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 * @file lluri.cpp
 * @author Phoenix
 * @date 2006-02-08
 * @brief Implementation of the LLURI class.
 * Copyright (c) 2006-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
 * $License$

#include "linden_common.h"
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#include "lluri.h"
#include "llsd.h"
#include "../llmath/lluuid.h"

// static
std::string LLURI::escape(const std::string& str, const std::string & allowed)
	std::ostringstream ostr;

	std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin();
	std::string::const_iterator end = str.end();
	for(; it != end; ++it)
		std::string::value_type c = *it;
		if(allowed.find(c) == std::string::npos)
		    ostr << "%"
			 << std::uppercase << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
			 << static_cast<U32>(c);
		    ostr << c;
	return ostr.str();

// static
std::string LLURI::unescape(const std::string& str)
	std::ostringstream ostr;
	std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin();
	std::string::const_iterator end = str.end();
	for(; it != end; ++it)
		if((*it) == '%')
			if(it == end) break;
			U8 c = hex_as_nybble(*it++);
			c = c << 4;
			if (it == end) break;
			c |= hex_as_nybble(*it);
	return ostr.str();

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	const std::string unreserved()
		static const std::string s =   
		return s;
	const std::string sub_delims()
		static const std::string s = "!$&'()*+,;=";
		return s;

	std::string escapeHostAndPort(const std::string& s)
		{ return LLURI::escape(s, unreserved() + sub_delims() +":"); }
	std::string escapePathComponent(const std::string& s)
		{ return LLURI::escape(s, unreserved() + sub_delims() + ":@"); }
	std::string escapeQueryVariable(const std::string& s)
		{ return LLURI::escape(s, unreserved() + ":@!$'()*+,"); }	 // sub_delims - "&;=" + ":@"
	std::string escapeQueryValue(const std::string& s)
		{ return LLURI::escape(s, unreserved() + ":@!$'()*+,="); }	// sub_delims - "&;" + ":@"
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LLURI::LLURI(const std::string& escaped_str)
	std::string::size_type delim_pos, delim_pos2;
	delim_pos = escaped_str.find(':');
	std::string temp;
	if (delim_pos == std::string::npos)
		mScheme = "";
		mEscapedOpaque = escaped_str;
		mScheme = escaped_str.substr(0, delim_pos);
		mEscapedOpaque = escaped_str.substr(delim_pos+1);

	if (mScheme == "http" || mScheme == "https" || mScheme == "ftp")
		if (mEscapedOpaque.substr(0,2) != "//")
		delim_pos = mEscapedOpaque.find('/', 2);
		delim_pos2 = mEscapedOpaque.find('?', 2);
		// no path, no query
		if (delim_pos == std::string::npos &&
			delim_pos2 == std::string::npos)
			mEscapedAuthority = mEscapedOpaque.substr(2);
			mEscapedPath = "";
		// path exist, no query
		else if (delim_pos2 == std::string::npos)
			mEscapedAuthority = mEscapedOpaque.substr(2,delim_pos-2);
			mEscapedPath = mEscapedOpaque.substr(delim_pos);
		// no path, only query
		else if (delim_pos == std::string::npos ||
				 delim_pos2 < delim_pos)
			mEscapedAuthority = mEscapedOpaque.substr(2,delim_pos2-2);
			// query part will be broken out later
			mEscapedPath = mEscapedOpaque.substr(delim_pos2);
		// path and query
			mEscapedAuthority = mEscapedOpaque.substr(2,delim_pos-2);
			// query part will be broken out later
			mEscapedPath = mEscapedOpaque.substr(delim_pos);

	delim_pos = mEscapedPath.find('?');
	if (delim_pos != std::string::npos)
		mEscapedQuery = mEscapedPath.substr(delim_pos+1);
		mEscapedPath = mEscapedPath.substr(0,delim_pos);


// static
LLURI LLURI::buildHTTP(const std::string& prefix,
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					   const LLSD& path)
	LLURI result;
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	// TODO: deal with '/' '?' '#' in host_port
	if (prefix.find("://") != prefix.npos)
		// it is a prefix
		result = LLURI(prefix);
		// it is just a host and optional port
		result.mScheme = "http";
		result.mEscapedAuthority = escapeHostAndPort(prefix);
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	if (path.isArray())
		// break out and escape each path component
		for (LLSD::array_const_iterator it = path.beginArray();
			 it != path.endArray();
			lldebugs << "PATH: inserting " << it->asString() << llendl;
			result.mEscapedPath += "/" + escapePathComponent(it->asString());
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	result.mEscapedOpaque = "//" + result.mEscapedAuthority +
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	return result;

// static
LLURI LLURI::buildHTTP(const std::string& prefix,
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					   const LLSD& path,
					   const LLSD& query)
	LLURI result = buildHTTP(prefix, path);
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	// break out and escape each query component
	if (query.isMap())
		for (LLSD::map_const_iterator it = query.beginMap();
			 it != query.endMap();
			result.mEscapedQuery += escapeQueryVariable(it->first) +
				(it->second.isUndefined() ? "" : "=" + escapeQueryValue(it->second.asString())) +
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		if (query.size() > 0)
			result.mEscapedOpaque += "?" + result.mEscapedQuery;
	return result;

LLURI LLURI::buildHTTP(const std::string& host,
					   const U32& port,
					   const LLSD& path)
	return LLURI::buildHTTP(llformat("%s:%u", host.c_str(), port), path);
// static
LLURI LLURI::buildHTTP(const std::string& host,
					   const U32& port,
					   const LLSD& path,
					   const LLSD& query)
	return LLURI::buildHTTP(llformat("%s:%u", host.c_str(), port), path, query);

namespace {
	LLURI buildBackboneURL(LLApp* app,
				const std::string& p1 = "",
				const std::string& p2 = "",
				const std::string& p3 = "")
		std::string host = "localhost:12040";

		if (app)
			host = app->getOption("backbone-host-port").asString();

		LLSD path = LLSD::emptyArray();
		if (!p1.empty())	path.append(p1);
		if (!p2.empty())	path.append(p2);
		if (!p3.empty())	path.append(p3);

		return LLURI::buildHTTP(host, path);
// static
LLURI LLURI::buildAgentPresenceURI(const LLUUID& agent_id, LLApp* app)
	return buildBackboneURL(app, "agent", agent_id.asString(), "presence");

// static
LLURI LLURI::buildBulkAgentPresenceURI(LLApp* app)
	return buildBackboneURL(app, "agent", "presence");

// static
LLURI LLURI::buildAgentSessionURI(const LLUUID& agent_id, LLApp* app)
	return buildBackboneURL(app, "agent", agent_id.asString(), "session");
// static
LLURI LLURI::buildInventoryHostURI(const LLUUID& agent_id, LLApp* app)
	std::string host = "localhost:12040";

	if (app)
		host = app->getOption("backbone-host-port").asString();

	LLSD path = LLSD::emptyArray();

	return buildHTTP(host, path);

// static
LLURI LLURI::buildAgentLoginInfoURI(const LLUUID& agent_id, const std::string& dataserver)
	LLSD path = LLSD::emptyArray();

	return buildHTTP(dataserver, path);

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std::string LLURI::asString() const
	if (mScheme.empty())
		return mEscapedOpaque;
		return mScheme + ":" + mEscapedOpaque;

std::string LLURI::scheme() const
	return mScheme;

std::string LLURI::opaque() const
	return unescape(mEscapedOpaque);

std::string LLURI::authority() const
	return unescape(mEscapedAuthority);

namespace {
	void findAuthorityParts(const std::string& authority,
							std::string& user,
							std::string& host,
							std::string& port)
		std::string::size_type start_pos = authority.find('@');
		if (start_pos == std::string::npos)
			user = "";
			start_pos = 0;
			user = authority.substr(0, start_pos);
			start_pos += 1;

		std::string::size_type end_pos = authority.find(':', start_pos);
		if (end_pos == std::string::npos)
			host = authority.substr(start_pos);
			port = "";
			host = authority.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);
			port = authority.substr(end_pos + 1);
std::string LLURI::hostName() const
	std::string user, host, port;
	findAuthorityParts(mEscapedAuthority, user, host, port);
	return unescape(host);

U16 LLURI::hostPort() const
	std::string user, host, port;
	findAuthorityParts(mEscapedAuthority, user, host, port);
	if (port.empty())
		if (mScheme == "http")
			return 80;
		if (mScheme == "https")
			return 443;
		if (mScheme == "ftp")
			return 21;		
		return 0;
	return atoi(port.c_str());

std::string LLURI::path() const
	return unescape(mEscapedPath);

std::string LLURI::query() const
	return unescape(mEscapedQuery);

LLSD LLURI::queryMap() const
	return queryMap(mEscapedQuery);

// static
LLSD LLURI::queryMap(std::string escaped_query_string)
	lldebugs << "LLURI::queryMap query params: " << escaped_query_string << llendl;

	LLSD result = LLSD::emptyArray();
		// get tuple first
		std::string tuple;
		std::string::size_type tuple_begin = escaped_query_string.find('&');
		if (tuple_begin != std::string::npos)
			tuple = escaped_query_string.substr(0, tuple_begin);
			escaped_query_string = escaped_query_string.substr(tuple_begin+1);
			tuple = escaped_query_string;
			escaped_query_string = "";
		if (tuple.empty()) continue;

		// parse tuple
		std::string::size_type key_end = tuple.find('=');
		if (key_end != std::string::npos)
			std::string key = unescape(tuple.substr(0,key_end));
			std::string value = unescape(tuple.substr(key_end+1));
			lldebugs << "inserting key " << key << " value " << value << llendl;
			result[key] = value;
			lldebugs << "inserting key " << unescape(tuple) << " value true" << llendl;
		    result[unescape(tuple)] = true;
	return result;