- Aug 09, 2020
- Aug 06, 2020
NiranV authored
Changed: As per suggestion, make Edit floater color pickers use the alpha overlay to reduce confusion of the current color.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Buttons to open the cache, log and chatlog folders directly to make navigating and retrieving logs from users easier. Added: Button to delete all Viewer logs. Changed: Moved Chat log location from Privacy to Viewer tab.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Ability to override clamping to increments in sliders, allowing to input any value inbetween increments into the text field.
- Aug 05, 2020
- Jul 16, 2020
- Jul 07, 2020
- Jul 06, 2020
- Jul 04, 2020
- Jul 03, 2020
NiranV authored
- Jun 30, 2020
NiranV authored
- Jun 28, 2020
NiranV authored
- Jun 26, 2020
NiranV authored
Changed: Ddisable Sky Preset dropdown when we switch to Day Cycles. Changed: Applied Sun/Moon Angle label changes to Fixed Environment editors. Fixed: Presets potentially getting saved as Name.xml.xml under certain conditions. Fixed: Use Day Cycle option and made it properly apply a Day Cycle on switch (preferably the selected one). Fixed: Use Region Default button and properly made it apply the region Day Cycle or the currently selected Sky Preset if toggling it off. Fixed: Preset dropdowns in Environment Settings don't remember which preset is currently selected. Fixed: Crash when opening Day Cycle editor.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Relabel Moon Position to Moon Angle to clarify that this is the same as Sun Angle just for the moon.
- Jun 24, 2020
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: Maximum shadow resolution to 8K up from 6K and updated their tooltips. Fixed: Several windlight options falsely disabling when Deferred is turned off.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Goldeelox Littlepaws as Patreon Patron. Added: Holger Gilruth as Patreon Patron. Added: Jay as Patreon Patron. Added: Martin Yeats as Patreon Patron. Added Nitska Bastet as Patreon Patron. Added: Samantha marie as Patreon Patron. Added: Naomii Amore as Patreon Patron. Added: Tha H as Patreon Patron. Changed: Holter Rez Patreon amount.
NiranV authored
Changed: Use Fixed Environment instead of separate Edit Sky/Water windows to circumvent a random crash. Changed: Relabeled Sun Position to Sun Angle to make it clearer that Position is the same option as Angle from pre-EEP.
NiranV authored
- May 28, 2020
Andrey Kleshchev authored
Andrey Kleshchev authored