) ;
+		if(success)
+		{		
+			if(cache_id != id)
+			{
+				llinfos << "Cache ID doesn't match for this region, discarding"<< llendl;
+				success = false ;
+			}
+			if(success)
+			{
+				S32 num_entries;
+				success = check_read(&apr_file, &num_entries, sizeof(S32)) ;
+				for (S32 i = 0; success && i < num_entries; i++)
+				{
+					LLVOCacheEntry* entry = new LLVOCacheEntry(&apr_file);
+					if (!entry->getLocalID())
+					{
+						llwarns << "Aborting cache file load for " << filename << ", cache file corruption!" << llendl;
+						delete entry ;
+						success = false ;
+					}
+					cache_entry_map[entry->getLocalID()] = entry;
+				}
+			}
+		}		
+	}
+	if(!success)
+	{
+		if(cache_entry_map.empty())
+		{
+			removeEntry(iter->second) ;
+		}
+	}
+	return ;
+void LLVOCache::purgeEntries(U32 size)
+	while(mHeaderEntryQueue.size() > size)
+	{
+		header_entry_queue_t::iterator iter = mHeaderEntryQueue.begin() ;
+		HeaderEntryInfo* entry = *iter ;			
+		mHandleEntryMap.erase(entry->mHandle);
+		mHeaderEntryQueue.erase(iter) ;
+		removeFromCache(entry) ;
+		delete entry;
+	}
+	mNumEntries = mHandleEntryMap.size() ;
+void LLVOCache::writeToCache(U64 handle, const LLUUID& id, const LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t& cache_entry_map, BOOL dirty_cache) 
+	if(!mEnabled)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not writing cache for handle " << handle << "): Cache is currently disabled." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}
+	llassert_always(mInitialized);
+	if(mReadOnly)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Not writing cache for handle " << handle << "): Cache is currently in read-only mode." << llendl;
+		return ;
+	}	
+	HeaderEntryInfo* entry;
+	handle_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mHandleEntryMap.find(handle) ;
+	if(iter == mHandleEntryMap.end()) //new entry
+	{				
+		if(mNumEntries >= mCacheSize - 1)
+		{
+			purgeEntries(mCacheSize - 1) ;
+		}
+		entry = new HeaderEntryInfo();
+		entry->mHandle = handle ;
+		entry->mTime = time(NULL) ;
+		entry->mIndex = mNumEntries++;
+		mHeaderEntryQueue.insert(entry) ;
+		mHandleEntryMap[handle] = entry ;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Update access time.
+		entry = iter->second ;		
+		//resort
+		mHeaderEntryQueue.erase(entry) ;
+		entry->mTime = time(NULL) ;
+		mHeaderEntryQueue.insert(entry) ;
+	}
+	//update cache header
+	if(!updateEntry(entry))
+	{
+		llwarns << "Failed to update cache header index " << entry->mIndex << ". handle = " << handle << llendl;
+		return ; //update failed.
+	}
+	if(!dirty_cache)
+	{
+		llwarns << "Skipping write to cache for handle " << handle << ": cache not dirty" << llendl;
+		return ; //nothing changed, no need to update.
+	}
+	//write to cache file
+	bool success = true ;
+	{
+		std::string filename;
+		getObjectCacheFilename(handle, filename);
+		LLAPRFile apr_file(filename, APR_CREATE|APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY, mLocalAPRFilePoolp);
+		success = check_write(&apr_file, (void*)id.mData, UUID_BYTES) ;
+		if(success)
+		{
+			S32 num_entries = cache_entry_map.size() ;
+			success = check_write(&apr_file, &num_entries, sizeof(S32));
+			for (LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t::const_iterator iter = cache_entry_map.begin(); success && iter != cache_entry_map.end(); ++iter)
+			{
+				success = iter->second->writeToFile(&apr_file) ;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!success)
+	{
+		removeEntry(entry) ;
+	}
+	return ;