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@author Brad Payne, Nat Goodspeed
@date   2015-09-15
@brief  This module contains tools for manipulating the .anim files supported
        for Second Life animation upload. Note that this format is unrelated
        to any non-Second Life formats of the same name.

        This code is a Python translation of the logic in
        LLKeyframeMotion::serialize() and deserialize():
        save that there is no support for old-style .anim files, permitting
        simpler code.

Second Life Viewer Source Code
Copyright (C) 2015, Linden Research, Inc.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
version 2.1 of the License only.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA

import math
import os
import random
from cStringIO import StringIO
import struct
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree

class Error(Exception):

class BadFormat(Error):
    Something went wrong trying to read the specified .anim file.

class ExtraneousData(BadFormat):
    Specifically, the .anim file in question contains more data than needed.
    This could happen if the file isn't a .anim at all, and it 'just happens'
    to read properly otherwise -- e.g. a block of all zero bytes could look
    like empty name strings, empty arrays etc. That could be a legitimate
    error -- or it could be due to a sloppy tool. Break this exception out
    separately so caller can distinguish if desired.

U16MAX = 65535
# One Over U16MAX, for scaling
OOU16MAX = 1.0/float(U16MAX)


class FilePacker(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = StringIO()

    def write(self,filename):
        with open(filename,"wb") as f:

    def pack(self,fmt,*args):
        buf = struct.pack(fmt, *args)

    def pack_string(self,str,size=0):
        # If size == 0, caller doesn't care, just wants a terminating nul byte
        size = size or (len(str) + 1)
        # Nonzero size means a fixed-length field. If the passed string (plus
        # its terminating nul) exceeds that fixed length, we'll have to
        # truncate. But make sure we still leave room for the final nul byte!
        str = str[:size-1]
        # Now pad what's left of str out to 'size' with nul bytes.
        buf = str + ("\000" * (size-len(str)))
class FileUnpacker(object):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        with open(filename,"rb") as f:
            self.buffer =
        self.offset = 0

    def unpack(self,fmt):
        result = struct.unpack_from(fmt, self.buffer, self.offset)
        self.offset += struct.calcsize(fmt)
        return result
    def unpack_string(self, size=0):
        # Nonzero size means we must consider exactly the next 'size'
        # characters in self.buffer.
        if size:
            self.offset += size
            # but stop at the first nul byte
            return self.buffer[self.offset-size:self.offset].split("\000", 1)[0]
        # Zero size means consider everything until the next nul character.
        result = self.buffer[self.offset:].split("\000", 1)[0]
        # don't forget to skip the nul byte too
        self.offset += len(result) + 1
        return result

# translated from the C++ version in lldefs.h
def llclamp(a, minval, maxval):
    if a<minval:
        return minval
    if a>maxval:
        return maxval
    return a

# translated from the C++ version in llquantize.h
def F32_to_U16(val, lower, upper):
    val = llclamp(val, lower, upper);
    # make sure that the value is positive and normalized to <0, 1>
    val -= lower;
    val /= (upper - lower);
    # return the U16
    return int(math.floor(val*U16MAX))

# translated from the C++ version in llquantize.h
def U16_to_F32(ival, lower, upper):
    if ival < 0 or ival > U16MAX:
        raise ValueError("U16 out of range: %s" % ival)
    val = ival*OOU16MAX
    delta = (upper - lower)
    val *= delta
    val += lower

    max_error = delta*OOU16MAX;

    # make sure that zeroes come through as zero
    if abs(val) < max_error:
        val = 0.0
    return val; 

class RotKey(object):
    def __init__(self, time, duration, rot):
        This constructor instantiates a RotKey object from scratch, as it
        were, converting from float time to time_short.
        self.time = time
        self.time_short = F32_to_U16(time, 0.0, duration) \
                          if time is not None else None
        self.rotation = rot

    def unpack(duration, fup):
        This staticmethod constructs a RotKey by loadingfrom a FileUnpacker.
        # cheat the other constructor
        this = RotKey(None, None, None)
        # load time_short directly from the file
        (this.time_short, ) = fup.unpack("<H")
        # then convert to float time
        this.time = U16_to_F32(this.time_short, 0.0, duration)
        # convert each coordinate of the rotation from short to float
        (x,y,z) = fup.unpack("<HHH")
        this.rotation = [U16_to_F32(i, -1.0, 1.0) for i in (x,y,z)]
        return this

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "    rot_key: t %.3f" % self.time,"st",self.time_short,"rot",",".join("%.3f" % f for f in self.rotation)

    def pack(self, fp):
        (x,y,z) = [F32_to_U16(v, -1.0, 1.0) for v in self.rotation]
class PosKey(object):
    def __init__(self, time, duration, pos):
        This constructor instantiates a PosKey object from scratch, as it
        were, converting from float time to time_short.
        self.time = time
        self.time_short = F32_to_U16(time, 0.0, duration) \
                          if time is not None else None
        self.position = pos

    def unpack(duration, fup):
        This staticmethod constructs a PosKey by loadingfrom a FileUnpacker.
        # cheat the other constructor
        this = PosKey(None, None, None)
        # load time_short directly from the file
        (this.time_short, ) = fup.unpack("<H")
        # then convert to float time
        this.time = U16_to_F32(this.time_short, 0.0, duration)
        # convert each coordinate of the rotation from short to float
        (x,y,z) = fup.unpack("<HHH")
        this.position = [U16_to_F32(i, -LL_MAX_PELVIS_OFFSET, LL_MAX_PELVIS_OFFSET)
                         for i in (x,y,z)]
        return this

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "    pos_key: t %.3f" % self.time,"pos ",",".join("%.3f" % f for f in self.position)
    def pack(self, fp):
        (x,y,z) = [F32_to_U16(v, -LL_MAX_PELVIS_OFFSET, LL_MAX_PELVIS_OFFSET) for v in self.position]

class Constraint(object):
    def unpack(duration, fup):
        this = Constraint()
        (this.chain_length, this.constraint_type) = fup.unpack("<BB")
        this.source_volume = fup.unpack_string(16)
        this.source_offset = fup.unpack("<fff")
        this.target_volume = fup.unpack_string(16)
        this.target_offset = fup.unpack("<fff")
        this.target_dir = fup.unpack("<fff")
        (this.ease_in_start, this.ease_in_stop, this.ease_out_start, this.ease_out_stop) = \
        return this

    def pack(self, fp):
        fp.pack("<BB", self.chain_length, self.constraint_type)
        fp.pack_string(self.source_volume, 16)
        fp.pack("<fff", *self.source_offset)
        fp.pack_string(self.target_volume, 16)
        fp.pack("<fff", *self.target_offset)
        fp.pack("<fff", *self.target_dir)
        fp.pack("<ffff", self.ease_in_start, self.ease_in_stop,
                self.ease_out_start, self.ease_out_stop)

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "  constraint:"
        print >>f, "    chain_length",self.chain_length
        print >>f, "    constraint_type",self.constraint_type
        print >>f, "    source_volume",self.source_volume
        print >>f, "    source_offset",self.source_offset
        print >>f, "    target_volume",self.target_volume
        print >>f, "    target_offset",self.target_offset
        print >>f, "    target_dir",self.target_dir
        print >>f, "    ease_in_start",self.ease_in_start
        print >>f, "    ease_in_stop",self.ease_in_stop
        print >>f, "    ease_out_start",self.ease_out_start
        print >>f, "    ease_out_stop",self.ease_out_stop
class Constraints(object):
    def unpack(duration, fup):
        this = Constraints()
        (num_constraints, ) = fup.unpack("<i")
        this.constraints = [Constraint.unpack(duration, fup)
                            for i in xrange(num_constraints)]
        return this

    def pack(self, fp):
        for c in self.constraints:

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "constraints:",len(self.constraints)
        for c in self.constraints:

class PositionCurve(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.keys = []

    def is_static(self):
        if self.keys:
            k0 = self.keys[0]
            for k in self.keys:
                if k.position != k0.position:
                    return False
        return True

    def unpack(duration, fup):
        this = PositionCurve()
        (num_pos_keys, ) = fup.unpack("<i")
        this.keys = [PosKey.unpack(duration, fup)
                     for k in xrange(num_pos_keys)]
        return this

    def pack(self, fp):
        for k in self.keys:

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "  position_curve:"
        print >>f, "    num_pos_keys", len(self.keys)
        for k in self.keys:

class RotationCurve(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.keys = []

    def is_static(self):
        if self.keys:
            k0 = self.keys[0]
            for k in self.keys:
                if k.rotation != k0.rotation:
                    return False
        return True

    def unpack(duration, fup):
        this = RotationCurve()
        (num_rot_keys, ) = fup.unpack("<i")
        this.keys = [RotKey.unpack(duration, fup)
                     for k in xrange(num_rot_keys)]
        return this

    def pack(self, fp):
        for k in self.keys:

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "  rotation_curve:"
        print >>f, "    num_rot_keys", len(self.keys)
        for k in self.keys:
class JointInfo(object):
    def __init__(self, name, priority):
        self.joint_name = name
        self.joint_priority = priority
        self.rotation_curve = RotationCurve()
        self.position_curve = PositionCurve()

    def unpack(duration, fup):
        this = JointInfo(None, None)
        this.joint_name = fup.unpack_string()
        (this.joint_priority, ) = fup.unpack("<i")
        this.rotation_curve = RotationCurve.unpack(duration, fup)
        this.position_curve = PositionCurve.unpack(duration, fup)
        return this

    def pack(self, fp):
        fp.pack("<i", self.joint_priority)

    def dump(self, f):
        print >>f, "joint:"
        print >>f, "  joint_name:",self.joint_name
        print >>f, "  joint_priority:",self.joint_priority

class Anim(object):
    def __init__(self, filename=None, verbose=False):
        # set this FIRST as it's consulted by read() and unpack()
        self.verbose = verbose
        if filename:

    def read(self, filename):
        fup = FileUnpacker(filename)
        except struct.error as err:
            raise BadFormat("error reading %s: %s" % (filename, err))
        # By the end of streaming data in from our FileUnpacker, we should
        # have consumed the entire thing. If there's excess data, it's
        # entirely possible that this is a garbage file that happens to
        # resemble a valid degenerate .anim file, e.g. with zero counts of
        # things.
        if fup.offset != len(fup.buffer):
            raise ExtraneousData("extraneous data in %s; is it really a Linden .anim file?" %

    # various validity checks could be added - see LLKeyframeMotion::deserialize()
    def unpack(self,fup):
        (self.version, self.sub_version, self.base_priority, self.duration) = fup.unpack("@HHhf")

        if self.version == 0 and self.sub_version == 1:
            self.old_version = True
            raise BadFormat("old version not supported")
        elif self.version == 1 and self.sub_version == 0:
            self.old_version = False
            raise BadFormat("Bad combination of version, sub_version: %d %d" % (self.version, self.sub_version))

        # Also consult BVH conversion code for stricter checks

        # C++ deserialize() checks self.base_priority against
        # possibly sets self.max_priority
        # checks self.duration against MAX_ANIM_DURATION !!
        # checks self.emote_name != str(self.ID)
        # checks self.hand_pose against LLHandMotion::NUM_HAND_POSES !!
        # checks 0 < num_joints <= LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS (no need --
        # validate names)
        # checks each joint_name neither "mScreen" nor "mRoot" ("attempted to
        # animate special joint") !!
        # checks each joint_name can be found in mCharacter
        # checks each joint_priority >= LLJoint::USE_MOTION_PRIORITY
        # tracks max observed joint_priority, excluding USE_MOTION_PRIORITY
        # checks each 0 <= RotKey.time <= self.duration !!
        # checks each RotKey.rotation.isFinite() !!
        # checks each PosKey.position.isFinite() !!
        # checks 0 <= num_constraints <= MAX_CONSTRAINTS  !!
        # checks each Constraint.chain_length <= num_joints
        # checks each Constraint.constraint_type < NUM_CONSTRAINT_TYPES !!
        # checks each Constraint.source_offset.isFinite() !!
        # checks each Constraint.target_offset.isFinite() !!
        # checks each Constraint.target_dir.isFinite() !!
        # from :
        # find joint to which each Constraint's collision volume is attached;
        # for each link in Constraint.chain_length, walk to joint's parent,
        # find that parent in list of joints, set its index in index list

        self.emote_name = fup.unpack_string()
        (self.loop_in_point, self.loop_out_point, self.loop,
         self.ease_in_duration, self.ease_out_duration, self.hand_pose, num_joints) = \
        self.joints = [JointInfo.unpack(self.duration, fup)
                       for j in xrange(num_joints)]
        if self.verbose:
            for joint_info in self.joints:
                print "unpacked joint",joint_info.joint_name
        self.constraints = Constraints.unpack(self.duration, fup)
        self.buffer = fup.buffer
    def pack(self, fp):
        fp.pack("@HHhf", self.version, self.sub_version, self.base_priority, self.duration)
        fp.pack_string(self.emote_name, 0)
        fp.pack("@ffiffII", self.loop_in_point, self.loop_out_point, self.loop,
                self.ease_in_duration, self.ease_out_duration, self.hand_pose, len(self.joints))
        for j in self.joints:

    def dump(self, filename="-"):
        if filename=="-":
            f = sys.stdout
            f = open(filename,"w")
        print >>f, "versions: ", self.version, self.sub_version
        print >>f, "base_priority: ", self.base_priority
        print >>f, "duration: ", self.duration
        print >>f, "emote_name: ", self.emote_name
        print >>f, "loop_in_point: ", self.loop_in_point
        print >>f, "loop_out_point: ", self.loop_out_point
        print >>f, "loop: ", self.loop
        print >>f, "ease_in_duration: ", self.ease_in_duration
        print >>f, "ease_out_duration: ", self.ease_out_duration
        print >>f, "hand_pose", self.hand_pose
        print >>f, "num_joints", len(self.joints)
        for j in self.joints:
    def write(self, filename):
        fp = FilePacker()

    def write_src_data(self, filename):
        print "write file",filename
        with open(filename,"wb") as f:

    def find_joint(self, name):
        joints = [j for j in self.joints if j.joint_name == name]
        if joints:
            return joints[0]
            return None

    def add_joint(self, name, priority):
        if not self.find_joint(name):
            self.joints.append(JointInfo(name, priority))

    def delete_joint(self, name):
        j = self.find_joint(name)
        if j:
            if self.verbose:
                print "removing joint", name
            if self.verbose:
                print "joint not found to remove", name

    def summary(self):
        nj = len(self.joints)
        nz = len([j for j in self.joints if j.joint_priority > 0])
        nstatic = len([j for j in self.joints
                       if j.rotation_curve.is_static()
                       and j.position_curve.is_static()])
        print "summary: %d joints, non-zero priority %d, static %d" % (nj, nz, nstatic)

    def add_pos(self, joint_names, positions):
        js = [joint for joint in self.joints if joint.joint_name in joint_names]
        for j in js:
            if self.verbose:
                print "adding positions",j.joint_name,positions
            j.joint_priority = 4
            j.position_curve.keys = [PosKey(self.duration * i / (len(positions) - 1),
                                     for i,pos in enumerate(positions)]

    def add_rot(self, joint_names, rotations):
        js = [joint for joint in self.joints if joint.joint_name in joint_names]
        for j in js:
            print "adding rotations",j.joint_name
            j.joint_priority = 4
            j.rotation_curve.keys = [RotKey(self.duration * i / (len(rotations) - 1),
                                     for i,rot in enumerate(rotations)]

def twistify(anim, joint_names, rot1, rot2):
    js = [joint for joint in anim.joints if joint.joint_name in joint_names]
    for j in js:
        print "twisting",j.joint_name
        print len(j.rotation_curve.keys)
        j.joint_priority = 4
        # Set the joint(s) to rot1 at time 0, rot2 at the full duration.
        j.rotation_curve.keys = [
            RotKey(0.0, anim.duration, rot1),
            RotKey(anim.duration, anim.duration, rot2)]

def float_triple(arg):
    vals = arg.split()
    if len(vals)==3:
        return [float(x) for x in vals]
        raise ValueError("arg %s does not resolve to a float triple" % arg)

def get_joint_by_name(tree,name):
    if tree is None:
        return None
    matches = [elt for elt in tree.getroot().iter()
               if elt.get("name")==name
               and elt.tag in ["bone", "collision_volume", "attachment_point"]]
    if len(matches)==1:
        return matches[0]
    elif len(matches)>1:
        print "multiple matches for name",name
        return None
        return None

def get_elt_pos(elt):
    if elt.get("pos"):
        return float_triple(elt.get("pos"))
    elif elt.get("position"):
        return float_triple(elt.get("position"))
        return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

def resolve_joints(names, skel_tree, lad_tree, no_hud=False):
    print "resolve joints, no_hud is",no_hud
    if skel_tree and lad_tree:
        all_elts = [elt for elt in skel_tree.getroot().iter()]
        all_elts.extend([elt for elt in lad_tree.getroot().iter()])
        matches = set()
        for elt in all_elts:
            if elt.get("name") is None:
            #print elt.get("name"),"hud",elt.get("hud")
            if no_hud and elt.get("hud"):
                #print "skipping hud joint", elt.get("name")
            if elt.get("name") in names or elt.tag in names:
        return list(matches)
        return names

def main(*argv):
    import argparse

    # default search location for config files is defined relative to
    # the script location; assuming they live in the same viewer repo
    # Use sys.argv[0] because (a) this script lives where it lives regardless
    # of what our caller passes and (b) we don't expect our caller to pass the
    # script name anyway.
    pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])        
    # we're in scripts/content_tools; hop back to base of repository clone
    path_to_skel = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(pathname),os.pardir,os.pardir,

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="process SL animations")
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="verbose flag", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--dump", help="dump to stdout", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--rot", help="specify sequence of rotations", type=float_triple, nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument("--rand_pos", help="request NUM random positions (default %(default)s)",
                        metavar="NUM", type=int, default=2)
    parser.add_argument("--reset_pos", help="request original positions", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--pos", help="specify sequence of positions", type=float_triple, nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument("--duration", help="specify duration", type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--loop_in", help="specify loop in time", type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--loop_out", help="specify loop out time", type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--num_pos", help="number of positions to create", type=int, default=2)
    parser.add_argument("--delete_joints", help="specify joints to be deleted", nargs="+",
    parser.add_argument("--joints", help="specify joints to be added or modified", nargs="+",
    parser.add_argument("--summary", help="print summary of the output animation", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--skel", help="name of the avatar_skeleton file (default %(default)s)",
    parser.add_argument("--lad", help="name of the avatar_lad file (default %(default)s)",
    parser.add_argument("--set_version", nargs=2, type=int,
                        help="set version and sub-version to specified values",
                        metavar=("VERSION", "SUB-VERSION"))
    parser.add_argument("--no_hud", help="omit hud joints from list of attachments", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--base_priority", help="set base priority", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--joint_priority", help="set joint priority for all joints", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("infilename", help="name of a .anim file to input")
    parser.add_argument("outfilename", nargs="?", help="name of a .anim file to output")
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    print " " + " ".join(argv)
    print "dump is", args.dump
    print "infilename",args.infilename,"outfilename",args.outfilename
    print "rot",args.rot
    print "pos",args.pos
    print "joints",args.joints

    anim = Anim(args.infilename, args.verbose)
    skel_tree = None
    lad_tree = None
    joints = []
    if args.skel:
        skel_tree = ElementTree.parse(args.skel)
        if skel_tree is None:
            raise Error("failed to parse " + args.skel)
    if args.lad:
        lad_tree = ElementTree.parse(args.lad)
        if lad_tree is None:
            raise Error("failed to parse " + args.lad)
    if args.joints:
        joints = resolve_joints(args.joints, skel_tree, lad_tree, args.no_hud)
        if args.verbose:
            print "joints resolved to",joints
        for name in joints:
    if args.delete_joints:
        for name in args.delete_joints:
    if joints and args.rot:
        anim.add_rot(joints, args.rot)
    if joints and args.pos:
        anim.add_pos(joints, args.pos)
    if joints and args.rand_pos:
        # pick a random sequence of positions for each joint specified
        for joint in joints:
            # generate a list of rand_pos triples
            pos_array = [tuple(random.uniform(-1,1) for i in xrange(3))
                         for j in xrange(args.rand_pos)]
            # close the loop by cycling back to the first entry
            anim.add_pos([joint], pos_array)
    if joints and args.reset_pos:
        for joint in joints:
            elt = get_joint_by_name(skel_tree,joint) or get_joint_by_name(lad_tree,joint)
            if elt is not None:
                anim.add_pos([joint], 2*[get_elt_pos(elt)])
                print "no elt or no pos data for",joint
    if args.set_version:
        anim.version, anim.sub_version = args.set_version
    if args.base_priority is not None:
        print "set base priority",args.base_priority
        anim.base_priority = args.base_priority
    # --joint_priority sets priority for ALL joints, not just the explicitly-
    # specified ones
    if args.joint_priority is not None:
        print "set joint priority",args.joint_priority
        for joint in anim.joints:
            joint.joint_priority = args.joint_priority
    if args.duration is not None:
        print "set duration",args.duration
        anim.duration = args.duration
    if args.loop_in is not None:
        print "set loop_in",args.loop_in
        anim.loop_in_point = args.loop_in
    if args.loop_out is not None:
        print "set loop_out",args.loop_out
        anim.loop_out_point = args.loop_out
    if args.dump:
    if args.summary:
    if args.outfilename:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except Error as err:
        sys.exit("%s: %s" % (err.__class__.__name__, err))