- Feb 29, 2020
Rye Mutt authored
Convert RlvHandler to an LLSingleton for proper shutdown ordering, and shutdown RlvHandler before textures are destroyed to fix crash.
- Dec 12, 2019
Rye Mutt authored
default many constructors and destructors
- Jun 24, 2016
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- Apr 10, 2016
Kitty Barnett authored
-> @accepttprequest will auto-accept all incoming teleport requests (allows exceptions - see @accepttp) -> @allowidle (stays experimental - subject to change) -> @getcommand:<filter> can be used to discover which commands are part of the user's RLVa implementation (with user-defined separator) -> @findfolders:<filter> works like @findfolder but will return all matches (with user-defined separator) -> @getdebug:<setting> can be used to query (but not set) the "RestrainedLoveforbidGiveToRLV", "RestrainedLoveNoSetEnv" and "WindLightUseAtmosShaders" debug settings -> @interact will block world interaction but allows drag-drop, the camera tool, mouse steering and access to the "self" context menu -> @sharedwear is the counterpart of @unsharedwear and wear locks the shared #RLV folder -> @sharedunwear is the counterpart of @unsharedunwear and remove locks the shared #RLV folder -> @touchhud will prevent the user from touching/clicking on their HUD attachments (allows exceptions) -> @tprequest will prevent the user from requesting teleports (allows exceptions - see @tplure) -> force wear commands will activate/deactivate gestures as well -> force wear commands will collect from folder links as well -> [FIXED] Location on incoming teleport requests isn't censored when @showloc restricted -> [FIXED] Message on outgoing teleport offers isn't censored when @startim restricted -> [FIXED] Message on outgoing teleport requests isn't censored when @sendim or @startim restricted --HG-- branch : RLVa
- Jun 25, 2015
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- Apr 28, 2012
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- Nov 17, 2011
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- Sep 04, 2011
Kitty Barnett authored
- fixed : @setenv_preset:<name>=force and @setenv_daycycle:<name>=force don't change the current sky preset or day cycle --HG-- branch : RLVa
- Aug 29, 2011
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- May 22, 2011
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- May 21, 2011
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa
- Dec 08, 2010
Kitty Barnett authored
-> repro: execute a @setdebug_XXX/setenv_XXX:<option>=force command while another object already holds the @setdebug/setenv restriction -> eRet would remain at RLV_RET_UNKNOWN and trigger the "(fContinue) || (eRet != RLV_RET_UNKNOWN)" assertion --HG-- branch : RLVa
- Aug 30, 2010
Kitty Barnett authored
- internal : the issuing object's UUID is stored in the RlvCommand so it no longer needs to be passed around as a separate parameter --HG-- branch : RLVa
- Aug 28, 2010
Kitty Barnett authored
- internal : moved several rlvXXX helper and RlvHandler member functions into an RlvUtil helper class --HG-- branch : RLVa
- Aug 22, 2010
Kitty Barnett authored
--HG-- branch : RLVa