- Mar 25, 2020
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
By the time "LLApp" listeners are notified that the app is quitting, the mainloop is no longer running. Even though those listeners do things like close work queues and inject exceptions into pending promises, any coroutines waiting on those resources must regain control before they can notice and shut down properly. Add a final "LLApp" listener that resumes ready coroutines a few more times. Make sure every other "LLApp" listener is positioned before that new one.
Nat Goodspeed authored
unless we're going to reference it.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Add LLCoros::TempStatus instances around known suspension points so printActiveCoroutines() can report what each suspended coroutine is waiting for. Similarly, sprinkle checkStop() calls at known suspension points. Make LLApp::setStatus() post an event to a new LLEventPump "LLApp" with a string corresponding to the status value being set, but only until ~LLEventPumps() -- since setStatus() also gets called very late in the application's lifetime. Make postAndSuspendSetup() (used by postAndSuspend(), suspendUntilEventOn(), postAndSuspendWithTimeout(), suspendUntilEventOnWithTimeout()) add a listener on the new "LLApp" LLEventPump that pushes the new LLCoros::Stopping exception to the coroutine waiting on the LLCoros::Promise. Make it return the new LLBoundListener along with the previous one. Accordingly, make postAndSuspend() and postAndSuspendWithTimeout() store the new LLBoundListener returned by postAndSuspendSetup() in a LLTempBoundListener (as with the previous one) so it will automatically disconnect once the wait is over. Make each LLCoprocedurePool instance listen on "LLApp" with a listener that closes the queue on which new work items are dispatched. Closing the queue causes the waiting dispatch coroutine to terminate. Store the connection in an LLTempBoundListener on the LLCoprocedurePool so it will disconnect automatically on destruction. Refactor the loop in coprocedureInvokerCoro() to instantiate TempStatus around the suspending call. Change a couple spammy LL_INFOS() calls to LL_DEBUGS(). Give all logging calls in that module a "CoProcMgr" tag to make it straightforward to re-enable the LL_DEBUGS() calls as desired.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Introduce LLCoros::Stop exception, with subclasses Stopping, Stopped and Shutdown. Add LLCoros::checkStop(), intended to be called periodically by any coroutine with nontrivial lifespan. It checks the LLApp status and, unless isRunning(), throws one of these new exceptions. Make LLCoros::toplevel() catch Stop specially and log forcible coroutine termination. Now that LLApp status matters even in a test program, introduce a trivial LLTestApp subclass whose sole function is to make isRunning() true. (LLApp::setStatus() is protected: only a subclass can call it.) Add LLTestApp instances to lleventcoro_test.cpp and lllogin_test.cpp. Make LLCoros::toplevel() accept parameters by value rather than by const reference so we can continue using them even after context switches. Make private LLCoros::get_CoroData() static. Given that we've observed some coroutines living past LLCoros destruction, making the caller call LLCoros::instance() is more dangerous than encapsulating it within a static method -- since the encapsulated call can check LLCoros::wasDeleted() first and do something reasonable instead. This also eliminates the need for both a const and non-const overload. Defend LLCoros::delete_CoroData() (cleanup function for fiber_specific_ptr for CoroData, implicitly called after coroutine termination) against calls after ~LLCoros(). Add a status string to coroutine-local data, with LLCoro::setStatus(), getStatus() and RAII class TempStatus. Add an optional 'when' string argument to LLCoros::printActiveCoroutines(). Make ~LLCoros() print the coroutines still active at destruction.
Nat Goodspeed authored
which performs "by hand" the same sequence of calls found in stepFrame(). Why not simply call stepFrame()? Hysterical reasons?
Nat Goodspeed authored
~LLEventPumps() deletes every LLEventPump instance it created itself. However, many classes themselves contain LLEventPump subclass instances. These are registered with LLEventPumps without it managing their lifespan. But LLEventPump::reset() frees the LLStandardSignal aka boost::signals2::signal instance owned by the LLEventPump, perforce disconnecting all current listeners and disabling the LLEventPump. Even though the instance still exists, if someone subsequently calls post(), nothing will happen -- which is better than control trying to reach a method of a deleted object.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Also add corresponding LLEventTimeout::post_every(), post_at(), post_after() methods.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Having a map from std::string to a factory function returning LLEventPump* is a cool idea, especially since you could statically populate such a map with string literals and little lambdas. Unfortunately, static initialization of any data is a bad idea when control can reach consuming code before that module's static data are constructed. Since LLEventPumps is already an LLSingleton, it's simple enough to make its map non-static and initialize it in the constructor. But another recent static factory-function map was introduced in llleaplistener.cpp to support the LLLeapListener::newpump() operation. That involves no LLSingletons. Introduce LLEventPumps::make(name, tweak, type) to instantiate an LLEventPump subclass of the specified type with specified (name, tweak) parameters. Instances returned by make() are owned by LLEventPumps, as with obtain(). Introduce LLEventPumps::BadType exception for when the type string isn't recognized. LLEventPumps::obtain() can then simply call make() when the specified instance name doesn't already exist. The configuration data used internally by obtain() becomes { string instance name, string subclass name }. Although this too is currently initialized in the LLEventPumps constructor, migrating it to a configuration file would now be far more straightforward than before. LLLeapListener::newpump(), too, can call LLEventPumps::make() with the caller-specified type string. This eliminates that static factory map. newpump() must catch BadType and report the error back to its invoker. Given that the LLEventPump subclass instances returned by make() are owned by LLEventPumps rather than LLLeapListener, there is no further need for the LLLeapListener::mEventPumps ptr_map, which was used only to manage lifetime. Also remove LLLeapListener's "killpump" operation since LLEventPumps provides no corresponding functionality.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Although this is legal, apparently there was a bug in the C++11 standard (to which gcc 4.8 conforms) that was subsequently fixed in the standard (and thus in gcc 4.9). Thanks Henri Beauchamp.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
No one uses LLEventQueue to defer posted events until the next mainloop tick -- and with LLCoros moving to Boost.Fiber, cross-coroutine event posting works that way anyway, making LLEventQueue pretty unnecessary. The static RegisterFlush instance in llevents.cpp was used to call LLEventPumps::flush() once per mainloop tick, which in turn called flush() on every registered LLEventPump. But the only reason for that mechanism was to support LLEventQueue. In fact, when LLEventMailDrop overrode its flush() method for something quite different, it was startling to find that the new flush() override was being called once per frame -- which caused at least one fairly mysterious bug. Remove RegisterFlush. Both LLEventPumps::flush() and LLEventPump::flush() remain for now, though intended usage is unclear. Eliminating LLEventQueue means we must at least repurpose LLEventPumps::mQueueNames, a map intended to make LLEventPumps::obtain() instantiate an LLEventQueue rather than the default LLEventPump. Replace it with mFactories, a map from desired instance name to a callable returning LLEventPump*. New map initialization syntax plus lambda support allows us to populate that map at compile time with little lambdas returning the correct subclass instance. Similarly, LLLeapListener::newpump() used to check the ["type"] entry in the LLSD request specifically for "LLEventQueue". Introduce another such map in llleaplistener.cpp for potential future extensibility. Eliminate the LLEventQueue-specific test.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Overriding virtual LLEventPump::flush() for the semantic of discarding LLEventMailDrop's queued events turns out not to be such a great idea, because LLEventPumps::flush(), which calls every registered LLEventPump's flush() method, is called every mainloop tick. The first time we hit a use case in which we expected LLEventMailDrop to hold queued events across a mainloop tick, we were baffled that they were never delivered. Moving that logic to a separate method specific to LLEventMailDrop resolves that problem. Naming it discard() clarifies its intended functionality.
Nat Goodspeed authored
The LLEventMailDrop used to communicate with the Vivox coroutine is a member of LLVivoxVoiceClient. We don't need to keep looking it up by its string name in LLEventPumps.
Nat Goodspeed authored
LLEventLogProxy can be introduced to serve as a logging proxy for an existing LLEventPump subclass instance. Access through the LLEventLogProxy will be logged; access directly to the underlying LLEventPump will not. LLEventLogProxyFor<LLEventPumpSubclass> functions as a drop-in replacement for the original LLEventPumpSubclass instance. It internally instantiates LLEventPumpSubclass and serves as a proxy for that instance. Add unit tests for LLEventMailDrop and LLEventLogProxyFor<LLEventMailDrop>, both "plain" (events only) and via lleventcoro.h synchronization.
Nat Goodspeed authored
passed to postAndSuspendsetup(). The requestPump is optional, and the function varies its behavior depending on whether that parameter is empty or meaningful. But it unconditionally uses the replyPump. Passing an empty LLEventPumpOrPumpName caused mysterious crashes. Add llassert_always_msg() to make the coding error explicit in such a case. Also streamline access to meaningful requestPump and replyPump by temporarily caching the bound LLEventPump reference.
Nat Goodspeed authored
LLEventDetail::visit_and_connect() promised special treatment for the specific case when an LLEventPump::listen() listener was composed of (possibly nested) boost::bind() objects storing boost::weak_ptr values -- specifically boost::bind() rather than std::bind or lambdas, specifically boost::weak_ptr rather than std::weak_ptr. Outside of self-tests, it does not appear that anyone actually uses that support. There is good reason not to: it's a silent side effect of a complicated compile-time inspection that could be silently derailed by use of std::bind() or a lambda or a std::weak_ptr. Can you be sure you've engaged that promise? How? A more robust guarantee can be achieved by storing an LLTempBoundConnection in the transient object itself. When the object is destroyed, the listener is disconnected. Normal C++ rules around object destruction guarantee it. This idiom is widely used. There are a couple good reasons to remove the visit_and_connect() machinery: * boost::bind() and boost::weak_ptr do not constitute the wave of the future. Preferring those constructs to lambdas and std::weak_ptr penalizes new code, whether by silently failing or by discouraging use of modern idioms. * The visit_and_connect() machinery was always complicated, and apparently never very robust. Most of its promised features have been commented out over the years. Making the code base simpler, clearer and more maintainable is always a useful effect. LLEventDetail::visit_and_connect() was also used by the four LLNotificationChannelBase::connectMumble() methods. Streamline those as well. Of course, remove related test code.
Nat Goodspeed authored
The only usage of any of this was in test code.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
llsd::array(), as one might suspect, takes an arbitrary number of arguments of arbitrary convertible types and returns an LLSD::Array constructed from those elements. This supercedes the older LLSDArray class. llsd::map() takes an even number of arguments paired as (LLSD::String, arbitrary convertible type) and returns an LLSD::Map constructed from those (key, value) pairs. This supercedes the older LLSDMap class. These two functions not only have a simpler API -- arbitrary function arguments rather than an (arg list)(arg list) sequence -- but also specifically return a final LLSD object, rather than needing conversion to LLSD from the LLSDArray or LLSDMap object. Also support LLSD == LLSD and LLSD != LLSD comparisons, using llsd_equals() with default exact-float-equality semantics.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
The comments within indra/test/test.cpp promise that --debug is, in fact, like LOGTEST=DEBUG. Until now, that was a lie. LOGTEST=level displayed log output on stderr as well as in testprogram.log, while --debug did not. Add LLError::logToStderr() function, and make initForApplication() (i.e. commonInit()) call that instead of instantiating RecordToStderr inline. Also call it when test.cpp recognizes --debug switch. Remove the mFileRecorder, mFixedBufferRecorder and mFileRecorderFileName members from SettingsConfig. That tactic doesn't scale. Instead, add findRecorder<RECORDER>() and removeRecorder<RECORDER>() template functions to locate (or remove) a RecorderPtr to an object of the specified subclass. Both are based on an underlying findRecorderPos<RECORDER>() template function. Since we never expect to manage more than a handful of RecorderPtrs, and since access to the deleted members is very much application setup rather than any kind of ongoing access, a search loop suffices. logToFile() uses removeRecorder<RecordToFile>() rather than removing mFileRecorder (the only use of mFileRecorder). logToFixedBuffer() uses removeRecorder<RecordToFixedBuffer>() rather than removing mFixedBufferRecorder (the only use of mFixedBufferRecorder). Make RecordToFile store the filename with which it was instantiated. Add a getFilename() method to retrieve it. logFileName() is now based on findRecorder<RecordToFile>() instead of mFileRecorderFileName (the only use of mFileRecorderFileName). Make RecordToStderr::mUseANSI a simple bool rather than a three-state enum, and set it immediately on construction. Apparently the reason it was set lazily was because it consults its own checkANSI() method, and of course 'this' doesn't acquire the leaf class type until the constructor has completed successfully. But since nothing in checkANSI() depends on anything else in RecordToStderr, making it static solves that problem.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Actually the fix is in postAndSuspendSetup(), which affects postAndSuspend(), postAndSuspendWithTimeout(), suspendUntilEventOnWithTimeout() and suspendUntilEventOn(). By "overflow case" we mean the special circumstance in which: * the LLEventPump in question is an LLEventMailDrop, meaning its listeners eventually expect to see every post()ed value * one of the listeners is supposed to consume those values (has called LLCoros::set_consuming(true)) * post() is called more than once before that listener is resumed. The magic of postAndSuspend() (et al.) is a temporary LLCoros::Promise. The waiting coroutine calls get() on the corresponding Future, causing it to suspend (as promised) until the Promise is fulfilled. With the Boost.Fiber implementation of coroutines, fulfilling the Promise doesn't immediately resume the suspended coroutine -- it merely marks it ready to resume, next time the scheduler gets control. A second post() call before the suspended coroutine is resumed results in a second call to Promise::set_value(). But Promise is a one-shot entity. This results in a promise_already_satisfied exception. Because a second post() call during that time window is perfectly reasonable, we catch that exception and carry on. The tricky part is: when that exception is thrown, what should the listener return? Previously we were returning the listener's current consuming setting, just as when the set_value() call succeeds. But when the LLEventPump is an LLEventMailDrop, and the listener's consuming flag is true, that told LLEventMailDrop::post() that the value got through, and that it needn't bother to save it in its history queue. The net effect was to discard the value. Instead, return the listener's consuming flag only when Promise::set_value() succeeds. When it throws promise_already_satisfied, unconditionally return false. That directs LLEventMailDrop::post() to enqueue the undelivered value so that the *next* suspendUntilEventOn() call can pick it up.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
DRTVWR-476: Update vlc-bin, jsoncpp, pcre, libndofdev, libhunspell, bugsplat, fmodex, llca, jpeglib, libxml2, slvoice, glod, dullahan, glext, kdu, uriparser, glh_linear, tut, nghttp2, dictionaries, zlib, llphysicsextensions_source, openjpeg, nvapi, expat, viewer-manager, google_breakpad, libpng, ogg_vorbis, openssl, xmlrpc-epi, apr_suite, freetype, boost, colladadom, googlemock, curl, havok-source Update vlc-bin to codeticket version 531366. Update jsoncpp to codeticket version 531360. Update pcre to codeticket version 531373. Update libndofdev to codeticket version 531359. Update libhunspell to codeticket version 531369. Update bugsplat to codeticket version 531352. Update fmodex to codeticket version 531266. Update llca to codeticket version 531253. Update jpeglib to codeticket version 531361. Update libxml2 to codeticket version 531380. Update slvoice to codeticket version 531358. Update glod to codeticket version 531370. Update dullahan to codeticket version 531387. Update glext to codeticket version 531247. Update kdu to codeticket version 531363. Update uriparser to codeticket version 531367. Update glh_linear to codeticket version 531260. Update tut to codeticket version 531246. Update nghttp2 to codeticket version 531364. Update dictionaries to codeticket version 531288. Update zlib to codeticket version 531372. Update llphysicsextensions_source to codeticket version 531362. Update openjpeg to codeticket version 531368. Update nvapi to codeticket version 531376. Update expat to codeticket version 531365. Update viewer-manager to codeticket version 531239. Update google_breakpad to codeticket version 531388. Update libpng to codeticket version 531386. Update ogg_vorbis to codeticket version 531357. Update openssl to codeticket version 531379. Update xmlrpc-epi to codeticket version 531374. Update apr_suite to codeticket version 531375. Update freetype to codeticket version 531385. Update boost to codeticket version 531381. Update colladadom to codeticket version 531391. Update googlemock to codeticket version 531390. Update curl to codeticket version 531389. Update havok-source to codeticket version 531509.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Use new Sync class to make the driving logic wait for the coprocedure to run.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Sync is specifically intended for test programs. It is based on an LLScalarCond<int>. The idea is that each of two coroutines can watch for the other to get a chance to run, indicated by incrementing the wrapped int and notifying the wrapped condition_variable. This is less hand-wavy than calling llcoro::suspend() and hoping that the other routine will have had a chance to run. Use Sync in lleventcoro_test.cpp. Also refactor lleventcoro_test.cpp so that instead of a collection of static data requiring a clear() call at start of each individual test function, the relevant data is all part of the test_data struct common to all test functions. Make the helper coroutine functions members of test_data too. Introduce llcoro::logname(), a convenience function to log the name of the currently executing coroutine or "main" if in the thread's main coroutine.
Nat Goodspeed authored
If the test<1>() child process terminates with nonzero rc, also report any stdout/stderr it might have emitted first.
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Nat Goodspeed authored
Also introduce value_type typedef.
Nat Goodspeed authored
LLCond encapsulates the usage patterns required to properly use condition_variable. We also provide LLScalarCond, LLBoolCond and LLOneShotCond.