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  • Nat Goodspeed's avatar
    SL-793: Fix lllogin_test.cpp for new LLCoros implementation. · 101ab28f
    Nat Goodspeed authored
    Delete the test for SRV timeout: lllogin no longer issues an SRV query. That
    test only confuses the test program without exercising any useful paths in
    production code.
    As with other tests dating from the previous LLCoros implementation, we need a
    few llcoro::suspend() calls sprinkled in so that a fiber marked ready -- by
    fulfilling the future for which it is waiting -- gets a chance to run.
    Clear LLEventPumps between test functions.
    SL-793: Fix lllogin_test.cpp for new LLCoros implementation.
    Nat Goodspeed authored
    Delete the test for SRV timeout: lllogin no longer issues an SRV query. That
    test only confuses the test program without exercising any useful paths in
    production code.
    As with other tests dating from the previous LLCoros implementation, we need a
    few llcoro::suspend() calls sprinkled in so that a fiber marked ready -- by
    fulfilling the future for which it is waiting -- gets a chance to run.
    Clear LLEventPumps between test functions.
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llcoros.cpp 9.68 KiB
 * @file   llcoros.cpp
 * @author Nat Goodspeed
 * @date   2009-06-03
 * @brief  Implementation for llcoros.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// Precompiled header
#include "linden_common.h"
// associated header
#include "llcoros.h"
// STL headers
// std headers
// external library headers
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/fiber/fiber.hpp>
// with Boost 1.65.1, needed for Mac with this specific header
#include <boost/fiber/protected_fixedsize_stack.hpp>
// other Linden headers
#include "lltimer.h"
#include "llevents.h"
#include "llerror.h"
#include "stringize.h"
#include "llexception.h"

#include <excpt.h>

const LLCoros::CoroData& LLCoros::get_CoroData(const std::string& caller) const
    CoroData* current = mCurrent.get();
    // For the main() coroutine, the one NOT explicitly launched by launch(),
    // we never explicitly set mCurrent. Use a static CoroData instance with
    // canonical values.
    if (! current)
        // It's tempting to provide a distinct name for each thread's "main
        // coroutine." But as getName() has always returned the empty string
        // to mean "not in a coroutine," empty string should suffice here.
        static CoroData sMain("");
        // We need not reset() the local_ptr to this read-only data: reuse the
        // same instance for every thread's main coroutine.
        current = &sMain;
    return *current;

LLCoros::CoroData& LLCoros::get_CoroData(const std::string& caller)
    // reuse const implementation, just cast away const-ness of result
    return const_cast<CoroData&>(const_cast<const LLCoros*>(this)->get_CoroData(caller));

LLCoros::coro::id LLCoros::get_self()
    return boost::this_fiber::get_id();

void LLCoros::set_consuming(bool consuming)
    CoroData& data(LLCoros::instance().get_CoroData("set_consuming()"));
    // DO NOT call this on the main() coroutine.
    llassert_always(! data.mName.empty());
    data.mConsuming = consuming;

bool LLCoros::get_consuming()
    return LLCoros::instance().get_CoroData("get_consuming()").mConsuming;

    // MAINT-2724: default coroutine stack size too small on Windows.
    // Previously we used
    // boost::context::guarded_stack_allocator::default_stacksize();
    // empirically this is insufficient.
#if ADDRESS_SIZE == 64

std::string LLCoros::generateDistinctName(const std::string& prefix) const
    static int unique = 0;

    // Allowing empty name would make getName()'s not-found return ambiguous.
    if (prefix.empty())
        LL_ERRS("LLCoros") << "LLCoros::launch(): pass non-empty name string" << LL_ENDL;

    // If the specified name isn't already in the map, just use that.
    std::string name(prefix);

    // Until we find an unused name, append a numeric suffix for uniqueness.
    while (mCoros.find(name) != mCoros.end())
        name = STRINGIZE(prefix << unique++);
    return name;

bool LLCoros::kill(const std::string& name)
    CoroMap::iterator found = mCoros.find(name);
    if (found == mCoros.end())
        return false;
    // Because this is a boost::ptr_map, erasing the map entry also destroys
    // the referenced heap object, in this case the boost::coroutine object,
    // which will terminate the coroutine.
    return true;

std::string LLCoros::getName() const
    return get_CoroData("getName()").mName;

void LLCoros::setStackSize(S32 stacksize)
    LL_DEBUGS("LLCoros") << "Setting coroutine stack size to " << stacksize << LL_ENDL;
    mStackSize = stacksize;

void LLCoros::printActiveCoroutines()
    LL_INFOS("LLCoros") << "Number of active coroutines: " << (S32)mCoros.size() << LL_ENDL;
    if (mCoros.size() > 0)
        LL_INFOS("LLCoros") << "-------------- List of active coroutines ------------";
        CoroMap::iterator iter;
        CoroMap::iterator end = mCoros.end();
        F64 time = LLTimer::getTotalSeconds();
        for (iter = mCoros.begin(); iter != end; iter++)
            F64 life_time = time - iter->second->mCreationTime;
            LL_CONT << LL_NEWLINE << "Name: " << iter->first << " life: " << life_time;
        LL_CONT << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS("LLCoros") << "-----------------------------------------------------" << LL_ENDL;

std::string LLCoros::launch(const std::string& prefix, const callable_t& callable)
    std::string name(generateDistinctName(prefix));
    // 'dispatch' means: enter the new fiber immediately, returning here only
    // when the fiber yields for whatever reason.
    // std::allocator_arg is a flag to indicate that the following argument is
    // a StackAllocator.
    // protected_fixedsize_stack sets a guard page past the end of the new
    // stack so that stack underflow will result in an access violation
    // instead of weird, subtle, possibly undiagnosed memory stomps.
    boost::fibers::fiber newCoro(boost::fibers::launch::dispatch,
                                 [this, &name, &callable](){ toplevel(name, callable); });
    // You have two choices with a fiber instance: you can join() it or you
    // can detach() it. If you try to destroy the instance before doing
    // either, the program silently terminates. We don't need this handle.
    return name;


static const U32 STATUS_MSC_EXCEPTION = 0xE06D7363; // compiler specific
U32 exception_filter(U32 code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception_infop)
    if (code == STATUS_MSC_EXCEPTION)
        // C++ exception, go on
        // handle it

void LLCoros::winlevel(const callable_t& callable)
    __except (exception_filter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()))
        // convert to C++ styled exception
        // Note: it might be better to use _se_set_translator
        // if you want exception to inherit full callstack
        char integer_string[32];
        sprintf(integer_string, "SEH, code: %lu\n", GetExceptionCode());
        throw std::exception(integer_string);


// Top-level wrapper around caller's coroutine callable.
void LLCoros::toplevel(const std::string& name, const callable_t& callable)
    CoroData* corodata = new CoroData(name);
    // Store it in our pointer map. Oddly, must cast away const-ness of key.
    mCoros.insert(const_cast<std::string&>(name), corodata);
    // also set it as current

    // run the code the caller actually wants in the coroutine
    catch (const LLContinueError&)
        // Any uncaught exception derived from LLContinueError will be caught
        // here and logged. This coroutine will terminate but the rest of the
        // viewer will carry on.
        LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(STRINGIZE("coroutine " << corodata->mName));
    catch (...)
        // Any OTHER kind of uncaught exception will cause the viewer to
        // crash, hopefully informatively.
        CRASH_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(STRINGIZE("coroutine " << corodata->mName));

LLCoros::CoroData::CoroData(const std::string& name):
    // don't consume events unless specifically directed

void LLCoros::delete_CoroData(CoroData* cdptr)
    // This custom cleanup function is necessarily static. Find and bind the
    // LLCoros instance.
    LLCoros& self(LLCoros::instance());
    // We set mCurrent on entry to a new fiber, expecting that the
    // corresponding entry has already been stored in mCoros. It is an
    // error if we do not find that entry.
    CoroMap::iterator found = self.mCoros.find(cdptr->mName);
    if (found == self.mCoros.end())
        LL_ERRS("LLCoros") << "Coroutine '" << cdptr->mName << "' terminated "
                           << "without being stored in LLCoros::mCoros"
                           << LL_ENDL;

    // Oh good, we found the mCoros entry. Erase it. Because it's a ptr_map,
    // that will implicitly delete this CoroData.