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    Export of internal Abseil changes · 33caf109
    Abseil Team authored
    7d0468a6610ed85586d5c87fd65de8dac5118923 by Derek Mauro <>:
    Import of CCTZ from GitHub.
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 313226473
    1131ef6d116f5ce7d46537a82f300ea06dcaaa53 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:
    Migrate internal interface to use mutable references.
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 312931131
    96225212a9f5fbd0b38c71fe65539164992c7c3b by Laramie Leavitt <>:
    Remove random/internal/distributions.h
    This file was something of an historical artifact. All of the related
    code has either been removed or migraged, and so the only remaining type
    belongs with uniform_helper.h, as it is used to infer the return type
    of the absl::Uniform method in a few cases.
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 312878173
    6dcbd5be58ad425e08740ff64088373ee7fe4a72 by Mark Barolak <>:
    Release the StrFormat test case for Cords to open source.
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 312707974
    34484d18dfb63a0a7ad6e2aaeb570e33592968be by Abseil Team <>:
    Let Cord::Cord(string&&), Cord::operator=(string&&),
    Cord::Append(string&&), and Cord::Prepend(string&&) steal string data
    and embed it into the Cord as a single external chunk, instead of
    copying it into flat chunks (at most 4083-byte each).
    Stealing string data is faster, but it creates a long chunk, which leads
    to a higher more memory usage if its subcords are created and outlive
    the whole Cord.
    These functions revert to copying the data if any of the following
    conditions holds:
    - string size is at most kMaxBytesToCopy (511), to avoid the overhead
      of an external chunk for short strings;
    - less than half of string capacity is used, to avoid pinning to much
      unused memory.
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 312683785
    GitOrigin-RevId: 7d0468a6610ed85586d5c87fd65de8dac5118923
    Change-Id: If79b5a1dfe6d53a8ddddbc7da84338f11fc4cfa3