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  • /** 
     * @file llinstancetracker.h
     * @brief LLInstanceTracker is a mixin class that automatically tracks object
     *        instances with or without an associated key
     * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$
     * Second Life Viewer Source Code
     * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
     * version 2.1 of the License only.
     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
     * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
     * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
     * $/LicenseInfo$
    #include <map>
    #include <memory>
    #include <type_traits>
    #include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
    #include <boost/iterator/indirect_iterator.hpp>
    #include <boost/iterator/filter_iterator.hpp>
    namespace LLInstanceTrackerStuff
        struct StaticBase
            // We need to be able to lock static data while manipulating it.
    } // namespace LLInstanceTrackerStuff
    *   LLInstanceTracker with key
    enum EInstanceTrackerAllowKeyCollisions
    /// This mix-in class adds support for tracking all instances of the specified class parameter T
    /// The (optional) key associates a value of type KEY with a given instance of T, for quick lookup
    /// If KEY is not provided, then instances are stored in a simple set
    /// @NOTE: see explicit specialization below for default KEY==void case
    template<typename T, typename KEY = void,
             EInstanceTrackerAllowKeyCollisions KEY_COLLISION_BEHAVIOR = LLInstanceTrackerErrorOnCollision>
        typedef std::map<KEY, std::shared_ptr<T>> InstanceMap;
        struct StaticData: public LLInstanceTrackerStuff::StaticBase
            InstanceMap mMap;
        typedef llthread::LockStatic<StaticData> LockStatic;
        // snapshot of std::pair<const KEY, std::shared_ptr<T>> pairs
        class snapshot
            // It's very important that what we store in this snapshot are
            // weak_ptrs, NOT shared_ptrs. That's how we discover whether any
            // instance has been deleted during the lifespan of a snapshot.
            typedef std::vector<std::pair<const KEY, std::weak_ptr<T>>> VectorType;
            // Dereferencing our iterator produces a std::shared_ptr for each
            // instance that still exists. Since we store weak_ptrs, that involves
            // two chained transformations:
            // - a transform_iterator to lock the weak_ptr and return a shared_ptr
            // - a filter_iterator to skip any shared_ptr that has become invalid.
            // It is very important that we filter lazily, that is, during
            // traversal. Any one of our stored weak_ptrs might expire during
            // traversal.
            typedef std::pair<const KEY, std::shared_ptr<T>> strong_pair;
            // Note for future reference: nat has not yet had any luck (up to
            // Boost 1.67) trying to use boost::transform_iterator with a hand-
            // coded functor, only with actual functions. In my experience, an
            // internal boost::result_of() operation fails, even with an explicit
            // result_type typedef. But this works.
            static strong_pair strengthen(typename VectorType::value_type& pair)
                return { pair.first, pair.second.lock() };
            static bool dead_skipper(const strong_pair& pair)
                return bool(pair.second);
                // populate our vector with a snapshot of (locked!) InstanceMap
                // note, this assigns pair<KEY, shared_ptr> to pair<KEY, weak_ptr>
                mData(mLock->mMap.begin(), mLock->mMap.end())
                // release the lock once we've populated mData
            // You can't make a transform_iterator (or anything else) that
            // literally stores a C++ function (decltype(strengthen)) -- but you
            // can make a transform_iterator based on a _function pointer._
            typedef boost::transform_iterator<decltype(strengthen)*,
                                              typename VectorType::iterator> strong_iterator;
            typedef boost::filter_iterator<decltype(dead_skipper)*, strong_iterator> iterator;
            iterator begin() { return make_iterator(mData.begin()); }
            iterator end()   { return make_iterator(mData.end()); }
            iterator make_iterator(typename VectorType::iterator iter)
                // transform_iterator only needs the base iterator and the transform.
                // filter_iterator wants the predicate and both ends of the range.
                return iterator(dead_skipper,
                                strong_iterator(iter, strengthen),
                                strong_iterator(mData.end(), strengthen));
            LockStatic mLock;           // lock static data during construction
            VectorType mData;
        // iterate over this for references to each instance
        class instance_snapshot: public snapshot
            static T& instance_getter(typename snapshot::iterator::reference pair)
                return *pair.second;
            typedef boost::transform_iterator<decltype(instance_getter)*,
                                              typename snapshot::iterator> iterator;
            iterator begin() { return iterator(snapshot::begin(), instance_getter); }
            iterator end()   { return iterator(snapshot::end(),   instance_getter); }
            void deleteAll()
                for (auto it(snapshot::begin()), end(snapshot::end()); it != end; ++it)
                    delete it->second.get();
        // iterate over this for each key
        class key_snapshot: public snapshot
            static KEY key_getter(typename snapshot::iterator::reference pair)
                return pair.first;
            typedef boost::transform_iterator<decltype(key_getter)*,
                                              typename snapshot::iterator> iterator;
            iterator begin() { return iterator(snapshot::begin(), key_getter); }
            iterator end()   { return iterator(snapshot::end(),   key_getter); }
        static T* getInstance(const KEY& k)
            LockStatic lock;
            const InstanceMap& map(lock->mMap);
            typename InstanceMap::const_iterator found = map.find(k);
            return (found == map.end()) ? NULL : found->second.get();
        static S32 instanceCount() 
            return LockStatic()->mMap.size(); 
        LLInstanceTracker(const KEY& key) 
            // We do not intend to manage the lifespan of this object with
            // shared_ptr, so give it a no-op deleter. We store shared_ptrs in our
            // InstanceMap specifically so snapshot can store weak_ptrs so we can
            // detect deletions during traversals.
            std::shared_ptr<T> ptr(static_cast<T*>(this), [](T*){});
            LockStatic lock;
            add_(lock, key, ptr);
        virtual ~LLInstanceTracker()
            LockStatic lock;
        virtual void setKey(KEY key)
            LockStatic lock;
            // Even though the shared_ptr we store in our map has a no-op deleter
            // for T itself, letting the use count decrement to 0 will still
            // delete the use-count object. Capture the shared_ptr we just removed
            // and re-add it to the map with the new key.
            auto ptr = remove_(lock);
            add_(lock, key, ptr);
        virtual const KEY& getKey() const { return mInstanceKey; }
        LLInstanceTracker( const LLInstanceTracker& ) = delete;
        LLInstanceTracker& operator=( const LLInstanceTracker& ) = delete;
        // for logging
        template <typename K>
        static K report(K key) { return key; }
        static std::string report(const std::string& key) { return "'" + key + "'"; }
        static std::string report(const char* key) { return report(std::string(key)); }
        // caller must instantiate LockStatic
        void add_(LockStatic& lock, const KEY& key, const std::shared_ptr<T>& ptr) 
            mInstanceKey = key; 
            InstanceMap& map = lock->mMap;
            case LLInstanceTrackerErrorOnCollision:
                // map stores shared_ptr to self
                auto pair = map.emplace(key, ptr);
                if (! pair.second)
                    LL_ERRS("LLInstanceTracker") << "Instance with key " << report(key)
                                                 << " already exists!" << LL_ENDL;
            case LLInstanceTrackerReplaceOnCollision:
                map[key] = ptr;
        std::shared_ptr<T> remove_(LockStatic& lock)
            InstanceMap& map = lock->mMap;
            typename InstanceMap::iterator iter = map.find(mInstanceKey);
            if (iter != map.end())
                auto ret = iter->second;
                return ret;
            return {};
    *   LLInstanceTracker without key
    // TODO:
    // - For the case of omitted KEY template parameter, consider storing
    //   std::map<T*, std::shared_ptr<T>> instead of std::set<std::shared_ptr<T>>.
    //   That might let us share more of the implementation between KEY and
    //   non-KEY LLInstanceTracker subclasses.
    // - Even if not that, consider trying to unify the snapshot implementations.
    //   The trouble is that the 'iterator' published by each (and by their
    //   subclasses) must reflect the specific type of the callables that
    //   distinguish them. (Maybe make instance_snapshot() and key_snapshot()
    //   factory functions that pass lambdas to a factory function for the generic
    //   template class?)
    /// explicit specialization for default case where KEY is void
    /// use a simple std::set<T*>
    template<typename T, EInstanceTrackerAllowKeyCollisions KEY_COLLISION_BEHAVIOR>
    class LLInstanceTracker<T, void, KEY_COLLISION_BEHAVIOR>
        typedef std::set<std::shared_ptr<T>> InstanceSet;
        struct StaticData: public LLInstanceTrackerStuff::StaticBase
            InstanceSet mSet;
        typedef llthread::LockStatic<StaticData> LockStatic;
         * Storing a dumb T* somewhere external is a bad idea, since
         * LLInstanceTracker subclasses are explicitly destroyed rather than
         * managed by smart pointers. It's legal to declare stack instances of an
         * LLInstanceTracker subclass. But it's reasonable to store a
         * std::weak_ptr<T>, which will become invalid when the T instance is
         * destroyed.
        std::weak_ptr<T> getWeak()
            return mSelf;
        static S32 instanceCount() { return LockStatic()->mSet.size(); }
        // snapshot of std::shared_ptr<T> pointers
        class snapshot
            // It's very important that what we store in this snapshot are
            // weak_ptrs, NOT shared_ptrs. That's how we discover whether any
            // instance has been deleted during the lifespan of a snapshot.
            typedef std::vector<std::weak_ptr<T>> VectorType;
            // Dereferencing our iterator produces a std::shared_ptr for each
            // instance that still exists. Since we store weak_ptrs, that involves
            // two chained transformations:
            // - a transform_iterator to lock the weak_ptr and return a shared_ptr
            // - a filter_iterator to skip any shared_ptr that has become invalid.
            typedef std::shared_ptr<T> strong_ptr;
            static strong_ptr strengthen(typename VectorType::value_type& ptr)
                return ptr.lock();
            static bool dead_skipper(const strong_ptr& ptr)
                return bool(ptr);
                // populate our vector with a snapshot of (locked!) InstanceSet
                // note, this assigns stored shared_ptrs to weak_ptrs for snapshot
                mData(mLock->mSet.begin(), mLock->mSet.end())
                // release the lock once we've populated mData
            typedef boost::transform_iterator<decltype(strengthen)*,
                                              typename VectorType::iterator> strong_iterator;
            typedef boost::filter_iterator<decltype(dead_skipper)*, strong_iterator> iterator;
            iterator begin() { return make_iterator(mData.begin()); }
            iterator end()   { return make_iterator(mData.end()); }
            iterator make_iterator(typename VectorType::iterator iter)
                // transform_iterator only needs the base iterator and the transform.
                // filter_iterator wants the predicate and both ends of the range.
                return iterator(dead_skipper,
                                strong_iterator(iter, strengthen),
                                strong_iterator(mData.end(), strengthen));
            LockStatic mLock;           // lock static data during construction
            VectorType mData;
        // iterate over this for references to each instance
        struct instance_snapshot: public snapshot
            typedef boost::indirect_iterator<typename snapshot::iterator> iterator;
            iterator begin() { return iterator(snapshot::begin()); }
            iterator end()   { return iterator(snapshot::end()); }
            void deleteAll()
                for (auto it(snapshot::begin()), end(snapshot::end()); it != end; ++it)
                    delete it->get();
            // Since we do not intend for this shared_ptr to manage lifespan, give
            // it a no-op deleter.
            std::shared_ptr<T> ptr(static_cast<T*>(this), [](T*){});
            // save corresponding weak_ptr for future reference
            mSelf = ptr;
            // Also store it in our class-static set to track this instance.
        virtual ~LLInstanceTracker()
            // convert weak_ptr to shared_ptr because that's what we store in our
            // InstanceSet
        LLInstanceTracker(const LLInstanceTracker& other):
        // Storing a weak_ptr to self is a bit like deriving from
        // std::enable_shared_from_this(), except more explicit.
        std::weak_ptr<T> mSelf;