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llvector4a.inl 23.60 KiB
* @file llvector4a.inl
* @brief LLVector4a inline function implementations
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
* Second Life Viewer Source Code
* Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License only.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
* $/LicenseInfo$
// Load from 16-byte aligned src array (preferred method of loading)
inline void LLVector4a::load4a(const F32* src)
mQ = _mm_load_ps(src);
// Load from unaligned src array (NB: Significantly slower than load4a)
inline void LLVector4a::loadua(const F32* src)
mQ = _mm_loadu_ps(src);
// Load only three floats beginning at address 'src'. Slowest method.
inline void LLVector4a::load3(const F32* src, const float w)
// mQ = { 0.f, src[2], src[1], src[0] } = { W, Z, Y, X }
// NB: This differs from the convention of { Z, Y, X, W }
mQ = _mm_set_ps(w, src[2], src[1], src[0]);
// Store to a 16-byte aligned memory address
inline void LLVector4a::store4a(F32* dst) const
_mm_store_ps(dst, mQ);
// Return a "this" as an F32 pointer. Do not use unless you have a very good reason. (Not sure? Ask Falcon)
F32* LLVector4a::getF32ptr()
return (F32*) &mQ;
// Return a "this" as a const F32 pointer. Do not use unless you have a very good reason. (Not sure? Ask Falcon)
const F32* const LLVector4a::getF32ptr() const
return (const F32* const) &mQ;
// Read-only access a single float in this vector. Do not use in proximity to any function call that manipulates
// the data at the whole vector level or you will incur a substantial penalty. Consider using the splat functions instead
inline F32 LLVector4a::operator[](const S32 idx) const
return ((F32*)&mQ)[idx];
// Prefer this method for read-only access to a single element. Prefer the templated version if the elem is known at compile time.
inline LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::getScalarAt(const S32 idx) const
// Return appropriate LLQuad. It will be cast to LLSimdScalar automatically (should be effectively a nop)
switch (idx)
case 0:
return mQ;
case 1:
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));
case 2:
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2));
case 3:
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3));
// Prefer this method for read-only access to a single element. Prefer the templated version if the elem is known at compile time.
template <int N> LL_FORCE_INLINE LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::getScalarAt() const
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(N, N, N, N));
template<> LL_FORCE_INLINE LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::getScalarAt<0>() const
return mQ;
// Prefer this method for read-only access to a single element. Prefer the templated version if the elem is known at compile time.
inline LLVector4a LLVector4a::getVectorAt(const S32 idx) const
// Return appropriate LLQuad. It will be cast to LLSimdScalar automatically (should be effectively a nop)
switch (idx)
case 0:
return mQ;
case 1:
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));
case 2:
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2));
case 3:
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3));
// Prefer this method for read-only access to a single element. Prefer the templated version if the elem is known at compile time.
template <int N> LL_FORCE_INLINE LLVector4a LLVector4a::getVectorAt() const
return _mm_shuffle_ps(mQ, mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(N, N, N, N));
// Set to an x, y, z and optional w provided
inline void LLVector4a::set(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z, F32 w)
mQ = _mm_set_ps(w, z, y, x);
// Set to all zeros
inline void LLVector4a::clear()
mQ = _mm_setzero_ps();
inline void LLVector4a::splat(const F32 x)
mQ = _mm_set1_ps(x);
inline void LLVector4a::splat(const LLSimdScalar& x)
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps( x.getQuad(), x.getQuad(), _MM_SHUFFLE(0,0,0,0) );
// Set all 4 elements to element N of src, with N known at compile time
template <int N> void LLVector4a::splat(const LLVector4a& src)
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps(src.mQ, src.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(N, N, N, N) );
// Set all 4 elements to element i of v, with i NOT known at compile time
inline void LLVector4a::splat(const LLVector4a& v, U32 i)
switch (i)
case 0:
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps(v.mQ, v.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
case 1:
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps(v.mQ, v.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));
case 2:
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps(v.mQ, v.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2));
case 3:
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps(v.mQ, v.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3));
// Sets element N to that of src's element N
template <int N> inline void LLVector4a::copyComponent(const LLVector4a& src)
static const LLVector4Logical mask = _mm_load_ps((F32*)&S_V4LOGICAL_MASK_TABLE[N*4]);
// Select bits from sourceIfTrue and sourceIfFalse according to bits in mask
inline void LLVector4a::setSelectWithMask( const LLVector4Logical& mask, const LLVector4a& sourceIfTrue, const LLVector4a& sourceIfFalse )
// ((( sourceIfTrue ^ sourceIfFalse ) & mask) ^ sourceIfFalse )
// E.g., sourceIfFalse = 1010b, sourceIfTrue = 0101b, mask = 1100b
// (sourceIfTrue ^ sourceIfFalse) = 1111b --> & mask = 1100b --> ^ sourceIfFalse = 0110b,
// as expected (01 from sourceIfTrue, 10 from sourceIfFalse)
// Courtesy of Mark++,
mQ = _mm_xor_ps( sourceIfFalse, _mm_and_ps( mask, _mm_xor_ps( sourceIfTrue, sourceIfFalse ) ) );
// Set this to the element-wise (a + b)
inline void LLVector4a::setAdd(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_add_ps(a.mQ, b.mQ);
// Set this to the element-wise (a + b)
inline void LLVector4a::setAdd(const LLVector4a& a, const LLIVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_add_ps(a.mQ, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(b.mQ));
// Set this to the element-wise (a0 + b0, a1, a2, a3)
inline void LLVector4a::setAddFirst(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_add_ss(a.mQ, b.mQ);
// Set this to element-wise (a - b)
inline void LLVector4a::setSub(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_sub_ps(a.mQ, b.mQ);
inline void LLVector4a::setSub(const LLVector4a& a, const LLIVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_sub_ps(a.mQ, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(b.mQ));
// Set this to element-wise multiply (a * b)
inline void LLVector4a::setMul(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_mul_ps(a.mQ, b.mQ);
// Set this to element-wise quotient (a / b)
inline void LLVector4a::setDiv(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
mQ = _mm_div_ps( a.mQ, b.mQ );
// Set this to the element-wise absolute value of src
inline void LLVector4a::setAbs(const LLVector4a& src)
static const LL_ALIGN_16(U32 F_ABS_MASK_4A[4]) = { 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF };
mQ = _mm_and_ps(src.mQ, *reinterpret_cast<const LLQuad*>(F_ABS_MASK_4A));
// Add to each component in this vector the corresponding component in rhs
inline void LLVector4a::add(const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_add_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Add to the first componant in this vector the corresponding component in rhs
inline void LLVector4a::addFirst(const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_add_ss(mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Subtract from each component in this vector the corresponding component in rhs
inline void LLVector4a::sub(const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_sub_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Multiply each component in this vector by the corresponding component in rhs
inline void LLVector4a::mul(const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_mul_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Divide each component in this vector by the corresponding component in rhs
inline void LLVector4a::div(const LLVector4a& rhs)
// TODO: Check accuracy, maybe add divFast
mQ = _mm_div_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Multiply this vector by x in a scalar fashion
inline void LLVector4a::mul(const F32 x)
LLVector4a t;
mQ = _mm_mul_ps(mQ, t.mQ);
// Set this to (a x b) (geometric cross-product)
inline void LLVector4a::setCross3(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
LLQuad tmp0 = _mm_shuffle_ps(b.mQ, b.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 2, 1));
LLQuad tmp1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(a.mQ, a.mQ, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 2, 1));
tmp0 = _mm_mul_ps(tmp0, a.mQ);
tmp1 = _mm_mul_ps(tmp1, b.mQ);
LLQuad tmp2 = _mm_sub_ps(tmp0, tmp1);
mQ = _mm_shuffle_ps(tmp2, tmp2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 2, 1));
// Set all elements to the dot product of the x, y, and z elements in a and b
inline void LLVector4a::setAllDot3(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
mQ = _mm_dp_ps(a.mQ, b.mQ, 0x7f);
// ab = { a[W]*b[W], a[Z]*b[Z], a[Y]*b[Y], a[X]*b[X] }
const LLQuad ab = _mm_mul_ps( a.mQ, b.mQ );
// yzxw = { a[W]*b[W], a[Z]*b[Z], a[X]*b[X], a[Y]*b[Y] }
const __m128i wzxy = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(ab), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1 ));
// xPlusY = { 2*a[W]*b[W], 2 * a[Z] * b[Z], a[Y]*b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y] }
const LLQuad xPlusY = _mm_add_ps(ab, _mm_castsi128_ps(wzxy));
// xPlusYSplat = { a[Y]*b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y], a[Y]*b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y] }
const LLQuad xPlusYSplat = _mm_movelh_ps(xPlusY, xPlusY);
// zSplat = { a[Z]*b[Z], a[Z]*b[Z], a[Z]*b[Z], a[Z]*b[Z] }
const __m128i zSplat = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(ab), _MM_SHUFFLE( 2, 2, 2, 2 ));
// mQ = { a[Z] * b[Z] + a[Y] * b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], same, same, same }
mQ = _mm_add_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(zSplat), xPlusYSplat);
// Set all elements to the dot product of the x, y, z, and w elements in a and b
inline void LLVector4a::setAllDot4(const LLVector4a& a, const LLVector4a& b)
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
mQ = _mm_dp_ps(a.mQ, b.mQ, 0xff);
// ab = { a[W]*b[W], a[Z]*b[Z], a[Y]*b[Y], a[X]*b[X] }
const LLQuad ab = _mm_mul_ps( a.mQ, b.mQ );
// yzxw = { a[W]*b[W], a[Z]*b[Z], a[X]*b[X], a[Y]*b[Y] }
const __m128i zwxy = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(ab), _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1 ));
// zPlusWandXplusY = { a[W]*b[W] + a[Z]*b[Z], a[Z] * b[Z] + a[W]*b[W], a[Y]*b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y] }
const LLQuad zPlusWandXplusY = _mm_add_ps(ab, _mm_castsi128_ps(zwxy));
// xPlusYSplat = { a[Y]*b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y], a[Y]*b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], a[X] * b[X] + a[Y] * b[Y] }
const LLQuad xPlusYSplat = _mm_movelh_ps(zPlusWandXplusY, zPlusWandXplusY);
const LLQuad zPlusWSplat = _mm_movehl_ps(zPlusWandXplusY, zPlusWandXplusY);
// mQ = { a[W]*b[W] + a[Z] * b[Z] + a[Y] * b[Y] + a[X] * b[X], same, same, same }
mQ = _mm_add_ps(xPlusYSplat, zPlusWSplat);
// Return the 3D dot product of this vector and b
inline LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::dot3(const LLVector4a& b) const
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
return _mm_dp_ps(mQ, b.mQ, 0x7f);
const LLQuad ab = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, b.mQ );
const LLQuad splatY = _mm_castsi128_ps( _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_castps_si128(ab), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1) ) );
const LLQuad splatZ = _mm_castsi128_ps( _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_castps_si128(ab), _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2) ) );
const LLQuad xPlusY = _mm_add_ps( ab, splatY );
return _mm_add_ps( xPlusY, splatZ );
// Return the 4D dot product of this vector and b
inline LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::dot4(const LLVector4a& b) const
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
return _mm_dp_ps(mQ, b.mQ, 0xff);
// ab = { w, z, y, x }
const LLQuad ab = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, b.mQ );
// upperProdsInLowerElems = { y, x, y, x }
const LLQuad upperProdsInLowerElems = _mm_movehl_ps( ab, ab );
// sumOfPairs = { w+y, z+x, 2y, 2x }
const LLQuad sumOfPairs = _mm_add_ps( upperProdsInLowerElems, ab );
// shuffled = { z+x, z+x, z+x, z+x }
const LLQuad shuffled = _mm_castsi128_ps( _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_castps_si128( sumOfPairs ), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1) ) );
return _mm_add_ss( sumOfPairs, shuffled );
// Normalize this vector with respect to the x, y, and z components only. Accurate to 22 bites of precision. W component is destroyed
// Note that this does not consider zero length vectors!
inline void LLVector4a::normalize3()
// lenSqrd = a dot a
LLVector4a lenSqrd; lenSqrd.setAllDot3( *this, *this );
// rsqrt = approximate reciprocal square (i.e., { ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2 }
const LLQuad rsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
static const LLQuad half = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
static const LLQuad three = {3.f, 3.f, 3.f, 3.f };
// Now we do one round of Newton-Raphson approximation to get full accuracy
// According to the Newton-Raphson method, given a first 'w' for the root of f(x) = 1/x^2 - a (i.e., x = 1/sqrt(a))
// the next better approximation w[i+1] = w - f(w)/f'(w) = w - (1/w^2 - a)/(-2*w^(-3))
// w[i+1] = w + 0.5 * (1/w^2 - a) * w^3 = w + 0.5 * (w - a*w^3) = 1.5 * w - 0.5 * a * w^3
// = 0.5 * w * (3 - a*w^2)
// Our first approx is w = rsqrt. We need out = a * w[i+1] (this is the input vector 'a', not the 'a' from the above formula
// which is actually lenSqrd). So out = a * [0.5*rsqrt * (3 - lenSqrd*rsqrt*rsqrt)]
const LLQuad AtimesRsqrt = _mm_mul_ps( lenSqrd.mQ, rsqrt );
const LLQuad AtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt = _mm_mul_ps( AtimesRsqrt, rsqrt );
const LLQuad threeMinusAtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt = _mm_sub_ps(three, AtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt );
const LLQuad nrApprox = _mm_mul_ps(half, _mm_mul_ps(rsqrt, threeMinusAtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt));
mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, nrApprox );
// Normalize this vector with respect to all components. Accurate to 22 bites of precision.
// Note that this does not consider zero length vectors!
inline void LLVector4a::normalize4()
// lenSqrd = a dot a
LLVector4a lenSqrd; lenSqrd.setAllDot4( *this, *this );
// rsqrt = approximate reciprocal square (i.e., { ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2 }
const LLQuad rsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
static const LLQuad half = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
static const LLQuad three = {3.f, 3.f, 3.f, 3.f };
// Now we do one round of Newton-Raphson approximation to get full accuracy
// According to the Newton-Raphson method, given a first 'w' for the root of f(x) = 1/x^2 - a (i.e., x = 1/sqrt(a))
// the next better approximation w[i+1] = w - f(w)/f'(w) = w - (1/w^2 - a)/(-2*w^(-3))
// w[i+1] = w + 0.5 * (1/w^2 - a) * w^3 = w + 0.5 * (w - a*w^3) = 1.5 * w - 0.5 * a * w^3
// = 0.5 * w * (3 - a*w^2)
// Our first approx is w = rsqrt. We need out = a * w[i+1] (this is the input vector 'a', not the 'a' from the above formula
// which is actually lenSqrd). So out = a * [0.5*rsqrt * (3 - lenSqrd*rsqrt*rsqrt)]
const LLQuad AtimesRsqrt = _mm_mul_ps( lenSqrd.mQ, rsqrt );
const LLQuad AtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt = _mm_mul_ps( AtimesRsqrt, rsqrt );
const LLQuad threeMinusAtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt = _mm_sub_ps(three, AtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt );
const LLQuad nrApprox = _mm_mul_ps(half, _mm_mul_ps(rsqrt, threeMinusAtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt));
mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, nrApprox );
// Normalize this vector with respect to the x, y, and z components only. Accurate to 22 bites of precision. W component is destroyed
// Note that this does not consider zero length vectors!
inline LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::normalize3withLength()
// lenSqrd = a dot a
LLVector4a lenSqrd; lenSqrd.setAllDot3( *this, *this );
// rsqrt = approximate reciprocal square (i.e., { ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2, ~1/len(a)^2 }
const LLQuad rsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
static const LLQuad half = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
static const LLQuad three = {3.f, 3.f, 3.f, 3.f };
// Now we do one round of Newton-Raphson approximation to get full accuracy
// According to the Newton-Raphson method, given a first 'w' for the root of f(x) = 1/x^2 - a (i.e., x = 1/sqrt(a))
// the next better approximation w[i+1] = w - f(w)/f'(w) = w - (1/w^2 - a)/(-2*w^(-3))
// w[i+1] = w + 0.5 * (1/w^2 - a) * w^3 = w + 0.5 * (w - a*w^3) = 1.5 * w - 0.5 * a * w^3
// = 0.5 * w * (3 - a*w^2)
// Our first approx is w = rsqrt. We need out = a * w[i+1] (this is the input vector 'a', not the 'a' from the above formula
// which is actually lenSqrd). So out = a * [0.5*rsqrt * (3 - lenSqrd*rsqrt*rsqrt)]
const LLQuad AtimesRsqrt = _mm_mul_ps( lenSqrd.mQ, rsqrt );
const LLQuad AtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt = _mm_mul_ps( AtimesRsqrt, rsqrt );
const LLQuad threeMinusAtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt = _mm_sub_ps(three, AtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt );
const LLQuad nrApprox = _mm_mul_ps(half, _mm_mul_ps(rsqrt, threeMinusAtimesRsqrtTimesRsqrt));
mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, nrApprox );
return _mm_sqrt_ss(lenSqrd);
// Normalize this vector with respect to the x, y, and z components only. Accurate only to 10-12 bits of precision. W component is destroyed
// Note that this does not consider zero length vectors!
inline void LLVector4a::normalize3fast()
LLVector4a lenSqrd; lenSqrd.setAllDot3( *this, *this );
const LLQuad approxRsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, approxRsqrt );
inline void LLVector4a::normalize3fast_checked(LLVector4a* d)
if (!isFinite3())
*this = d ? *d : LLVector4a(0,1,0,1);
LLVector4a lenSqrd; lenSqrd.setAllDot3( *this, *this );
if (lenSqrd.getF32ptr()[0] <= FLT_EPSILON)
*this = d ? *d : LLVector4a(0,1,0,1);
const LLQuad approxRsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, approxRsqrt );
// Return true if this vector is normalized with respect to x,y,z up to tolerance
inline LLBool32 LLVector4a::isNormalized3( F32 tolerance ) const
LLSimdScalar tol = _mm_load_ss( &tolerance );
tol = _mm_mul_ss( tol, tol );
LLVector4a lenSquared; lenSquared.setAllDot3( *this, *this );
lenSquared.sub( _mm_set1_ps(1.f) );
return _mm_comile_ss( lenSquared, tol );
// Return true if this vector is normalized with respect to all components up to tolerance
inline LLBool32 LLVector4a::isNormalized4( F32 tolerance ) const
LLSimdScalar tol = _mm_load_ss( &tolerance );
tol = _mm_mul_ss( tol, tol );
LLVector4a lenSquared; lenSquared.setAllDot4( *this, *this );
return _mm_comile_ss( lenSquared, tol );
// Set all elements to the length of vector 'v'
inline void LLVector4a::setAllLength3( const LLVector4a& v )
LLVector4a lenSqrd;
lenSqrd.setAllDot3(v, v);
mQ = _mm_sqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
// Get this vector's length
inline LLSimdScalar LLVector4a::getLength3() const
return _mm_sqrt_ss( dot3( (const LLVector4a)mQ ) );
// Set the components of this vector to the minimum of the corresponding components of lhs and rhs
inline void LLVector4a::setMin(const LLVector4a& lhs, const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_min_ps(lhs.mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Set the components of this vector to the maximum of the corresponding components of lhs and rhs
inline void LLVector4a::setMax(const LLVector4a& lhs, const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_max_ps(lhs.mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Set this to lhs + (rhs-lhs)*c
inline void LLVector4a::setLerp(const LLVector4a& lhs, const LLVector4a& rhs, F32 c)
LLVector4a t;
setAdd(lhs, t);
inline LLBool32 LLVector4a::isFinite3() const
static LL_ALIGN_16(const U32 nanOrInfMask[4]) = { 0x7f800000, 0x7f800000, 0x7f800000, 0x7f800000 };
const __m128i nanOrInfMaskV = *reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*> (nanOrInfMask);
const __m128i maskResult = _mm_and_si128( _mm_castps_si128(mQ), nanOrInfMaskV );
const LLVector4Logical equalityCheck = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_cmpeq_epi32( maskResult, nanOrInfMaskV ));
return !equalityCheck.areAnySet( LLVector4Logical::MASK_XYZ );
inline LLBool32 LLVector4a::isFinite4() const
static LL_ALIGN_16(const U32 nanOrInfMask[4]) = { 0x7f800000, 0x7f800000, 0x7f800000, 0x7f800000 };
const __m128i nanOrInfMaskV = *reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*> (nanOrInfMask);
const __m128i maskResult = _mm_and_si128( _mm_castps_si128(mQ), nanOrInfMaskV );
const LLVector4Logical equalityCheck = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_cmpeq_epi32( maskResult, nanOrInfMaskV ));
return !equalityCheck.areAnySet( LLVector4Logical::MASK_XYZW );
inline void LLVector4a::setRotatedInv( const LLRotation& rot, const LLVector4a& vec )
LLRotation inv; inv.setTranspose( rot );
setRotated( inv, vec );
inline void LLVector4a::setRotatedInv( const LLQuaternion2& quat, const LLVector4a& vec )
LLQuaternion2 invRot; invRot.setConjugate( quat );
setRotated(invRot, vec);
inline void LLVector4a::clamp( const LLVector4a& low, const LLVector4a& high )
const LLVector4Logical highMask = greaterThan( high );
const LLVector4Logical lowMask = lessThan( low );
setSelectWithMask( highMask, high, *this );
setSelectWithMask( lowMask, low, *this );
inline void LLVector4a::negate()
static LL_ALIGN_16(const U32 signMask[4]) = {0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000 };
mQ = _mm_xor_ps(*reinterpret_cast<const LLQuad*>(signMask), mQ);
inline void LLVector4a::setMoveHighLow(const LLVector4a& rhs)
mQ = _mm_movehl_ps(rhs.mQ, rhs.mQ);
inline void LLVector4a::moveHighLow()
mQ = _mm_movehl_ps(mQ, mQ);
// The functions in this section will compare the elements in this vector
// to those in rhs and return an LLVector4Logical with all bits set in elements
// where the comparison was true and all bits unset in elements where the comparison
// was false. See llvector4logica.h
// WARNING: Other than equals3 and equals4, these functions do NOT account
// for floating point tolerance. You should include the appropriate tolerance
// in the inputs.
inline LLVector4Logical LLVector4a::greaterThan(const LLVector4a& rhs) const
return _mm_cmpgt_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
inline LLVector4Logical LLVector4a::lessThan(const LLVector4a& rhs) const
return _mm_cmplt_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
inline LLVector4Logical LLVector4a::greaterEqual(const LLVector4a& rhs) const
return _mm_cmpge_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
inline LLVector4Logical LLVector4a::lessEqual(const LLVector4a& rhs) const
return _mm_cmple_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
inline LLVector4Logical LLVector4a::equal(const LLVector4a& rhs) const
return _mm_cmpeq_ps(mQ, rhs.mQ);
// Returns true if this and rhs are componentwise equal up to the specified absolute tolerance
inline bool LLVector4a::equals4(const LLVector4a& rhs, F32 tolerance ) const
LLVector4a diff; diff.setSub( *this, rhs );
diff.setAbs( diff );
const LLQuad tol = _mm_set1_ps( tolerance );
const LLQuad cmp = _mm_cmplt_ps( diff, tol );
return (_mm_movemask_ps( cmp ) & LLVector4Logical::MASK_XYZW) == LLVector4Logical::MASK_XYZW;
inline bool LLVector4a::equals3(const LLVector4a& rhs, F32 tolerance ) const
LLVector4a diff; diff.setSub( *this, rhs );
diff.setAbs( diff );
const LLQuad tol = _mm_set1_ps( tolerance );
const LLQuad t = _mm_cmplt_ps( diff, tol );
return (_mm_movemask_ps( t ) & LLVector4Logical::MASK_XYZ) == LLVector4Logical::MASK_XYZ;
// Do NOT add aditional operators without consulting someone with SSE experience
inline const LLVector4a& LLVector4a::operator= ( const LLQuad& rhs )
mQ = rhs;
return *this;
inline LLVector4a::operator LLQuad() const
return mQ;