- May 22, 2023
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Handling of disabled tabs and switching out to enabled tabs. Changed: Animation Creator window layout. Changed: Make changing rotations/position of a bone automatically add a keyframe if we do not have one selected already. Changed: Made Automatic Duration automatically refresh the duration slider. Changed: Made Automatic Duration automatically set the Loop Out time to the duration of the animation. Changed: Disabled Scaling on skeleton bones, they are ignored on upload. Changed: Switched all timings in keyframes to frames instead of seconds and automatically convert it to seconds internally. Added: Several descriptive texts to the animation main options to give hints what they do. Added: Option to add multisliders to scrolllists which can have keyframes added/removed. Added: Some logging to animation exporting. Added: Extra crash protection against bad animation imports and faulty pointers. Fixed: Mirror Changes does not work for the pose creator, it will now automatically create a keyframe. Fixed: (POTENTIAL) Animations getting corrupted under unknown circumstances. Fixed: Ease In and Ease Out reverting back to the original in-file values on upload. Fixed: Double-creation of the first keyframe in Position and Scale keyframes.
- Apr 18, 2023
NiranV authored
Added: Puck Softpaw as Patreon patron.
- Apr 12, 2023
NiranV authored
Added: First full keyframe animation editor window allowing to add, remove and edit keyframes for bones. Added: Option to change keyframe time and interpoltion method for the selected bone. Added: Option to preview the current WIP animation temporarily. Added: Multi/Mass add keyframe option. Changed: Make pose creation animation eternal so it does not get deactivated. Changed: Allow animation/pose import to import entire animations with all keyframes. Changed: By default do not add any keyframes to any bones, let the user choose which bones to include. Changed: Moved animation creation into its own window. Fixed: Sorting of bones in Poser shouldn't be possible. Fixed: Right click menu on Pose loading list. Removed: Pose animator features from Poser.
NiranV authored
Added: Muraverse Online as Patreon patron. Added: NH's Marketplace and inworld store link Added: Tamara S as Patreon patron. Changed: Sandisha to Sandy Burgess as requested.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: Tiny mouse movements no longer being correctly recognized when panning/zooming/rotating the camera.
NiranV authored
Fixed: Attached lights not properly reflecting on the water surface. Undo the attachment light fix, attached lights no longer seem to cause large light reflections on water.
- Mar 12, 2023
- Mar 10, 2023
NiranV authored
Changed: Allow animation export function to overwrite already existing files. Changed: Animation export to write animation files into AppData\Roaming\BlackDragon\user_settings\animations. Changed: XML export formatting to be properly and correctly formatted as expected, includes backwards compatibility. Changed: Make .ANIM upload use the .BVH upload window to allow for proper preview and customization before upload. Added: New feature to mirror a selected bones rotation. Added: New feature to symmetrize a bone (copy and mirror from the other side). Added: New feature to copy and paste rotations, positions and scales from one bone to another. Added: New feature to switch to a "Create-A-Pose" mode allowing to create and export poses. Added: New feature to allow exporting created poses to be exported as .ANIM files to be uploaded to Second Life. Added: New right-click menu to the bone list to access all kinds of options such as loading transformations, toggling bones and mirroring/symmetrizing bones. Added: New feature to allow importing .ANIM files into the Poser to be edited. Added: Notifications to the Poser to notify the user of sucessful pose exports and where they go. Added: Controls to set animation export parameters such as ease in/out, hand pose and priority for uploads outside of Black Dragon.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Permission icons in "Second Life" profile window tab to match the "People" window permissions.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: (Again) Environment settings picker window not showing any settings in the filtered inventory view.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
- Feb 12, 2023
NiranV authored
Added: NH as Patreon patron. Added: Vaimee as Patreon patron. Added: 聚力阿 Джулия 寿梨亜于日丫處釐雅ジュリア Julia as Patreon patron.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: Trying to click "Copy SLURL" in World map can result in clicking invisible spinner arrows when clicking too far right.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: Alpha Mask Cutoff in Build - Texture no longer showing.
- Feb 01, 2023