David Parks authoredDavid Parks authored
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llassetstorage.cpp 44.24 KiB
* @file llassetstorage.cpp
* @brief Implementation of the base asset storage system.
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
* Second Life Viewer Source Code
* Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License only.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
* $/LicenseInfo$
#include "linden_common.h"
// system library includes
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "llassetstorage.h"
// linden library includes
#include "llmath.h"
#include "llstring.h"
#include "lldir.h"
#include "llsd.h"
#include "llframetimer.h"
// this library includes
#include "message.h"
#include "llxfermanager.h"
#include "llvfile.h"
#include "llvfs.h"
#include "lldbstrings.h"
#include "lltransfersourceasset.h"
#include "lltransfertargetvfile.h" // For debugging
#include "llmetrics.h"
LLAssetStorage *gAssetStorage = NULL;
LLMetrics *LLAssetStorage::metric_recipient = NULL;
const LLUUID CATEGORIZE_LOST_AND_FOUND_ID(std::string("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010"));
const U64 TOXIC_ASSET_LIFETIME = (120 * 1000000); // microseconds
/// LLAssetInfo
LLAssetInfo::LLAssetInfo( void )
: mDescription(),
mType( LLAssetType::AT_NONE )
{ }
LLAssetInfo::LLAssetInfo( const LLUUID& object_id, const LLUUID& creator_id,
LLAssetType::EType type, const char* name,
const char* desc )
: mUuid( object_id ),
mCreatorID( creator_id ),
mType( type )
setName( name );
setDescription( desc );
LLAssetInfo::LLAssetInfo( const LLNameValue& nv )
setFromNameValue( nv );
// make sure the name is short enough, and strip all pipes since they
// are reserved characters in our inventory tracking system.
void LLAssetInfo::setName( const std::string& name )
if( !name.empty() )
mName.assign( name, 0, llmin((U32)name.size(), (U32)DB_INV_ITEM_NAME_STR_LEN) );
mName.erase( std::remove(mName.begin(), mName.end(), '|'),
mName.end() );
// make sure the name is short enough, and strip all pipes since they
// are reserved characters in our inventory tracking system.
void LLAssetInfo::setDescription( const std::string& desc )
if( !desc.empty() )
mDescription.assign( desc, 0, llmin((U32)desc.size(),
mDescription.erase( std::remove(mDescription.begin(),
mDescription.end(), '|'),
mDescription.end() );
// Assets (aka potential inventory items) can be applied to an
// object in the world. We'll store that as a string name value
// pair where the name encodes part of asset info, and the value
// the rest. LLAssetInfo objects will be responsible for parsing
// the meaning out froman LLNameValue object. See the inventory
// design docs for details. Briefly:
// name=<inv_type>|<uuid>
// value=<creatorid>|<name>|<description>|
void LLAssetInfo::setFromNameValue( const LLNameValue& nv )
std::string str;
std::string buf;
std::string::size_type pos1;
std::string::size_type pos2;
// convert the name to useful information
str.assign( nv.mName );
pos1 = str.find('|');
buf.assign( str, 0, pos1++ );
mType = LLAssetType::lookup( buf );
buf.assign( str, pos1, std::string::npos );
mUuid.set( buf );
// convert the value to useful information
str.assign( nv.getAsset() );
pos1 = str.find('|');
buf.assign( str, 0, pos1++ );
mCreatorID.set( buf );
pos2 = str.find( '|', pos1 );
buf.assign( str, pos1, (pos2++) - pos1 );
setName( buf );
buf.assign( str, pos2, std::string::npos );
setDescription( buf );
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "uuid: " << mUuid << llendl;
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "creator: " << mCreatorID << llendl;
/// LLAssetRequest
LLAssetRequest::LLAssetRequest(const LLUUID &uuid, const LLAssetType::EType type)
: mUUID(uuid),
mDownCallback( NULL ),
mUpCallback( NULL ),
mInfoCallback( NULL ),
mUserData( NULL ),
mIsTemp( FALSE ),
// Need to guarantee that this time is up to date, we may be creating a circuit even though we haven't been
// running a message system loop.
mTime = LLMessageSystem::getMessageTimeSeconds(TRUE);
// virtual
// virtual
LLSD LLAssetRequest::getTerseDetails() const
LLSD sd;
sd["asset_id"] = getUUID();
sd["type_long"] = LLAssetType::lookupHumanReadable(getType());
sd["type"] = LLAssetType::lookup(getType());
sd["time"] = mTime;
time_t timestamp = (time_t) mTime;
std::ostringstream time_string;
time_string << ctime(×tamp);
sd["time_string"] = time_string.str();
return sd;
// virtual
LLSD LLAssetRequest::getFullDetails() const
LLSD sd = getTerseDetails();
sd["host"] = mHost.getIPandPort();
sd["requesting_agent"] = mRequestingAgentID;
sd["is_temp"] = mIsTemp;
sd["is_local"] = mIsLocal;
sd["is_priority"] = mIsPriority;
sd["data_send_in_first_packet"] = mDataSentInFirstPacket;
sd["data_is_in_vfs"] = mDataIsInVFS;
return sd;
/// LLInvItemRequest
LLInvItemRequest::LLInvItemRequest(const LLUUID &uuid, const LLAssetType::EType type)
: mUUID(uuid),
mDownCallback( NULL ),
mUserData( NULL ),
mIsTemp( FALSE ),
// Need to guarantee that this time is up to date, we may be creating a circuit even though we haven't been
// running a message system loop.
mTime = LLMessageSystem::getMessageTimeSeconds(TRUE);
/// LLEstateAssetRequest
LLEstateAssetRequest::LLEstateAssetRequest(const LLUUID &uuid, const LLAssetType::EType atype,
EstateAssetType etype)
: mUUID(uuid),
mDownCallback( NULL ),
mUserData( NULL ),
mIsTemp( FALSE ),
// Need to guarantee that this time is up to date, we may be creating a circuit even though we haven't been
// running a message system loop.
mTime = LLMessageSystem::getMessageTimeSeconds(TRUE);
/// LLAssetStorage
// since many of these functions are called by the messaging and xfer systems,
// they are declared as static and are passed a "this" handle
// it's a C/C++ mish-mash!
// TODO: permissions on modifications - maybe don't allow at all?
// TODO: verify that failures get propogated down
// TODO: rework tempfile handling?
LLAssetStorage::LLAssetStorage(LLMessageSystem *msg, LLXferManager *xfer, LLVFS *vfs, LLVFS *static_vfs, const LLHost &upstream_host)
_init(msg, xfer, vfs, static_vfs, upstream_host);
LLAssetStorage::LLAssetStorage(LLMessageSystem *msg, LLXferManager *xfer,
LLVFS *vfs, LLVFS *static_vfs)
_init(msg, xfer, vfs, static_vfs, LLHost::invalid);
void LLAssetStorage::_init(LLMessageSystem *msg,
LLXferManager *xfer,
LLVFS *vfs,
LLVFS *static_vfs,
const LLHost &upstream_host)
mShutDown = FALSE;
mMessageSys = msg;
mXferManager = xfer;
mVFS = vfs;
mStaticVFS = static_vfs;
msg->setHandlerFuncFast(_PREHASH_AssetUploadComplete, processUploadComplete, (void **)this);
mShutDown = TRUE;
_cleanupRequests(TRUE, LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE);
if (gMessageSystem)
// Warning! This won't work if there's more than one asset storage.
// unregister our callbacks with the message system
gMessageSystem->setHandlerFuncFast(_PREHASH_AssetUploadComplete, NULL, NULL);
// Clear the toxic asset map
void LLAssetStorage::setUpstream(const LLHost &upstream_host)
LL_DEBUGS("AppInit") << "AssetStorage: Setting upstream provider to " << upstream_host << LL_ENDL;
mUpstreamHost = upstream_host;
void LLAssetStorage::checkForTimeouts()
_cleanupRequests(FALSE, LL_ERR_TCP_TIMEOUT);
void LLAssetStorage::_cleanupRequests(BOOL all, S32 error)
F64 mt_secs = LLMessageSystem::getMessageTimeSeconds();
request_list_t timed_out;
S32 rt;
for (rt = 0; rt < RT_COUNT; rt++)
request_list_t* requests = getRequestList((ERequestType)rt);
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = requests->begin();
iter != requests->end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* tmp = *curiter;
// if all is true, we want to clean up everything
// otherwise just check for timed out requests
// EXCEPT for upload timeouts
if (all
|| ((RT_DOWNLOAD == rt)
&& LL_ASSET_STORAGE_TIMEOUT < (mt_secs - tmp->mTime)))
llwarns << "Asset " << getRequestName((ERequestType)rt) << " request "
<< (all ? "aborted" : "timed out") << " for "
<< tmp->getUUID() << "."
<< LLAssetType::lookup(tmp->getType()) << llendl;
iter = requests->erase(curiter);
LLAssetInfo info;
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = timed_out.begin();
iter != timed_out.end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* tmp = *curiter;
if (tmp->mUpCallback)
tmp->mUpCallback(tmp->getUUID(), tmp->mUserData, error, LL_EXSTAT_NONE);
if (tmp->mDownCallback)
tmp->mDownCallback(mVFS, tmp->getUUID(), tmp->getType(), tmp->mUserData, error, LL_EXSTAT_NONE);
if (tmp->mInfoCallback)
tmp->mInfoCallback(&info, tmp->mUserData, error);
delete tmp;
BOOL LLAssetStorage::hasLocalAsset(const LLUUID &uuid, const LLAssetType::EType type)
return mStaticVFS->getExists(uuid, type) || mVFS->getExists(uuid, type);
bool LLAssetStorage::findInStaticVFSAndInvokeCallback(const LLUUID& uuid, LLAssetType::EType type,
LLGetAssetCallback callback, void *user_data)
if (user_data)
// The *user_data should not be passed without a callback to clean it up.
llassert(callback != NULL)
BOOL exists = mStaticVFS->getExists(uuid, type);
if (exists)
LLVFile file(mStaticVFS, uuid, type);
U32 size = file.getSize();
if (size > 0)
// we've already got the file
if (callback)
callback(mStaticVFS, uuid, type, user_data, LL_ERR_NOERR, LL_EXSTAT_VFS_CACHED);
return true;
llwarns << "Asset vfile " << uuid << ":" << type
<< " found in static cache with bad size " << file.getSize() << ", ignoring" << llendl;
return false;
// GET routines
// IW - uuid is passed by value to avoid side effects, please don't re-add &
void LLAssetStorage::getAssetData(const LLUUID uuid, LLAssetType::EType type, LLGetAssetCallback callback, void *user_data, BOOL is_priority)
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "LLAssetStorage::getAssetData() - " << uuid << "," << LLAssetType::lookup(type) << llendl;
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "ASSET_TRACE requesting " << uuid << " type " << LLAssetType::lookup(type) << llendl;
if (user_data)
// The *user_data should not be passed without a callback to clean it up.
llassert(callback != NULL)
if (mShutDown)
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "ASSET_TRACE cancelled " << uuid << " type " << LLAssetType::lookup(type) << " shutting down" << llendl;
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, uuid, type, user_data, LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_FAILED, LL_EXSTAT_NONE);
if (uuid.isNull())
// Special case early out for NULL uuid and for shutting down
if (callback)
// Try static VFS first.
if (findInStaticVFSAndInvokeCallback(uuid,type,callback,user_data))
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "ASSET_TRACE asset " << uuid << " found in static VFS" << llendl;
BOOL exists = mVFS->getExists(uuid, type);
LLVFile file(mVFS, uuid, type);
U32 size = exists ? file.getSize() : 0;
if (size > 0)
// we've already got the file
// theoretically, partial files w/o a pending request shouldn't happen
// unless there's a weird error
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, uuid, type, user_data, LL_ERR_NOERR, LL_EXSTAT_VFS_CACHED);
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "ASSET_TRACE asset " << uuid << " found in VFS" << llendl;
if (exists)
llwarns << "Asset vfile " << uuid << ":" << type << " found with bad size " << file.getSize() << ", removing" << llendl;
BOOL duplicate = FALSE;
// check to see if there's a pending download of this uuid already
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = mPendingDownloads.begin();
iter != mPendingDownloads.end(); ++iter )
LLAssetRequest *tmp = *iter;
if ((type == tmp->getType()) && (uuid == tmp->getUUID()))
if (callback == tmp->mDownCallback && user_data == tmp->mUserData)
// this is a duplicate from the same subsystem - throw it away
llwarns << "Discarding duplicate request for asset " << uuid
<< "." << LLAssetType::lookup(type) << llendl;
// this is a duplicate request
// queue the request, but don't actually ask for it again
duplicate = TRUE;
if (duplicate)
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Adding additional non-duplicate request for asset " << uuid
<< "." << LLAssetType::lookup(type) << llendl;
// This can be overridden by subclasses
_queueDataRequest(uuid, type, callback, user_data, duplicate, is_priority);
// *NOTE: Logic here is replicated in LLViewerAssetStorage::_queueDataRequest.
// Changes here may need to be replicated in the viewer's derived class.
void LLAssetStorage::_queueDataRequest(const LLUUID& uuid, LLAssetType::EType atype,
LLGetAssetCallback callback,
void *user_data, BOOL duplicate,
BOOL is_priority)
if (mUpstreamHost.isOk())
// stash the callback info so we can find it after we get the response message
LLAssetRequest *req = new LLAssetRequest(uuid, atype);
req->mDownCallback = callback;
req->mUserData = user_data;
req->mIsPriority = is_priority;
if (!duplicate)
// send request message to our upstream data provider
// Create a new asset transfer.
LLTransferSourceParamsAsset spa;
spa.setAsset(uuid, atype);
// Set our destination file, and the completion callback.
LLTransferTargetParamsVFile tpvf;
tpvf.setAsset(uuid, atype);
tpvf.setCallback(downloadCompleteCallback, req);
//llinfos << "Starting transfer for " << uuid << llendl;
LLTransferTargetChannel *ttcp = gTransferManager.getTargetChannel(mUpstreamHost, LLTCT_ASSET);
ttcp->requestTransfer(spa, tpvf, 100.f + (is_priority ? 1.f : 0.f));
// uh-oh, we shouldn't have gotten here
llwarns << "Attempt to move asset data request upstream w/o valid upstream provider" << llendl;
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, uuid, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE, LL_EXSTAT_NO_UPSTREAM);
void LLAssetStorage::downloadCompleteCallback(
S32 result,
const LLUUID& file_id,
LLAssetType::EType file_type,
void* user_data, LLExtStat ext_status)
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "ASSET_TRACE asset " << file_id << " downloadCompleteCallback" << llendl;
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "LLAssetStorage::downloadCompleteCallback() for " << file_id
<< "," << LLAssetType::lookup(file_type) << llendl;
LLAssetRequest* req = (LLAssetRequest*)user_data;
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::downloadCompleteCallback called without"
"a valid request." << llendl;
if (!gAssetStorage)
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::downloadCompleteCallback called without any asset system, aborting!" << llendl;
// Inefficient since we're doing a find through a list that may have thousands of elements.
// This is due for refactoring; we will probably change mPendingDownloads into a set.
request_list_t::iterator download_iter = std::find(gAssetStorage->mPendingDownloads.begin(),
// If the LLAssetRequest doesn't exist in the downloads queue, then it either has already been deleted
// by _cleanupRequests, or it's a transfer.
if (download_iter != gAssetStorage->mPendingDownloads.end())
if (LL_ERR_NOERR == result)
// we might have gotten a zero-size file
LLVFile vfile(gAssetStorage->mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getType());
if (vfile.getSize() <= 0)
llwarns << "downloadCompleteCallback has non-existent or zero-size asset " << req->getUUID() << llendl;
// find and callback ALL pending requests for this UUID
// SJB: We process the callbacks in reverse order, I do not know if this is important,
// but I didn't want to mess with it.
request_list_t requests;
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = gAssetStorage->mPendingDownloads.begin();
iter != gAssetStorage->mPendingDownloads.end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* tmp = *curiter;
if ((tmp->getUUID() == file_id) && (tmp->getType()== file_type))
iter = gAssetStorage->mPendingDownloads.erase(curiter);
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = requests.begin();
iter != requests.end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* tmp = *curiter;
if (tmp->mDownCallback)
tmp->mDownCallback(gAssetStorage->mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getType(), tmp->mUserData, result, ext_status);
delete tmp;
void LLAssetStorage::getEstateAsset(const LLHost &object_sim, const LLUUID &agent_id, const LLUUID &session_id,
const LLUUID &asset_id, LLAssetType::EType atype, EstateAssetType etype,
LLGetAssetCallback callback, void *user_data, BOOL is_priority)
lldebugs << "LLAssetStorage::getEstateAsset() - " << asset_id << "," << LLAssetType::lookup(atype) << ", estatetype " << etype << llendl;
// Probably will get rid of this early out?
if (asset_id.isNull())
// Special case early out for NULL uuid
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, asset_id, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_NOT_IN_DATABASE, LL_EXSTAT_NULL_UUID);
// Try static VFS first.
if (findInStaticVFSAndInvokeCallback(asset_id,atype,callback,user_data))
BOOL exists = mVFS->getExists(asset_id, atype);
LLVFile file(mVFS, asset_id, atype);
U32 size = exists ? file.getSize() : 0;
if (size > 0)
// we've already got the file
// theoretically, partial files w/o a pending request shouldn't happen
// unless there's a weird error
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, asset_id, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_NOERR, LL_EXSTAT_VFS_CACHED);
if (exists)
llwarns << "Asset vfile " << asset_id << ":" << atype << " found with bad size " << file.getSize() << ", removing" << llendl;
// See whether we should talk to the object's originating sim, or the upstream provider.
LLHost source_host;
if (object_sim.isOk())
source_host = object_sim;
source_host = mUpstreamHost;
if (source_host.isOk())
// stash the callback info so we can find it after we get the response message
LLEstateAssetRequest *req = new LLEstateAssetRequest(asset_id, atype, etype);
req->mDownCallback = callback;
req->mUserData = user_data;
req->mIsPriority = is_priority;
// send request message to our upstream data provider
// Create a new asset transfer.
LLTransferSourceParamsEstate spe;
spe.setAgentSession(agent_id, session_id);
// Set our destination file, and the completion callback.
LLTransferTargetParamsVFile tpvf;
tpvf.setAsset(asset_id, atype);
tpvf.setCallback(downloadEstateAssetCompleteCallback, req);
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Starting transfer for " << asset_id << llendl;
LLTransferTargetChannel *ttcp = gTransferManager.getTargetChannel(source_host, LLTCT_ASSET);
ttcp->requestTransfer(spe, tpvf, 100.f + (is_priority ? 1.f : 0.f));
// uh-oh, we shouldn't have gotten here
llwarns << "Attempt to move asset data request upstream w/o valid upstream provider" << llendl;
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, asset_id, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE, LL_EXSTAT_NO_UPSTREAM);
void LLAssetStorage::downloadEstateAssetCompleteCallback(
S32 result,
const LLUUID& file_id,
LLAssetType::EType file_type,
void* user_data,
LLExtStat ext_status)
LLEstateAssetRequest *req = (LLEstateAssetRequest*)user_data;
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::downloadEstateAssetCompleteCallback called"
" without a valid request." << llendl;
if (!gAssetStorage)
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::downloadEstateAssetCompleteCallback called"
" without any asset system, aborting!" << llendl;
if (LL_ERR_NOERR == result)
// we might have gotten a zero-size file
LLVFile vfile(gAssetStorage->mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getAType());
if (vfile.getSize() <= 0)
llwarns << "downloadCompleteCallback has non-existent or zero-size asset!" << llendl;
req->mDownCallback(gAssetStorage->mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getAType(), req->mUserData, result, ext_status);
void LLAssetStorage::getInvItemAsset(const LLHost &object_sim, const LLUUID &agent_id, const LLUUID &session_id,
const LLUUID &owner_id, const LLUUID &task_id, const LLUUID &item_id,
const LLUUID &asset_id, LLAssetType::EType atype,
LLGetAssetCallback callback, void *user_data, BOOL is_priority)
lldebugs << "LLAssetStorage::getInvItemAsset() - " << asset_id << "," << LLAssetType::lookup(atype) << llendl;
// Probably will get rid of this early out?
//if (asset_id.isNull())
// // Special case early out for NULL uuid
// if (callback)
// {
// callback(mVFS, asset_id, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_NOT_IN_DATABASE);
// }
// return;
bool exists = false;
U32 size = 0;
// Try static VFS first.
if (findInStaticVFSAndInvokeCallback( asset_id, atype, callback, user_data))
exists = mVFS->getExists(asset_id, atype);
LLVFile file(mVFS, asset_id, atype);
size = exists ? file.getSize() : 0;
if(exists && size < 1)
llwarns << "Asset vfile " << asset_id << ":" << atype << " found with bad size " << file.getSize() << ", removing" << llendl;
if (size > 0)
// we've already got the file
// theoretically, partial files w/o a pending request shouldn't happen
// unless there's a weird error
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, asset_id, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_NOERR, LL_EXSTAT_VFS_CACHED);
// See whether we should talk to the object's originating sim,
// or the upstream provider.
LLHost source_host;
if (object_sim.isOk())
source_host = object_sim;
source_host = mUpstreamHost;
if (source_host.isOk())
// stash the callback info so we can find it after we get the response message
LLInvItemRequest *req = new LLInvItemRequest(asset_id, atype);
req->mDownCallback = callback;
req->mUserData = user_data;
req->mIsPriority = is_priority;
// send request message to our upstream data provider
// Create a new asset transfer.
LLTransferSourceParamsInvItem spi;
spi.setAgentSession(agent_id, session_id);
spi.setInvItem(owner_id, task_id, item_id);
spi.setAsset(asset_id, atype);
// Set our destination file, and the completion callback.
LLTransferTargetParamsVFile tpvf;
tpvf.setAsset(asset_id, atype);
tpvf.setCallback(downloadInvItemCompleteCallback, req);
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Starting transfer for inventory asset "
<< item_id << " owned by " << owner_id << "," << task_id
<< llendl;
LLTransferTargetChannel *ttcp = gTransferManager.getTargetChannel(source_host, LLTCT_ASSET);
ttcp->requestTransfer(spi, tpvf, 100.f + (is_priority ? 1.f : 0.f));
// uh-oh, we shouldn't have gotten here
llwarns << "Attempt to move asset data request upstream w/o valid upstream provider" << llendl;
if (callback)
callback(mVFS, asset_id, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE, LL_EXSTAT_NO_UPSTREAM);
void LLAssetStorage::downloadInvItemCompleteCallback(
S32 result,
const LLUUID& file_id,
LLAssetType::EType file_type,
void* user_data,
LLExtStat ext_status)
LLInvItemRequest *req = (LLInvItemRequest*)user_data;
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::downloadEstateAssetCompleteCallback called"
" without a valid request." << llendl;
if (!gAssetStorage)
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::downloadCompleteCallback called without any asset system, aborting!" << llendl;
if (LL_ERR_NOERR == result)
// we might have gotten a zero-size file
LLVFile vfile(gAssetStorage->mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getType());
if (vfile.getSize() <= 0)
llwarns << "downloadCompleteCallback has non-existent or zero-size asset!" << llendl;
req->mDownCallback(gAssetStorage->mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getType(), req->mUserData, result, ext_status);
// Store routines
// static
void LLAssetStorage::uploadCompleteCallback(const LLUUID& uuid, void *user_data, S32 result, LLExtStat ext_status) // StoreAssetData callback (fixed)
if (!gAssetStorage)
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::uploadCompleteCallback has no gAssetStorage!" << llendl;
LLAssetRequest *req = (LLAssetRequest *)user_data;
BOOL success = TRUE;
if (result)
llwarns << "LLAssetStorage::uploadCompleteCallback " << result << ":" << getErrorString(result) << " trying to upload file to upstream provider" << llendl;
success = FALSE;
// we're done grabbing the file, tell the client
gAssetStorage->mMessageSys->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_UUID, uuid);
gAssetStorage->mMessageSys->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_Type, req->getType());
gAssetStorage->mMessageSys->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_Success, success);
delete req;
void LLAssetStorage::processUploadComplete(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data)
LLAssetStorage *this_ptr = (LLAssetStorage *)user_data;
LLUUID uuid;
S8 asset_type_s8;
LLAssetType::EType asset_type;
BOOL success = FALSE;
msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AssetBlock, _PREHASH_UUID, uuid);
msg->getS8Fast(_PREHASH_AssetBlock, _PREHASH_Type, asset_type_s8);
msg->getBOOLFast(_PREHASH_AssetBlock, _PREHASH_Success, success);
asset_type = (LLAssetType::EType)asset_type_s8;
this_ptr->_callUploadCallbacks(uuid, asset_type, success, LL_EXSTAT_NONE);
void LLAssetStorage::_callUploadCallbacks(const LLUUID &uuid, LLAssetType::EType asset_type, BOOL success, LLExtStat ext_status )
// SJB: We process the callbacks in reverse order, I do not know if this is important,
// but I didn't want to mess with it.
request_list_t requests;
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = mPendingUploads.begin();
iter != mPendingUploads.end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* req = *curiter;
if ((req->getUUID() == uuid) && (req->getType() == asset_type))
iter = mPendingUploads.erase(curiter);
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = mPendingLocalUploads.begin();
iter != mPendingLocalUploads.end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* req = *curiter;
if ((req->getUUID() == uuid) && (req->getType() == asset_type))
iter = mPendingLocalUploads.erase(curiter);
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = requests.begin();
iter != requests.end(); )
request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLAssetRequest* req = *curiter;
if (req->mUpCallback)
req->mUpCallback(uuid, req->mUserData, (success ? LL_ERR_NOERR : LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_FAILED ), ext_status );
delete req;
LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* LLAssetStorage::getRequestList(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt)
switch (rt)
return &mPendingDownloads;
return &mPendingUploads;
return &mPendingLocalUploads;
llwarns << "Unable to find request list for request type '" << rt << "'" << llendl;
return NULL;
const LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* LLAssetStorage::getRequestList(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt) const
switch (rt)
return &mPendingDownloads;
return &mPendingUploads;
return &mPendingLocalUploads;
llwarns << "Unable to find request list for request type '" << rt << "'" << llendl;
return NULL;
// static
std::string LLAssetStorage::getRequestName(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt)
switch (rt)
return "download";
return "upload";
return "localupload";
llwarns << "Unable to find request name for request type '" << rt << "'" << llendl;
return "";
S32 LLAssetStorage::getNumPending(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt) const
const request_list_t* requests = getRequestList(rt);
S32 num_pending = -1;
if (requests)
num_pending = requests->size();
return num_pending;
S32 LLAssetStorage::getNumPendingDownloads() const
return getNumPending(RT_DOWNLOAD);
S32 LLAssetStorage::getNumPendingUploads() const
return getNumPending(RT_UPLOAD);
S32 LLAssetStorage::getNumPendingLocalUploads()
return getNumPending(RT_LOCALUPLOAD);
// virtual
LLSD LLAssetStorage::getPendingDetails(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const std::string& detail_prefix) const
const request_list_t* requests = getRequestList(rt);
LLSD sd;
sd["requests"] = getPendingDetailsImpl(requests, asset_type, detail_prefix);
return sd;
// virtual
LLSD LLAssetStorage::getPendingDetailsImpl(const LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* requests,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const std::string& detail_prefix) const
LLSD details;
if (requests)
request_list_t::const_iterator it = requests->begin();
request_list_t::const_iterator end = requests->end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it)
LLAssetRequest* req = *it;
if ( (LLAssetType::AT_NONE == asset_type)
|| (req->getType() == asset_type) )
LLSD row = req->getTerseDetails();
std::ostringstream detail;
detail << detail_prefix << "/" << LLAssetType::lookup(req->getType())
<< "/" << req->getUUID();
row["detail"] = LLURI(detail.str());
return details;
// static
const LLAssetRequest* LLAssetStorage::findRequest(const LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* requests,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const LLUUID& asset_id)
if (requests)
// Search the requests list for the asset.
request_list_t::const_iterator iter = requests->begin();
request_list_t::const_iterator end = requests->end();
for (; iter != end; ++iter)
const LLAssetRequest* req = *iter;
if (asset_type == req->getType() &&
asset_id == req->getUUID() )
return req;
return NULL;
// static
LLAssetRequest* LLAssetStorage::findRequest(LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* requests,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const LLUUID& asset_id)
if (requests)
// Search the requests list for the asset.
request_list_t::iterator iter = requests->begin();
request_list_t::iterator end = requests->end();
for (; iter != end; ++iter)
LLAssetRequest* req = *iter;
if (asset_type == req->getType() &&
asset_id == req->getUUID() )
return req;
return NULL;
// virtual
LLSD LLAssetStorage::getPendingRequest(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const LLUUID& asset_id) const
const request_list_t* requests = getRequestList(rt);
return getPendingRequestImpl(requests, asset_type, asset_id);
// virtual
LLSD LLAssetStorage::getPendingRequestImpl(const LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* requests,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const LLUUID& asset_id) const
LLSD sd;
const LLAssetRequest* req = findRequest(requests, asset_type, asset_id);
if (req)
sd = req->getFullDetails();
return sd;
// virtual
bool LLAssetStorage::deletePendingRequest(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const LLUUID& asset_id)
request_list_t* requests = getRequestList(rt);
if (deletePendingRequestImpl(requests, asset_type, asset_id))
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Asset " << getRequestName(rt) << " request for "
<< asset_id << "." << LLAssetType::lookup(asset_type)
<< " removed from pending queue." << llendl;
return true;
return false;
// virtual
bool LLAssetStorage::deletePendingRequestImpl(LLAssetStorage::request_list_t* requests,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
const LLUUID& asset_id)
LLAssetRequest* req = findRequest(requests, asset_type, asset_id);
if (req)
// Remove the request from this list.
// Run callbacks.
if (req->mUpCallback)
req->mUpCallback(req->getUUID(), req->mUserData, error, LL_EXSTAT_REQUEST_DROPPED);
if (req->mDownCallback)
req->mDownCallback(mVFS, req->getUUID(), req->getType(), req->mUserData, error, LL_EXSTAT_REQUEST_DROPPED);
if (req->mInfoCallback)
LLAssetInfo info;
req->mInfoCallback(&info, req->mUserData, error);
delete req;
return true;
return false;
// static
const char* LLAssetStorage::getErrorString(S32 status)
switch( status )
return "No error";
return "Asset request: failed";
return "Asset request: non-existent file";
return "Asset request: asset not found in database";
case LL_ERR_EOF:
return "End of file";
return "Cannot open file";
return "File not found";
return "File transfer timeout";
return "Circuit gone";
return "Viewer and server do not agree on price";
return "Unknown status";
void LLAssetStorage::getAssetData(const LLUUID uuid, LLAssetType::EType type, void (*callback)(const char*, const LLUUID&, void *, S32, LLExtStat), void *user_data, BOOL is_priority)
// check for duplicates here, since we're about to fool the normal duplicate checker
for (request_list_t::iterator iter = mPendingDownloads.begin();
iter != mPendingDownloads.end(); )
LLAssetRequest* tmp = *iter++;
if (type == tmp->getType() &&
uuid == tmp->getUUID() &&
legacyGetDataCallback == tmp->mDownCallback &&
callback == ((LLLegacyAssetRequest *)tmp->mUserData)->mDownCallback &&
user_data == ((LLLegacyAssetRequest *)tmp->mUserData)->mUserData)
// this is a duplicate from the same subsystem - throw it away
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Discarding duplicate request for UUID " << uuid << llendl;
LLLegacyAssetRequest *legacy = new LLLegacyAssetRequest;
legacy->mDownCallback = callback;
legacy->mUserData = user_data;
getAssetData(uuid, type, legacyGetDataCallback, (void **)legacy,
// static
void LLAssetStorage::legacyGetDataCallback(LLVFS *vfs, const LLUUID &uuid, LLAssetType::EType type, void *user_data, S32 status, LLExtStat ext_status)
LLLegacyAssetRequest *legacy = (LLLegacyAssetRequest *)user_data;
std::string filename;
// Check if the asset is marked toxic, and don't load bad stuff
BOOL toxic = gAssetStorage->isAssetToxic( uuid );
if ( !status
&& !toxic )
LLVFile file(vfs, uuid, type);
std::string uuid_str;
filename = llformat("%s.%s",gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CACHE,uuid_str).c_str(),LLAssetType::lookup(type));
LLFILE* fp = LLFile::fopen(filename, "wb"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
if (fp)
const S32 buf_size = 65536;
U8 copy_buf[buf_size];
while (file.read(copy_buf, buf_size)) /* Flawfinder: ignore */
if (fwrite(copy_buf, file.getLastBytesRead(), 1, fp) < 1)
// return a bad file error if we can't write the whole thing
legacy->mDownCallback(filename.c_str(), uuid, legacy->mUserData, status, ext_status);
delete legacy;
// this is overridden on the viewer and the sim, so it doesn't really do anything
// virtual
void LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData(
const LLTransactionID& tid,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
LLStoreAssetCallback callback,
void* user_data,
bool temp_file,
bool is_priority,
bool store_local,
bool user_waiting,
F64 timeout)
llwarns << "storeAssetData: wrong version called" << llendl;
// LLAssetStorage metric: Virtual base call
reportMetric( LLUUID::null, asset_type, LLStringUtil::null, LLUUID::null, 0, MR_BAD_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Illegal call to base: LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData 1" );
// virtual
// this does nothing, viewer and sim both override this.
void LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData(
const LLUUID& asset_id,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
LLStoreAssetCallback callback,
void* user_data,
bool temp_file ,
bool is_priority,
bool store_local,
const LLUUID& requesting_agent_id,
bool user_waiting,
F64 timeout)
llwarns << "storeAssetData: wrong version called" << llendl;
// LLAssetStorage metric: Virtual base call
reportMetric( asset_id, asset_type, LLStringUtil::null, requesting_agent_id, 0, MR_BAD_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Illegal call to base: LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData 2" );
// virtual
// this does nothing, viewer and sim both override this.
void LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData(
const std::string& filename,
const LLUUID& asset_id,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
LLStoreAssetCallback callback,
void* user_data,
bool temp_file,
bool is_priority,
bool user_waiting,
F64 timeout)
llwarns << "storeAssetData: wrong version called" << llendl;
// LLAssetStorage metric: Virtual base call
reportMetric( asset_id, asset_type, LLStringUtil::null, LLUUID::null, 0, MR_BAD_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Illegal call to base: LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData 3" );
// virtual
// this does nothing, viewer and sim both override this.
void LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData(
const std::string& filename,
const LLTransactionID &transactoin_id,
LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
LLStoreAssetCallback callback,
void* user_data,
bool temp_file,
bool is_priority,
bool user_waiting,
F64 timeout)
llwarns << "storeAssetData: wrong version called" << llendl;
// LLAssetStorage metric: Virtual base call
reportMetric( LLUUID::null, asset_type, LLStringUtil::null, LLUUID::null, 0, MR_BAD_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Illegal call to base: LLAssetStorage::storeAssetData 4" );
// static
void LLAssetStorage::legacyStoreDataCallback(const LLUUID &uuid, void *user_data, S32 status, LLExtStat ext_status)
LLLegacyAssetRequest *legacy = (LLLegacyAssetRequest *)user_data;
if (legacy && legacy->mUpCallback)
legacy->mUpCallback(uuid, legacy->mUserData, status, ext_status);
delete legacy;
// virtual
void LLAssetStorage::addTempAssetData(const LLUUID& asset_id, const LLUUID& agent_id, const std::string& host_name)
{ }
// virtual
BOOL LLAssetStorage::hasTempAssetData(const LLUUID& texture_id) const
{ return FALSE; }
// virtual
std::string LLAssetStorage::getTempAssetHostName(const LLUUID& texture_id) const
{ return std::string(); }
// virtual
LLUUID LLAssetStorage::getTempAssetAgentID(const LLUUID& texture_id) const
{ return LLUUID::null; }
// virtual
void LLAssetStorage::removeTempAssetData(const LLUUID& asset_id)
{ }
// virtual
void LLAssetStorage::removeTempAssetDataByAgentID(const LLUUID& agent_id)
{ }
// virtual
void LLAssetStorage::dumpTempAssetData(const LLUUID& avatar_id) const
{ }
// virtual
void LLAssetStorage::clearTempAssetData()
{ }
// static
void LLAssetStorage::reportMetric( const LLUUID& asset_id, const LLAssetType::EType asset_type, const std::string& in_filename,
const LLUUID& agent_id, S32 asset_size, EMetricResult result,
const char *file, const S32 line, const std::string& in_message )
if( !metric_recipient )
LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Couldn't store LLAssetStoreage::reportMetric - no metrics_recipient" << llendl;
std::string filename(in_filename);
if (filename.empty())
filename = ll_safe_string(file);
// Create revised message - new_message = "in_message :: file:line"
std::stringstream new_message;
new_message << in_message << " :: " << filename << ":" << line;
// Change always_report to true if debugging... do not check it in this way
static bool always_report = false;
const char *metric_name = "LLAssetStorage::Metrics";
bool success = result == MR_OKAY;
if( (!success) || always_report )
LLSD stats;
stats["asset_id"] = asset_id;
stats["asset_type"] = asset_type;
stats["filename"] = filename;
stats["agent_id"] = agent_id;
stats["asset_size"] = (S32)asset_size;
stats["result"] = (S32)result;
metric_recipient->recordEventDetails( metric_name, new_message.str(), success, stats);
metric_recipient->recordEvent(metric_name, new_message.str(), success);
// Check if an asset is in the toxic map. If it is, the entry is updated
BOOL LLAssetStorage::isAssetToxic( const LLUUID& uuid )
BOOL is_toxic = FALSE;
if ( !uuid.isNull() )
toxic_asset_map_t::iterator iter = mToxicAssetMap.find( uuid );
if ( iter != mToxicAssetMap.end() )
{ // Found toxic asset
(*iter).second = LLFrameTimer::getTotalTime() + TOXIC_ASSET_LIFETIME;
is_toxic = TRUE;
return is_toxic;
// Clean the toxic asset list, remove old entries
void LLAssetStorage::flushOldToxicAssets( BOOL force_it )
// Scan and look for old entries
U64 now = LLFrameTimer::getTotalTime();
toxic_asset_map_t::iterator iter = mToxicAssetMap.begin();
while ( iter != mToxicAssetMap.end() )
if ( force_it
|| (*iter).second < now )
{ // Too old - remove it
mToxicAssetMap.erase( iter++ );
// Add an item to the toxic asset map
void LLAssetStorage::markAssetToxic( const LLUUID& uuid )
if ( !uuid.isNull() )
// Set the value to the current time. Creates a new entry if needed
mToxicAssetMap[ uuid ] = LLFrameTimer::getTotalTime() + TOXIC_ASSET_LIFETIME;