@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ VIEWERNAME="@VIEWER_CHANNEL_BASE@" #This should be the viewer's canonical base n
CHANNELNAME="@VIEWER_CHANNEL_TYPE@ @VIEWER_PROJECT_CODENAME@"#Use cmake to autofill the channel type (alpha, beta, release), and any project codename.
CHANNELNOBREAK=$(echo$CHANNELNAME | tr" ""-")#Store a version of the channel name without any spaces to prevent breakage with some functions. Not filled by cmake to ensure consistency in it's output.
RUN_PATH="$(dirname"${SCRIPTSRC}"||echo .)"
install_prefix=$(builtin cd"${RUN_PATH}/.."||exit;pwd)#This is a cleaner way of getting the absolute path for the install directory.
Comment=Client for the Online Virtual World, Second Life
@@ -55,9 +57,9 @@ desktopfile
# NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THE "GenericName" FIELD - ONLY CHANGE THE "Name" FIELD. (This is to ensure that searching "Second Life" will show all the viewers installed in a user's system, regardless of their canonical name.)
#NOTE: Above command takes the path to the icon to install && The name of the icon to be used by XDG. This should always be in the format of "x-Viewer" to avoid potential naming conflicts, as per XDG spec.