- Aug 09, 2020
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Headers for the viewer location inputs.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: First attempt at a timeline feature for animations. Allows fast forwarding and reversing animations to any given point in time.
NiranV authored
- Aug 06, 2020
NiranV authored
Fixed: Reverted water reflection generation back to pre-EEP to fix reflection clipping issues, camera rotation issues and several other smaller issues.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Changed: As per suggestion, make Edit floater color pickers use the alpha overlay to reduce confusion of the current color.
NiranV authored
Changed: Improved alpha overlay for color pickers to make it better visible across all shapes of color pickers.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Buttons to open the cache, log and chatlog folders directly to make navigating and retrieving logs from users easier. Added: Button to delete all Viewer logs. Changed: Moved Chat log location from Privacy to Viewer tab.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Fixed: Saving presets with the same name as default presets saves the unmodified default preset instead. Fixed: Loading presets named exactly like default presets loads the original default preset instead of the user created one.
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
NiranV authored
Added: Ability to override clamping to increments in sliders, allowing to input any value inbetween increments into the text field.
- Aug 05, 2020
- Jul 16, 2020
- Jul 07, 2020
- Jul 06, 2020
NiranV authored
Fixed: Inventory presets not being displayed in the preset dropdowns anymore in Environment Settings.
NiranV authored
Fixed: Fixed Environment not refreshing when loading an inventory asset after changing and editing a local preset. Fixed: Name of preset not being displayed when opening the Fixed Environment window.
NiranV authored
Fixed: RLVa behaving wonky at times when controlling the RLVa preset. Fixed: RLVa crashing the Viewer when releasing control of the camera.
NiranV authored