* @file llsdutil.h
* @author Phoenix
* @date 2006-05-24
* @brief Utility classes, functions, etc, for using structured data.
* Copyright (c) 2006-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
* $License$
#include "llsd.h"
#include "../llmath/v3math.h"
Don Kjer
#include "../llmath/v4math.h"
#include "../llmath/v3dmath.h"
#include "../llmath/v2math.h"
#include "../llmath/llquaternion.h"
#include "../llmath/v4color.h"
#include "../llprimitive/lltextureanim.h"
// vector3
LLSD ll_sd_from_vector3(const LLVector3& vec);
LLVector3 ll_vector3_from_sd(const LLSD& sd, S32 start_index = 0);
Don Kjer
// vector4
LLSD ll_sd_from_vector4(const LLVector4& vec);
LLVector4 ll_vector4_from_sd(const LLSD& sd, S32 start_index = 0);
// vector3d (double)
LLSD ll_sd_from_vector3d(const LLVector3d& vec);
LLVector3d ll_vector3d_from_sd(const LLSD& sd, S32 start_index = 0);
// vector2
LLSD ll_sd_from_vector2(const LLVector2& vec);
LLVector2 ll_vector2_from_sd(const LLSD& sd);
// Quaternion
LLSD ll_sd_from_quaternion(const LLQuaternion& quat);
LLQuaternion ll_quaternion_from_sd(const LLSD& sd);
// color4
LLSD ll_sd_from_color4(const LLColor4& c);
LLColor4 ll_color4_from_sd(const LLSD& sd);
// U32
LLSD ll_sd_from_U32(const U32);
U32 ll_U32_from_sd(const LLSD& sd);
// U64
LLSD ll_sd_from_U64(const U64);
U64 ll_U64_from_sd(const LLSD& sd);
// IP Address
LLSD ll_sd_from_ipaddr(const U32);
U32 ll_ipaddr_from_sd(const LLSD& sd);
// Binary to string
LLSD ll_string_from_binary(const LLSD& sd);
Don Kjer
//String to binary
LLSD ll_binary_from_string(const LLSD& sd);
// Serializes sd to static buffer and returns pointer, useful for gdb debugging.
char* ll_print_sd(const LLSD& sd);