Josh Bell authored
svn merge -r 69806:70964 svn+ssh://svn.lindenlab.com/svn/linden/branches/Branch_1-18-3-Server --> release Merge fixes applied directly to 1.18.3 for server deploy, through the sim rollout: * Listen on the right port for the auditor, don't rely on catch-all * Fix XMLRPC test object channel * Various VAT fixes * Make update_version_files more resilient * Add class 502/510 for new datacenter * Teleport metrics fixes * DB schema update
Josh Bell authoredsvn merge -r 69806:70964 svn+ssh://svn.lindenlab.com/svn/linden/branches/Branch_1-18-3-Server --> release Merge fixes applied directly to 1.18.3 for server deploy, through the sim rollout: * Listen on the right port for the auditor, don't rely on catch-all * Fix XMLRPC test object channel * Various VAT fixes * Make update_version_files more resilient * Add class 502/510 for new datacenter * Teleport metrics fixes * DB schema update
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update_version_files.py 9.38 KiB
# Update all of the various files in the repository to a new version number,
# instead of having to figure it out by hand
from os.path import realpath, dirname, join, exists
setup_path = join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), "setup-path.py")
if exists(setup_path):
import getopt, sys, os, re, commands
from indra.util import llversion
def usage():
print "Usage:"
print sys.argv[0] + """ [options]
Specify the version string to replace current version.
Update llversionserver.h only with new version
Update llversionviewer.h only with new version
Specify the viewer channel string to replace current channel.
Specify the server channel string to replace current channel.
Print this message and exit.
Common Uses:
# Update server and viewer build numbers to the current SVN revision:
# Update server and viewer version numbers explicitly:
update_version_files.py --version=
# Update just the viewer version number explicitly:
update_version_files.py --viewer --version=
# Update just the server build number to the current SVN revision:
update_version_files.py --server
# Update the viewer channel
update_version_files.py --channel="First Look Puppeteering"
# Update the server channel
update_version_files.py --server_channel="Het Grid"
def _getstatusoutput(cmd):
"""Return Win32 (status, output) of executing cmd
in a shell."""
pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
text = pipe.read()
sts = pipe.close()
if sts is None: sts = 0
if text[-1:] == '\n': text = text[:-1]
return sts, text
re_map = {}
#re_map['filename'] = (('pattern', 'replacement'),
# ('pattern', 'replacement')
re_map['indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h'] = \
(('const S32 LL_VERSION_MAJOR = (\d+);',
'const S32 LL_VERSION_MAJOR = %(VER_MAJOR)s;'),
('const S32 LL_VERSION_MINOR = (\d+);',
'const S32 LL_VERSION_MINOR = %(VER_MINOR)s;'),
('const S32 LL_VERSION_PATCH = (\d+);',
'const S32 LL_VERSION_PATCH = %(VER_PATCH)s;'),
('const S32 LL_VERSION_BUILD = (\d+);',
'const S32 LL_VERSION_BUILD = %(VER_BUILD)s;'),
('const char \* const LL_CHANNEL = "(.+)";',
'const char * const LL_CHANNEL = "%(VIEWER_CHANNEL)s";'))
re_map['indra/llcommon/llversionserver.h'] = \
(('const S32 LL_VERSION_MAJOR = (\d+);',
('const S32 LL_VERSION_MINOR = (\d+);',
('const S32 LL_VERSION_PATCH = (\d+);',
('const S32 LL_VERSION_BUILD = (\d+);',
('const char \* const LL_CHANNEL = "(.+)";',
'const char * const LL_CHANNEL = "%(SERVER_CHANNEL)s";'))
re_map['indra/newview/res/newViewRes.rc'] = \
(('FILEVERSION [0-9,]+',
('VALUE "FileVersion", "[0-9.]+"',
'VALUE "FileVersion", "%(VER_MAJOR)s.%(VER_MINOR)s.%(VER_PATCH)s.%(VER_BUILD)s"'),
('VALUE "ProductVersion", "[0-9.]+"',
'VALUE "ProductVersion", "%(VER_MAJOR)s.%(VER_MINOR)s.%(VER_PATCH)s.%(VER_BUILD)s"'))
# Trailing ',' in top level tuple is special form to avoid parsing issues with one element tuple
re_map['indra/newview/Info-SecondLife.plist'] = \
# This will probably only work as long as InfoPlist.strings is NOT UTF16, which is should be...
re_map['indra/newview/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings'] = \
(('CFBundleShortVersionString = "Second Life version [0-9.]+";',
'CFBundleShortVersionString = "Second Life version %(VER_MAJOR)s.%(VER_MINOR)s.%(VER_PATCH)s.%(VER_BUILD)s";'),
('CFBundleGetInfoString = "Second Life version [0-9.]+',
'CFBundleGetInfoString = "Second Life version %(VER_MAJOR)s.%(VER_MINOR)s.%(VER_PATCH)s.%(VER_BUILD)s'))
version_re = re.compile('(\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)')
svn_re = re.compile('Last Changed Rev: (\d+)')
def main():
script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
src_root = script_path + "/../"
verbose = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
['version=', 'channel=', 'server_channel=', 'verbose', 'server', 'viewer', 'help'])
update_server = False
update_viewer = False
new_version = None
new_viewer_channel = None
new_server_channel = None
for o,a in opts:
if o in ('--version'):
new_version = a
if o in ('--channel'):
new_viewer_channel = a
if o in ('--server_channel'):
new_server_channel = a
if o in ('--verbose'):
verbose = True
if o in ('--server'):
update_server = True
if o in ('--viewer'):
update_viewer = True
if o in ('--help'):
return 0
if not(update_server or update_viewer):
update_server = True
update_viewer = True
# Get current channel/version from llversion*.h
viewer_channel = llversion.get_viewer_channel()
viewer_version = llversion.get_viewer_version()
except IOError:
print "Viewer version file not present, skipping..."
viewer_channel = None
viewer_version = None
update_viewer = False
server_channel = llversion.get_server_channel()
server_version = llversion.get_server_version()
except IOError:
print "Server version file not present, skipping..."
server_channel = None
server_version = None
update_server = False
if verbose:
print "Source Path:", src_root
if viewer_channel != None:
print "Current viewer channel/version: '%(viewer_channel)s' / '%(viewer_version)s'" % locals()
if server_channel != None:
print "Current server channel/version: '%(server_channel)s' / '%(server_version)s'" % locals()
# Determine new channel(s)
if new_viewer_channel != None and len(new_viewer_channel) > 0:
viewer_channel = new_viewer_channel
if new_server_channel != None and len(new_server_channel) > 0:
server_channel = new_server_channel
# Determine new version(s)
if new_version:
m = version_re.match(new_version)
if not m:
print "Invalid version string specified!"
return -1
if update_viewer:
viewer_version = new_version
if update_server:
server_version = new_version
# Assume we're updating just the build number
cl = 'svn info "%s"' % src_root
status, output = _getstatusoutput(cl)
#print "svn info output:"
#print "----------------"
#print output
m = svn_re.search(output)
if not m:
print "Failed to execute svn info, output follows:"
print output
return -1
revision = m.group(1)
if update_viewer:
m = version_re.match(viewer_version)
viewer_version = m.group(1)+"."+m.group(2)+"."+m.group(3)+"."+revision
if update_server:
m = version_re.match(server_version)
server_version = m.group(1)+"."+m.group(2)+"."+m.group(3)+"."+revision
if verbose:
if update_viewer:
print "Setting viewer channel/version: '%(viewer_channel)s' / '%(viewer_version)s'" % locals()
if update_server:
print "Setting server channel/version: '%(server_channel)s' / '%(server_version)s'" % locals()
# split out version parts
if viewer_version != None:
m = version_re.match(viewer_version)
VER_MAJOR = m.group(1)
VER_MINOR = m.group(2)
VER_PATCH = m.group(3)
VER_BUILD = m.group(4)
if server_version != None:
m = version_re.match(server_version)
SERVER_VER_MAJOR = m.group(1)
SERVER_VER_MINOR = m.group(2)
SERVER_VER_PATCH = m.group(3)
SERVER_VER_BUILD = m.group(4)
# For readability and symmetry with version strings:
VIEWER_CHANNEL = viewer_channel
SERVER_CHANNEL = server_channel
# Iterate through all of the files in the map, and apply the
# substitution filters
for filename in re_map.keys():
# Read the entire file into a string
full_fn = src_root + '/' + filename
file = open(full_fn,"r")
file_str = file.read()
if verbose:
print "Processing file:",filename
for rule in re_map[filename]:
repl = rule[1] % locals()
file_str = re.sub(rule[0], repl, file_str)
file = open(full_fn,"w")
except IOError:
print "File %(filename)s not present, skipping..." % locals()
return 0