* @file llapr.h
* @author Phoenix
* @date 2004-11-28
* @brief Helper functions for using the apache portable runtime library.
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$
* Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License only.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
* $/LicenseInfo$
#ifndef LL_LLAPR_H
#define LL_LLAPR_H
#include <sys/param.h> // Need PATH_MAX in APR headers...
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "apr_thread_proc.h"
#include "apr_getopt.h"
#include "apr_signal.h"
#include "mutex.h"
struct apr_dso_handle_t;
* @brief Function which appropriately logs error or remains quiet on
* @return Returns <code>true</code> if status is an error condition.
#define ll_apr_warn_status(status) _ll_apr_warn_status(status, __FILE__, __LINE__)
bool LL_COMMON_API _ll_apr_warn_status(apr_status_t status, const char* file, int line);
#define ll_apr_assert_status(status) _ll_apr_assert_status(status, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void LL_COMMON_API _ll_apr_assert_status(apr_status_t status, const char* file, int line);
extern "C" LL_COMMON_API apr_pool_t* gAPRPoolp; // Global APR memory pool
* @brief initialize the common apr constructs -- apr itself, the
* global pool, and a mutex.
void LL_COMMON_API ll_init_apr();
* @brief Cleanup those common apr constructs.
void LL_COMMON_API ll_cleanup_apr();
bool LL_COMMON_API ll_apr_is_initialized();
//LL apr_pool
//manage apr_pool_t, destroy allocated apr_pool in the destruction function.
LLAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent = NULL, apr_size_t size = 0, BOOL releasePoolFlag = TRUE) ;
virtual ~LLAPRPool() ;
virtual apr_pool_t* getAPRPool() ;
apr_status_t getStatus() {return mStatus ; }
void releaseAPRPool() ;
void createAPRPool() ;
apr_pool_t* mPool ; //pointing to an apr_pool
apr_pool_t* mParent ; //parent pool
apr_size_t mMaxSize ; //max size of mPool, mPool should return memory to system if allocated memory beyond this limit. However it seems not to work.
apr_status_t mStatus ; //status when creating the pool
BOOL mReleasePoolFlag ; //if set, mPool is destroyed when LLAPRPool is deleted. default value is true.
//volatile LL apr_pool
//which clears memory automatically.
//so it can not hold static data or data after memory is cleared
class LL_COMMON_API LLVolatileAPRPool : public LLAPRPool
LLVolatileAPRPool(BOOL is_local = TRUE, apr_pool_t *parent = NULL, apr_size_t size = 0, BOOL releasePoolFlag = TRUE);
virtual ~LLVolatileAPRPool();
/*virtual*/ apr_pool_t* getAPRPool() ; //define this virtual function to avoid any mistakenly calling LLAPRPool::getAPRPool().
apr_pool_t* getVolatileAPRPool() ;
S32 mNumActiveRef ; //number of active pointers pointing to the apr_pool.
S32 mNumTotalRef ; //number of total pointers pointing to the apr_pool since last creating.
std::unique_ptr<std::mutex> mMutexp;
Tofu Linden
// Returns NULL if the file fails to open, sets *sizep to file size if not NULL
// abbreviated flags
#define LL_APR_R (APR_READ) // "r"
#define LL_APR_RB (APR_READ|APR_BINARY) // "rb"
//apr_file manager
//which: 1)only keeps one file open;
// 2)closes the open file in the destruction function
// 3)informs the apr_pool to clean the memory when the file is closed.
//Note: please close an open file at the earliest convenience.
// especially do not put some time-costly operations between open() and close().
// otherwise it might lock the APRFilePool.
//there are two different apr_pools the APRFile can use:
Tofu Linden
// 1, a temporary pool passed to an APRFile function, which is used within this function and only once.
class LL_COMMON_API LLAPRFile : boost::noncopyable
// make this non copyable since a copy closes the file
apr_file_t* mFile ;
LLVolatileAPRPool *mCurrentFilePoolp ; //currently in use apr_pool, could be one of them: sAPRFilePoolp, or a temp pool.
LLAPRFile() ;
LLAPRFile(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
apr_status_t open(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL, S32* sizep = NULL);
apr_status_t open(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, BOOL use_global_pool); //use gAPRPoolp.
apr_status_t close() ;
// Returns actual offset, -1 if seek fails
S32 seek(apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset);
apr_status_t eof() { return apr_file_eof(mFile);}
// Returns bytes read/written, 0 if read/write fails:
S32 read(void* buf, S32 nbytes);
S32 write(const void* buf, S32 nbytes);
apr_file_t* getFileHandle() {return mFile;}
//static components
static LLVolatileAPRPool *sAPRFilePoolp ; //a global apr_pool for APRFile, which is used only when local pool does not exist.
static apr_file_t* open(const std::string& filename, apr_pool_t* apr_pool, apr_int32_t flags);
static apr_status_t close(apr_file_t* file) ;
static S32 seek(apr_file_t* file, apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset);
// returns false if failure:
static bool remove(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
static bool rename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& newname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
static bool isExist(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL, apr_int32_t flags = APR_READ);
static S32 size(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
static bool makeDir(const std::string& dirname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
static bool removeDir(const std::string& dirname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
// Returns bytes read/written, 0 if read/write fails:
static S32 readEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
static S32 writeEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL); // offset<0 means append