From ae028e79872f166db8e514ca3b442c7807d6ebdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Linden <none@none>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:08:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] removed unused data structures

 indra/llcharacter/llmotioncontroller.h     |    1 -
 indra/llcommon/CMakeLists.txt              |    5 -
 indra/llcommon/llptrskiplist.h             |  724 ------------
 indra/llcommon/llptrskipmap.h              | 1239 --------------------
 indra/llcommon/llskiplist.h                |  517 --------
 indra/llcommon/llskipmap.h                 | 1020 ----------------
 indra/llcommon/lluuidhashmap.h             |  583 ---------
 indra/newview/llviewerprecompiledheaders.h |    1 -
 indra/test/CMakeLists.txt                  |    1 -
 indra/test/lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp           |  455 -------
 10 files changed, 4546 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 indra/llcommon/llptrskiplist.h
 delete mode 100644 indra/llcommon/llptrskipmap.h
 delete mode 100644 indra/llcommon/llskiplist.h
 delete mode 100644 indra/llcommon/llskipmap.h
 delete mode 100644 indra/llcommon/lluuidhashmap.h
 delete mode 100644 indra/test/lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp

diff --git a/indra/llcharacter/llmotioncontroller.h b/indra/llcharacter/llmotioncontroller.h
index 52eaf557b16..2bd5271c4f7 100644
--- a/indra/llcharacter/llmotioncontroller.h
+++ b/indra/llcharacter/llmotioncontroller.h
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 #include <map>
 #include <deque>
-#include "lluuidhashmap.h"
 #include "llmotion.h"
 #include "llpose.h"
 #include "llframetimer.h"
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llcommon/CMakeLists.txt
index f8f1c010f70..5117224ddbb 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llcommon/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -212,8 +212,6 @@ set(llcommon_HEADER_FILES
-    llptrskiplist.h
-    llptrskipmap.h
@@ -230,8 +228,6 @@ set(llcommon_HEADER_FILES
-    llskiplist.h
-    llskipmap.h
@@ -255,7 +251,6 @@ set(llcommon_HEADER_FILES
-    lluuidhashmap.h
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llptrskiplist.h b/indra/llcommon/llptrskiplist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c7cde3523..00000000000
--- a/indra/llcommon/llptrskiplist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
- * @file llptrskiplist.h
- * @brief Skip list implementation.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llerror.h"
-#include "llrand.h"
-//#include "vmath.h"
-#include "llrand.h"
-//	LLPtrSkipList implementation - skip list for pointers to objects
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH = 8>
-class LLPtrSkipList
-	friend class LLPtrSkipNode;
-	// basic constructor
-	LLPtrSkipList();
-	// basic constructor including sorter
-	LLPtrSkipList(BOOL	(*insert_first)(DATA_TYPE *first, DATA_TYPE *second), 
-				  BOOL	(*equals)(DATA_TYPE *first, DATA_TYPE *second));
-	~LLPtrSkipList();
-	inline void setInsertFirst(BOOL (*insert_first)(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second));
-	inline void setEquals(BOOL (*equals)(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second));
-	inline BOOL addData(DATA_TYPE *data);
-	inline BOOL checkData(const DATA_TYPE *data);
-	inline S32 getLength();	// returns number of items in the list - NOT constant time!
-	inline BOOL removeData(const DATA_TYPE *data);
-	// note that b_sort is ignored
-	inline BOOL moveData(const DATA_TYPE *data, LLPtrSkipList *newlist, BOOL b_sort);
-	inline BOOL moveCurrentData(LLPtrSkipList *newlist, BOOL b_sort);
-	// resort -- use when the value we're sorting by changes
-	/* IW 12/6/02 - This doesn't work!
-	   Instead, remove the data BEFORE you change it
-	   Then re-insert it after you change it
-	BOOL resortData(DATA_TYPE *data)
-	*/
-	// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-	inline void removeAllNodes();
-	inline BOOL deleteData(const DATA_TYPE *data);
-	// remove all nodes from the list and delete data
-	inline void deleteAllData();
-	// place mCurrentp on first node
-	inline void resetList();
-	// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	inline DATA_TYPE	*getCurrentData();
-	// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-	inline DATA_TYPE	*getNextData();
-	// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-	// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-	inline void removeCurrentData();
-	// delete the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-	// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-	inline void deleteCurrentData();
-	// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	inline DATA_TYPE	*getFirstData();
-	// TRUE if nodes are not in sorted order
-	inline BOOL corrupt();
-	class LLPtrSkipNode
-	{
-	public:
-		LLPtrSkipNode()
-		:	mData(NULL)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		LLPtrSkipNode(DATA_TYPE *data)
-			: mData(data)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		~LLPtrSkipNode()
-		{
-			if (mData)
-			{
-				llerror("Attempting to call LLPtrSkipNode destructor with a non-null mDatap!", 1);
-			}
-		}
-		// delete associated data and NULLs out pointer
-		void deleteData()
-		{
-			delete mData;
-			mData = NULL;
-		}
-		// NULLs out pointer
-		void removeData()
-		{
-			mData = NULL;
-		}
-		DATA_TYPE					*mData;
-		LLPtrSkipNode				*mForward[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	};
-	static BOOL					defaultEquals(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second)
-	{
-		return first == second;
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipNode				mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipNode				*mUpdate[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	LLPtrSkipNode				*mCurrentp;
-	LLPtrSkipNode				*mCurrentOperatingp;
-	S32							mLevel;
-	BOOL						(*mInsertFirst)(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second);
-	BOOL						(*mEquals)(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second);
-// basic constructor
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-	: mInsertFirst(NULL), mEquals(defaultEquals)
-	if (BINARY_DEPTH < 2)
-	{
-		llerrs << "Trying to create skip list with too little depth, "
-			"must be 2 or greater" << llendl;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mLevel = 1;
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// basic constructor including sorter
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::LLPtrSkipList(BOOL	(*insert_first)(DATA_TYPE *first, DATA_TYPE *second), 
-													  BOOL	(*equals)(DATA_TYPE *first, DATA_TYPE *second)) 
-	:mInsertFirst(insert_first), mEquals(equals)
-	if (BINARY_DEPTH < 2)
-	{
-		llerrs << "Trying to create skip list with too little depth, "
-			"must be 2 or greater" << llendl;
-	}
-	mLevel = 1;
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::~LLPtrSkipList()
-	removeAllNodes();
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::setInsertFirst(BOOL (*insert_first)(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second))
-	mInsertFirst = insert_first;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::setEquals(BOOL (*equals)(const DATA_TYPE *first, const DATA_TYPE *second))
-	mEquals = equals;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::addData(DATA_TYPE *data)
-	S32				level;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (ll_frand() < 0.5f)
-			break;
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipNode *snode = new LLPtrSkipNode(data);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::checkData(const DATA_TYPE *data)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		return mEquals(current->mData, data);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-// returns number of items in the list
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline S32 LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getLength()
-	U32	length = 0;
-	for (LLPtrSkipNode* temp = *(mHead.mForward); temp != NULL; temp = temp->mForward[0])
-	{
-		length++;
-	}
-	return length;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeData(const DATA_TYPE *data)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (!current)
-	{
-		// empty list or beyond the end!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// is this the one we want?
-	if (!mEquals(current->mData, data))
-	{
-		// nope!
-			return FALSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// yes it is!  change pointers as required
-		for (level = 0; level < mLevel; level++)
-		{
-			if (mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] != current)
-			{
-				// cool, we've fixed all the pointers!
-				break;
-			}
-			mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = current->mForward[level];
-		}
-		// clean up cuurent
-		current->removeData();
-		delete current;
-		// clean up mHead
-		while (  (mLevel > 1)
-			   &&(!mHead.mForward[mLevel - 1]))
-		{
-			mLevel--;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-// note that b_sort is ignored
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::moveData(const DATA_TYPE *data, LLPtrSkipList *newlist, BOOL b_sort)
-	BOOL removed = removeData(data);
-	BOOL added = newlist->addData(data);
-	return removed && added;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::moveCurrentData(LLPtrSkipList *newlist, BOOL b_sort)
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentOperatingp->mForward[0];	
-		BOOL removed = removeData(mCurrentOperatingp);
-		BOOL added = newlist->addData(mCurrentOperatingp);
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		return removed && added;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// resort -- use when the value we're sorting by changes
-/* IW 12/6/02 - This doesn't work!
-   Instead, remove the data BEFORE you change it
-   Then re-insert it after you change it
-BOOL resortData(DATA_TYPE *data)
-	removeData(data);
-	addData(data);
-// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeAllNodes()
-	LLPtrSkipNode *temp;
-	// reset mCurrentp
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	while (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		temp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		mCurrentp->removeData();
-		delete mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = temp;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteData(const DATA_TYPE *data)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (!current)
-	{
-		// empty list or beyond the end!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// is this the one we want?
-	if (!mEquals(current->mData, data))
-	{
-		// nope!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// do we need to fix current or currentop?
-		if (current == mCurrentp)
-		{
-			mCurrentp = current->mForward[0];
-		}
-		if (current == mCurrentOperatingp)
-		{
-			mCurrentOperatingp = current->mForward[0];
-		}
-		// yes it is!  change pointers as required
-		for (level = 0; level < mLevel; level++)
-		{
-			if (mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] != current)
-			{
-				// cool, we've fixed all the pointers!
-				break;
-			}
-			mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = current->mForward[level];
-		}
-		// clean up cuurent
-		current->deleteData();
-		delete current;
-		// clean up mHead
-		while (  (mLevel > 1)
-			   &&(!mHead.mForward[mLevel - 1]))
-		{
-			mLevel--;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-// remove all nodes from the list and delete data
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteAllData()
-	LLPtrSkipNode *temp;
-	// reset mCurrentp
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	while (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		temp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		mCurrentp->deleteData();
-		delete mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = temp;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// place mCurrentp on first node
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::resetList()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline DATA_TYPE *LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = *mCurrentp->mForward;
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;		// causes compile warning
-		return 0; 			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline DATA_TYPE *LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getNextData()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = *mCurrentp->mForward;
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;		// causes compile warning
-		return 0; 			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		removeData(mCurrentOperatingp->mData);
-	}
-// delete the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline void LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		deleteData(mCurrentOperatingp->mData);
-	}
-// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline DATA_TYPE *LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getFirstData()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;		// causes compile warning
-		return 0; 			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH> 
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::corrupt()
-	LLPtrSkipNode *previous = mHead.mForward[0];
-	// Empty lists are not corrupt.
-	if (!previous) return FALSE;
-	LLPtrSkipNode *current = previous->mForward[0];
-	while(current)
-	{
-		if (!mInsertFirst(previous->mData, current->mData))
-		{
-			// prev shouldn't be in front of cur!
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		current = current->mForward[0];
-	}
-	return FALSE;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llptrskipmap.h b/indra/llcommon/llptrskipmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94bc71ec554..00000000000
--- a/indra/llcommon/llptrskipmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1239 +0,0 @@
- * @file llptrskipmap.h
- * @brief Just like a LLSkipMap, but since it's pointers, you can call
- * deleteAllData
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llerror.h"
-#include "llrand.h"
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH = 8> 
-class LLPtrSkipMapNode
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode()
-	{
-		S32 i;
-		for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-		{
-			mForward[i] = NULL;
-		}
-		U8  *zero = (U8 *)&mIndex;
-		for (i = 0; i < (S32)sizeof(INDEX_T); i++)
-		{
-			*(zero + i) = 0;
-		}
-		zero = (U8 *)&mData;
-		for (i = 0; i < (S32)sizeof(DATA_T); i++)
-		{
-			*(zero + i) = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode(const INDEX_T &index)
-	:	mIndex(index)
-	{
-		S32 i;
-		for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-		{
-			mForward[i] = NULL;
-		}
-		U8 *zero = (U8 *)&mData;
-		for (i = 0; i < (S32)sizeof(DATA_T); i++)
-		{
-			*(zero + i) = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode(const INDEX_T &index, DATA_T datap)
-	:	mIndex(index)
-	{
-		S32 i;
-		for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-		{
-			mForward[i] = NULL;
-		}
-		mData = datap;
-	}
-	~LLPtrSkipMapNode()
-	{
-	}
-	// delete associated data and NULLs out pointer
-	void deleteData()
-	{
-		delete mData;
-		mData = 0;
-	}
-	// NULLs out pointer
-	void removeData()
-	{
-		mData = 0;
-	}
-	INDEX_T					mIndex;
-	DATA_T					mData;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode				*mForward[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	// Disallow copying of LLPtrSkipMapNodes by not implementing these methods.
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode(const LLPtrSkipMapNode &);
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode &operator=(const LLPtrSkipMapNode &rhs);
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH = 8> 
-class LLPtrSkipMap
-	typedef BOOL (*compare)(const DATA_T& first, const DATA_T& second);
-	typedef compare insert_func;
-	typedef compare equals_func;
-	void init();
-	// basic constructor
-	LLPtrSkipMap();
-	// basic constructor including sorter
-	LLPtrSkipMap(insert_func insert_first, equals_func equals);
-	~LLPtrSkipMap();
-	void setInsertFirst(insert_func insert_first);
-	void setEquals(equals_func equals);
-	DATA_T &addData(const INDEX_T &index, DATA_T datap);
-	DATA_T &addData(const INDEX_T &index);
-	DATA_T &getData(const INDEX_T &index);
-	DATA_T &operator[](const INDEX_T &index);
-	// If index present, returns data.
-	// If index not present, adds <index,NULL> and returns NULL.
-	DATA_T &getData(const INDEX_T &index, BOOL &b_new_entry);
-	// returns data entry before and after index
-	BOOL getInterval(const INDEX_T &index, INDEX_T &index_before, INDEX_T &index_after,
-		DATA_T &data_before, DATA_T &data_after	);
-	// Returns TRUE if data present in map.
-	BOOL checkData(const INDEX_T &index);
-	// Returns TRUE if key is present in map. This is useful if you
-	// are potentially storing NULL pointers in the map
-	BOOL checkKey(const INDEX_T &index);
-	// If there, returns the data.
-	// If not, returns NULL.
-	// Never adds entries to the map.
-	DATA_T getIfThere(const INDEX_T &index);
-	INDEX_T reverseLookup(const DATA_T datap);
-	// returns number of items in the list
-	S32 getLength(); // WARNING!  getLength is O(n), not O(1)!
-	BOOL removeData(const INDEX_T &index);
-	BOOL deleteData(const INDEX_T &index);
-	// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-	void removeAllData();
-	void deleteAllData();
-	// place mCurrentp on first node
-	void resetList();
-	// return the data currently pointed to
-	DATA_T	getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement();
-	// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	DATA_T	getCurrentData();
-	// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-	DATA_T	getNextData();
-	INDEX_T	getNextKey();
-	// return the key currently pointed to
-	INDEX_T	getCurrentKeyWithoutIncrement();
-	// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-	// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-	void removeCurrentData();
-	void deleteCurrentData();
-	// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	DATA_T	getFirstData();
-	INDEX_T	getFirstKey();
-	static BOOL	defaultEquals(const INDEX_T &first, const INDEX_T &second)
-	{
-		return first == second;
-	}
-	// don't generate implicit copy constructor or copy assignment
-	LLPtrSkipMap(const LLPtrSkipMap &);
-	LLPtrSkipMap &operator=(const LLPtrSkipMap &);
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*mCurrentp;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*mCurrentOperatingp;
-	S32							mLevel;
-	BOOL						(*mInsertFirst)(const INDEX_T &first, const INDEX_T &second);
-	BOOL						(*mEquals)(const INDEX_T &first, const INDEX_T &second);
-	S32							mNumberOfSteps;
-// LLPtrSkipMap implementation
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::LLPtrSkipMap()
-	:	mInsertFirst(NULL),
-		mEquals(defaultEquals),
-		mNumberOfSteps(0)
-	if (BINARY_DEPTH < 2)
-	{
-		llerrs << "Trying to create skip list with too little depth, "
-			"must be 2 or greater" << llendl;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mLevel = 1;
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::LLPtrSkipMap(insert_func insert_first, 
-																 equals_func equals) 
-:	mInsertFirst(insert_first),
-	mEquals(equals),
-	mNumberOfSteps(0)
-	if (BINARY_DEPTH < 2)
-	{
-		llerrs << "Trying to create skip list with too little depth, "
-			"must be 2 or greater" << llendl;
-	}
-	mLevel = 1;
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::~LLPtrSkipMap()
-	removeAllData();
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::setInsertFirst(insert_func insert_first)
-	mInsertFirst = insert_first;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::setEquals(equals_func equals)
-	mEquals = equals;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T &LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::addData(const INDEX_T &index, DATA_T datap)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	// replace the existing data if a node is already there
-	if (  (current)
-		&&(mEquals(current->mIndex, index)))
-	{
-		current->mData = datap;
-		return current->mData;
-	}
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (ll_frand() < 0.5f)
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH> *snode 
-		= new LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>(index, datap);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return snode->mData;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T &LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::addData(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (ll_frand() < 0.5f)
-			break;
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH> *snode 
-		= new LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>(index);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return snode->mData;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T &LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getData(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	if (  (current)
-		&&(mEquals(current->mIndex, index)))
-	{
-		return current->mData;
-	}
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (ll_frand() < 0.5f)
-			break;
-	}
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH> *snode 
-		= new LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>(index);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return snode->mData;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getInterval(const INDEX_T &index, 
-																	 INDEX_T &index_before, 
-																	 INDEX_T &index_after, 
-																	 DATA_T &data_before, 
-																	 DATA_T &data_after)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	BOOL both_found = TRUE;
-	if (current != &mHead)
-	{
-		index_before = current->mIndex;
-		data_before = current->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		data_before = 0;
-		index_before = 0;
-		both_found = FALSE;
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		data_after = current->mData;
-		index_after = current->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		data_after = 0;
-		index_after = 0;
-		both_found = FALSE;
-	}
-	return both_found;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T &LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::operator[](const INDEX_T &index)
-	return getData(index);
-// If index present, returns data.
-// If index not present, adds <index,NULL> and returns NULL.
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T &LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getData(const INDEX_T &index, BOOL &b_new_entry)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (  (current)
-		&&(mEquals(current->mIndex, index)))
-	{
-		return current->mData;
-	}
-	b_new_entry = TRUE;
-	addData(index);
-	return current->mData;
-// Returns TRUE if data present in map.
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::checkData(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		// Gets rid of some compiler ambiguity for the LLPointer<> templated class.
-		if (current->mData)
-		{
-			return mEquals(current->mIndex, index);
-		}
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// Returns TRUE if key is present in map. This is useful if you
-// are potentially storing NULL pointers in the map
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::checkKey(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		return mEquals(current->mIndex, index);
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// If there, returns the data.
-// If not, returns NULL.
-// Never adds entries to the map.
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getIfThere(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		if (mEquals(current->mIndex, index))
-		{
-			return current->mData;
-		}
-	}
-	// Avoid Linux compiler warning on returning NULL.
-	return (DATA_T)0;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline INDEX_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::reverseLookup(const DATA_T datap)
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	while (current)
-	{
-		if (datap == current->mData)
-		{
-			return current->mIndex;
-		}
-		current = *current->mForward;
-	}
-	// not found! return NULL
-	return INDEX_T();
-// returns number of items in the list
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline S32 LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getLength()
-	U32	length = 0;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>* temp;
-	for (temp = *(mHead.mForward); temp != NULL; temp = temp->mForward[0])
-	{
-		length++;
-	}
-	return length;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeData(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (!current)
-	{
-		// empty list or beyond the end!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// is this the one we want?
-	if (!mEquals(current->mIndex, index))
-	{
-		// nope!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// do we need to fix current or currentop?
-		if (current == mCurrentp)
-		{
-			mCurrentp = *current->mForward;
-		}
-		if (current == mCurrentOperatingp)
-		{
-			mCurrentOperatingp = *current->mForward;
-		}
-		// yes it is!  change pointers as required
-		for (level = 0; level < mLevel; level++)
-		{
-			if (*((*(mUpdate + level))->mForward + level) != current)
-			{
-				// cool, we've fixed all the pointers!
-				break;
-			}
-			*((*(mUpdate + level))->mForward + level) = *(current->mForward + level);
-		}
-		// clean up cuurent
-		current->removeData();
-		delete current;
-		// clean up mHead
-		while (  (mLevel > 1)
-			   &&(!*(mHead.mForward + mLevel - 1)))
-		{
-			mLevel--;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteData(const INDEX_T &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*current = &mHead;
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (!current)
-	{
-		// empty list or beyond the end!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// is this the one we want?
-	if (!mEquals(current->mIndex, index))
-	{
-		// nope!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// do we need to fix current or currentop?
-		if (current == mCurrentp)
-		{
-			mCurrentp = *current->mForward;
-		}
-		if (current == mCurrentOperatingp)
-		{
-			mCurrentOperatingp = *current->mForward;
-		}
-		// yes it is!  change pointers as required
-		for (level = 0; level < mLevel; level++)
-		{
-			if (*((*(mUpdate + level))->mForward + level) != current)
-			{
-				// cool, we've fixed all the pointers!
-				break;
-			}
-			*((*(mUpdate + level))->mForward + level) = *(current->mForward + level);
-		}
-		// clean up cuurent
-		current->deleteData();
-		delete current;
-		// clean up mHead
-		while (  (mLevel > 1)
-			   &&(!*(mHead.mForward + mLevel - 1)))
-		{
-			mLevel--;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeAllData()
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH> *temp;
-	// reset mCurrentp
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	while (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		temp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		mCurrentp->removeData();
-		delete mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = temp;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteAllData()
-	LLPtrSkipMapNode<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH> *temp;
-	// reset mCurrentp
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	while (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		temp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		mCurrentp->deleteData();
-		delete mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = temp;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// place mCurrentp on first node
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::resetList()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// return the data currently pointed to
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL; 		// causes warning
-		return (DATA_T)0;			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL; 		// causes warning
-		return (DATA_T)0;			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getNextData()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;	// causes compile warning
-		return (DATA_T)0;		// equivalent, but removes warning
-	}
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline INDEX_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getNextKey()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return mHead.mIndex;
-	}
-// return the key currently pointed to
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline INDEX_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentKeyWithoutIncrement()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;	// causes compile warning
-		return (INDEX_T)0;		// equivalent, but removes warning
-	}
-// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		removeData(mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex);
-	}
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		deleteData(mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex);
-	}
-// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getFirstData()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;	// causes compile warning
-		return (DATA_T)0;		// equivalent, but removes warning
-	}
-template <class INDEX_T, class DATA_T, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline INDEX_T LLPtrSkipMap<INDEX_T, DATA_T, BINARY_DEPTH>::getFirstKey()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return mHead.mIndex;
-	}
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llskiplist.h b/indra/llcommon/llskiplist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed132381f96..00000000000
--- a/indra/llcommon/llskiplist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
- * @file llskiplist.h
- * @brief skip list implementation
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llrand.h"
-#include "llrand.h"
-// NOTA BENE: Insert first needs to be < NOT <=
-// Binary depth must be >= 2
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH = 10>
-class LLSkipList
-	typedef BOOL (*compare)(const DATA_TYPE& first, const DATA_TYPE& second);
-	typedef compare insert_func;
-	typedef compare equals_func;
-	void init();
-	// basic constructor
-	LLSkipList();
-	// basic constructor including sorter
-	LLSkipList(insert_func insert_first, equals_func equals);
-	~LLSkipList();
-	inline void setInsertFirst(insert_func insert_first);
-	inline void setEquals(equals_func equals);
-	inline BOOL addData(const DATA_TYPE& data);
-	inline BOOL checkData(const DATA_TYPE& data);
-	// returns number of items in the list
-	inline S32 getLength() const; // NOT a constant time operation, traverses entire list!
-	inline BOOL moveData(const DATA_TYPE& data, LLSkipList *newlist);
-	inline BOOL removeData(const DATA_TYPE& data);
-	// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-	inline void removeAllNodes();
-	// place mCurrentp on first node
-	inline void resetList();
-	// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	inline DATA_TYPE getCurrentData();
-	// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-	inline DATA_TYPE getNextData();
-	// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-	// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-	inline void removeCurrentData();
-	// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	inline DATA_TYPE getFirstData();
-	class LLSkipNode
-	{
-	public:
-		LLSkipNode()
-		:	mData(0)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		LLSkipNode(DATA_TYPE data)
-			: mData(data)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		~LLSkipNode()
-		{
-		}
-		DATA_TYPE					mData;
-		LLSkipNode					*mForward[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	private:
-		// Disallow copying of LLSkipNodes by not implementing these methods.
-		LLSkipNode(const LLSkipNode &);
-		LLSkipNode &operator=(const LLSkipNode &);
-	};
-	static BOOL defaultEquals(const DATA_TYPE& first, const DATA_TYPE& second)
-	{
-		return first == second;
-	}
-	LLSkipNode					mHead;
-	LLSkipNode					*mUpdate[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	LLSkipNode					*mCurrentp;
-	LLSkipNode					*mCurrentOperatingp;
-	S32							mLevel;
-	insert_func mInsertFirst;
-	equals_func mEquals;
-	// Disallow copying of LLSkipNodes by not implementing these methods.
-	LLSkipList(const LLSkipList &);
-	LLSkipList &operator=(const LLSkipList &);
-// Implementation
-// Binary depth must be >= 2
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::init()
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mLevel = 1;
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// basic constructor
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::LLSkipList()
-:	mInsertFirst(NULL), 
-	mEquals(defaultEquals)
-	init();
-// basic constructor including sorter
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::LLSkipList(insert_func insert,
-													   equals_func equals)
-:	mInsertFirst(insert), 
-	mEquals(equals)
-	init();
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::~LLSkipList()
-	removeAllNodes();
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::setInsertFirst(insert_func insert_first)
-	mInsertFirst = insert_first;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::setEquals(equals_func equals)
-	mEquals = equals;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::addData(const DATA_TYPE& data)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (ll_frand() < 0.5f)
-			break;
-	}
-	LLSkipNode *snode = new LLSkipNode(data);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::checkData(const DATA_TYPE& data)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		return mEquals(current->mData, data);
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// returns number of items in the list
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline S32 LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getLength() const
-	U32	length = 0;
-	for (LLSkipNode* temp = *(mHead.mForward); temp != NULL; temp = temp->mForward[0])
-	{
-		length++;
-	}
-	return length;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::moveData(const DATA_TYPE& data, LLSkipList *newlist)
-	BOOL removed = removeData(data);
-	BOOL added = newlist->addData(data);
-	return removed && added;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeData(const DATA_TYPE& data)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mData, data)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mData < data))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (!current)
-	{
-		// empty list or beyond the end!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// is this the one we want?
-	if (!mEquals(current->mData, data))
-	{
-		// nope!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// do we need to fix current or currentop?
-		if (current == mCurrentp)
-		{
-			mCurrentp = current->mForward[0];
-		}
-		if (current == mCurrentOperatingp)
-		{
-			mCurrentOperatingp = current->mForward[0];
-		}
-		// yes it is!  change pointers as required
-		for (level = 0; level < mLevel; level++)
-		{
-			if (mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] != current)
-			{
-				// cool, we've fixed all the pointers!
-				break;
-			}
-			mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = current->mForward[level];
-		}
-		// clean up cuurent
-		delete current;
-		// clean up mHead
-		while (  (mLevel > 1)
-			   &&(!mHead.mForward[mLevel - 1]))
-		{
-			mLevel--;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeAllNodes()
-	LLSkipNode *temp;
-	// reset mCurrentp
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	while (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		temp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		delete mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = temp;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// place mCurrentp on first node
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::resetList()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;		// causes compile warning
-		return (DATA_TYPE)0; 			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getNextData()
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;		// causes compile warning
-		return (DATA_TYPE)0; 			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
-// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		removeData(mCurrentOperatingp->mData);
-	}
-// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE LLSkipList<DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getFirstData()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//return NULL;		// causes compile warning
-		return (DATA_TYPE)0; 			// equivalent, but no warning
-	}
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llskipmap.h b/indra/llcommon/llskipmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed53973baa3..00000000000
--- a/indra/llcommon/llskipmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1020 +0,0 @@
- * @file llskipmap.h
- * @brief Associative container based on the skiplist algorithm.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llerror.h"
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH = 8> 
-class LLSkipMap
-	// basic constructor
-	LLSkipMap();
-	// basic constructor including sorter
-	LLSkipMap(BOOL	(*insert_first)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second), 
-			   BOOL	(*equals)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second));
-	~LLSkipMap();
-	void setInsertFirst(BOOL (*insert_first)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second));
-	void setEquals(BOOL (*equals)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second));
-	DATA_TYPE &addData(const INDEX_TYPE &index, DATA_TYPE datap);
-	DATA_TYPE &addData(const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	DATA_TYPE &getData(const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	DATA_TYPE &operator[](const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	// If index present, returns data.
-	// If index not present, adds <index,NULL> and returns NULL.
-	DATA_TYPE &getData(const INDEX_TYPE &index, BOOL &b_new_entry);
-	// Returns TRUE if data present in map.
-	BOOL checkData(const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	// Returns TRUE if key is present in map. This is useful if you
-	// are potentially storing NULL pointers in the map
-	BOOL checkKey(const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	// If there, returns the data.
-	// If not, returns NULL.
-	// Never adds entries to the map.
-	DATA_TYPE getIfThere(const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	INDEX_TYPE reverseLookup(const DATA_TYPE datap);
-	// returns number of items in the list
-	S32 getLength(); // WARNING!  getLength is O(n), not O(1)!
-	BOOL removeData(const INDEX_TYPE &index);
-	// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-	void removeAllData();
-	// place mCurrentp on first node
-	void resetList();
-	// return the data currently pointed to
-	DATA_TYPE	getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement();
-	// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	DATA_TYPE	getCurrentData();
-	// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-	DATA_TYPE	getNextData();
-	INDEX_TYPE	getNextKey();
-	// return the key currently pointed to
-	INDEX_TYPE	getCurrentKeyWithoutIncrement();
-	// The internal iterator is at the end of the list.
-	BOOL		notDone() const;
-	// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-	// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-	void removeCurrentData();
-	void deleteCurrentData();
-	// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-	DATA_TYPE	getFirstData();
-	INDEX_TYPE	getFirstKey();
-	class LLSkipMapNode
-	{
-	public:
-		LLSkipMapNode()
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-			U8  *zero = (U8 *)&mIndex;
-			for (i = 0; i < (S32)sizeof(INDEX_TYPE); i++)
-			{
-				*(zero + i) = 0;
-			}
-			zero = (U8 *)&mData;
-			for (i = 0; i < (S32)sizeof(DATA_TYPE); i++)
-			{
-				*(zero + i) = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		LLSkipMapNode(const INDEX_TYPE &index)
-		:	mIndex(index)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-			U8 *zero = (U8 *)&mData;
-			for (i = 0; i < (S32)sizeof(DATA_TYPE); i++)
-			{
-				*(zero + i) = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		LLSkipMapNode(const INDEX_TYPE &index, DATA_TYPE datap)
-		:	mIndex(index)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-			{
-				mForward[i] = NULL;
-			}
-			mData = datap;
-		}
-		~LLSkipMapNode()
-		{
-		}
-		INDEX_TYPE					mIndex;
-		DATA_TYPE					mData;
-		LLSkipMapNode				*mForward[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	private:
-		// Disallow copying of LLSkipMapNodes by not implementing these methods.
-		LLSkipMapNode(const LLSkipMapNode &);
-		LLSkipMapNode &operator=(const LLSkipMapNode &rhs);
-	};
-	static BOOL	defaultEquals(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second)
-	{
-		return first == second;
-	}
-	// don't generate implicit copy constructor or copy assignment
-	LLSkipMap(const LLSkipMap &);
-	LLSkipMap &operator=(const LLSkipMap &);
-	LLSkipMapNode				mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode				*mUpdate[BINARY_DEPTH];
-	LLSkipMapNode				*mCurrentp;
-	LLSkipMapNode				*mCurrentOperatingp;
-	S32							mLevel;
-	BOOL						(*mInsertFirst)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second);
-	BOOL						(*mEquals)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second);
-	S32							mNumberOfSteps;
-// LLSkipMap implementation
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	:	mInsertFirst(NULL),
-		mEquals(defaultEquals)
-	llstatic_assert(BINARY_DEPTH >= 2, "Skipmaps must have binary depth of at least 2");
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mLevel = 1;
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::LLSkipMap(BOOL	(*insert_first)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second), 
-			   BOOL	(*equals)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second)) 
-	:	mInsertFirst(insert_first),
-		mEquals(equals)
-	llstatic_assert(BINARY_DEPTH >= 2, "Skipmaps must have binary depth of at least 2");
-	mLevel = 1;
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	removeAllData();
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::setInsertFirst(BOOL (*insert_first)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second))
-	mInsertFirst = insert_first;
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::setEquals(BOOL (*equals)(const INDEX_TYPE &first, const INDEX_TYPE &second))
-	mEquals = equals;
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE &LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::addData(const INDEX_TYPE &index, DATA_TYPE datap)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	// replace the existing data if a node is already there
-	if (  (current)
-		&&(mEquals(current->mIndex, index)))
-	{
-		current->mData = datap;
-		return current->mData;
-	}
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (rand() & 1)
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	LLSkipMapNode *snode = new LLSkipMapNode(index, datap);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return snode->mData;
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (rand() & 1)
-			break;
-	}
-	LLSkipMapNode *snode = new LLSkipMapNode(index);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return snode->mData;
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	if (  (current)
-		&&(mEquals(current->mIndex, index)))
-	{
-		return current->mData;
-	}
-	// now add the new node
-	S32 newlevel;
-	for (newlevel = 1; newlevel <= mLevel && newlevel < BINARY_DEPTH; newlevel++)
-	{
-		if (rand() & 1)
-			break;
-	}
-	LLSkipMapNode *snode = new LLSkipMapNode(index);
-	if (newlevel > mLevel)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[mLevel] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[mLevel] = &mHead;
-		mLevel = newlevel;
-	}
-	for (level = 0; level < newlevel; level++)
-	{
-		snode->mForward[level] = mUpdate[level]->mForward[level];
-		mUpdate[level]->mForward[level] = snode;
-	}
-	return snode->mData;
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE &LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::operator[](const INDEX_TYPE &index)
-	return getData(index);
-// If index present, returns data.
-// If index not present, adds <index,NULL> and returns NULL.
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE &LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getData(const INDEX_TYPE &index, BOOL &b_new_entry)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (  (current)
-		&&(mEquals(current->mIndex, index)))
-	{
-		return current->mData;
-	}
-	b_new_entry = TRUE;
-	addData(index);
-	return current->mData;
-// Returns TRUE if data present in map.
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::checkData(const INDEX_TYPE &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		// Gets rid of some compiler ambiguity for the LLPointer<> templated class.
-		if (current->mData)
-		{
-			return mEquals(current->mIndex, index);
-		}
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// Returns TRUE if key is present in map. This is useful if you
-// are potentially storing NULL pointers in the map
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::checkKey(const INDEX_TYPE &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		return mEquals(current->mIndex, index);
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// If there, returns the data.
-// If not, returns NULL.
-// Never adds entries to the map.
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	mNumberOfSteps = 0;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-				mNumberOfSteps++;
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	mNumberOfSteps++;
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		if (mEquals(current->mIndex, index))
-		{
-			return current->mData;
-		}
-	}
-	// Avoid Linux compiler warning on returning NULL.
-	return DATA_TYPE();
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline INDEX_TYPE LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::reverseLookup(const DATA_TYPE datap)
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	while (current)
-	{
-		if (datap == current->mData)
-		{
-			return current->mIndex;
-		}
-		current = *current->mForward;
-	}
-	// not found! return NULL
-	return INDEX_TYPE();
-// returns number of items in the list
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline S32 LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getLength()
-	U32	length = 0;
-	for (LLSkipMapNode* temp = *(mHead.mForward); temp != NULL; temp = temp->mForward[0])
-	{
-		length++;
-	}
-	return length;
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeData(const INDEX_TYPE &index)
-	S32			level;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*current = &mHead;
-	LLSkipMapNode	*temp;
-	// find the pointer one in front of the one we want
-	if (mInsertFirst)
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(mInsertFirst(temp->mIndex, index)))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (level = mLevel - 1; level >= 0; level--)
-		{
-			temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			while (  (temp)
-				   &&(temp->mIndex < index))
-			{
-				current = temp;
-				temp = *(current->mForward + level);
-			}
-			*(mUpdate + level) = current;
-		}
-	}
-	// we're now just in front of where we want to be . . . take one step forward
-	current = *current->mForward;
-	if (!current)
-	{
-		// empty list or beyond the end!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	// is this the one we want?
-	if (!mEquals(current->mIndex, index))
-	{
-		// nope!
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// do we need to fix current or currentop?
-		if (current == mCurrentp)
-		{
-			mCurrentp = *current->mForward;
-		}
-		if (current == mCurrentOperatingp)
-		{
-			mCurrentOperatingp = *current->mForward;
-		}
-		// yes it is!  change pointers as required
-		for (level = 0; level < mLevel; level++)
-		{
-			if (*((*(mUpdate + level))->mForward + level) != current)
-			{
-				// cool, we've fixed all the pointers!
-				break;
-			}
-			*((*(mUpdate + level))->mForward + level) = *(current->mForward + level);
-		}
-		delete current;
-		// clean up mHead
-		while (  (mLevel > 1)
-			   &&(!*(mHead.mForward + mLevel - 1)))
-		{
-			mLevel--;
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-// remove all nodes from the list but do not delete data
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-void LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeAllData()
-	LLSkipMapNode *temp;
-	// reset mCurrentp
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	while (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		temp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		delete mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = temp;
-	}
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < BINARY_DEPTH; i++)
-	{
-		mHead.mForward[i] = NULL;
-		mUpdate[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// place mCurrentp on first node
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::resetList()
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-// return the data currently pointed to
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline DATA_TYPE LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return DATA_TYPE();
-	}
-// return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Basic types, like int, have default constructors that initialize
-		// them to zero.  g++ 2.95 supports this.  "int()" is zero.
-		// This also is nice for LLUUID()
-		return DATA_TYPE();
-	}
-// same as getCurrentData() but a more intuitive name for the operation
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Basic types, like int, have default constructors that initialize
-		// them to zero.  g++ 2.95 supports this.  "int()" is zero.
-		// This also is nice for LLUUID()
-		return DATA_TYPE();
-	}
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return mHead.mIndex;
-	}
-// return the key currently pointed to
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline INDEX_TYPE LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::getCurrentKeyWithoutIncrement()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// See comment for getNextData()
-		return INDEX_TYPE();
-	}
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline BOOL LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::notDone() const
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-// remove the Node at mCurentOperatingp
-// leave mCurrentp and mCurentOperatingp on the next entry
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::removeCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		removeData(mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex);
-	}
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-inline void LLSkipMap<INDEX_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, BINARY_DEPTH>::deleteCurrentData()
-	if (mCurrentOperatingp)
-	{
-		deleteData(mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex);
-	}
-// reset the list and return the data currently pointed to, set mCurentOperatingp to that node and bump mCurrentp
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mData;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// See comment for getNextData()
-		return DATA_TYPE();
-	}
-template <class INDEX_TYPE, class DATA_TYPE, S32 BINARY_DEPTH>
-	mCurrentp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	mCurrentOperatingp = *(mHead.mForward);
-	if (mCurrentp)
-	{
-		mCurrentOperatingp = mCurrentp;
-		mCurrentp = mCurrentp->mForward[0];
-		return mCurrentOperatingp->mIndex;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return mHead.mIndex;
-	}
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/lluuidhashmap.h b/indra/llcommon/lluuidhashmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e2946700306..00000000000
--- a/indra/llcommon/lluuidhashmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
- * @file lluuidhashmap.h
- * @brief A uuid based hash map.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "stdtypes.h"
-#include "llerror.h"
-#include "lluuid.h"
-// UUID hash map
-	/*
-	LLUUIDHashMap<uuid_pair, 32> foo(test_equals);
-	LLUUIDHashMapIter<uuid_pair, 32> bar(&foo);
-	LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> source_ids;
-	const S32 COUNT = 100000;
-	S32 q;
-	for (q = 0; q < COUNT; q++)
-	{
-		llinfos << "Creating" << llendl;
-		LLUUID id;
-		id.generate();
-		//llinfos << q << ":" << id << llendl;
-		uuid_pair pair;
-		pair.mUUID = id;
-		pair.mValue = q;
-		foo.set(id, pair);
-		source_ids.put(id);
-		//ms_sleep(1);
-	}
-	uuid_pair cur;
-	llinfos << "Iterating" << llendl;
-	for (cur = bar.first(); !bar.done(); cur =
-	{
-		if (source_ids[cur.mValue] != cur.mUUID)
-		{
-			llerrs << "Incorrect value iterated!" << llendl;
-		}
-		//llinfos << cur.mValue << ":" << cur.mUUID << llendl;
-		//ms_sleep(1);
-	}
-	llinfos << "Finding" << llendl;
-	for (q = 0; q < COUNT; q++)
-	{
-		cur = foo.get(source_ids[q]);
-		if (source_ids[cur.mValue] != cur.mUUID)
-		{
-			llerrs << "Incorrect value found!" << llendl;
-		}
-		//llinfos << res.mValue << ":" << res.mUUID << llendl;
-		//ms_sleep(1);
-	}
-	llinfos << "Removing" << llendl;
-	for (q = 0; q < COUNT/2; q++)
-	{
-		if (!foo.remove(source_ids[q]))
-		{
-			llerrs << "Remove failed!" << llendl;
-		}
-		//ms_sleep(1);
-	}
-	llinfos << "Iterating" << llendl;
-	for (cur = bar.first(); !bar.done(); cur =
-	{
-		if (source_ids[cur.mValue] != cur.mUUID)
-		{
-			llerrs << "Incorrect value found!" << llendl;
-		}
-		//llinfos << cur.mValue << ":" << cur.mUUID << llendl;
-		//ms_sleep(1);
-	}
-	llinfos << "Done with UUID map test" << llendl;
-	return 0;
-	*/
-// LLUUIDHashNode
-template <class DATA, int SIZE>
-class LLUUIDHashNode
-	LLUUIDHashNode();
-	S32 mCount;
-	U8	mKey[SIZE];
-	DATA mData[SIZE];
-	LLUUIDHashNode<DATA, SIZE> *mNextNodep;
-// LLUUIDHashNode implementation
-template <class DATA, int SIZE>
-	mCount = 0;
-	mNextNodep = NULL;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-class LLUUIDHashMap
-	// basic constructor including sorter
-	LLUUIDHashMap(BOOL (*equals)(const LLUUID &uuid, const DATA_TYPE &data),
-				  const DATA_TYPE &null_data);
-	~LLUUIDHashMap();
-	inline DATA_TYPE &get(const LLUUID &uuid);
-	inline BOOL check(const LLUUID &uuid) const;
-	inline DATA_TYPE &set(const LLUUID &uuid, const DATA_TYPE &type);
-	inline BOOL remove(const LLUUID &uuid);
-	void removeAll();
-	inline S32 getLength() const; // Warning, NOT O(1!)
-	BOOL (*mEquals)(const LLUUID &uuid, const DATA_TYPE &data);
-	LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> mNodes[256];
-	S32 mIterCount;
-	DATA_TYPE mNull;
-// LLUUIDHashMap implementation
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::LLUUIDHashMap(BOOL (*equals)(const LLUUID &uuid, const DATA_TYPE &data),
-											  const DATA_TYPE &null_data)
-:	mEquals(equals),
-	mIterCount(0),
-	mNull(null_data)
-{ }
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-	removeAll();
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-void LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::removeAll()
-	S32 bin;
-	for (bin = 0; bin < 256; bin++)
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>* nodep = &mNodes[bin];
-		BOOL first = TRUE;
-		while (nodep)
-		{
-			S32 i;
-			const S32 count = nodep->mCount;
-			// Iterate through all members of this node
-			for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-			{
-				nodep->mData[i] = mNull;
-			}
-			nodep->mCount = 0;
-			// Done with all objects in this node, go to the next.
-			LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>* curp = nodep;
-			nodep = nodep->mNextNodep;
-			// Delete the node if it's not the first node
-			if (first)
-			{
-				first = FALSE;
-				curp->mNextNodep = NULL;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				delete curp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline S32 LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::getLength() const
-	S32 count = 0;
-	S32 bin;
-	for (bin = 0; bin < 256; bin++)
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>* nodep = (LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>*) &mNodes[bin];
-		while (nodep)
-		{
-			count += nodep->mCount;
-			nodep = nodep->mNextNodep;
-		}
-	}
-	return count;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline DATA_TYPE &LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::get(const LLUUID &uuid)
-	LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>* nodep = &mNodes[uuid.mData[0]];
-	// Grab the second byte of the UUID, which is the key for the node data
-	const S32 second_byte = uuid.mData[1];
-	while (nodep)
-	{
-		S32 i;
-		const S32 count = nodep->mCount;
-		// Iterate through all members of this node
-		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-		{
-			if ((nodep->mKey[i] == second_byte) && mEquals(uuid, nodep->mData[i]))
-			{
-				// The second byte matched, and our equality test passed.
-				// We found it.
-				return nodep->mData[i];
-			}
-		}
-		// Done with all objects in this node, go to the next.
-		nodep = nodep->mNextNodep;
-	}
-	return mNull;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline BOOL LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::check(const LLUUID &uuid) const
-	const LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>* nodep = &mNodes[uuid.mData[0]];
-	// Grab the second byte of the UUID, which is the key for the node data
-	const S32 second_byte = uuid.mData[1];
-	while (nodep)
-	{
-		S32 i;
-		const S32 count = nodep->mCount;
-		// Iterate through all members of this node
-		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-		{
-			if ((nodep->mKey[i] == second_byte) && mEquals(uuid, nodep->mData[i]))
-			{
-				// The second byte matched, and our equality test passed.
-				// We found it.
-				return TRUE;
-			}
-		}
-		// Done with all objects in this node, go to the next.
-		nodep = nodep->mNextNodep;
-	}
-	// Didn't find anything
-	return FALSE;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline DATA_TYPE &LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::set(const LLUUID &uuid, const DATA_TYPE &data)
-	// Set is just like a normal find, except that if we find a match
-	// we replace it with the input value.
-	// If we don't find a match, we append to the end of the list.
-	LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>* nodep = &mNodes[uuid.mData[0]];
-	const S32 second_byte = uuid.mData[1];
-	while (1)
-	{
-		const S32 count = nodep->mCount;
-		S32 i;
-		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-		{
-			if ((nodep->mKey[i] == second_byte) && mEquals(uuid, nodep->mData[i]))
-			{
-				// We found a match for this key, replace the data with
-				// the incoming data.
-				nodep->mData[i] = data;
-				return nodep->mData[i];
-			}
-		}
-		if (!nodep->mNextNodep)
-		{
-			// We've iterated through all of the keys without finding a match
-			if (i < SIZE)
-			{
-				// There's still some space on this node, append
-				// the key and data to it.
-				nodep->mKey[i] = second_byte;
-				nodep->mData[i] = data;
-				nodep->mCount++;
-				return nodep->mData[i];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// This node is full, append a new node to the end.
-				nodep->mNextNodep = new LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>;
-				nodep->mNextNodep->mKey[0] = second_byte;
-				nodep->mNextNodep->mData[0] = data;
-				nodep->mNextNodep->mCount = 1;
-				return nodep->mNextNodep->mData[0];
-			}
-		}
-		// No match on this node, go to the next
-		nodep = nodep->mNextNodep;
-	}
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline BOOL LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::remove(const LLUUID &uuid)
-	if (mIterCount)
-	{
-		// We don't allow remove when we're iterating, it's bad karma!
-		llerrs << "Attempted remove while an outstanding iterator in LLUUIDHashMap!" << llendl;
-	}
-	// Remove is the trickiest operation.
-	// What we want to do is swap the last element of the last
-	// node if we find the one that we want to remove, but we have
-	// to deal with deleting the node from the tail if it's empty, but
-	// NOT if it's the only node left.
-	LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> *nodep = &mNodes[uuid.mData[0]];
-	// Not empty, we need to search through the nodes
-	const S32 second_byte = uuid.mData[1];
-	// A modification of the standard search algorithm.
-	while (nodep)
-	{
-		const S32 count = nodep->mCount;
-		S32 i;
-		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-		{
-			if ((nodep->mKey[i] == second_byte) && mEquals(uuid, nodep->mData[i]))
-			{
-				// We found the node that we want to remove.
-				// Find the last (and next-to-last) node, and the index of the last
-				// element.  We could conceviably start from the node we're on,
-				// but that makes it more complicated, this is easier.
-				LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> *prevp = &mNodes[uuid.mData[0]];
-				LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> *lastp = prevp;
-				// Find the last and next-to-last
-				while (lastp->mNextNodep)
-				{
-					prevp = lastp;
-					lastp = lastp->mNextNodep;
-				}
-				// First, swap in the last to the current location.
-				nodep->mKey[i] = lastp->mKey[lastp->mCount - 1];
-				nodep->mData[i] = lastp->mData[lastp->mCount - 1];
-				// Now, we delete the entry
-				lastp->mCount--;
-				lastp->mData[lastp->mCount] = mNull;
-				if (!lastp->mCount)
-				{
-					// We deleted the last element!
-					if (lastp != &mNodes[uuid.mData[0]])
-					{
-						// Only blitz the node if it's not the head
-						// Set the previous node to point to NULL, then
-						// blitz the empty last node
-						prevp->mNextNodep = NULL;
-						delete lastp;
-					}
-				}
-				return TRUE;
-			}
-		}
-		// Iterate to the next node, we've scanned all the entries in this one.
-		nodep = nodep->mNextNodep;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-// LLUUIDHashMapIter
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-class LLUUIDHashMapIter
-	LLUUIDHashMapIter(LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> *hash_mapp);
-	~LLUUIDHashMapIter();
-	inline void reset();
-	inline void first();
-	inline void next();
-	inline BOOL done() const;
-	DATA_TYPE& operator*() const
-	{
-		return mCurHashNodep->mData[mCurHashNodeKey];
-	}
-	DATA_TYPE* operator->() const
-	{
-		return &(operator*());
-	}
-	LLUUIDHashMap<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> *mHashMapp;
-	LLUUIDHashNode<DATA_TYPE, SIZE> *mCurHashNodep;
-	S32 mCurHashMapNodeNum;
-	S32 mCurHashNodeKey;
-	DATA_TYPE mNull;
-// LLUUIDHashMapIter Implementation
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-	mHashMapp = hash_mapp;
-	mCurHashNodep = NULL;
-	mCurHashMapNodeNum = 0;
-	mCurHashNodeKey = 0;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-	reset();
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline void LLUUIDHashMapIter<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::reset()
-	if (mCurHashNodep)
-	{
-		// We're partway through an iteration, we can clean up now
-		mHashMapp->mIterCount--;
-		mCurHashNodep = NULL;
-	}
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline void LLUUIDHashMapIter<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::first()
-	// Iterate through until we find the first non-empty node;
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-	{
-		if (mHashMapp->mNodes[i].mCount)
-		{
-			if (!mCurHashNodep)
-			{
-				// Increment, since it's no longer safe for us to do a remove
-				mHashMapp->mIterCount++;
-			}
-			mCurHashNodep = &mHashMapp->mNodes[i];
-			mCurHashMapNodeNum = i;
-			mCurHashNodeKey = 0;
-			//return mCurHashNodep->mData[0];
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	// Completely empty!
-	mCurHashNodep = NULL;
-	//return mNull;
-	return;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline BOOL LLUUIDHashMapIter<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::done() const
-	return mCurHashNodep ? FALSE : TRUE;
-template <class DATA_TYPE, int SIZE>
-inline void LLUUIDHashMapIter<DATA_TYPE, SIZE>::next()
-	// No current entry, this iterator is done
-	if (!mCurHashNodep)
-	{
-		//return mNull;
-		return;
-	}
-	// Go to the next element
-	mCurHashNodeKey++;
-	if (mCurHashNodeKey < mCurHashNodep->mCount)
-	{
-		// We're not done with this node, return the current element
-		//return mCurHashNodep->mData[mCurHashNodeKey];
-		return;
-	}
-	// Done with this node, move to the next
-	mCurHashNodep = mCurHashNodep->mNextNodep;
-	if (mCurHashNodep)
-	{
-		// Return the first element
-		mCurHashNodeKey = 0;
-		//return mCurHashNodep->mData[0];
-		return;
-	}
-	// Find the next non-empty node (keyed on the first byte)
-	mCurHashMapNodeNum++;
-	S32 i;
-	for (i = mCurHashMapNodeNum; i < 256; i++)
-	{
-		if (mHashMapp->mNodes[i].mCount)
-		{
-			// We found one that wasn't empty
-			mCurHashNodep = &mHashMapp->mNodes[i];
-			mCurHashMapNodeNum = i;
-			mCurHashNodeKey = 0;
-			//return mCurHashNodep->mData[0];
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	// OK, we're done, nothing else to iterate
-	mCurHashNodep = NULL;
-	mHashMapp->mIterCount--; // Decrement since we're safe to do removes now
-	//return mNull;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerprecompiledheaders.h b/indra/newview/llviewerprecompiledheaders.h
index 0316f799734..cafe28356dc 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerprecompiledheaders.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerprecompiledheaders.h
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
 #include "llsys.h"
 #include "llthread.h"
 #include "lltimer.h"
-#include "lluuidhashmap.h"
 #include "stdenums.h"
 #include "stdtypes.h"
 #include "timing.h"
diff --git a/indra/test/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 816f1d7175e..271b7fe6470 100644
--- a/indra/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ set(test_SOURCE_FILES
-    lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp
diff --git a/indra/test/lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp b/indra/test/lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9712a613f43..00000000000
--- a/indra/test/lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
- * @file lluuidhashmap_tut.cpp
- * @author Adroit
- * @date 2007-02
- * @brief Test cases for LLUUIDHashMap
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <tut/tut.hpp>
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "lluuidhashmap.h"
-#include "llsdserialize.h"
-#include "lldir.h"
-#include "stringize.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-namespace tut
-	class UUIDTableEntry
-	{
-	public:
-		UUIDTableEntry()
-		{
-			mID.setNull();
-			mValue = 0;
-		}
-		UUIDTableEntry(const LLUUID& id, U32 value)
-		{
-			mID = id;
-			mValue = value;
-		}
-		~UUIDTableEntry(){};
-		static BOOL uuidEq(const LLUUID &uuid, const UUIDTableEntry &id_pair)
-		{
-			if (uuid == id_pair.mID)
-			{
-				return TRUE;
-			}
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		const LLUUID& getID() { return mID; }
-		const U32& getValue() { return mValue; }
-	protected:
-		U32  mValue;
-	};
-	struct hashmap_test
-	{
-	};
-	typedef test_group<hashmap_test> hash_index_t;
-	typedef hash_index_t::object hash_index_object_t;
-	tut::hash_index_t tut_hash_index("hashmap_test");
-	// stress test
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<1>()
-	{
-		set_test_name("stress test");
-		// As of 2012-10-10, I (nat) have observed sporadic failures of this
-		// test: "set/get did not work." The trouble is that since test data
-		// are randomly generated with every run, it is impossible to debug a
-		// test failure. One is left with the uneasy suspicion that
-		// LLUUID::generate() can sometimes produce duplicates even within the
-		// moderately small number requested here. Since rerunning the test
-		// generally allows it to pass, it's too easy to shrug and forget it.
-		// The following code is intended to support reproducing such test
-		// failures. The idea is that, on test failure, we save the generated
-		// data to a canonical filename in a temp directory. Then on every
-		// subsequent run, we check for that filename. If it exists, we reload
-		// that specific data rather than generating fresh data -- which
-		// should presumably reproduce the same test failure. But we inform
-		// the user that to resume normal (random) test runs, s/he need only
-		// delete that file. And since it's in a temp directory, sooner or
-		// later the system will clean it up anyway.
-		const char* tempvar = "TEMP";
-		const char* tempdir = getenv(tempvar); // Windows convention
-		if (! tempdir)
-		{
-			tempvar = "TMPDIR";
-			tempdir = getenv(tempvar); // Mac convention
-		}
-		if (! tempdir)
-		{
-			// reset tempvar to the first var we check; it's just a
-			// recommendation
-			tempvar = "TEMP";
-			tempdir = "/tmp";		// Posix in general
-		}
-		std::string savefile(gDirUtilp->add(tempdir, ""));
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 32*256*32;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList;
-		if ((! getenv("TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME")) && gDirUtilp->fileExists(savefile))
-		{
-			// This is not a TeamCity build, and we have saved data from a
-			// previous failed run. Reload that data.
-			std::ifstream inf(savefile.c_str());
-			if (! inf.is_open())
-			{
-				fail(STRINGIZE("Although save file '" << savefile << "' exists, it cannot be opened"));
-			}
-			std::string item;
-			while (std::getline(inf, item))
-			{
-				idList.push_back(LLUUID(item));
-			}
-			std::cout << "Reloaded " << idList.size() << " items from '" << savefile << "'";
-			if (idList.size() != numElementsToCheck)
-			{
-				std::cout << " (expected " << numElementsToCheck << ")";
-			}
-			std::cout << " -- delete this file to generate new data" << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// This is a TeamCity build, or (normal case) savefile does not
-			// exist: regenerate idList from scratch.
-			for (int i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; ++i)
-			{
-				LLUUID id;
-				id.generate();
-				idList.push_back(id);
-			}
-		}
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 32>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < idList.size(); ++i)
-		{
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(idList[i], i);
-			hashTable.set(idList[i], entry);
-		}
-		try
-		{
-			for (i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++)
-			{
-				LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-				UUIDTableEntry entryToCheck = hashTable.get(idToCheck);
-				ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("set/get ID (entry " << i << ")").c_str(),
-							  entryToCheck.getID(), idToCheck);
-				ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("set/get value (ID " << idToCheck << ")").c_str(),
-							  entryToCheck.getValue(), (size_t)i);
-			}
-			for (i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++)
-			{
-				LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-				if (i % 2 != 0)
-				{
-					hashTable.remove(idToCheck);
-				}
-			}
-			for (i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++)
-			{
-				LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-				ensure("remove or check did not work", (i % 2 == 0 && hashTable.check(idToCheck)) || (i % 2 != 0 && !hashTable.check(idToCheck)));
-			}
-		}
-		catch (const failure&)
-		{
-			// One of the above tests failed. Try to save idList to repro with
-			// a later run.
-			std::ofstream outf(savefile.c_str());
-			if (! outf.is_open())
-			{
-				// Sigh, don't use fail() here because we want to preserve
-				// the original test failure.
-				std::cout << "Cannot open file '" << savefile
-						  << "' to save data -- check and fix " << tempvar << std::endl;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// outf.is_open()
-				for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); ++i)
-				{
-					outf << idList[i] << std::endl;
-				}
-				std::cout << "Saved " << idList.size() << " entries to '" << savefile
-						  << "' -- rerun test to debug with these" << std::endl;
-			}
-			// re-raise the same exception -- we WANT this test failure to
-			// be reported! We just needed to save the data on the way out.
-			throw;
-		}
-	}
-	// test removing all but one element. 
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<2>()
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 2>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 5;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList(numElementsToCheck*10);
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id;
-			id.generate();
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-			idList[i] = id;
-		}
-		ensure("getLength failed", hashTable.getLength() == numElementsToCheck);
-		// remove all but the last element
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck-1; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-			hashTable.remove(idToCheck);
-		}
-		// there should only be one element left now.
-		ensure("getLength failed", hashTable.getLength() == 1);
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-			if (i != numElementsToCheck - 1)
-			{
-				ensure("remove did not work", hashTable.check(idToCheck)  == FALSE);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				UUIDTableEntry entryToCheck = hashTable.get(idToCheck);
-				ensure("remove did not work", entryToCheck.getID() == idToCheck && entryToCheck.getValue() == (size_t)i);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// test overriding of value already set. 
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<3>()
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 5>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 10;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList(numElementsToCheck);
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id;
-			id.generate();
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-			idList[i] = id;
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id = idList[i];
-			// set new entry with value = i+numElementsToCheck
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i+numElementsToCheck);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-			UUIDTableEntry entryToCheck = hashTable.get(idToCheck);
-			ensure("set/get did not work", entryToCheck.getID() == idToCheck && entryToCheck.getValue() == (size_t)(i+numElementsToCheck));
-		}
-	}
-	// test removeAll() 
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<4>()
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 5>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 10;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList(numElementsToCheck);
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id;
-			id.generate();
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-			idList[i] = id;
-		}
-		hashTable.removeAll();
-		ensure("removeAll failed", hashTable.getLength() == 0);
-	}
-	// test sparse map - force it by creating 256 entries that fall into 256 different nodes 
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<5>()
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 2>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 256;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList(numElementsToCheck);
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id;
-			id.generate();
-			// LLUUIDHashMap uses mData[0] to pick the bucket
-			// overwrite mData[0] so that it ranges from 0 to 255
-			id.mData[0] = i; 
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-			idList[i] = id;
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-			UUIDTableEntry entryToCheck = hashTable.get(idToCheck);
-			ensure("set/get did not work for sparse map", entryToCheck.getID() == idToCheck && entryToCheck.getValue() == (size_t)i);
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-			if (i % 2 != 0)
-			{
-				hashTable.remove(idToCheck);
-			}
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID idToCheck = idList[i];
-			ensure("remove or check did not work for sparse map", (i % 2 == 0 && hashTable.check(idToCheck)) || (i % 2 != 0 && !hashTable.check(idToCheck)));
-		}
-	}
-	// iterator
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<6>()
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 2>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		LLUUIDHashMapIter<UUIDTableEntry, 2> hashIter(&hashTable);
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 256;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList(numElementsToCheck);
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id;
-			id.generate();
-			// LLUUIDHashMap uses mData[0] to pick the bucket
-			// overwrite mData[0] so that it ranges from 0 to 255
-			// to create a sparse map
-			id.mData[0] = i; 
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-			idList[i] = id;
-		}
-		hashIter.first();
-		int numElementsIterated = 0;
-		while(!hashIter.done())
-		{
-			numElementsIterated++;
-			UUIDTableEntry tableEntry = *hashIter;
-			LLUUID id = tableEntry.getID();
-			ensure("Iteration failed for sparse map", tableEntry.getValue() < (size_t)numElementsToCheck && idList[tableEntry.getValue()] ==  tableEntry.getID());
-		}
-		ensure("iteration count failed", numElementsIterated == numElementsToCheck);
-	}
-	// remove after middle of iteration
-	template<> template<>
-	void hash_index_object_t::test<7>()
-	{
-		LLUUIDHashMap<UUIDTableEntry, 2>	hashTable(UUIDTableEntry::uuidEq, UUIDTableEntry());
-		LLUUIDHashMapIter<UUIDTableEntry, 2> hashIter(&hashTable);
-		const int numElementsToCheck = 256;
-		std::vector<LLUUID> idList(numElementsToCheck);
-		int i;
-		LLUUID uuidtoSearch;
-		for (i = 0; i < numElementsToCheck; i++)
-		{
-			LLUUID id;
-			id.generate();
-			// LLUUIDHashMap uses mData[0] to pick the bucket
-			// overwrite mData[0] so that it ranges from 0 to 255
-			// to create a sparse map
-			id.mData[0] = i; 
-			UUIDTableEntry entry(id, i);
-			hashTable.set(id, entry);
-			idList[i] = id;
-			// pick uuid somewhere in the middle
-			if (i == 5)
-			{
-				uuidtoSearch = id;
-			}
-		}
-		hashIter.first();
-		int numElementsIterated = 0;
-		while(!hashIter.done())
-		{
-			numElementsIterated++;
-			UUIDTableEntry tableEntry = *hashIter;
-			LLUUID id = tableEntry.getID();
-			if (uuidtoSearch == id)
-			{
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		// current iterator implementation will not allow any remove operations
-		// until ALL elements have been iterated over. this seems to be 
-		// an unnecessary restriction. Iterator should have a method to
-		// reset() its state so that further operations (inckuding remove)
-		// can be performed on the HashMap without having to iterate thru 
-		// all the remaining nodes. 
-//		 hashIter.reset();
-//		 hashTable.remove(uuidtoSearch);
-//		 ensure("remove after iteration reset failed", hashTable.check(uuidtoSearch) == FALSE);
-	}